Romney's Bain Lie

obama knows he's lying, otherwise there would have been a criminal complaint against Romney long before this.

Democrats may believe it, but they also believe that corporations are evil and businesses got successful by stealing from the poor.
Yes, of course. Everyone is clueless except you and a handful of other enlightened souls like the white house. What a condescending prickish thing to say. i'm fully aware of how the SEC works, or doesn't work for that matter. If you have the proof that Romney is a felon, put it forth and let the world see it. If you dont have the proof, but would like to remind everyone of the SECs past blunders as a way to promote the white houses charge against Romney. You're stretching.

Either give the evidence, or STFU and find a new false talking point.

I'm not clueless.

I use to work for the NYSE for 13.5 years.

I've logged into SEC boxes.

You guys really should get a clue.

Is this your proof?

You're clueless if you think that everyone is clueless besides you of the interworking of the SEC. Either post the proof that Romney is a felon, or stop repeating lies you wish were true. It makes you look like a fucking fool. I'm sure you'll yell it down the echo chamber again though.


Not "everyone else is clueless". Several news outlets hold the same notion that I do.

Bottom that the SEC does NOT enforce it's own laws. Enron's Ken Lay wasn't pursued by the was Eliot Spitzer that forced George W. Bush's hand. And the SEC did absolutely nothing about Madoff or the Financial Meltdown.

Is Romney a felon? That's really for the SEC to find out.

So far..they ain't doing shit.

As usual.
Tell me how Romney retires "retroactively". Statements such as this should disqualify him for being an idiot.

Romney knows what is in those documents. He has made the judgement that disclosing them will bring more damage than hiding them.

If he had nothing to hide...............................

Speaking of " If he had nothing to hide...." Why doesn't Obama release his college transcripts?

How are Obama's transcripts germane to anything?

He attended the colleges that he said he attended..the colleges back him up.

And..he passed the bar.
They're germane because Obama is black. None of them can believe a black man graduated from college without a steep bell curve.
I'm not clueless.

I use to work for the NYSE for 13.5 years.

I've logged into SEC boxes.

You guys really should get a clue.

Is this your proof?

You're clueless if you think that everyone is clueless besides you of the interworking of the SEC. Either post the proof that Romney is a felon, or stop repeating lies you wish were true. It makes you look like a fucking fool. I'm sure you'll yell it down the echo chamber again though.


Not "everyone else is clueless". Several news outlets hold the same notion that I do.

Bottom that the SEC does NOT enforce it's own laws. Enron's Ken Lay wasn't pursued by the was Eliot Spitzer that forced George W. Bush's hand. And the SEC did absolutely nothing about Madoff or the Financial Meltdown.

Is Romney a felon? That's really for the SEC to find out.

So far..they ain't doing shit.

As usual.

Nice doublespeak!!

The SEC "ain't doing shit" because no laws have been broken here. The claims are false and you just keep at the echochamber based on your faith. Your religion. And your god.
Once again it is shown that the President and his organization is untruthful. What does that say about those who support his untruthfulness

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal?

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

The documents prove that Obama is a liar and a scumbag

And won't apologize for the lie...

"Harry Truman said 'the buck stops with me,' and I think understandably people are going to be interested in are you in fact responsible for this company you say is one of your primary calling cards for your wanting to be President," he said.

. The actual quote was "The Buck Stops HERE ! "

And secondly? When is Obama going to stop the buck at his desk by taking responsibility for the piss poor economy and stop the blame game?

When is Obama going to man up?

Obama 'Won't Be Apologizing' for Bain Attacks on Romney
Tell me how Romney retires "retroactively". Statements such as this should disqualify him for being an idiot.

Romney knows what is in those documents. He has made the judgement that disclosing them will bring more damage than hiding them.

If he had nothing to hide...............................

Speaking of " If he had nothing to hide...." Why doesn't Obama release his college transcripts?

How are Obama's transcripts germane to anything?

He attended the colleges that he said he attended..the colleges back him up.

And..he passed the bar.

If what you say is true then why not release them?

That is if he has nothing to hide..
Maybe the SEC can look into the bribe in the form of land that Rezko paid to Obama?

The Rezko Connection: Obama's Achilles Heel? - ABC News

"While Rezko's wife paid the full asking price for the land, Obama paid $300,000 under the asking price for the house. The house sold for $1,650,000 and the price Rezko's wife paid for the land was $625,000."

This is what I mean that the majority of people are clueless about what SEC does..

First..this isn't under SEC's jurisdiction..

Second..this was pretty much vetted.
Once again it is shown that the President and his organization is untruthful. What does that say about those who support his untruthfulness

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal?

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

If he signed those papers..and is being truthful about having "no role whatsoever"?

Yeah..he committed a felony.

Now they're saying he "retired retroactively".

Creative, aren't they.

He could put an end to all this if he released the sacred tax returns but he can't because they would show he did indeed commit a felony. Betcha.
Speaking of " If he had nothing to hide...." Why doesn't Obama release his college transcripts?

How are Obama's transcripts germane to anything?

He attended the colleges that he said he attended..the colleges back him up.

And..he passed the bar.

If what you say is true then why not release them?

That is if he has nothing to hide..

Are you saying that Politicians should not have anything that's private?


Why wasn't Bush made to show every investment in his "blind trust"? Or Cheney for that matter?

How about health records? Should that be open too?
Maybe the SEC can look into the bribe in the form of land that Rezko paid to Obama?

The Rezko Connection: Obama's Achilles Heel? - ABC News

"While Rezko's wife paid the full asking price for the land, Obama paid $300,000 under the asking price for the house. The house sold for $1,650,000 and the price Rezko's wife paid for the land was $625,000."

This is what I mean that the majority of people are clueless about what SEC does..

First..this isn't under SEC's jurisdiction..

Second..this was pretty much vetted.

Why is Rezko paying off Senator Obama? What did Rezko get in consideration of the bribe paid to Obama?
Minimum hand-over for W. Meat (white) Obamney:

1. All IRS returns, 1990s through 2009, thanks awfully for that 2010 already, and the 2011, irrelevant;
2. All Bain Capital minutes, particularly through Feb. 11, 2009, when white Obamney was slated, to finally sever all contact, with Bain;

But since white Obamney is weaseling, big-time, he claims CRS about Bullygate, so now he and his stonewallies all expect every last one of us, to get CRS, about Baingate, without seeing ALL Meat's tax returns, for relevant years, all the way, through 2009! WHAT ASSHOLES!

If John McCain, suspected but not charged, with burning down the USS Forrestal gets to see 23 years of Meat's tax returns, why the fuck don't we get to see tax returns and Bain minutes, without the shitty stonewallies getting their panties in a big old bunch, all at once?

Do we have to get a jet and set-ums pubsie-panties on fire?
Once again it is shown that the President and his organization is untruthful. What does that say about those who support his untruthfulness

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal?

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

If he signed those papers..and is being truthful about having "no role whatsoever"?

Yeah..he committed a felony.

Now they're saying he "retired retroactively".

Creative, aren't they.

He could put an end to all this if he released the sacred tax returns but he can't because they would show he did indeed commit a felony. Betcha.

Romney's actually not disputing that he received a salary from Bain during that time. Which really should have perked up the ears of the SEC..but it didn't.

And releasing his tax returns..probably won't happen. And mainly because it's probably filled with enough accounting tricks to make a magician blush.
holy shit, imagine what would happen if president romney were called to safe the rio olympics.
I'm going on vacation later in the week. I am retiring, no I mean taking a leave of absence, no I mean, continuing to be CEO and sole stock holder. If anything goes wrong in my absence, I WILL retroactively retire. And the buggers will keep paying me because my name is on the company, dammit!

What company are you CEO of?
Tell me how Romney retires "retroactively". Statements such as this should disqualify him for being an idiot.

Romney knows what is in those documents. He has made the judgement that disclosing them will bring more damage than hiding them.

If he had nothing to hide...............................

Sorry ... I hadn't seen your comment before making my own.

Mittens is slime. He's a chronic liar and him (or the rw's) demanding to see something totally unrelated from President Obama is, at the very least, dishonest.

If the R/rw's were not terrified about the truth, they would not be throwing up this as a smoke screen. They would stand proudly with Mittens instead of trying to hide the truth. They would also want to know the truth themselves. Instead, they're trying to help him hide.

President Obama has released 12 years of tax returns. So has Biden.

Where's Mittens'?
If he signed those papers..and is being truthful about having "no role whatsoever"?

Yeah..he committed a felony.

Now they're saying he "retired retroactively".

Creative, aren't they.

He could put an end to all this if he released the sacred tax returns but he can't because they would show he did indeed commit a felony. Betcha.

Romney's actually not disputing that he received a salary from Bain during that time. Which really should have perked up the ears of the SEC..but it didn't.

And releasing his tax returns..probably won't happen. And mainly because it's probably filled with enough accounting tricks to make a magician blush.

Yep and the R/rw's know it. That's why they're arguing that he should be able to hide the truth from the American voter.

If they thought Mittens was honest, they wouldn't be slinging around red herrings about the president!

I notice they don't demand Mittens' college transcripts but I don't blame them. LOL

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