Romney's Bain Lie

1. Vulture capitalist.

2. Lousy governor.

3. Evading disclosure.
Obama is a murderer. Obama imprisons journalists how find stuff he doesn't want published. Obama gives weapons to criminals so that US agents get killed. Obama covers up his crimes.

Grab your ankles, he wants more from you. Good little whore that you are.

Wow. That's some pretty harsh accusation that you're doing there. I sure hope you're right, otherwise you'll like a total fucking idiot later.
Yes, he is a murderer. He has no right to do summary executions of US citizens. Three of them. And, when the ACLU and others challenge him? Mr. Cover-up himself pulls yet another Nixon. His first Nixon was with Fast and Furious - where two other Americans died.

I guess I should be careful, though. I mean, he has imprisoned foreign journalists when they say things he doesn't like. :eek:
Obama is a murderer. Obama imprisons journalists how find stuff he doesn't want published. Obama gives weapons to criminals so that US agents get killed. Obama covers up his crimes.

Grab your ankles, he wants more from you. Good little whore that you are.

Wow. That's some pretty harsh accusation that you're doing there. I sure hope you're right, otherwise you'll like a total fucking idiot later.
Yes, he is a murderer. He has no right to do summary executions of US citizens. Three of them. And, when the ACLU and others challenge him? Mr. Cover-up himself pulls yet another Nixon. His first Nixon was with Fast and Furious - where two other Americans died.

I guess I should be careful, though. I mean, he has imprisoned foreign journalists when they say things he doesn't like. :eek:

Just saying you might wanna wipe a little of the foam off your lips.
Obama is a murderer. Obama imprisons journalists how find stuff he doesn't want published. Obama gives weapons to criminals so that US agents get killed. Obama covers up his crimes.

Grab your ankles, he wants more from you. Good little whore that you are.

Wow. That's some pretty harsh accusation that you're doing there. I sure hope you're right, otherwise you'll like a total fucking idiot later.
Yes, he is a murderer. He has no right to do summary executions of US citizens. Three of them. And, when the ACLU and others challenge him? Mr. Cover-up himself pulls yet another Nixon. His first Nixon was with Fast and Furious - where two other Americans died.

I guess I should be careful, though. I mean, he has imprisoned foreign journalists when they say things he doesn't like. :eek:

Is this the fundamental change he was speaking of in 2008? Freedom of speech is one of our fundamental rights.
Wow. That's some pretty harsh accusation that you're doing there. I sure hope you're right, otherwise you'll like a total fucking idiot later.
Yes, he is a murderer. He has no right to do summary executions of US citizens. Three of them. And, when the ACLU and others challenge him? Mr. Cover-up himself pulls yet another Nixon. His first Nixon was with Fast and Furious - where two other Americans died.

I guess I should be careful, though. I mean, he has imprisoned foreign journalists when they say things he doesn't like. :eek:

Just saying you might wanna wipe a little of the foam off your lips.
Rather it's a tear in my eye that we have a POTUS who regularly violates the Constitution, and violates it egregiously.

And, Americans die as a result - on his specific order. And, I'm not talking about war.

And the tear in my other eye is for the tragic state of our public education that the state has created the useful idiots so that Americans support a totalitarian.

Obama makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout.
Romney is whining like a bitch and demanding an apology. :lol: the Globe stands firm...

and wingnuts are accusing the Boston Globe of libel.

can't make this shit up

Flail away pussies !
Romney can settle this easily: release the records: Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

The tax returns issue could prove a thorny one for Romney, who was booed at a GOP debate in South Carolina earlier this year after he equivocated on whether he would release the returns. His 2011 returns, released in January, showed that Romney and wife Ann paid $3 million in taxes in 2010 on $21.7 million in income, a tax rate of 13.9%, much lower than the 35% marginal rate.
Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -
Yes, he is a murderer. He has no right to do summary executions of US citizens. Three of them. And, when the ACLU and others challenge him? Mr. Cover-up himself pulls yet another Nixon. His first Nixon was with Fast and Furious - where two other Americans died.

I guess I should be careful, though. I mean, he has imprisoned foreign journalists when they say things he doesn't like. :eek:

Just saying you might wanna wipe a little of the foam off your lips.
Rather it's a tear in my eye that we have a POTUS who regularly violates the Constitution, and violates it egregiously.

And, Americans die as a result - on his specific order. And, I'm not talking about war.

And the tear in my other eye is for the tragic state of our public education that the state has created the useful idiots so that Americans support a totalitarian.

Obama makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout.

Rabid Partisan Says what?
Just saying you might wanna wipe a little of the foam off your lips.
Rather it's a tear in my eye that we have a POTUS who regularly violates the Constitution, and violates it egregiously.

And, Americans die as a result - on his specific order. And, I'm not talking about war.

And the tear in my other eye is for the tragic state of our public education that the state has created the useful idiots so that Americans support a totalitarian.

Obama makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout.

Rabid Partisan Says what?
Mindless lemming says what?
Rather it's a tear in my eye that we have a POTUS who regularly violates the Constitution, and violates it egregiously.

And, Americans die as a result - on his specific order. And, I'm not talking about war.

And the tear in my other eye is for the tragic state of our public education that the state has created the useful idiots so that Americans support a totalitarian.

Obama makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout.

Rabid Partisan Says what?
Mindless lemming says what?

I'm sorry. I don't speak Rabid Partisan Zombie.
Romney is whining like a bitch and demanding an apology. :lol: the Globe stands firm...

and wingnuts are accusing the Boston Globe of libel.

can't make this shit up

Flail away pussies !
Romney can settle this easily: release the records: Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

The tax returns issue could prove a thorny one for Romney, who was booed at a GOP debate in South Carolina earlier this year after he equivocated on whether he would release the returns. His 2011 returns, released in January, showed that Romney and wife Ann paid $3 million in taxes in 2010 on $21.7 million in income, a tax rate of 13.9%, much lower than the 35% marginal rate.
Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

Democrats also say that Obama was a great student.
Rabid Partisan Says what?
Mindless lemming says what?

I'm sorry. I don't speak Rabid Partisan Zombie.
What is sad, and I bet even embarrassing, is that you call yourself a "Progressive". You're just a party Dem.

Violating the Constitution is A-OK, as long as he is a Democrat. Summary executions are A-OK, too.

As I said, public education failure of the People, not of the totalitarians, though. You are a true Useful Idiot - the epitome of the duped. And, you don't even know it.
Mindless lemming says what?

I'm sorry. I don't speak Rabid Partisan Zombie.
What is sad, and I bet even embarrassing, is that you call yourself a "Progressive". You're just a party Dem.

Violating the Constitution is A-OK, as long as he is a Democrat. Summary executions are A-OK, too.

As I said, public education failure of the People, not of the totalitarians, though. You are a true Useful Idiot - the epitome of the duped. And, you don't even know it.

You mad?
I'm sorry. I don't speak Rabid Partisan Zombie.
What is sad, and I bet even embarrassing, is that you call yourself a "Progressive". You're just a party Dem.

Violating the Constitution is A-OK, as long as he is a Democrat. Summary executions are A-OK, too.

As I said, public education failure of the People, not of the totalitarians, though. You are a true Useful Idiot - the epitome of the duped. And, you don't even know it.

You mad?
What is sad, and I bet even embarrassing, is that you call yourself a "Progressive". You're just a party Dem.

Violating the Constitution is A-OK, as long as he is a Democrat. Summary executions are A-OK, too.

As I said, public education failure of the People, not of the totalitarians, though. You are a true Useful Idiot - the epitome of the duped. And, you don't even know it.

You mad?

Tell me all about it. In detail. I'd love to hear more of your schlock.

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