Romney's Bain Lie

Demagoguery is a sign of panic.

So the Bainther® approach is the right one, as far as you're concerned?

Of course, it's not what you claim - we have a statistical dead heat in the polls, which ALWAYS favor the democrat.

WH2012: General

Sounds like Hillary - oh but that's different...


Keep demanding that Birth certificate, Bainthers®!

Funny that the SEC says Obama and the Bainthers® are full of shit, isn't it?


Well there's a reliable source.. Was Stormfront off line or something?

That's only because the Obama camp is lying about the whole Bain thing. They are Bain Birthers, or Bainthers®.

{Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach
The president's campaign fails to back up its claims that Romney 'shipped jobs' overseas.} : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach

That's not at all what the SEC documents show. The SEC confirmed that a 10Q has nothing to do with operational control. Obama was lying - the Bainthers® continue to lie.

Neither one of them have committed any known crimes. At least Romney has enough class not to make accusations - Obama? Well, Obama is a fucktard.

The SEC confirmed it?

Wheres the link to that?

Heres my quote and link:

“I reported directly to Mitt Romney . . . You can’t be CEO of Bain Capital and say, `I really don’t know what my guys were doing,’” Mr. Wolpow said of Mr. Romney role at the company during his leave.

Daily Kos: Bain Capital press release described Romney as 'part-time' in July, 1999
That was during Romneys Senate run...when he took another leave of absence.

You cant possibly believe that Romney still listed as CEO, Chairman and Sole Stock Holder, didnt have his fingers on the pulse and wasnt still very much a part of Bain.

If you DO believe it...I have this really amazing bridge in San Francisco for sale? Perhaps youre interested? I do accept paypal.

OH and you know all that voter fraud the Right is so worried about? Seems they may have finally found a name they can shout from the heavens as a fraudster...Mitt Romney. When exactly did he say he was a resident of Utah? When did he say he was a resident of Mass? And which election did he vote in? And where?

Hes bragged an awful lot about voting against Teddy Kennedy in the primaries...when was that? Wasnt that when he was supposedly a resident of Utah? Hence, the Olympics?

Yeah. And how about that 'story' that we're supposed to believe that it somehow took Bain over two years to get Romney off the masthead of the business? How ridiculous is that? For crying out loud, the entire US Federal gov't only takes a little over 2 months to transfer from one political party to another in the aftermath of a presidential election.

Consider this:

IF Romneys story is true, then he set up a company with so much bureacracy, that it gets things done slower than the government.

Is that REALLY who we want in charge of everything then?
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I don't know the context. If by not knowing what the investments were when he was on a leave of absence, it's possible.

A partnership needs at least two partners but it can be two legal entities owned by the same person, one as an LP and one as a GP.

Do you think it is unusual for a person that owns 100% of a company to claim he knows nothing of its operation?
He was listed as the sole stock holder, the CEO, and the president. What partnership are you talking about?

The ownership structure had changed since the inception of the company...

The firm was founded in 1984 by partners from the consulting firm Bain & Company.

The company, and its actions during its first 15 years, became the subject of political and media scrutiny as a result of co-founder Mitt Romney's later political career, especially his 2012 presidential campaign.[4]

Bain Capital logo
Type Private, LLC
Industry Private equity
Founded 1984
Founder(s) Bill Bain [1], Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, Eric Kriss

Bain Capital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The SEC confirmed it?

Wheres the link to that?

The SEC confirmed that the 10Q filed is legal, true and correct. That is as far as the SEC will get involve.

Mitt Romney Answered Questions About Bain SEC Filings During Massachusetts Gubernatorial Campaign - Washington Whispers (

Heres my quote and link:

KOS is a leftist hate site with zero credibility. KOS will say anything to attack enemies of the party.

Romney was running the Olympics - he had no ability to run Bain. Fucktard Obama again demonstrates his utter lack of even a shred of grasp of business by even making the claim.

Obama can't even run the country and play 5 golf rounds a week, how could Romney run the Olympics and Bain?

At least Romney resigned operational control to focus on the Olympics. Fucktard Obama should resign and concentrate on Golf.

I really hope you Bainthers® push this until November - it's a winning issue!

When exactly did he say he was a resident of Utah? When did he say he was a resident of Mass? And which election did he vote in? And where?

Ah, fling shit wildly. Sure, that has a lot to do with Obama lying about SEC filings...

Hes bragged an awful lot about voting against Teddy Kennedy in the primaries...when was that? Wasnt that when he was supposedly a resident of Utah? Hence, the Olympics?

His involvement running the Olympics is a bit hard to question - except for Bainthers®.

Yep, he was never in Utah and there were no Olympics. Y'all run with that, make it the basis for reelecting the fucktard.

Ummm that article doesnt say what you imply that it says. It only says that Romney has dealt with these these questions before. At no point in the article does it say the SEC commented on it at all.

As for the rest of your post, it continues to misrepresent what was said previously and falsely accuse the President based on your own opinion , not based on provable fact.

In other words, your entire post is misrepresentations, biased opinions and flat out lies.
I don't know the context. If by not knowing what the investments were when he was on a leave of absence, it's possible.

A partnership needs at least two partners but it can be two legal entities owned by the same person, one as an LP and one as a GP.
He was listed as the sole stock holder, the CEO, and the president. What partnership are you talking about?

The ownership structure had changed since the inception of the company...

The firm was founded in 1984 by partners from the consulting firm Bain & Company.

The company, and its actions during its first 15 years, became the subject of political and media scrutiny as a result of co-founder Mitt Romney's later political career, especially his 2012 presidential campaign.[4]

Bain Capital logo
Type Private, LLC
Industry Private equity
Founded 1984
Founder(s) Bill Bain [1], Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, Eric Kriss

Bain Capital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That the structure has changed is not in question. WHats in question is WHEN. The paper trail does not support Romneys version.
You's not really an attack if what you say is true, so Mittens needs to sack the fuck up and take it like a man.

BTW...............speaking of Mittens bitching this morning about being constantly attacked by Obama, HE's the fucker that's been doing nothing but attacking Obama and not even giving us a hint of what he'd replace Obama's policies with.

Gotta love the Bishop's whining though.

He was such a prick during the primaries..his rivals barely talk to him

And..he was attacking Obama on religion and lying about Obama's economic record.

Well now Obama's been telling the truth about his Bain record. And Romney doesn't talk about his one term (which is really a half term) stint as governor..because he had such a low approval rating he had to sneak out of the state.

He hasn't been elected to anything since.

He was listed as the sole stock holder, the CEO, and the president. What partnership are you talking about?

The ownership structure had changed since the inception of the company...

The firm was founded in 1984 by partners from the consulting firm Bain & Company.

The company, and its actions during its first 15 years, became the subject of political and media scrutiny as a result of co-founder Mitt Romney's later political career, especially his 2012 presidential campaign.[4]

Bain Capital logo
Type Private, LLC
Industry Private equity
Founded 1984
Founder(s) Bill Bain [1], Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, Eric Kriss

Bain Capital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That the structure has changed is not in question. WHats in question is WHEN. The paper trail does not support Romneys version.

There was a tangential discussion going on here...

The paper trail is the SEC filings which list Mitt as owner up to early 2002 which is a matter of public record and which Mitt did not ever "lie" about.

Mitt, as the sole stock holder and CEO in 1999, took an official leave-of-absence and handed over the Chief Executive Officer position to someone else. After the Olympics, he decided to run for Governor and officially retired retroactively to 1999 and began the process of transferring ownership of his holdings, never returning to his CEO position again.

At that time, in 2002 his political opponents posed a charge about some particular Bain decision which occurred while he was away and he claimed those were not his Executive decisions, and they weren't. Mitt won that election after much scrutiny.

Now in 2012 Dems take all this info as he lied, he must be hiding something, yada, yada...
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You's not really an attack if what you say is true, so Mittens needs to sack the fuck up and take it like a man.

BTW...............speaking of Mittens bitching this morning about being constantly attacked by Obama, HE's the fucker that's been doing nothing but attacking Obama and not even giving us a hint of what he'd replace Obama's policies with.

Obama campaign blasts Romney New Hampshire ad as 'deceitful, dishonest' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
One thing that seems to be getting lost here:

Whether or not Rmoney actually did run Bain directly during the time period in question isn't really as important as the fact that he wants to not be associated with said time period in the first place.
You's not really an attack if what you say is true, so Mittens needs to sack the fuck up and take it like a man.

BTW...............speaking of Mittens bitching this morning about being constantly attacked by Obama, HE's the fucker that's been doing nothing but attacking Obama and not even giving us a hint of what he'd replace Obama's policies with.

Obama campaign blasts Romney New Hampshire ad as 'deceitful, dishonest' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Actually, that particular ad WAS dishonest because it cherry picked the phrase that they are trying to portray as Obama's.

What Obama ACTUALLY said was "John McCain has said that if we keep talking about the economy, were going to lose".

Interestingly enough, McCain kept talking about the economy, and Obama became president.

Wanna try again?
One thing that seems to be getting lost here:

Whether or not Rmoney actually did run Bain directly during the time period in question isn't really as important as the fact that he wants to not be associated with said time period in the first place.

Interestingly enough, Bain started to outsource jobs in 1998, about 1 year prior to when Mittens said he stopped working there, and about 3 years prior to when he finally signed over the company.
You's not really an attack if what you say is true, so Mittens needs to sack the fuck up and take it like a man.

BTW...............speaking of Mittens bitching this morning about being constantly attacked by Obama, HE's the fucker that's been doing nothing but attacking Obama and not even giving us a hint of what he'd replace Obama's policies with.

Obama campaign blasts Romney New Hampshire ad as 'deceitful, dishonest' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Actually, that particular ad WAS dishonest because it cherry picked the phrase that they are trying to portray as Obama's.

What Obama ACTUALLY said was "John McCain has said that if we keep talking about the economy, were going to lose".

Interestingly enough, McCain kept talking about the economy, and Obama became president.

Wanna try again?

You forget who you're talking to? I'm agreeing with you about that ad.
Romney can never release his tax records because if he does, he will be unelectable and probably end up in prison.
You know...................after McCain lost in 2008, Mittens KNEW he was going to be one of the candidates.

Why the fuck didn't he start to clean things up 4 years ago? He could have whitewashed it good enough to stay under the radar, but, he didn't.

Gonna be great comedy fodder for the next 4 months though. Can't wait to see what Jon Stewart and Colbert have to say about the past 2 weeks on their shows tonight.
I don't know the context. If by not knowing what the investments were when he was on a leave of absence, it's possible.

A partnership needs at least two partners but it can be two legal entities owned by the same person, one as an LP and one as a GP.
He was listed as the sole stock holder, the CEO, and the president. What partnership are you talking about?

The ownership structure had changed since the inception of the company...

The firm was founded in 1984 by partners from the consulting firm Bain & Company.

The company, and its actions during its first 15 years, became the subject of political and media scrutiny as a result of co-founder Mitt Romney's later political career, especially his 2012 presidential campaign.[4]

Bain Capital logo
Type Private, LLC
Industry Private equity
Founded 1984
Founder(s) Bill Bain [1], Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, Eric Kriss

Bain Capital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At the time in question, 1999 - 2002, Mitt was the sole owner of the company according to the SEC filings.

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