Romney's Campaign Strategy: Lie, Lie, and Lie Some More

Here's something for you wingnuts to consider. Actually, I don't post for YOU - I post for those "guests" who are viewing who may not be diehard partisan lunatics. Maybe you should think about doing the same - with more facts and proof.

Oh the irony of you calling other's die hard partisan lunatics.
No need to open it folks. All you need to know is it's a link to Rachel Madcow.

Maddow would never tell a lie would she ?

Maybe if you read her list you could tell us if she's lying about anything...

lol, poor dear
what will you ever do if Romney wins..?
when you post the lies of Obama people MIGHT take you seriously, but we won't hold our breaths
you friggen post Rachael Maddcow on here like she is an EXPERT on something..she is just another SHRILL LEFT WING TALKING COW
By Dave Johnson

The Romney camp is boldly lying because they are making a calculation that it will work! We better hope it doesn't.

The Romney campaign has turned to a strategy of swamping the public with flat-out, blatant lies, one after another, again and again, endlessly and lavishly repeated. They do this because they are making a calculation that it will work! So what is going on? And can democracy survive this assault?

The Growing List Of Lies

This week's lie is the "Obama gutted welfare reform" nonsense. See Bill Scher's must-read response, Romney's Welfare Lie: A Betrayal Of Conservatism. The reporting conveys the Romney message, like this: Romney accuses Obama of dismantling welfare reform. The lie is driven home by a massive $$-driven carpet bombing of ads.

The next-most recent lies was the "Obama is trying to keep military families from voting" lie. This lie, repeated over and over, coordinated with outside groups, reinforces the "Democrats are anti-military" narrative.

Before that was the "You didn't build that" lie, where the Romney campaigndoctored audio to make it sound as though President Obama said something he didn't say. (And got away with it.) This lie, repeated over and over, reinforces the "Democrats are anti-business" narrative.

This one on welfare reinforces the "Democrats take your money and give it to black people" narrative. "We will end a culture of dependency and restore a culture of good, hard work," said Romney, promising to make them work good and hard.

Rachel Maddow's blog has been keeping track of the Romney lies, and it is a loooooong list.

How It Is Done

Much More: Romney's Campaign Strategy: Lie, Lie, and Lie Some More -- Can Democracy Survive with 0% Media Accountability? | Alternet

NOTE: The above link contains many live source links.

...and apparently it is okay as well with the Mormon and Christian religions as I have not heard or read of anyone from either of these religions calling for romney to end his endless bs lies. Neither do I hear or read anything from those who align themselves with the con denouncing them.
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People, you don't NEED this little op troll to post all these ridiculous LEFT WING sites (alternet, thinkprogress, hufferpost) for you to think about things..

THINK FOR YOURSELF, make up your own mind
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By Dave Johnson

The Romney camp is boldly lying because they are making a calculation that it will work! We better hope it doesn't.

The Romney campaign has turned to a strategy of swamping the public with flat-out, blatant lies, one after another, again and again, endlessly and lavishly repeated. They do this because they are making a calculation that it will work! So what is going on? And can democracy survive this assault?

The Growing List Of Lies

This week's lie is the "Obama gutted welfare reform" nonsense. See Bill Scher's must-read response, Romney's Welfare Lie: A Betrayal Of Conservatism. The reporting conveys the Romney message, like this: Romney accuses Obama of dismantling welfare reform. The lie is driven home by a massive $$-driven carpet bombing of ads.

The next-most recent lies was the "Obama is trying to keep military families from voting" lie. This lie, repeated over and over, coordinated with outside groups, reinforces the "Democrats are anti-military" narrative.

Before that was the "You didn't build that" lie, where the Romney campaigndoctored audio to make it sound as though President Obama said something he didn't say. (And got away with it.) This lie, repeated over and over, reinforces the "Democrats are anti-business" narrative.

This one on welfare reinforces the "Democrats take your money and give it to black people" narrative. "We will end a culture of dependency and restore a culture of good, hard work," said Romney, promising to make them work good and hard.

Rachel Maddow's blog has been keeping track of the Romney lies, and it is a loooooong list.

How It Is Done

Much More: Romney's Campaign Strategy: Lie, Lie, and Lie Some More -- Can Democracy Survive with 0% Media Accountability? | Alternet

NOTE: The above link contains many live source links.
Gee, that article is already outdated. The latest Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., lie is Obama steals $716 billion from Medicare to finance non-senior health care and it's corollary Willard's assault on Medicare does not cost anyone over 55 any additional money.
People, you don't NEED this little op troll to post all these ridiculous LEFT WING sites (alternet, thinkprogress, hufferpost) for you to think about things..

THINK FOR YOURSELF, make up your own mind

Yeah, that's why you don't listen to Fox News, Breitbart, Beck, Carlson, Limbaugh, etc...
Gee, that article is already outdated. The latest Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., lie is Obama steals $716 billion from Medicare to finance non-senior health care and it's corollary Willard's assault on Medicare does not cost anyone over 55 any additional money.

How exactly did you arrive at this determination? Better yet, how do you know it to be true? After all Willard is vague at best on any of his "supposed" plans AND changes his mind every time the wind changes.
Both sides are lying their asses off. No honesty to be had.

Yep, the status quo.

While Rome burns.


Seeing as two of you have come to agreement how about some examples from each?

Why bother? Here's what will happen:

You'll agree with the examples of the GOP bullshit.

You'll deny the examples of the Democrats' bullshit.

We'll engage in yet another round of Whack-A-Mole™, in which you'll play little games and I'm supposed to chase you around. No thanks.

Okay, just for you: The GOP is full of liars, the Dems are all saints.


By Dave Johnson

The Romney camp is boldly lying because they are making a calculation that it will work! We better hope it doesn't.

The Romney campaign has turned to a strategy of swamping the public with flat-out, blatant lies, one after another, again and again, endlessly and lavishly repeated. They do this because they are making a calculation that it will work! So what is going on? And can democracy survive this assault?

The Growing List Of Lies

This week's lie is the "Obama gutted welfare reform" nonsense. See Bill Scher's must-read response, Romney's Welfare Lie: A Betrayal Of Conservatism. The reporting conveys the Romney message, like this: Romney accuses Obama of dismantling welfare reform. The lie is driven home by a massive $$-driven carpet bombing of ads.

The next-most recent lies was the "Obama is trying to keep military families from voting" lie. This lie, repeated over and over, coordinated with outside groups, reinforces the "Democrats are anti-military" narrative.

Before that was the "You didn't build that" lie, where the Romney campaigndoctored audio to make it sound as though President Obama said something he didn't say. (And got away with it.) This lie, repeated over and over, reinforces the "Democrats are anti-business" narrative.

This one on welfare reinforces the "Democrats take your money and give it to black people" narrative. "We will end a culture of dependency and restore a culture of good, hard work," said Romney, promising to make them work good and hard.

Rachel Maddow's blog has been keeping track of the Romney lies, and it is a loooooong list.

How It Is Done

Much More: Romney's Campaign Strategy: Lie, Lie, and Lie Some More -- Can Democracy Survive with 0% Media Accountability? | Alternet

NOTE: The above link contains many live source links.

Didn't read the article but if this is his strategy, it worked for Obama four years ago, it could work this time. It is a proven tactic.

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