Romney's Bain Lie

The title of this thread should be changed to "The Obama campaign throwing crap at the walls"


Again, Romney has held up that his experience at Bain qualifies him to run the country. Well, does that mean we should not examine what role Romney played at Bain, and why it qualifies him?

It's sort of appalling he's running away from Bain's record. He was the sole share holder of the company and the Chief Executive. He was also drawing a salary of over 100K while making money from Bain investments.

So if you want to believe Romney's story..he made all this money for doing nothing. And if that's what you want in a for him.

I personally like people that want to do actual work for getting paid.

Sheesh, the guy was making MILLIONS and somehow you think 100K is a lot of money? What a JOKE!

100K would be a lot to me.

And it would be a lot to most people. More to the point, that was just his "Salary", he was getting millions more in investments at that time as well. I find it a little incredulous that he really didn't have an oar in the water.

But simple way to clear all this up. Release your tax returns AND Bain's corporate minutes. Problem solved.
The title of this thread should be changed to "The Obama campaign throwing crap at the walls"


Again, Romney has held up that his experience at Bain qualifies him to run the country. Well, does that mean we should not examine what role Romney played at Bain, and why it qualifies him?

It's sort of appalling he's running away from Bain's record. He was the sole share holder of the company and the Chief Executive. He was also drawing a salary of over 100K while making money from Bain investments.

So if you want to believe Romney's story..he made all this money for doing nothing. And if that's what you want in a for him.

I personally like people that want to do actual work for getting paid.

Sheesh, the guy was making MILLIONS and somehow you think 100K is a lot of money? What a JOKE!

You've missed the point.

If he was making 100K for doing nothing, well, how did he make the other millions?

Is that for doing nothing as well?

I've been around plenty of CEOs that don't do very much..yet make millions.

And this has become part and parcel with one of the major problems in this country, we are developing a new aristocracy and stifling social mobility.

And it's extremely problematic that the GOP is putting up one of those well monied do nothings to take the highest office in the land..if Romney's theory is correct.

Because what he will eventually do, is work to insure to solidify the new aristocracy.

In any case..that doesn't seem to be what happened.

Romney seems to forget that some people in this country have long memories. And Romney's fucked up, profit without ethics bullshit is now coming back to bite him in the ass.

Frankly, I think even the good stuff in his Bain record is overrated. He made a lot of money during the 1990's. So what? Wall Street made a shitload of money in the 1990's thanks to clinton's policies. Shooting fish in a barrel or falling off a log would be greater accomplishments.

Of course you think its over-rated. You're clueless. When you walk around in a Fog of Hate, you are unable to see clearly. Confirmation bias isn't a good thing.

Bain's early funds were eye-popping. Gross returns on some of the earlier funds were as high as triple-digits. And no, it wasn't "because of Clinton" or "because it was shooting fish in a barrel." Their performance was why Bain charged amongst the highest fees in the industry. They did it by funding fast growing businesses. This is well known in the industry. They ventured into buyouts - the investments you always whine and bitch about - once they had become larger. But Romney made his name funding young, fast growing companies.
Joeb you're the lowest of the low. You run around pretending to be impassioned on the issues but all you are is a Mormon hater. At least TDM or Rderp are consistent in their idiocy. You pretend to be one thing then act like something else.

My dislike of Mormons is based on the fact that they are evil and a cult. That's more important to me than stupid arguments of supply siders vs. Keynesians...

Policies aren't that important because at the end of the day, our system pulls them to the center, anyway. But character is.

My problem with Romney is exactly the same problem I had with Bill Clinton. A lack of character.

Now. to expand, I think the GOP is wrong on a lot of stuff. Jeb Bush had it right, it's gone so far off the rails that Reagan and his Father wouldn't be welcome there anymore. But I was willing to consider it one more time, until you nominated Romney.

So really, all Romney's Whacky Cult beleifs are to me is the difference between holding my nose and voting for another clueless loser who can't tell me how many houses he owns (McCain, Dole) and a refusing to vote for an evil cult member with hidden agendas I don't trust.

I agree ... I was thinking the same exact thing ..that the Romney "explainations" on the tube yesterday sounded very "Clintonesque" trying to doubletalk his way around what "is"..."was".

No matter how shrill the response from the far right(wrong) in defense of thier candidate they have any choice but to defend him :lol: ..... The damage has already been done never to be un done. How it came off to the Average American is that Mitten's denied involvement with Bain even though there was clear evidense to the contrary WITH HIS SIGNATURE ON said evidense.

Another aspect to his lame excuses which hasn't really been brought up is that Mittens supposedly "dropped everything" to save the Olympics aand ignore his responsibilities to Bain...Ya OK... What that tells me is that Willard cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.

OK...he got ahold of some money from the government to replace the stolen money to help save the Olympics.. THAT took three years to handle? MIttens...the MASTER at manipuilating money transfers took THREE YEARS to do something he would have done at Bain with a couple of phone calls?

Romney fucked himself yesterday with his own mouth. He would have been smarter to just ignore the thing entirely and not defy ALL of the logic and evidense suggesting that he was in fact in charge of Bain thru 2002.

Sorry Mittens... We already know that sometimes rich guys spew bullshit. Donald Trump is a recent example. Your money does not change the facts.

Again, Romney has held up that his experience at Bain qualifies him to run the country. Well, does that mean we should not examine what role Romney played at Bain, and why it qualifies him?

It's sort of appalling he's running away from Bain's record. He was the sole share holder of the company and the Chief Executive. He was also drawing a salary of over 100K while making money from Bain investments.

So if you want to believe Romney's story..he made all this money for doing nothing. And if that's what you want in a for him.

I personally like people that want to do actual work for getting paid.

Sheesh, the guy was making MILLIONS and somehow you think 100K is a lot of money? What a JOKE!

You've missed the point.

If he was making 100K for doing nothing, well, how did he make the other millions?

Is that for doing nothing as well?

I've been around plenty of CEOs that don't do very much..yet make millions.

And this has become part and parcel with one of the major problems in this country, we are developing a new aristocracy and stifling social mobility.

And it's extremely problematic that the GOP is putting up one of those well monied do nothings to take the highest office in the land..if Romney's theory is correct.

Because what he will eventually do, is work to insure to solidify the new aristocracy.

In any case..that doesn't seem to be what happened.

Romney seems to forget that some people in this country have long memories. And Romney's fucked up, profit without ethics bullshit is now coming back to bite him in the ass.


This is an odd line of reasoning.

Romney made his money by starting a business and retaining ownership in the business after he retired. This happens all the time. A founder starts a business, retires and keeps stock in the company.

Was this a problem when John Kerry ran for office? His wife was, what, a fourth generation of the Heinz family? Should she have given up all her Heinz stock? The aristocrats of the Democratic Party - the Kennedys - all inherited their wealth (from a Wall Street operator BTW).
Sheesh, the guy was making MILLIONS and somehow you think 100K is a lot of money? What a JOKE!

You've missed the point.

If he was making 100K for doing nothing, well, how did he make the other millions?

Is that for doing nothing as well?

I've been around plenty of CEOs that don't do very much..yet make millions.

And this has become part and parcel with one of the major problems in this country, we are developing a new aristocracy and stifling social mobility.

And it's extremely problematic that the GOP is putting up one of those well monied do nothings to take the highest office in the land..if Romney's theory is correct.

Because what he will eventually do, is work to insure to solidify the new aristocracy.

In any case..that doesn't seem to be what happened.

Romney seems to forget that some people in this country have long memories. And Romney's fucked up, profit without ethics bullshit is now coming back to bite him in the ass.


This is an odd line of reasoning.

Romney made his money by starting a business and retaining ownership in the business after he retired. This happens all the time. A founder starts a business, retires and keeps stock in the company.

Was this a problem when John Kerry ran for office? His wife was, what, a fourth generation of the Heinz family? Should she have given up all her Heinz stock? The aristocrats of the Democratic Party - the Kennedys - all inherited their wealth (from a Wall Street operator BTW).

It's odd that people make money for doing nothing.

And Kerry..lost the election.
It's odd that people make money for doing nothing.

And Kerry..lost the election.

And Kennedy won.

Retired people don't do anything and make money. Is that odd?

Anyone who owns a business can do whatever they want with it. And they shouldn't apologize for it. This is America.

You're a Market guy, Toro.

You think Duncan Niederauer is worth 10 million a year? I been at meetings with the guy..worked with him. Nice guy..but I don't see it.

The NYSE lost market share..and the stock took a nose dive.

And still..he gets the same salary. I mean..he didn't start the company..and made that the first year he was there. And while I was there..he didn't get a pay cut.

So? Whatta think?

And his story isn't typical.
I just caught a CBS playback of an interview with Mitten's saying with a straight face that he had nothing to do with Bain during the years he was off with the Olympics.

Hmmm, so the businessman who claims he knows how to get America back to work was THREE YEARS totally ignorant as to the workings of the company that he created AND WAS STILL CEO OF?

Give me a fucking break, will ya please?

He was on a leave of absence to run the Olympics and other executives were handling the day-to-day business...

GST Steel...KB Toys...........BFD! :lol: Newsflash: Capitalists capitalize!

You guys are playing right into Mitt's hand, you realize...?

FYI for ya, Valerie: NO businessman is incommunicado with the goings on of a company he created, to which is listed as the CEO and chairman of the board. Whether on vacation or leave of absence, he gets reports. So either Mitt didn't give a damn how the money was made or he damn sure knew how and approved it. Not the rep you want for a guy who is using his business accumen as a selling point to be President.

Also, you may want to know that he was called into the Olympics to save them from the financial corruption that was afoot...Mittens did this with FEDERAL FUNDS! That's right snook'ums, your tax dollars made that Olympics the research if you don't believe me.

If this is the hand Mittens want's us to play to, then he's going to lose that poker game big time!

:lol: snook'ums...?

No shit federal funds were involved with the Olympics, way to change the subject. Mitt was not a politician at the time so he he had to work with whatever funds he had, and I am sure he can appreciate exactly how those funds were appropriated as he has never been that sort of ideologue. And the fact remains, he successfully executed a turnaround there, just as he has always done in everything he's ever done...

Mitt's business record IS a strong selling point to his candidacy, no matter how much Dems want to pretend his job was to create jobs, the job he did as a turn around specialist did indeed create jobs and yes it did close companies which means <gasp> jobs were lost as well. This venture capital business experience gave Mitt tremendous insights into exactly how jobs are created in the private sector and IF "creating jobs" had been his only goal in that executive role, then you can be sure he would have been successful in doing that as well.

Mitt never said he was "incommunicado" but in the business world, being on a leave of absence means something, and what Mitt said is legit. You all act as if there was some smoking gun at Bain after '99. GST Steel, KB Toys... ? During Mitt's tenure at Bain there were companies which thrived and companies which failed. Naturally money was made on the former and not the latter..yeeawn. Did you know Babe Ruth lifetime betting avg was .342 ? You all wanna harp on a few strikeouts go on with your bad self. :lol:
It's odd that people make money for doing nothing.

And Kerry..lost the election.

And Kennedy won.

Retired people don't do anything and make money. Is that odd?

Anyone who owns a business can do whatever they want with it. And they shouldn't apologize for it. This is America.

You're a Market guy, Toro.

You think Duncan Niederauer is worth 10 million a year? I been at meetings with the guy..worked with him. Nice guy..but I don't see it.

The NYSE lost market share..and the stock took a nose dive.

And still..he gets the same salary. I mean..he didn't start the company..and made that the first year he was there. And while I was there..he didn't get a pay cut.

So? Whatta think?

And his story isn't typical.

I think there is a problem with corporate governance in this country. I do think CEOs and managements are generally not worth what they are paid. There is no correlation between performance and compensation. I think much of that is due to the agency problem of management profiting at the expense of shareholders.

However, I have no qualms whatsoever with whatever owners make. Owners can make as much as they want.
I find this whole thing amusing.

It's kind of like Romney is claiming that he left Bain before they went all crazy and started offshoring and shutting down companies...

Like he had nothing to do with the corporate culture that had been established up until that point, much less the point he was "officially" out of the company.

And this is the real problem with Romney. He only wants to talk about the good stuff. Talk about Bain. Don't talk about Massachusetts. Talk about Staples, not AmPad.

Romney's "Bane" experienice is like John Kerry's Swiftboat thing. The official story looks nice, but the nitty gritty is kind of ugly.

how long was he at Bain before 1999?

Why is that relevent?

Frankly, I think even the good stuff in his Bain record is overrated. He made a lot of money during the 1990's. So what? Wall Street made a shitload of money in the 1990's thanks to clinton's policies. Shooting fish in a barrel or falling off a log would be greater accomplishments.

But then in 2000, things turned to shit, and a lot of companies started laying people off and declaring bankruptcy, and oddly, when Bain closed down GS Steel and KB Toys and helped companies offshore, Romney and his political ambitions were nowhere to be seen.

"UM, yeah. I'll be over here, helping straightening out an Olympics no one is going to watch or care all that much about. Errr.. yeah, you guys have fun with that! Layoffs? Outsourcing? I know Nothink! Nothink!"


why it relevant? you said this;

Like he had nothing to do with the corporate culture that had been established up until that point, much less the point he was "officially" out of the company.

the corp culture up to 2000 was not outsourcing....that another bugaboo thats been refuted, you are still accusing him of things that you cannot back up, you are assuming and presuming.
It's odd that people make money for doing nothing.

And Kerry..lost the election.

And Kennedy won.

Retired people don't do anything and make money. Is that odd?

Anyone who owns a business can do whatever they want with it. And they shouldn't apologize for it. This is America.

You're a Market guy, Toro.

You think Duncan Niederauer is worth 10 million a year? I been at meetings with the guy..worked with him. Nice guy..but I don't see it.

The NYSE lost market share..and the stock took a nose dive.

And still..he gets the same salary. I mean..he didn't start the company..and made that the first year he was there. And while I was there..he didn't get a pay cut.

So? Whatta think?

And his story isn't typical.

this is germane to the topic, how?
Frankly, I think even the good stuff in his Bain record is overrated. He made a lot of money during the 1990's. So what? Wall Street made a shitload of money in the 1990's thanks to clinton's policies. Shooting fish in a barrel or falling off a log would be greater accomplishments.

But then in 2000, things turned to shit, and a lot of companies started laying people off and declaring bankruptcy, and oddly, when Bain closed down GS Steel and KB Toys and helped companies offshore, Romney and his political ambitions were nowhere to be seen.

"UM, yeah. I'll be over here, helping straightening out an Olympics no one is going to watch or care all that much about. Errr.. yeah, you guys have fun with that! Layoffs? Outsourcing? I know Nothink! Nothink!"

I've read that he would have had to have been completely brain dead NOT to make a bundle destroying companies and firing people. For those who have no morals or integrity, vulture capitalism was and is a proven moneymaker.

Of course you think its over-rated. You're clueless. When you walk around in a Fog of Hate, you are unable to see clearly. Confirmation bias isn't a good thing.

Bain's early funds were eye-popping. Gross returns on some of the earlier funds were as high as triple-digits. And no, it wasn't "because of Clinton" or "because it was shooting fish in a barrel." Their performance was why Bain charged amongst the highest fees in the industry. They did it by funding fast growing businesses. This is well known in the industry. They ventured into buyouts - the investments you always whine and bitch about - once they had become larger. But Romney made his name funding young, fast growing companies.

Romney made his name using his connections and Daddy's wealth to get into sweetheart deals most of us couldn't get into, and if he fucked over hundreds of working people, well, he didn't have a problem with that.

After all, they were only "gentiles". (What Mormons call the rest of us.)

Again, it isn't "hatred of rich people", it's doing what is right and fair and moral. As much as I knock some of the craziness of the Nuns and Priests who educated me, they did have the good sense to teach me that greed was a sin, and a rather venal one.
how long was he at Bain before 1999?

Why is that relevent?

Frankly, I think even the good stuff in his Bain record is overrated. He made a lot of money during the 1990's. So what? Wall Street made a shitload of money in the 1990's thanks to clinton's policies. Shooting fish in a barrel or falling off a log would be greater accomplishments.

But then in 2000, things turned to shit, and a lot of companies started laying people off and declaring bankruptcy, and oddly, when Bain closed down GS Steel and KB Toys and helped companies offshore, Romney and his political ambitions were nowhere to be seen.

"UM, yeah. I'll be over here, helping straightening out an Olympics no one is going to watch or care all that much about. Errr.. yeah, you guys have fun with that! Layoffs? Outsourcing? I know Nothink! Nothink!"


why it relevant? you said this;

Like he had nothing to do with the corporate culture that had been established up until that point, much less the point he was "officially" out of the company.

the corp culture up to 2000 was not outsourcing....that another bugaboo thats been refuted, you are still accusing him of things that you cannot back up, you are assuming and presuming.

The corporate culture was union busting and downsizing. And when that didn't work anymore, they got into offshoring.

Kind of like when prohibition ended, the Mob moved into narcotics and gambling, doncha know.

Again, not seeing why you are defending this, or think this is a virtue.

Greed was a sin, last time I checked. Mind you, left the church a long time ago, but I don't think they changed things.

Of course, in Romney's Church, greed is a virtue. So is fucking people over.

Which is why he should never be president.
Why is that relevent?

Frankly, I think even the good stuff in his Bain record is overrated. He made a lot of money during the 1990's. So what? Wall Street made a shitload of money in the 1990's thanks to clinton's policies. Shooting fish in a barrel or falling off a log would be greater accomplishments.

But then in 2000, things turned to shit, and a lot of companies started laying people off and declaring bankruptcy, and oddly, when Bain closed down GS Steel and KB Toys and helped companies offshore, Romney and his political ambitions were nowhere to be seen.

"UM, yeah. I'll be over here, helping straightening out an Olympics no one is going to watch or care all that much about. Errr.. yeah, you guys have fun with that! Layoffs? Outsourcing? I know Nothink! Nothink!"


why it relevant? you said this;

Like he had nothing to do with the corporate culture that had been established up until that point, much less the point he was "officially" out of the company.

the corp culture up to 2000 was not outsourcing....that another bugaboo thats been refuted, you are still accusing him of things that you cannot back up, you are assuming and presuming.

The corporate culture was union busting and downsizing. And when that didn't work anymore, they got into offshoring.

Kind of like when prohibition ended, the Mob moved into narcotics and gambling, doncha know.

Again, not seeing why you are defending this, or think this is a virtue.

Greed was a sin, last time I checked. Mind you, left the church a long time ago, but I don't think they changed things.

Of course, in Romney's Church, greed is a virtue. So is fucking people over.

Which is why he should never be president.

Say the big supporter of John Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

k00k lefties...........all meatheads.:D

All these politicians off-shore their wealth. Its called
"diversification". They'd be dumbasses not to in order to get away from the smothering taxes, out, up, down..........

The difference is..........the k00k left is insanely miserable their whole lives over other peoples success. Fuck them
Last edited:

Clueless in a Fog of Hate.

Of course you think its over-rated. You're clueless. When you walk around in a Fog of Hate, you are unable to see clearly. Confirmation bias isn't a good thing.

Bain's early funds were eye-popping. Gross returns on some of the earlier funds were as high as triple-digits. And no, it wasn't "because of Clinton" or "because it was shooting fish in a barrel." Their performance was why Bain charged amongst the highest fees in the industry. They did it by funding fast growing businesses. This is well known in the industry. They ventured into buyouts - the investments you always whine and bitch about - once they had become larger. But Romney made his name funding young, fast growing companies.

Romney made his name using his connections and Daddy's wealth to get into sweetheart deals most of us couldn't get into, and if he fucked over hundreds of working people, well, he didn't have a problem with that.

After all, they were only "gentiles". (What Mormons call the rest of us.)

Again, it isn't "hatred of rich people", it's doing what is right and fair and moral. As much as I knock some of the craziness of the Nuns and Priests who educated me, they did have the good sense to teach me that greed was a sin, and a rather venal one.
Why is that relevent?

Frankly, I think even the good stuff in his Bain record is overrated. He made a lot of money during the 1990's. So what? Wall Street made a shitload of money in the 1990's thanks to clinton's policies. Shooting fish in a barrel or falling off a log would be greater accomplishments.

But then in 2000, things turned to shit, and a lot of companies started laying people off and declaring bankruptcy, and oddly, when Bain closed down GS Steel and KB Toys and helped companies offshore, Romney and his political ambitions were nowhere to be seen.

"UM, yeah. I'll be over here, helping straightening out an Olympics no one is going to watch or care all that much about. Errr.. yeah, you guys have fun with that! Layoffs? Outsourcing? I know Nothink! Nothink!"


why it relevant? you said this;

Like he had nothing to do with the corporate culture that had been established up until that point, much less the point he was "officially" out of the company.

the corp culture up to 2000 was not outsourcing....that another bugaboo thats been refuted, you are still accusing him of things that you cannot back up, you are assuming and presuming.

The corporate culture was union busting and downsizing. And when that didn't work anymore, they got into offshoring.

Kind of like when prohibition ended, the Mob moved into narcotics and gambling, doncha know.

Again, not seeing why you are defending this, or think this is a virtue.

Greed was a sin, last time I checked. Mind you, left the church a long time ago, but I don't think they changed things.

Of course, in Romney's Church, greed is a virtue. So is fucking people over.

Which is why he should never be president.

The corporate culture was union busting and downsizing. And when that didn't work anymore, they got into offshoring.

Kind of like when prohibition ended, the Mob moved into narcotics and gambling, doncha know.


you're a slobbering partisan train-wreck......enjoy your axe grinding.

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