Romney's Bain Lie

Mitt Romney handed 23 years of tax returns over to the McCain campaign when they vetted him for a spot on that ticket.

Why is Mitt Romney willing to disclose more information to people looking to hire him to be vice president than he is people looking to hire him to be president?

he did not want to be vp, but he wants to be president?
Dude. You don't own 100% of a company and then just go off and ignore it and not be concerned with the direction it takes or the profits it makes. You just don't.

That is true. Since Romney was working another job 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in another state FOR FREE, he turned the day to day operation over to a management team. That is what Romney did.

Romney could clear this all up simply by releasing his tax records and showing that he received no salary from Bain during those years.

Think how embarassed Obama would be

Nobody ever claimed that he didn't receive any salary from Bain. The claim was that from 1999 to 2002 Romney was not in charge of the day-to-day operations of Bain.

Stop trying to move the fucking goalposts, winger.

1.) The 13.9% rate is on investment income, not wages, and you most certainly CAN hire accountants if you like. To change that we need to change the tax law. And you can certainly park your money in the Cayman Islands, there is nothing stopping you or anyone else from doing just that.

2.) I agree, everyone should pay the same percentage across the board. We could just throw out the 70K pages of tax code and charge EVERYBODY 15%, no deductions, no loopholes. You game?

3.) If he was hiding it Joe, NOBODY would know about it. He disclosed what was required to the FEC, he's filed his taxes and paid what the law requires. I don't think he can help sounding like a rich douchebag, but I don't think that's illegal, YET...

1) Income is income and it should all be taxed at the same rate. the fact that he can hire accountants is gaming the system in a way I can't, because the accountant would cost me more than any savings he could find. That's kind of the point. He's gaming the system. Period.

2) No, everyone should pay THEIR FAIR SHARE. None of his "flat tax" bullshit. We had our greatest prosperity when the Rich paid through the nose for the privilage of being rich. They did okay, and so did the rest of us. We had good roads, good schools, and we expanded economically.

3) No, being a rich douchebag isn't illegal, yet. For the happy day when it is.

1.) Sounds like wealth envy to me.

2.) "Fair Share", huh? Can you define that, put a number on it? Right now it seems a little nebulous.

3.) At least you're honest enough to admit that you and your ilk are looking forward to the day that you can criminalize speech. Thanks.
That is true. Since Romney was working another job 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in another state FOR FREE, he turned the day to day operation over to a management team. That is what Romney did.

Romney could clear this all up simply by releasing his tax records and showing that he received no salary from Bain during those years.

Think how embarassed Obama would be

Nobody ever claimed that he didn't receive any salary from Bain. The claim was that from 1999 to 2002 Romney was not in charge of the day-to-day operations of Bain.

Stop trying to move the fucking goalposts, winger.

So Romney received compensation for doing absolutely nothing while Bain orchestrated shipping American jobs overseas

Let the voters decide if it is relevant
That is true. Since Romney was working another job 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in another state FOR FREE, he turned the day to day operation over to a management team. That is what Romney did.

Romney could clear this all up simply by releasing his tax records and showing that he received no salary from Bain during those years.

Think how embarassed Obama would be

Nobody ever claimed that he didn't receive any salary from Bain. The claim was that from 1999 to 2002 Romney was not in charge of the day-to-day operations of Bain.

Stop trying to move the fucking goalposts, winger.

No..that's not the claim.

Romney said he had absolutely nothing to do with Bain Capital.

The SEC filings show that to be a lie and a possible felony.

Which demonstrates several things:

1. How incredibly weak the SEC really is.
2. How easy it is for the very wealthy to get away with crimes.
3. How incredibly easy it is to get around the system when you want to run for something and you are very rich.
Media matters agrees, but we already know that being as the debunking of the outright lies was done 3 days ago:

From the Washpo article:

Still, if the Obama campaign wants to put its money where its mouth is, it should immediately lodge a complaint about Romney’s financial disclosure form, filed just last year, rather than try to mislead people about potential violations in relatively unimportant SEC documents.

From media matters.

Romney’s Bain Years: New Evidence, Same Conclusion : Romney’s Bain Years: New Evidence, Same Conclusion

On the broader question of Romney’s involvement with Bain during this time, we concur with Kessler’s conclusion. “The Obama campaign is blowing smoke here,” he says, adding “the weight of evidence suggests that Romney did in fact end active management of Bain in 1999.”
[ame=]Mitt Romney Talks Bain with ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX and NBC - YouTube[/ame]

No role whatsoever.

SEC should be asking questions.
Romney could clear this all up simply by releasing his tax records and showing that he received no salary from Bain during those years.

Think how embarassed Obama would be

Nobody ever claimed that he didn't receive any salary from Bain. The claim was that from 1999 to 2002 Romney was not in charge of the day-to-day operations of Bain.

Stop trying to move the fucking goalposts, winger.

So Romney received compensation for doing absolutely nothing while Bain orchestrated shipping American jobs overseas

Let the voters decide if it is relevant

The info is ALREADY OUT THERE, you idiot. It's in his FEC filing, you don't need a tax return to find it out.
Romney could clear this all up simply by releasing his tax records and showing that he received no salary from Bain during those years.

Think how embarassed Obama would be

Nobody ever claimed that he didn't receive any salary from Bain. The claim was that from 1999 to 2002 Romney was not in charge of the day-to-day operations of Bain.

Stop trying to move the fucking goalposts, winger.

No..that's not the claim.

Romney said he had absolutely nothing to do with Bain Capital.

The SEC filings show that to be a lie and a possible felony.

Which demonstrates several things:

1. How incredibly weak the SEC really is.
2. How easy it is for the very wealthy to get away with crimes.
3. How incredibly easy it is to get around the system when you want to run for something and you are very rich.

Link? Quote? Anything?
Once again it is shown that the President and his organization is untruthful. What does that say about those who support his untruthfulness

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal?

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

If he signed those papers..and is being truthful about having "no role whatsoever"?

Yeah..he committed a felony.

Simply incredible, even though you have been shown by two sources that this is a lie you continue with the innuendo.
When you've made your fortune, your company is staffed by talented people, you have political ambitions, and the Olympics are collapsing and the IOC is threatening to pull it from your spiritual home, yes you do.

Romney was listed as the CEO but that doesn't mean he was actively involved. That may sound weird to people, but in financial industry general partnerships, that's not uncommon. Founders often receive compensation long after they've either left or are at the firm but aren't doing much productive. In limited liability corporations, people receive stock they hold on to and can sell at later times. In general partnerships in the financial industry, they usually don't.

My guess why he is reluctant to release his tax returns is because it will show that he used offshore tax structures to avoid - legally - paying taxes, maybe some that the IRS has since ruled against. The IRS used to allow carried interest held offshore to be deferred until brought onshore. They disallowed that in the mid-OOs. He probably also had some tax swaps which deferred paying taxes which he no longer uses. All that stuff used to be common.
Dude. You don't own 100% of a company and then just go off and ignore it and not be concerned with the direction it takes or the profits it makes. You just don't.
Right, so he didn't care because he already had a gazillion dollars, so what if Bain folded.

Once again it is shown that the President and his organization is untruthful. What does that say about those who support his untruthfulness

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal?

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

They suggest that he is a liar. A large one at that.

Comprehension is not your friend, apparently. :eusa_whistle:

Tell me how Romney retires "retroactively". Statements such as this should disqualify him for being an idiot.

Romney knows what is in those documents. He has made the judgement that disclosing them will bring more damage than hiding them.

If he had nothing to hide...............................
Once again it is shown that the President and his organization is untruthful. What does that say about those who support his untruthfulness

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal?

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

If he signed those papers..and is being truthful about having "no role whatsoever"?

Yeah..he committed a felony.

^Using the old "if you repeat it enough times people will start to believe it" mantra.

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