Romney's Bain Lie

How are Obama's transcripts germane to anything?

He attended the colleges that he said he attended..the colleges back him up.

And..he passed the bar.

If what you say is true then why not release them?

That is if he has nothing to hide..

Are you saying that Politicians should not have anything that's private?


Why wasn't Bush made to show every investment in his "blind trust"? Or Cheney for that matter?

How about health records? Should that be open too?
You are the pissant demanding that Romney release more of his private matters. But only Romney. Obama should not have to because he is black.
I guess when you can't run on the merits of your own Leadership, all you have to do is merely insinuate how your opponent is a liar and a felon then, facts be damned, just hope that perception sticks in the minds of the voters... Damn, why on earth wouldn't Mitt want to turn over more private facts which are not required by his candidacy? Must be because he is hiding something, of course. :uhoh3:

Partisan politics at its most pathetic!

Articles: What Is Obama Hiding?
We pay one of the lowest effective corporate tax rates in the western world. Jobs aren't being outsourced because of low tax third world companies. They're being outsourced because those folks are willing to work for peanuts. Would you like to see American manufacturers pay people in this country the wages they pay in Vietnam, China, and India?

you're a complete dumb ass.

Corporate taxes

The unfortunate truth is that tax policy is so nuanced that it’s difficult to make clear-cut statements as to the relative onerousness of tax policy between countries.

Therefore, attempting to rank countries by their corporate tax rates requires being more than a little reductive. These rankings might make for good headlines or political sound bites, but they aren’t otherwise illuminating. The real story is a great deal more complicated. An analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Foundation shows that different ways of measuring tax rates can produce a wide range of estimates of the true rate that corporations pay. They pored over 19 different academic studies on the subject published in the past seven years alone, and found the estimates of effective corporate rates ranged from a low of 23% to as high as 34.9%.

So trying to come up with a definitive ranking of effective corporate tax rates between countries is an exercise in futility.

The Tax Foundation report and others contend that, at the the very least, the U.S.’s effective corporate tax rate is on the higher end of the scale for developed countries. Other reports suggest that the U.S.’s effective corporate tax rate is actually lower than the weighted average of other developed nations. One thing is certain, however: The trend internationally has been towards lower corporate tax rates. The U.S. rate, meanwhile, has remained steady for twenty years.

both President Obama and Republicans have called for lowering the headline U.S. corporate tax rate.
Since you agree with everything Obama does, you must agree with him about lowering corporate tax rates... right?

According to study from PricewaterhouseCoopers, there have been 133 corporate tax cuts globally in the past six years. If the U.S. lags too far behind other countries, it will undoubtedly effect its ability to attract investment in the economy. It appears that Democrats and Republicans see eye to eye on this point.
Except for people like you, Dickless Fuck
If he signed those papers..and is being truthful about having "no role whatsoever"?

Yeah..he committed a felony.

Now they're saying he "retired retroactively".

Creative, aren't they.

He could put an end to all this if he released the sacred tax returns but he can't because they would show he did indeed commit a felony. Betcha.

Romney's actually not disputing that he received a salary from Bain during that time. Which really should have perked up the ears of the SEC..but it didn't.

And releasing his tax returns..probably won't happen. And mainly because it's probably filled with enough accounting tricks to make a magician blush.

And your point is?
If what you say is true then why not release them?

That is if he has nothing to hide..

Are you saying that Politicians should not have anything that's private?


Why wasn't Bush made to show every investment in his "blind trust"? Or Cheney for that matter?

How about health records? Should that be open too?

So there's a double standard?

Obama should keep documents from the public because of his privacy yet Romney shouldn't.

Can't have it both ways.

Romney doesn't have to prove he's innocent.

I think I've posted Romney doesn't have to release shit.

And the President can keep hammering him on the end it's up the voter.
Now they're saying he "retired retroactively".

Creative, aren't they.

He could put an end to all this if he released the sacred tax returns but he can't because they would show he did indeed commit a felony. Betcha.

Romney's actually not disputing that he received a salary from Bain during that time. Which really should have perked up the ears of the SEC..but it didn't.

And releasing his tax returns..probably won't happen. And mainly because it's probably filled with enough accounting tricks to make a magician blush.

And your point is?

The SEC is not doing it's job?
Romney's actually not disputing that he received a salary from Bain during that time. Which really should have perked up the ears of the SEC..but it didn't.

And releasing his tax returns..probably won't happen. And mainly because it's probably filled with enough accounting tricks to make a magician blush.

And your point is?

The SEC is not doing it's job?

And the DOJ isn't doing it's job if what you claim is true.
We pay one of the lowest effective corporate tax rates in the western world. Jobs aren't being outsourced because of low tax third world companies. They're being outsourced because those folks are willing to work for peanuts. Would you like to see American manufacturers pay people in this country the wages they pay in Vietnam, China, and India?

you're a complete dumb ass.

Corporate taxes

The unfortunate truth is that tax policy is so nuanced that it’s difficult to make clear-cut statements as to the relative onerousness of tax policy between countries.

both President Obama and Republicans have called for lowering the headline U.S. corporate tax rate.
Since you agree with everything Obama does, you must agree with him about lowering corporate tax rates... right?

According to study from PricewaterhouseCoopers, there have been 133 corporate tax cuts globally in the past six years. If the U.S. lags too far behind other countries, it will undoubtedly effect its ability to attract investment in the economy. It appears that Democrats and Republicans see eye to eye on this point.
Except for people like you, Dickless Fuck

You're either a lying fuck or a stupid fuck, not to understand the difference between a statutory and effective rate.


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Sure, TakeAShitinyerHat and CrosstardPunk and tinyshitter and wingpunks, Utd.! Somebody wants your shit. The rest of us want docs, from W. Meat (white) Obamney, from Bain, and from related corporations.

Since you are cocksuckers, whatever you spit out needs to be mostly ignored. It seems you ought to go out and suck some more meat, while we discuss the upcoming election, which needs some documents, right away.

The American electorate needs to see why W. Meat (white) Obamney was contracted, as CEO, through 2002, and he received $100,000 salary, 2000 and 2001, and Meat had contractual stipulations, through Feb. 11, 2009, but Meat can't remember Bullygate, and he expects us to all forget his tax returns, except for 2010 and 2011.

We need Meat's tax returns and any relevant Bain or related corporate board minutes. Did he lie, to the SEC, and now, he expects to lie, to US? All you meat-loving assholes seem to enjoy lying and deflecting. Meat isn't going to get away with any shit, now that he's been shown, to have contractual contact, until Feb.2009, and he is suspected, of lying about Bullygate, he was mean to his dog, and now, he wants to stonewall Baingate.

Black Obamney's transcripts or his dubious leadership aren't an issue, here. Whether Meat is a felon isn't an issue, not yet. The most important issue to resolve is ARE YOU A COMPULSIVE LIAR, MEAT?

We don't need any shit or deflection, from Meat or any of his wingpunks, about this. Assholes who deflect need to stop going out in public. We don't need you or your SHIT, while we go get us some facts, before the election.

Why does John McCain get to see 23 years of Meat's returns, but he named foxy Sarah his running-mate? Why is Meat under some contractual contact, until Feb. 2009, but Meat offers us his irrelevant 2010 tax return, while his stonewallies punk around, in the media traffic? Eat shit, and die, wingpunk bitches; "NO" is not the correct response, today. All that being mean to dogs stuff needs to get deflected, better, with some tax documents.

EXCUUUUUSE ME! But we happen to need some tax returns and board meeting minutes, NOW!
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Sure, TakeAShitinyerHat! /\ /\ Since you are a cocksucker, whatever you spit out needs to be mostly ignored. It seems you ought to go out and suck some more meat, while we discuss the upcoming election, which needs some documents, right away.

But the rest of us need to see why W. Meat (white) Obamney was contracted, as CEO, through 2002, and he received $100,000 salary, 2000 and 2001, and Meat had contractual stipulations, through Feb. 11, 2009, but Meat can't remember Bullygate, and he expects us to all forget his tax returns, until 2010.

We need Meat's tax returns and any relevant Bain or related corporate board minutes. Did he lie, to the SEC, and now, he expects to lie, to US? All you meat-loving assholes seem to enjoy lying and deflecting. Black Obamney's transcripts or his dubious leadership aren't an issue, here.

We don't need any shit or deflection, from Meat or any of his wingpunks, about this.

Why does John McCain get to see 23 years of Meat's returns, but he named foxy Sarah his running-mate? Why is Meat under some contractual contact, until Feb. 2009, but Meat offers us 2010, while his stonewallies punk around, in the media traffic.

EXCUUUUUSE ME! But we happen to need some tax returns and board meeting minutes, NOW!

All you have is speculation, that's it. So you have nothing. If the SEC or the DOJ have reasonable cause, then they have the right to subpoena him and his records.
We pay one of the lowest effective corporate tax rates in the western world. Jobs aren't being outsourced because of low tax third world companies. They're being outsourced because those folks are willing to work for peanuts. Would you like to see American manufacturers pay people in this country the wages they pay in Vietnam, China, and India?

you're a complete dumb ass.

Corporate taxes

Since you agree with everything Obama does, you must agree with him about lowering corporate tax rates... right?

According to study from PricewaterhouseCoopers, there have been 133 corporate tax cuts globally in the past six years. If the U.S. lags too far behind other countries, it will undoubtedly effect its ability to attract investment in the economy. It appears that Democrats and Republicans see eye to eye on this point.
Except for people like you, Dickless Fuck

You're either a lying fuck or a stupid fuck, not to understand the difference between a statutory and effective rate.


Buffett on corporate taxes - YouTube


Can't he be both? A lying, dumb fuck?
I'm going on vacation later in the week. I am retiring, no I mean taking a leave of absence, no I mean, continuing to be CEO and sole stock holder. If anything goes wrong in my absence, I WILL retroactively retire. And the buggers will keep paying me because my name is on the company, dammit!

What company are you CEO of?

You are almost as big a liar as the liar in chief.
I guess when you can't run on the merits of your own Leadership, all you have to do is merely insinuate how your opponent is a liar and a felon then, facts be damned, just hope that perception sticks in the minds of the voters... Damn, why on earth wouldn't Mitt want to turn over more private facts which are not required by his candidacy? Must be because he is hiding something, of course. :uhoh3:

Partisan politics at its most pathetic!

Articles: What Is Obama Hiding?

Politics, same as it ever was.

Mitt can't win just because he's "Not Obama." Somebody with a LOT less baggage would need to have been nominated.
Bullshit, town retard. You seem to be drunk and stupid, both.

Your dude Meat is stonewalling Bullygate, now Bain. You seem to be too drunk to vote, but in NOVEMBER, there's an election!

So we need to see some tax returns and board minutes, without any more shit, from townie assholes, like you. Who gives a shit, about whether this rich guy gets busted? That NEVER happens to rich schmucks. What we need to see is HOW MUCH OF A LIAR IS MEAT?

Remember, some people intend to vote, and the voting shit happens, pretty soon. So piss on your wingpunk fucktard buddies, and wonder WTF.
Why do you think the firm would have folded for certain? Bain is much bigger now than it was. His leaving wound up making his partners richer than they almost certainly would have been.

When you've made your fortune, your company is staffed by talented people, you have political ambitions, and the Olympics are collapsing and the IOC is threatening to pull it from your spiritual home, yes you do.

Dude. You don't own 100% of a company and then just go off and ignore it and not be concerned with the direction it takes or the profits it makes. You just don't.
Right, so he didn't care because he already had a gazillion dollars, so what if Bain folded.

One of the reasons why corporations pay a lower effective tax rate is because they shift economic activity to lower tax jurisdictions.

We should lower corporate taxes while eliminating loopholes for companies.

We pay one of the lowest effective corporate tax rates in the western world. Jobs aren't being outsourced because of low tax third world companies. They're being outsourced because those folks are willing to work for peanuts. Would you like to see American manufacturers pay people in this country the wages they pay in Vietnam, China, and India?

you're a complete dumb ass.

Corporate taxes

Since you agree with everything Obama does, you must agree with him about lowering corporate tax rates... right?

According to study from PricewaterhouseCoopers, there have been 133 corporate tax cuts globally in the past six years. If the U.S. lags too far behind other countries, it will undoubtedly effect its ability to attract investment in the economy. It appears that Democrats and Republicans see eye to eye on this point.
Except for people like you, Dickless Fuck

You're either a lying fuck or a stupid fuck, not to understand the difference between a statutory and effective rate.


Buffett on corporate taxes - YouTube

Bullshit, town retard. You seem to be drunk and stupid, both.

Your dude Meat is stonewalling Bullygate, now Bain. You seem to be too drunk to vote, but in NOVEMBER, there's an election!

So we need to see some tax returns and board minutes, without any more shit, from townie assholes, like you. Who gives a shit, about whether this rich guy gets busted? That NEVER happens to rich schmucks. What we need to see is HOW MUCH OF A LIAR IS MEAT?

Remember, some people intend to vote, and the voting shit happens, pretty soon. So piss on your wingpunk fucktard buddies, and wonder WTF.

How many times do you on the left have to be shown it is Obama that is the liar? This is the most incredible bit of repeating a lie I have seen in a long time.. Usually the liberal lie is about something that can't be readily proved, in this case it is proved that it is a lie but it just keeps going on and on and on.

Obama is a proven liar 17 years of telling the American people he was born in Kenya.

What we need to see is some forms that show how the self-professed Kenyan paid for his college. If he received a dime of support for him being a foreign student then indeed he furthers his lies and I would say that he is a criminal. See it works both ways.

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