Romney's Bain Lie

Once again it is shown that the President and his organization is untruthful. What does that say about those who support his untruthfulness

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal?

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

They suggest that he is a liar. A large one at that.

Comprehension is not your friend, apparently. :eusa_whistle:

None of this is hurting Romney in the polls:

Voters are now evenly divided over whether Mitt Romney’s business experience is a plus or a minus, but they still consider him more ethical than President Obama.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters now think Romney’s track record in business is primarily a reason to vote for him, while just as many (41%) consider it chiefly a reason to vote against him. A sizable 18% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Also: Poll of LIKELY voters:

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Romney 46%, Obama 44%

41% See Romney
Why isn't this shitmark of a thread in the conspiracy forum?

I am fairly new here so could you help me out? I am thinking this is the kiddie pool of the discussion board. Could you direct me to the adult swim area? Thanks.
Sure, TakeAShitinyerHat and CrosstardPunk and tinyshitter and wingpunks, Utd.! Somebody wants your shit. The rest of us want docs, from W. Meat (white) Obamney, from Bain, and from related corporations.

Since you are cocksuckers, whatever you spit out needs to be mostly ignored. It seems you ought to go out and suck some more meat, while we discuss the upcoming election, which needs some documents, right away.

The American electorate needs to see why W. Meat (white) Obamney was contracted, as CEO, through 2002, and he received $100,000 salary, 2000 and 2001, and Meat had contractual stipulations, through Feb. 11, 2009, but Meat can't remember Bullygate, and he expects us to all forget his tax returns, except for 2010 and 2011.

We need Meat's tax returns and any relevant Bain or related corporate board minutes. Did he lie, to the SEC, and now, he expects to lie, to US? All you meat-loving assholes seem to enjoy lying and deflecting. Meat isn't going to get away with any shit, now that he's been shown, to have contractual contact, until Feb.2009, and he is suspected, of lying about Bullygate, he was mean to his dog, and now, he wants to stonewall Baingate.

Black Obamney's transcripts or his dubious leadership aren't an issue, here. Whether Meat is a felon isn't an issue, not yet. The most important issue to resolve is ARE YOU A COMPULSIVE LIAR, MEAT?

We don't need any shit or deflection, from Meat or any of his wingpunks, about this. Assholes who deflect need to stop going out in public. We don't need you or your SHIT, while we go get us some facts, before the election.

Why does John McCain get to see 23 years of Meat's returns, but he named foxy Sarah his running-mate? Why is Meat under some contractual contact, until Feb. 2009, but Meat offers us 2010, while his stonewallies punk around, in the media traffic.

EXCUUUUUSE ME! But we happen to need some tax returns and board meeting minutes, NOW!

How are you entitled ass wipe?
holy shit, imagine what would happen if president romney were called to safe the rio olympics.

Romney is not the President of Brazil, so that won't happen.

Obama did spend millions of dollars of taxpayers money gong to Denmark and FAILED to get the Olympics to come to Chicago.

Romney saved the Olympics for free. Obama failed at great expense. Got it!

[ame=]2002 Romney- I Know How to Get Federal Money- Look at How Much I Got for the Olympics! - YouTube[/ame]

No he didn't.

Yes he did!
Romney left Bain in early 1999 to take over leadership of the games in the aftermath of a bribery scandal that ultimately exposed years of widespread corruption by members of the International Olympic Committee and their counterparts in host cities during the bidding process used to award the games.

The initial focus in the late 1990s was on Salt Lake City, where the scandal forced several of the city’s Olympic officials to quit and the mayor to step down. It threatened to scare away corporate sponsors whose advertising dollars would be vital to helping to fund the games.

Under Romney's leadership, the Olympic committee, which had about a $1.3 billion operating budget, ultimately brought in tens of millions in profits, enough to set aside $40 million to create a fund that owns and maintains the Olympic facilities that were built for the games.
Despite the initial fiscal shortfall, the Games ended up clearing a profit of $100 million. His performance as Olympics head was rated positively by 87 percent of Utahns. Romney and his wife contributed $1 million to the Olympics, and he donated to charity the $1.4 million in salary and severance payments he received for his three years as president and CEO.

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Like Obama shoveling money into a trust fund for his daughters to avoid paying taxes, or is he just making sure that they will have an education and a good start in life?
Are Obama's investments in foreign countries like Willard's are?


Obama actually made more money from foreign income last year than he made from his salary.

Why is obama looking for foreign contributions. If the obamalies are to be believed, he's looking for money from the very people who have left the country to avoid paying taxes. He wants donations from those same companies that he accuses Romney of outsourcing!
The data shows their effective "Federal" rate. You're excuse doesn't make any sense. The fact that many of them move operations to cheap labor third world shitholes increases their profits, while their effective Corporate Tax rates continue to decrease.

One of the reasons why corporations pay a lower effective tax rate is because they shift economic activity to lower tax jurisdictions.

We should lower corporate taxes while eliminating loopholes for companies.

you're a complete dumb ass.

Corporate taxes

Since you agree with everything Obama does, you must agree with him about lowering corporate tax rates... right?

Except for people like you, Dickless Fuck

You're either a lying fuck or a stupid fuck, not to understand the difference between a statutory and effective rate.


Buffett on corporate taxes - YouTube

Sure, TakeAShitinyerHat and CrosstardPunk and tinyshitter and wingpunks, Utd.! Somebody wants your shit. The rest of us want docs, from W. Meat (white) Obamney, from Bain, and from related corporations.

Since you are cocksuckers, whatever you spit out needs to be mostly ignored. It seems you ought to go out and suck some more meat, while we discuss the upcoming election, which needs some documents, right away.

The American electorate needs to see why W. Meat (white) Obamney was contracted, as CEO, through 2002, and he received $100,000 salary, 2000 and 2001, and Meat had contractual stipulations, through Feb. 11, 2009, but Meat can't remember Bullygate, and he expects us to all forget his tax returns, except for 2010 and 2011.

We need Meat's tax returns and any relevant Bain or related corporate board minutes. Did he lie, to the SEC, and now, he expects to lie, to US? All you meat-loving assholes seem to enjoy lying and deflecting. Meat isn't going to get away with any shit, now that he's been shown, to have contractual contact, until Feb.2009, and he is suspected, of lying about Bullygate, he was mean to his dog, and now, he wants to stonewall Baingate.

Black Obamney's transcripts or his dubious leadership aren't an issue, here. Whether Meat is a felon isn't an issue, not yet. The most important issue to resolve is ARE YOU A COMPULSIVE LIAR, MEAT?

We don't need any shit or deflection, from Meat or any of his wingpunks, about this. Assholes who deflect need to stop going out in public. We don't need you or your SHIT, while we go get us some facts, before the election.

Why does John McCain get to see 23 years of Meat's returns, but he named foxy Sarah his running-mate? Why is Meat under some contractual contact, until Feb. 2009, but Meat offers us 2010, while his stonewallies punk around, in the media traffic.

EXCUUUUUSE ME! But we happen to need some tax returns and board meeting minutes, NOW!

How are you entitled ass wipe?

I note that Commie bastard didn't answer. Figures.
Bullshit, town retard. You seem to be drunk and stupid, both.

Your dude Meat is stonewalling Bullygate, now Bain. You seem to be too drunk to vote, but in NOVEMBER, there's an election!

So we need to see some tax returns and board minutes, without any more shit, from townie assholes, like you. Who gives a shit, about whether this rich guy gets busted? That NEVER happens to rich schmucks. What we need to see is HOW MUCH OF A LIAR IS MEAT?

Remember, some people intend to vote, and the voting shit happens, pretty soon. So piss on your wingpunk fucktard buddies, and wonder WTF.

Name calling to cover up what you have, just some weak partisan position without and real issue other than party affiliation.

If there is a REAL issue and a crime involved, the the DOJ needs to be all over it, the fact they are doing nothing speaks louder than your crybaby rant.

A partisan person such as yourself, demanding anything is funny, you would NEVER vote for Romney.

The DOJ could put this election to rest if what Obama claims is true, he supposedly has the evidence, at least that is the claim. You should be pissed at Obama for not having Holder do his job.

But you are not really for the innocent before proven guilty, you are about partisan BS.
I guess when you can't run on the merits of your own Leadership, all you have to do is merely insinuate how your opponent is a liar and a felon then, facts be damned, just hope that perception sticks in the minds of the voters... Damn, why on earth wouldn't Mitt want to turn over more private facts which are not required by his candidacy? Must be because he is hiding something, of course. :uhoh3:

Partisan politics at its most pathetic!

Articles: What Is Obama Hiding?
Apparently Mitt can't run on his own leadership. He's distanced himself from Bain and won't discuss his abysmal term as governor.

And have you seen his attack ads?

Why do you think the firm would have folded for certain? Bain is much bigger now than it was. His leaving wound up making his partners richer than they almost certainly would have been.

When you've made your fortune, your company is staffed by talented people, you have political ambitions, and the Olympics are collapsing and the IOC is threatening to pull it from your spiritual home, yes you do.
Right, so he didn't care because he already had a gazillion dollars, so what if Bain folded.

:eusa_hand: I was laughing at your contention.
Once again it is shown that the President and his organization is untruthful. What does that say about those who support his untruthfulness

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal?

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

Obama's lying... and his flying monkeys are drinking their Kook Aid and buying the farm. Same old shit, different democrat.

Like the new take on SOSDD! Kudos.

Romney is not the President of Brazil, so that won't happen.

Obama did spend millions of dollars of taxpayers money gong to Denmark and FAILED to get the Olympics to come to Chicago.

Romney saved the Olympics for free. Obama failed at great expense. Got it!

[ame=]2002 Romney- I Know How to Get Federal Money- Look at How Much I Got for the Olympics! - YouTube[/ame]

No he didn't.

Yes he did!
Romney left Bain in early 1999 to take over leadership of the games in the aftermath of a bribery scandal that ultimately exposed years of widespread corruption by members of the International Olympic Committee and their counterparts in host cities during the bidding process used to award the games.

The initial focus in the late 1990s was on Salt Lake City, where the scandal forced several of the city’s Olympic officials to quit and the mayor to step down. It threatened to scare away corporate sponsors whose advertising dollars would be vital to helping to fund the games.

Under Romney's leadership, the Olympic committee, which had about a $1.3 billion operating budget, ultimately brought in tens of millions in profits, enough to set aside $40 million to create a fund that owns and maintains the Olympic facilities that were built for the games.
Despite the initial fiscal shortfall, the Games ended up clearing a profit of $100 million. His performance as Olympics head was rated positively by 87 percent of Utahns. Romney and his wife contributed $1 million to the Olympics, and he donated to charity the $1.4 million in salary and severance payments he received for his three years as president and CEO.

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There was still a cost to the Federal government. And it was your contention it was free.

It wasn't.
When companies shift production abroad, their tax rate falls. The math is simple. If a company earns $200 in the US, it will pay $70 in taxes. If it shifts half of it's production to a tax free jurisdiction, all else being equal, it will then pay $35 in taxes, cutting it's effective tax rate from 35% to 17.5%. Lowering the corporate tax rate reduces the incentive to shift production abroad. All else being equal, if the US corporate tax rate in the example was 17.5%, there would be no incentive to shift production offshore.

The data shows their effective "Federal" rate. You're excuse doesn't make any sense. The fact that many of them move operations to cheap labor third world shitholes increases their profits, while their effective Corporate Tax rates continue to decrease.

One of the reasons why corporations pay a lower effective tax rate is because they shift economic activity to lower tax jurisdictions.

We should lower corporate taxes while eliminating loopholes for companies.

You're either a lying fuck or a stupid fuck, not to understand the difference between a statutory and effective rate.


Buffett on corporate taxes - YouTube


Why do you think the firm would have folded for certain? Bain is much bigger now than it was. His leaving wound up making his partners richer than they almost certainly would have been.

Right, so he didn't care because he already had a gazillion dollars, so what if Bain folded.

:eusa_hand: I was laughing at your contention.

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