Romney's Bain Lie

Romney is busted, and this story is not going to go away.

There is so much more to it.

And they haven't even gotten to Sankaty yet.
Nope Toro that is what compassionate humans do.

we dont let the sociopaths run the world

LOL.....again talking about the "insane" and the "sociopaths" while sticking up almost 60,000 blogging posts on this board alone!!!


Whats most fun about this forum? Watching those who self-abuse, self-abuse even more!!!:D

Truth you're a fucking hoot.............its exactly people like you that keeps this great country of ours firmly center-right!!

A tip of the cap sweetie..................:bow2::bow2::2up:
Say the big supporter of John Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

k00k lefties...........all meatheads.:D

All these politicians off-shore their wealth. Its called
"diversification". They'd be dumbasses not to in order to get away from the smothering taxes, out, up, down..........

The difference is..........the k00k left is insanely miserable their whole lives over other peoples success. Fuck them

Sorry, man, never supported Kerry.

Voted for Bush last time. And I still think that was the best choice. Also voted for McCain.

Romney is a totally different animal. He's not just friendly to the bloodsuckers, he's one of them.

And he belongs to a crazy cult with a lot of shady dealings.
Romney is busted, and this story is not going to go away.

There is so much more to it.

And they haven't even gotten to Sankaty yet.

See ya on election night Einstein!!!:2up:

And dont pull a gay no-show, Mr Pantywaist. I showed up in 2008 to take it in the pooper like a good sport. Got some Photobucket Classics already in the waiting.............just for you s0n!!!:rock::rock::rock:
Say the big supporter of John Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

k00k lefties...........all meatheads.:D

All these politicians off-shore their wealth. Its called
"diversification". They'd be dumbasses not to in order to get away from the smothering taxes, out, up, down..........

The difference is..........the k00k left is insanely miserable their whole lives over other peoples success. Fuck them

Sorry, man, never supported Kerry.

Voted for Bush last time. And I still think that was the best choice. Also voted for McCain.

Romney is a totally different animal. He's not just friendly to the bloodsuckers, he's one of them.

And he belongs to a crazy cult with a lot of shady dealings.

And Kennedy won.

Retired people don't do anything and make money. Is that odd?

Anyone who owns a business can do whatever they want with it. And they shouldn't apologize for it. This is America.

You're a Market guy, Toro.

You think Duncan Niederauer is worth 10 million a year? I been at meetings with the guy..worked with him. Nice guy..but I don't see it.

The NYSE lost market share..and the stock took a nose dive.

And still..he gets the same salary. I mean..he didn't start the company..and made that the first year he was there. And while I was there..he didn't get a pay cut.

So? Whatta think?

And his story isn't typical.

I think there is a problem with corporate governance in this country. I do think CEOs and managements are generally not worth what they are paid. There is no correlation between performance and compensation. I think much of that is due to the agency problem of management profiting at the expense of shareholders.

However, I have no qualms whatsoever with whatever owners make. Owners can make as much as they want.

Totally agree with your first point.

Second point? Not so much. I'd be in favor of that if several things happened:

1. Removal of patents in perpetutity.
2. Removal of licensing laws.
3. Government stays out of labor negotiations.
4. Owners provide their own services and security.
5. Owner comes up with the idea or invention without drawing upon the government.
6. Owner must never enter into any contracts with the government.


They can pay themselves what they want.
Guy, go back to my posts in January. I had a lot of good things to say about Bush, Newt, Santorum and even Rick Perry before I realized he was retarded.

In fact, you'd have a hard time finding me criticizing republicans who aren't Mitt Romney.

I told you guys I wouldn't support Mitt Romney. And unlike the other "conservatives" (whatever that even means anymore) who had fallen into line like whipped dogs, I refuse to play along.

Maybe a good whupping of Romney will finally beat some sense into the GOP.
OMG! I can't even catch up reading this thread it has become huge.

The Republicans must be peeing their pants over this. Mitten looks like a complete idiot.
I'm sure this has already been posted, but ...

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

EDIT - to clarify

Fortune magazine on Thursday reported that it had obtained the offering documents for Bain Capital funds circulating in 2000 and 2001. None of the documents show that Romney was listed as being among the “key investment professionals” who would manage the money. As Fortune put it, “the contemporaneous Bain documents show that Romney was indeed telling the truth about no longer having operational input at Bain — which, one should note, is different from no longer having legal or financial ties to the firm.”

A Key Man term in the documentation of an Offering Memorandum identifies those who are actively involved in the running of the funds and the firm. Romney wasn't identified as a key man. It means he wasn't actively involved.

Sorry lefties.
Last edited:
This thread proves liberals are idiots full of shit.

They can be beat over the head and pounded in the ass, but they will continue to talk trash to keep their messiah in office.

The messiah that actually has broken the law and is currently covering it up via hiding F&F documents from the American public. What could be damaging to Holder and the messiah to hide it from the American public????

It's not as if they can claim national security reasons to hide their plan to run guns across the border via drug gangs.......we all know about it now, idiots, so it's not classified.
I'm sure this has already been posted, but ...

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

EDIT - to clarify

Fortune magazine on Thursday reported that it had obtained the offering documents for Bain Capital funds circulating in 2000 and 2001. None of the documents show that Romney was listed as being among the “key investment professionals” who would manage the money. As Fortune put it, “the contemporaneous Bain documents show that Romney was indeed telling the truth about no longer having operational input at Bain — which, one should note, is different from no longer having legal or financial ties to the firm.”

A Key Man term in the documentation of an Offering Memorandum identifies those who are actively involved in the running of the funds and the firm. Romney wasn't identified as a key man. It means he wasn't actively involved.

Sorry lefties.
I don't think he was acting criminally. However, he is now acting criminally stupid. And he did change his story so it would look like he had nothing to do with Bain's outsourcing/offshoring on the one hand while on the other hand claiming he didn't retire from Bain so he could run for Governor without looking like he no longer had MA residency.

You're a Market guy, Toro.

You think Duncan Niederauer is worth 10 million a year? I been at meetings with the guy..worked with him. Nice guy..but I don't see it.

The NYSE lost market share..and the stock took a nose dive.

And still..he gets the same salary. I mean..he didn't start the company..and made that the first year he was there. And while I was there..he didn't get a pay cut.

So? Whatta think?

And his story isn't typical.

I think there is a problem with corporate governance in this country. I do think CEOs and managements are generally not worth what they are paid. There is no correlation between performance and compensation. I think much of that is due to the agency problem of management profiting at the expense of shareholders.

However, I have no qualms whatsoever with whatever owners make. Owners can make as much as they want.

Totally agree with your first point.

Second point? Not so much. I'd be in favor of that if several things happened:

1. Removal of patents in perpetutity.
2. Removal of licensing laws.
3. Government stays out of labor negotiations.
4. Owners provide their own services and security.
5. Owner comes up with the idea or invention without drawing upon the government.
6. Owner must never enter into any contracts with the government.


They can pay themselves what they want.


7. No more citizen's united. Money shouldn't buy power.
I don't think he was acting criminally. However, he is now acting criminally stupid. And he did change his story so it would look like he had nothing to do with Bain's outsourcing/offshoring on the one hand while on the other hand claiming he didn't retire from Bain so he could run for Governor without looking like he no longer had MA residency.


If the outsourcing was done after Feb. of 1999 he wasn't there and wasn't involved with Bain, he was on LOA doing the Olympics. LOA is not the same as retiring.

Not seeing the conflict here.

From the vid, below:

4 sources who worked at Bain with Romney, 3 Dems (2 of whom are active Obama supporters): "Mitt Romney left Bain Capitol in 1999 to run the Olympics and he has had absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies since the day of his depature." "Romney left quickly as the deal with the Olympics happened quickly; all 4 insisted he left in Feb of 1999 and they never saw him around the office or involved in any dealings." "Because Romneys leaving was so sudden it took about two years to get the new management team in place. They essentially had to split up the company, divided among the existing partners which took about two years and they insist that they were required according to law to leave his name on those documents."

[ame=]CNN Report Debunks Latest False Attack From Obama Campaign - YouTube[/ame]
OMG! I can't even catch up reading this thread it has become huge.

The Republicans must be peeing their pants over this. Mitten looks like a complete idiot.
If one reads through the thread, the recurring theme is the astonishment over the stupidity of folks over something they imagine.
OMG! I can't even catch up reading this thread it has become huge.

The Republicans must be peeing their pants over this. Mitten looks like a complete idiot.
If one reads through the thread, the recurring theme is the astonishment over the stupidity of folks over something they imagine.

Says the rabid, mouth-foaming partisan who calls Obama a murderer.
I think there is a problem with corporate governance in this country. I do think CEOs and managements are generally not worth what they are paid. There is no correlation between performance and compensation. I think much of that is due to the agency problem of management profiting at the expense of shareholders.

However, I have no qualms whatsoever with whatever owners make. Owners can make as much as they want.

Totally agree with your first point.

Second point? Not so much. I'd be in favor of that if several things happened:

1. Removal of patents in perpetutity.
2. Removal of licensing laws.
3. Government stays out of labor negotiations.
4. Owners provide their own services and security.
5. Owner comes up with the idea or invention without drawing upon the government.
6. Owner must never enter into any contracts with the government.


They can pay themselves what they want.


7. No more citizen's united. Money shouldn't buy power.

I'd be all for that if you're willing to stop the unions from doing the same thing...

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