Romney's Bain Lie

I think if he released his tax returns, showing he paid NO taxes, sheltered ALL of his money offshore thus showing no faith in or respect for America

every single one of the bagger morons would break land speed records racing to the polls to still vote for him

and romney knows it, he is relying on his base's pure hate for America...hate for an America that includes Black people, Asian people, Gay people, Latino people, etc.
Mittens is toast - welcome to Tampa, August 27 - 30, 2012, is there still time for another Primary ???
/\ /\ hahahahahahahahaha! /\ /\ ". . . and raise you an Ann Coulter, we need SOME credibility around here . . ."

Annie's fannies are so funny. Hey, dude, that twat got fired from how many jobs, for wack?

National Review, MSNBC, fired, column dropped, from USA Today and more.


Ann Coulter thinks the police were doing a great job, at Kent State University, when some undercover guy fired a round, starting a murderous volley, from the Ohio National Guard!

On the more serious side, Unconsciouscornhole, you and Ann Coulter suck moose-asshole.
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WASHINGTON -- In the span of one morning, top Mitt Romney surrogate John Sununu referred to President Obama as dumb and stupid, called the Chicago political culture from which he came "corrupt," brought up Obama's admitted use of marijuana as a kid in Hawaii, resurfaced the name of Tony Rezko -- the jailed financier with ties to Obama -- and then questioned the president's Americanness.

More: John Sununu: 'I Wish This President Would Learn How To Be An American'

So funny! Looks like Team Obama has these wingnut clowns on the ropes!

WASHINGTON -- In the span of one morning, top Mitt Romney surrogate John Sununu referred to President Obama as dumb and stupid, called the Chicago political culture from which he came "corrupt," brought up Obama's admitted use of marijuana as a kid in Hawaii, resurfaced the name of Tony Rezko -- the jailed financier with ties to Obama -- and then questioned the president's Americanness.

More: John Sununu: 'I Wish This President Would Learn How To Be An American'

So funny! Looks like Team Obama has these wingnut clowns on the ropes!

Yep, there it is! He isnt an American because he wont act like a total piece of shit like Romney, these stupid bastards are going to start a god damn war...
This story has been debunked by CNN, NYT, and WaPo, yet people are still here talking about all the bad things Romney did while not running Bain.

WASHINGTON -- In the span of one morning, top Mitt Romney surrogate John Sununu referred to President Obama as dumb and stupid, called the Chicago political culture from which he came "corrupt," brought up Obama's admitted use of marijuana as a kid in Hawaii, resurfaced the name of Tony Rezko -- the jailed financier with ties to Obama -- and then questioned the president's Americanness.

More: John Sununu: 'I Wish This President Would Learn How To Be An American'

So funny! Looks like Team Obama has these wingnut clowns on the ropes!

and in Pennsylvania today Romney was on message with Sununu, who btw backed off his despicable comments after being confronted, but not after having thrown it out there as red meat for the hateful right wingers -- in Pennsylvania today Romney said:

Romney told a Pittsburgh-area crowd that "he's ashamed" that Obama "hands out money to the businesses of campaign contributors."

This from a Vulture Capitalist who sold good paying American jobs to the lowest bidder, so his crony capitalist pals could make a few extra million dollars.

How many hard working Americans lost their jobs because of Romney and his BAIN's greed, and along with those jobs went money for healthcare, education, home mortgage/rent payments?:mad:

Romney tries out new attack in Pennsylvania while Obama raises money in Texas - 7/17/2012 1:11:02 PM | Newser
Wow. With hyperbole that bad you should be writing campaign ads for Crossroads GPS!

If only that were hyperbole.

Sadly, with the Obamabots of your level, it's absolute fact.

It's party above everything with you.

You mean like casino owning billionaires who broke Federal laws about foreign bribes, Eunuch2008?

You know what's really funny? You think cribbing Rati makes you appear clever...
Looks like your Dear Leader likes that Bain Cash himself. He just got outed for accepting a whole lot of it. You Obamabots still voting for him?
Not surprising, really, that Bain doesn't want Romney to become president.

So you don't think it's hypocritical for Obama to accept Bain contributions from a company that outsourced jobs?

Nope. Does Romney receive money from his company that outsources jobs. You know, the one he was the sole owner of?
It pointed to a footnote in Romney’s most recent financial disclosure form, filed June 1 as a presidential candidate.

“Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way,’’ according to the footnote. Romney made the same assertion on a financial disclosure form in 2007, during his first run for president.
Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - The Boston Globe

And yet he was CEO and sole owner until 2002.

We are expected to believe that he didn't care whatsoever about the direction Bain took while he was still owner. Never said, hey that's a good company to invest in. Never said, hey that's a bad company to invest in. Never oversaw the management company he claims he put in place.

Anyone want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn?
Obama himself (was going to say God himself, but it's one and the same for some) could tell you, "Yeah, that's what it means", but it wouldn't matter. (Of course, Obama knows shit about business, so that wouldn't happen.)

See, my fiance still had a title at his company he started a long time ago, and he still was receiving monies because of that - for two years that went on until the transition of ownership/interest was complete - but he had no say whatsoever in anything they did during that time. It happens, and it happens often.
Was he the CEO and did he own 100%?

You don't need to know anything about business to know that Mitten is full of shit.

It's very common.

Too bad the moron left doesn't know that.

You just want to keep screaming, "It can't be true", when it is.

I have never seen such a manifestation of public education fail as there is in this election. Useful Idiots and Obama's timing for the first majority of Useful Idiots is prime.

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