Romney's Bain Lie

It's strange Democrats that work/worked for Obamination said Romney left Bain when he said he left Bain and that he was on the books because of SEC legal matters until his replacement finally got on the books. dumbfucks can't follow along very well.

It took THREE YEARS to find someone to take over the company?

Thats exactly what we need. A president that moves slightly faster than a glacier.

As I stated before, if THAT version of events is in fact the truth, then Romney should NOT be President.
Dumbfuck, he took a leave of absence most likely planning on coming back but he never did and he didn't make decisions during his time away. His pension states the date he said he left to run the Olympics.....follow along idiot.

Democraps that worked at Bain and support Obamination say these claims against Romney are BULLSHIT.

Maybe you need to get a fucking clue, idiot.

It's strange Democrats that work/worked for Obamination said Romney left Bain when he said he left Bain and that he was on the books because of SEC legal matters until his replacement finally got on the books. dumbfucks can't follow along very well.

It took THREE YEARS to find someone to take over the company?

Thats exactly what we need. A president that moves slightly faster than a glacier.

As I stated before, if THAT version of events is in fact the truth, then Romney should NOT be President.
He was listed as the sole stock holder, the CEO, and the president. What partnership are you talking about?

The ownership structure had changed since the inception of the company...

The firm was founded in 1984 by partners from the consulting firm Bain & Company.

The company, and its actions during its first 15 years, became the subject of political and media scrutiny as a result of co-founder Mitt Romney's later political career, especially his 2012 presidential campaign.[4]

Bain Capital logo
Type Private, LLC
Industry Private equity
Founded 1984
Founder(s) Bill Bain [1], Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, Eric Kriss

Bain Capital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At the time in question, 1999 - 2002, Mitt was the sole owner of the company according to the SEC filings.

Only a fool would believe a sole owner wouldn't take an active role in his own company for years. Luckily for Mitt, apparently there's no shortage of fools watching FOX News.
It's called "Chicago Politics". Obama cannot run on his own record, he HAS to smear the opponent, and of course, the media just eats it up.

Romney is as much a felon as Sallow is a chick.
So, Bush was practicing 'Chicago politics' when he swiftboated John Kerry, instead of running on his record?

Can you produce any links making that accusation against Bush, by Rightwingers?

Please give a link to where "Bush"....I said "BUSH" swiftboated Kerry.
Yes, in 2004, Bush could run on his own record, Synth. It wasn't until the dems took the Congress in 2006 where things went downhill for him.
I'm pretty sure that sets the records straight! :)
You DOPE. There's NOTHING THERE. It's debunked.

Yet? Assholes like you have a hard time with the word NO.

Why is that?

Sure thing.

Mitt Romney's Signature Appears On Bain SEC Filings During Time He Said He Left Bain
In November of that year, his signature appears on documents connected to a deal with Stericycle.

In January 2000, he signed paperwork for a deal with VMM Merger Corp.

His John Hancock appears on ChipPAC Inc. documents in February 2001.

That same month, Romney's signature can be found on paperwork connected to a Bain deal with Integrated Circuit Systems Inc.

In February 2000, he signed documents related to a deal with Wesley Jessen Visioncare Inc.

Been Debunked.

Do go on will you?:eusa_hand:

Bullshit, boy. He signed the SEC filings. Is that the role of someone who's inactive in the company? Who's ass would it be if those SEC filings were screwed up? Would you file an SEC document, and not know what it contained?

Are you really this dumb?
He was willing to Outsource America's 2002 Olympics to Burma, a Military Dictatorship - proofs in the pudding whether at Bain or not.
Obama lied -- CNN

Obama lied -- WaPost

Obama lied -- NYTimes

Why is Obama lying to the American people?

Why won't Obama the Liar release his records?
It's called "Chicago Politics". Obama cannot run on his own record, he HAS to smear the opponent, and of course, the media just eats it up.

Romney is as much a felon as Sallow is a chick.
So, Bush was practicing 'Chicago politics' when he swiftboated John Kerry, instead of running on his record?

Can you produce any links making that accusation against Bush, by Rightwingers?

Please give a link to where "Bush"....I said "BUSH" swiftboated Kerry.

Yes, in 2004, Bush could run on his own record, Synth. It wasn't until the dems took the Congress in 2006 where things went downhill for him.

And here I was, thinking you were above those games. I must have confused you with Toro.

Live and learn.
Obama lied about Romney, he probably lied about the $625,000 bribe Rezko paid him and he probably lied about his birthplace to get into college and law school, that's why he's hiding the records

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