Romney's Bain Lie

Looks like your Dear Leader likes that Bain Cash himself. He just got outed for accepting a whole lot of it. You Obamabots still voting for him?
It pointed to a footnote in Romney’s most recent financial disclosure form, filed June 1 as a presidential candidate.

“Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way,’’ according to the footnote. Romney made the same assertion on a financial disclosure form in 2007, during his first run for president.
Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - The Boston Globe

And yet he was CEO and sole owner until 2002.

We are expected to believe that he didn't care whatsoever about the direction Bain took while he was still owner. Never said, hey that's a good company to invest in. Never said, hey that's a bad company to invest in. Never oversaw the management company he claims he put in place.

Anyone want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn?
Obama himself (was going to say God himself, but it's one and the same for some) could tell you, "Yeah, that's what it means", but it wouldn't matter. (Of course, Obama knows shit about business, so that wouldn't happen.)

See, my fiance still had a title at his company he started a long time ago, and he still was receiving monies because of that - for two years that went on until the transition of ownership/interest was complete - but he had no say whatsoever in anything they did during that time. It happens, and it happens often.

Yep, of course it does, transfer of ownership is a lengthy process with all sorts of shared interests and various binding legal agreements, but these Dems are just stuck on umm.. partisan..
And while you're in the process of transferring (that is, uh, if you don't retire retroactively after taking a part-time interest in the job while being the CEO and sole stock owner) you still care about your dividends, reputation as CEO, and salary.

Unless you're Mitt Romney, of course!
You mean 1999, don't you?

But to the point, I find it laughable that Romney would remain the CEO, Sole Owner of Bain up until 2002, with millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money invested in it, during a time period where the international economy was in a state of free fall, (as it was in 2000-2002) and his excuse was, "Well, I wasn't involved in it all. It was those other guys. I was in Salt Lake City designing the Downhill Course. Really!"

Come on, do you believe that?

And if that were the case, his records would bear that out, so why not release them.

It doesn't matter what you find 'laughable', you're a babbling idiot. You laugh hysterically while you fling shit against the walls.

You got nothing but a lying sack of shit in the White House desperately trying to divide this country for his political gain.

Fuck him and fuck you!

You still seem pretty mad about all this.

Looks like your Dear Leader likes that Bain Cash himself. He just got outed for accepting a whole lot of it. You Obamabots still voting for him?
Not surprising, really, that Bain doesn't want Romney to become president.

So you don't think it's hypocritical for Obama to accept Bain contributions from a company that outsourced jobs?

No, because it's not.

Romney not realsing recent tax returns - thats one, SEPERATE subject.

Bain using its free will to donate money to Obama - Totally different topic.

Bain, not you or me or that Evil Obama, made the decision to donate money to Obama and the DNC. Why does this bother you so much?
Looks like your Dear Leader likes that Bain Cash himself. He just got outed for accepting a whole lot of it. You Obamabots still voting for him?
Not surprising, really, that Bain doesn't want Romney to become president.

So you don't think it's hypocritical for Obama to accept Bain contributions from a company that outsourced jobs?
Not at all. The Bain employees that donated to Obama obviously support the stability of a president that isn't going to shirk responsibility by taking a leave of absence, uh, retires, uh, retroactively retires, uh, a part-time interest (yeah, that's it) in their country. Who can say the same about Mitt?
Not surprising, really, that Bain doesn't want Romney to become president.

So you don't think it's hypocritical for Obama to accept Bain contributions from a company that outsourced jobs?
Not at all. The Bain employees that donated to Obama obviously support the stability of a president that isn't going to shirk responsibility by taking a leave of absence, uh, retires, uh, retroactively retires, uh, a part-time interest (yeah, that's it) in their country. Who can say the same about Mitt?

Complete BS as we seen Obumble go golfing instead of addressing the issues.
The Dear Leader loves him some Bain Cash. So what are the Obamabots gonna do now? Reboot and pretend it never happened? I'm going with that. ;)
The Dear Leader loves him some Bain Cash. So what are the Obamabots gonna do now? Reboot and pretend it never happened? I'm going with that. ;)

Are you trying to dictate what a private company can and cannot do with its own money?

Sounds kinda communist...

Yeah, and haven't the Right Wingnuts been telling us for days now that Bain money is great and everyone should be so lucky to get some of it? Hmm. Maybe the TRUE hypocrisy here is Republicans crowing about Obama taking money from a company they've rigorously defended?
Not surprising, really, that Bain doesn't want Romney to become president.

So you don't think it's hypocritical for Obama to accept Bain contributions from a company that outsourced jobs?
Not at all. The Bain employees that donated to Obama obviously support the stability of a president that isn't going to shirk responsibility by taking a leave of absence, uh, retires, uh, retroactively retires, uh, a part-time interest (yeah, that's it) in their country. Who can say the same about Mitt?

Speaking of absent. Where is Obama?

In Washington DC running the country?

NOOOOOOO he's in Texas begging for campaign money.
Ron Paul to Mitt Romney: Release tax returns -

“Politically, I think that would help him,” the Republican congressman and former presidential candidate said in an interview with POLITICO. “In the scheme of things politically, you know, it looks like releasing tax returns is what the people want.”

He's a crazy old bastard and I think he'd be economic poison to the country, but even Ron Paul gets what Mitt doesn't. Mitt's giving the finger to the voters by being such a smug fuck about this.

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