Romney's Bain Lie

LOL @ Conservatives thinking this isn't a huge story

CNN, the WaPost and the NYTimes calling Obama a liar is a huge story.

Knocks the props out of his secrecy too

He needs to release the Fast and Furious records and his college transcripts

Yeah................all those "news" agencies got it right when the SC called Obamacare legal, right?
LOL @ Conservatives thinking this isn't a huge story

CNN, the WaPost and the NYTimes calling Obama a liar is a huge story.

Knocks the props out of his secrecy too

He needs to release the Fast and Furious records and his college transcripts

hes not running on his grades. He's running on his successful record as president.

Obama has overhauled the food safety system
Advanced women's rights in the work place
Ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) in our military
Stopped defending DOMA in court.
Passed the Hate Crimes bill.
Appointed two pro-choice women to the Supreme Court.
Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can't afford it.
Expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Fixed the preexisting conditions travesty [and rescissions] in health insurance.
Invested in clean energy.
Overhauled the credit card industry, making it much more consumer-friendly.
While Dodd-Frank bill was weak in many respects, it was still an extremely worthwhile start at re-regulating the financial sector.
He created a Elizabeth Warren's dream agency: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
He's done a lot for veterans
He got help for people whose health was injured during the clean-up after the 9/11 attacks

Whats Romney done?

He borrowed TAXPAYER money to "save" the Utah Olympics and OUTSOURCED jobs to Burma to do it. He hides his wealth in foriegn countries to avoid paying his fair share of taxes. And he hides in France when his country is at war.

Way to get behind the "patriot"

Heres some more from that "failed" presidency <----182 Obama accomplishments

And Did You Know?
182. Despite the characterizations of some, Obama&#8217;s success rate in winning congressional votes on issues was an unprecedented 96.7% for his first year in office. Though he is often cited as superior to Obama, President Lyndon Johnson&#8217;s success rate in 1965 was only 93% <---Obamas top 50 accomplishments
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LOL @ Conservatives thinking this isn't a huge story

CNN, the WaPost and the NYTimes calling Obama a liar is a huge story.

Knocks the props out of his secrecy too

He needs to release the Fast and Furious records and his college transcripts

hes not running on his grades. He's running on his successful record as president.

Obama has overhauled the food safety system
Advanced women's rights in the work place
Ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) in our military
Stopped defending DOMA in court.
Passed the Hate Crimes bill.
Appointed two pro-choice women to the Supreme Court.
Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can't afford it.
Expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Fixed the preexisting conditions travesty [and rescissions] in health insurance.
Invested in clean energy.
Overhauled the credit card industry, making it much more consumer-friendly.
While Dodd-Frank bill was weak in many respects, it was still an extremely worthwhile start at re-regulating the financial sector.
He created a Elizabeth Warren's dream agency: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
He's done a lot for veterans
He got help for people whose health was injured during the clean-up after the 9/11 attacks

Whats Romney done?

He borrowed money to "save" the Utah Olympics and OUTSOURCED jobs to Burma to do it. He hides his wealth in foriegn countries to avoid paying his fair share of taxes. And he hides in France when his country is at war.

Way to get behind the "patriot"

Heres some more from that "failed" presidency

182 of President Obama's Accomplishments! With Citations! (The PCTC Blog) <----182 Obama accomplishments

The Washington Monthly - The Magazine - Obama&#8217;s Top 50 Accomplishments <---Obamas top 50 accomplishments

Good on Romney to show support for a bloody the one they got in Burma.

Birds of a feather.
The story of postwar capitalism is the story of how the New Deal Democrats made sure we had high paying American jobs. The story of post Reagan capitalism is the story of how companies like Bain created massive profits for the elite by shipping American jobs to freedom-hating sweatshop nations.

The American private sector gets tax cuts on the promise that it will create American jobs. Then it uses those tax cuts to buy politicians who create the legal framework for destroying American jobs so an elite group of investors can benefit from cheap labor.

Mitt Romney represents an elite private sector in its war against American labor.

Guess what the private sector does with the extra profits it makes from not having to pay first world labor costs? It invests those profits into Republican talk radio ... which covers up the reality of who got rid of America's manufacturing base, and why.
There was a tangential discussion going on here...

The paper trail is the SEC filings which list Mitt as owner up to early 2002 which is a matter of public record and which Mitt did not ever "lie" about.

Mitt, as the sole stock holder and CEO in 1999, took an official leave-of-absence and handed over the Chief Executive Officer position to someone else. After the Olympics, he decided to run for Governor and officially retired retroactively to 1999 and began the process of transferring ownership of his holdings, never returning to his CEO position again.

At that time, in 2002 his political opponents posed a charge about some particular Bain decision which occurred while he was away and he claimed those were not his Executive decisions, and they weren't. Mitt won that election after much scrutiny.

Now in 2012 Dems take all this info as he lied, he must be hiding something, yada, yada...

Who did he turn over the CEO position to?

Your post illustrates the problem, Mitt said whatever was politically expedient. He's been denying he had anything to do with Bain after 1999 yet the record does not support this.

Just because you keep repeating a claim does not mean the claim is being repeated...

He began the process of transferring ownership of his shares and once the Olympics were over he decided to run for public office while he was in the spotlight. He hid from nothing and he filed the SEC forms entirely properly. In 2002 Mitt did not just say what was "politically expedient", he spoke the facts of the matter as they had occurred at that time. None of this is inconsistent with the truth, ie a LIE, just because most Dems are just now finding out about it...
You said he turned the CEO position over to someone but that is not what the record reflects.

He is on record denying that anything that happened at Bain after 1999 had anything to do with him. That's untrue, as he was the sole owner and CEO until 2002.
It's called "Chicago Politics". Obama cannot run on his own record, he HAS to smear the opponent, and of course, the media just eats it up.

Romney is as much a felon as Sallow is a chick.
So, Bush was practicing 'Chicago politics' when he swiftboated John Kerry, instead of running on his record?

Can you produce any links making that accusation against Bush, by Rightwingers?

Please give a link to where "Bush"....I said "BUSH" swiftboated Kerry.
Yes, in 2004, Bush could run on his own record, Synth. It wasn't until the dems took the Congress in 2006 where things went downhill for him.

If things weren't going downhill for Bush, he wouldn't have lost Congress in 2006. In fact, Buyer's Remorse set in pretty quickly in 2005. Definitely after Katrina.
Who did he turn over the CEO position to?

Your post illustrates the problem, Mitt said whatever was politically expedient. He's been denying he had anything to do with Bain after 1999 yet the record does not support this.

Just because you keep repeating a claim does not mean the claim is being repeated...

He began the process of transferring ownership of his shares and once the Olympics were over he decided to run for public office while he was in the spotlight. He hid from nothing and he filed the SEC forms entirely properly. In 2002 Mitt did not just say what was "politically expedient", he spoke the facts of the matter as they had occurred at that time. None of this is inconsistent with the truth, ie a LIE, just because most Dems are just now finding out about it...
You said he turned the CEO position over to someone but that is not what the record reflects.

He is on record denying that anything that happened at Bain after 1999 had anything to do with him. That's untrue, as he was the sole owner and CEO until 2002.

I meant to say he took a leave-of-absence from the CEO position in '99 and handed over the Executive role to someone else or several other collective Executives, who were then responsible for day-to-day operations and Executive decisions, while Mitt was away at the Olympics on an official leave-of absence from his capacity as CEO.

Yes, for the zillionth time, while he was away, he was still listed as CEO, sole stock holder, etc... So what?

As you have pointed out yourself but fail to see the contradiction, in 2002 Mitt gave sworn public testimony to his remaining ties at Bain in order to prove he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor. Sworn testimony and SEC filings which support those facts that he did not claim he had "nothing to do with" Bain...

The truth is that the Obama campaign cleverly set up a nice strawman for themselves by releasing that ad recently which targeted certain Executive decisions which were not his, and now act as if Mitt is lying or hiding anything.

OMG the Boston Globe remembers 2002, who woulda thunk it? :eek:

Funny how no one bothers getting past the snarky implications of wrong doing, to actually focus on whatever inconvenient truths which supposedly occurred by the time his transfer of ownership was complete, because there really isn't anything new there. Executive decisions made by others which he owned but did not make, decisions he could articulate the rationale of until doomsday...and I suspect he will grab the chance to.

Oooh Jobs lost overseas..ooh the Dems have a smoking gun! lol :doubt:
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Just because you keep repeating a claim does not mean the claim is being repeated...

He began the process of transferring ownership of his shares and once the Olympics were over he decided to run for public office while he was in the spotlight. He hid from nothing and he filed the SEC forms entirely properly. In 2002 Mitt did not just say what was "politically expedient", he spoke the facts of the matter as they had occurred at that time. None of this is inconsistent with the truth, ie a LIE, just because most Dems are just now finding out about it...
You said he turned the CEO position over to someone but that is not what the record reflects.

He is on record denying that anything that happened at Bain after 1999 had anything to do with him. That's untrue, as he was the sole owner and CEO until 2002.

I meant to say he took a leave-of-absence from the CEO position in 2009 and handed over the Executive role to someone else or several other collective Executives, who were then responsible for day-to-day operations and Executive decisions, while Mitt was away at the Olympics on an official leave-of absence from his capacity as CEO.

Yes, for the zillionth time, while he was away, he was still listed as CEO, sole stock holder, etc... So what?

As you have pointed out yourself but fail to see the contradiction, in 2002 Mitt gave sworn public testimony to his remaining ties at Bain in order to prove he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor. Sworn testimony and SEC filings which support those facts that he did not claim he had "nothing to do with" Bain...

The truth is that the Obama campaign cleverly set up a nice strawman for themselves by releasing that ad recently which targeted certain Executive decisions which were not his, and now act as if Mitt is lying or hiding anything.

OMG the Boston Globe remembers 2002, who woulda thunk it? :eek:

Funny how no one bothers getting past the snarky implications of wrong doing, to actually focus on whatever inconvenient truths which supposedly occurred by the time his transfer of ownership was complete, because there really isn't anything new there. Executive decisions made by others which he owned but did not make, decisions he could articulate the rationale of until doomsday...and I suspect he will grab the chance to.

Oooh Jobs lost overseas..ooh the Dems have a smoking gun! lol :doubt:

holy shit, valerie.

he was still with bain in 2009?
I meant to say he took a leave-of-absence from the CEO position in 2009 and handed over the Executive role to someone else or several other collective Executives, who were then responsible for day-to-day operations and Executive decisions, while Mitt was away at the Olympics on an official leave-of absence from his capacity as CEO.

Yes, for the zillionth time, while he was away, he was still listed as CEO, sole stock holder, etc... So what?

As you have pointed out yourself but fail to see the contradiction, in 2002 Mitt gave sworn public testimony to his remaining ties at Bain in order to prove he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor. Sworn testimony and SEC filings which support those facts that he did not claim he had "nothing to do with" Bain...

The truth is that the Obama campaign cleverly set up a nice strawman for themselves by releasing that ad recently which targeted certain Executive decisions which were not his, and now act as if Mitt is lying or hiding anything.

OMG the Boston Globe remembers 2002, who woulda thunk it? :eek:

Funny how no one bothers getting past the snarky implications of wrong doing, to actually focus on whatever inconvenient truths which supposedly occurred by the time his transfer of ownership was complete, because there really isn't anything new there. Executive decisions made by others which he owned but did not make, decisions he could articulate the rationale of until doomsday...and I suspect he will grab the chance to.

Oooh Jobs lost overseas..ooh the Dems have a smoking gun! lol :doubt:

You mean 1999, don't you?

But to the point, I find it laughable that Romney would remain the CEO, Sole Owner of Bain up until 2002, with millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money invested in it, during a time period where the international economy was in a state of free fall, (as it was in 2000-2002) and his excuse was, "Well, I wasn't involved in it all. It was those other guys. I was in Salt Lake City designing the Downhill Course. Really!"

Come on, do you believe that?

And if that were the case, his records would bear that out, so why not release them.
Why on earth would anyone believe that a businessman of supposedly the business smarts of a Mitt, would simply turn control of a business that was/is paying Mitt millions of dollars, what could make a person think that Mitt simply "walked away" from the successful management of this multi million dollar business?

Is that the kind of President you right wingers want? Someone that, once elected, will consider the "job" done and walk away from his responsibility. Like he evidently did at Bain.

No thanks.
I meant to say he took a leave-of-absence from the CEO position in 2009 and handed over the Executive role to someone else or several other collective Executives, who were then responsible for day-to-day operations and Executive decisions, while Mitt was away at the Olympics on an official leave-of absence from his capacity as CEO.

Yes, for the zillionth time, while he was away, he was still listed as CEO, sole stock holder, etc... So what?

As you have pointed out yourself but fail to see the contradiction, in 2002 Mitt gave sworn public testimony to his remaining ties at Bain in order to prove he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor. Sworn testimony and SEC filings which support those facts that he did not claim he had "nothing to do with" Bain...

The truth is that the Obama campaign cleverly set up a nice strawman for themselves by releasing that ad recently which targeted certain Executive decisions which were not his, and now act as if Mitt is lying or hiding anything.

OMG the Boston Globe remembers 2002, who woulda thunk it? :eek:

Funny how no one bothers getting past the snarky implications of wrong doing, to actually focus on whatever inconvenient truths which supposedly occurred by the time his transfer of ownership was complete, because there really isn't anything new there. Executive decisions made by others which he owned but did not make, decisions he could articulate the rationale of until doomsday...and I suspect he will grab the chance to.

Oooh Jobs lost overseas..ooh the Dems have a smoking gun! lol :doubt:

You mean 1999, don't you?

But to the point, I find it laughable that Romney would remain the CEO, Sole Owner of Bain up until 2002, with millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money invested in it, during a time period where the international economy was in a state of free fall, (as it was in 2000-2002) and his excuse was, "Well, I wasn't involved in it all. It was those other guys. I was in Salt Lake City designing the Downhill Course. Really!"

Come on, do you believe that?

And if that were the case, his records would bear that out, so why not release them.

It doesn't matter what you find 'laughable', you're a babbling idiot. You laugh hysterically while you fling shit against the walls.

You got nothing but a lying sack of shit in the White House desperately trying to divide this country for his political gain.

Fuck him and fuck you!
I meant to say he took a leave-of-absence from the CEO position in 2009 and handed over the Executive role to someone else or several other collective Executives, who were then responsible for day-to-day operations and Executive decisions, while Mitt was away at the Olympics on an official leave-of absence from his capacity as CEO.

Yes, for the zillionth time, while he was away, he was still listed as CEO, sole stock holder, etc... So what?

As you have pointed out yourself but fail to see the contradiction, in 2002 Mitt gave sworn public testimony to his remaining ties at Bain in order to prove he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor. Sworn testimony and SEC filings which support those facts that he did not claim he had "nothing to do with" Bain...

The truth is that the Obama campaign cleverly set up a nice strawman for themselves by releasing that ad recently which targeted certain Executive decisions which were not his, and now act as if Mitt is lying or hiding anything.

OMG the Boston Globe remembers 2002, who woulda thunk it? :eek:

Funny how no one bothers getting past the snarky implications of wrong doing, to actually focus on whatever inconvenient truths which supposedly occurred by the time his transfer of ownership was complete, because there really isn't anything new there. Executive decisions made by others which he owned but did not make, decisions he could articulate the rationale of until doomsday...and I suspect he will grab the chance to.

Oooh Jobs lost overseas..ooh the Dems have a smoking gun! lol :doubt:

You mean 1999, don't you?

But to the point, I find it laughable that Romney would remain the CEO, Sole Owner of Bain up until 2002, with millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money invested in it, during a time period where the international economy was in a state of free fall, (as it was in 2000-2002) and his excuse was, "Well, I wasn't involved in it all. It was those other guys. I was in Salt Lake City designing the Downhill Course. Really!"

Come on, do you believe that?

And if that were the case, his records would bear that out, so why not release them.

It doesn't matter what you find 'laughable', you're a babbling idiot. You laugh hysterically while you fling shit against the walls.

You got nothing but a lying sack of shit in the White House desperately trying to divide this country for his political gain.

Fuck him and fuck you!

You still seem pretty mad about all this.
You mean 1999, don't you?

But to the point, I find it laughable that Romney would remain the CEO, Sole Owner of Bain up until 2002, with millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money invested in it, during a time period where the international economy was in a state of free fall, (as it was in 2000-2002) and his excuse was, "Well, I wasn't involved in it all. It was those other guys. I was in Salt Lake City designing the Downhill Course. Really!"

Come on, do you believe that?

And if that were the case, his records would bear that out, so why not release them.

It doesn't matter what you find 'laughable', you're a babbling idiot. You laugh hysterically while you fling shit against the walls.

You got nothing but a lying sack of shit in the White House desperately trying to divide this country for his political gain.

Fuck him and fuck you!

You still seem pretty mad about all this.

he's just yelling it like it is, you fucking fucker.
Fuck him and fuck you!
You still seem pretty mad about all this.
he's just yelling it like it is, you fucking fucker.
no, YOU!

Seems there is a breakdown in communication. Are the mean ole Dems not saying what you want to hear. Damn them to hell and back. Or is it the Rethugs? Someone is pissing someone off.

You gotta love message board hatred. It is so cool. Makes you wanna fight someone. But don't forget to vote. The plutocrats depend on us peons making this little gesture so we don't look at what really has happened to us.

Vote away. Maybe the Supreme Court will decide the Presidency. This time. Oh and once before to.
Hows that make you feel? Your vote really counts. Sure it does.
It pointed to a footnote in Romney’s most recent financial disclosure form, filed June 1 as a presidential candidate.

“Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way,’’ according to the footnote. Romney made the same assertion on a financial disclosure form in 2007, during his first run for president.
Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - The Boston Globe

And yet he was CEO and sole owner until 2002.

We are expected to believe that he didn't care whatsoever about the direction Bain took while he was still owner. Never said, hey that's a good company to invest in. Never said, hey that's a bad company to invest in. Never oversaw the management company he claims he put in place.

Anyone want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn?
It pointed to a footnote in Romney&#8217;s most recent financial disclosure form, filed June 1 as a presidential candidate.

&#8220;Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way,&#8217;&#8217; according to the footnote. Romney made the same assertion on a financial disclosure form in 2007, during his first run for president.
Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - The Boston Globe

And yet he was CEO and sole owner until 2002.

We are expected to believe that he didn't care whatsoever about the direction Bain took while he was still owner. Never said, hey that's a good company to invest in. Never said, hey that's a bad company to invest in. Never oversaw the management company he claims he put in place.

Anyone want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn?
Obama himself (was going to say God himself, but it's one and the same for some) could tell you, "Yeah, that's what it means", but it wouldn't matter. (Of course, Obama knows shit about business, so that wouldn't happen.)

See, my fiance still had a title at his company he started a long time ago, and he still was receiving monies because of that - for two years that went on until the transition of ownership/interest was complete - but he had no say whatsoever in anything they did during that time. It happens, and it happens often.
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It pointed to a footnote in Romney’s most recent financial disclosure form, filed June 1 as a presidential candidate.

“Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way,’’ according to the footnote. Romney made the same assertion on a financial disclosure form in 2007, during his first run for president.
Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - The Boston Globe

And yet he was CEO and sole owner until 2002.

We are expected to believe that he didn't care whatsoever about the direction Bain took while he was still owner. Never said, hey that's a good company to invest in. Never said, hey that's a bad company to invest in. Never oversaw the management company he claims he put in place.

Anyone want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn?
Obama himself (was going to say God himself, but it's one and the same for some) could tell you, "Yeah, that's what it means", but it wouldn't matter. (Of course, Obama knows shit about business, so that wouldn't happen.)

See, my fiance still had a title at his company he started a long time ago, and he still was receiving monies because of that - for two years that went on until the transition of ownership/interest was complete - but he had no say whatsoever in anything they did during that time. It happens, and it happens often.
Was he the CEO and did he own 100%?

You don't need to know anything about business to know that Mitten is full of shit.
It pointed to a footnote in Romney’s most recent financial disclosure form, filed June 1 as a presidential candidate.

“Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way,’’ according to the footnote. Romney made the same assertion on a financial disclosure form in 2007, during his first run for president.
Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - The Boston Globe

And yet he was CEO and sole owner until 2002.

We are expected to believe that he didn't care whatsoever about the direction Bain took while he was still owner. Never said, hey that's a good company to invest in. Never said, hey that's a bad company to invest in. Never oversaw the management company he claims he put in place.

Anyone want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn?
Obama himself (was going to say God himself, but it's one and the same for some) could tell you, "Yeah, that's what it means", but it wouldn't matter. (Of course, Obama knows shit about business, so that wouldn't happen.)

See, my fiance still had a title at his company he started a long time ago, and he still was receiving monies because of that - for two years that went on until the transition of ownership/interest was complete - but he had no say whatsoever in anything they did during that time. It happens, and it happens often.

Yep, of course it does, transfer of ownership is a lengthy process with all sorts of shared interests and various binding legal agreements, but these Dems are just stuck on umm.. partisan..

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