Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

The Great Gatsby is a partisan hack for Romney.

But . . . he is my hack for this election, then we squelch his types in the party.
The Great Gatsby is a partisan hack for Romney.

But . . . he is my hack for this election, then we squelch his types in the party.

My type: Fiscal Responsibility, liberty, accountability. Yea so far my type has been "squelched." That's why we're in the mess we're in. I guess (failing) business as usual for you though.
You want to think you're the voice of reason. You're the voice of apathy. I'm sure plenty of "fair minded persons" like yourself said Hitler wasn't evil too.

If greed, selfishness, narcissism, lies and apathy are no longer categorized as evil then maybe Obama isn't evil.

Your first paragraph is pretty silly. Your second paragraph serves up onto a platter the left's description of Romney.

So basically you're a partisan hack for Obama. Got it.

No, it's you who is the blind, partisan hack.

I'm supporting Romney.
So basically you're a partisan hack for Obama. Got it.

No, it's you who is the blind, partisan hack.

I'm supporting Romney.

"Supporting Romney" while propping up a sinister loser like Obama is supposed to make you not a hack? Nah.

That's right. But calling Obama "evil" does make you a partisan hack. No different than the braindead leftards who called Bush evil. Same coin, different sides. I think you're a birfer too, which would make it a slam dunk.
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No, it's you who is the blind, partisan hack.

I'm supporting Romney.

"Supporting Romney" while propping up a sinister loser like Obama is supposed to make you not a hack? Nah.

That's right. But calling Obama "evil" does make you a partisan hack. No different than the braindead leftards who called Bush evil. Same coin, different sides. I think you're a birfer too, which would make it a slam dunk.

The idea that a person subscribes to preset limits of criticism is supposed to make a person a moderate and not a hack? I can tell you that people like Obama count on that type of nonsense thinking. It allows him to continue with his myriad of lies without facing serious opposition.

And I know that Obama was born in Kenya b/c I'm not ignoring mountains of evidence. But hell, I would have settled for the Constitutional approach of settling the matter in court. But lying hacks like yourself would not allow that.
The Great Gatsby is a partisan hack for Romney.

But . . . he is my hack for this election, then we squelch his types in the party.

My type: Fiscal Responsibility, liberty, accountability. Yea so far my type has been "squelched." That's why we're in the mess we're in. I guess (failing) business as usual for you though.

You're type hasn't been squelched...

You've been duped.

Fiscal Responsilbility. Republicans have run up 10 Trillion in debt to give tax cuts to rich douchebags.

But you keep voting for them because they promise to hate the gays, just like you do.
The Great Gatsby is a partisan hack for Romney.

But . . . he is my hack for this election, then we squelch his types in the party.

My type: Fiscal Responsibility, liberty, accountability. Yea so far my type has been "squelched." That's why we're in the mess we're in. I guess (failing) business as usual for you though.

You're type hasn't been squelched...

You've been duped.

Fiscal Responsilbility. Republicans have run up 10 Trillion in debt to give tax cuts to rich douchebags.

But you keep voting for them because they promise to hate the gays, just like you do.

Let's not play semantics. And if you followed any of my posts, you'd know that I don't worship at the altar of the GOP. I just defy people like you that are pretending that Dems aren't the problem or that they are the solution.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Mormon cowardice?


would no Mormon defend the sacred underwear?
My type: Fiscal Responsibility, liberty, accountability. Yea so far my type has been "squelched." That's why we're in the mess we're in. I guess (failing) business as usual for you though.

You're type hasn't been squelched...

You've been duped.

Fiscal Responsilbility. Republicans have run up 10 Trillion in debt to give tax cuts to rich douchebags.

But you keep voting for them because they promise to hate the gays, just like you do.

Let's not play semantics. And if you followed any of my posts, you'd know that I don't worship at the altar of the GOP. I just defy people like you that are pretending that Dems aren't the problem or that they are the solution.

I have followed your posts. Unfortunately, you are the kind of nutbag that's taken over the GOP, and that's the GOP's problem.

I think BOTH parties are part of the problem. The Republicans for encouraging the massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the wealthy, and the Democrats for encouraging as much government dependence as possible. And both parties are responsible for not wanting to man up and have an honest conversation on how to pay for it all.
a partisan hack bigot? The Great Gatsby meet JoeB, JoeB meet The Great Gatsby

It isn't a "partisan" thing for me, man.

Voted for McCain in 2008, will probably vote for Jeb Bush when he's the candidate in 2016 after Romney fails epically.

And sorry, I think it's impossible to be a religous bigot unless everyone is.

because if you embrace one philosophy, you are saying all the others are wrong. You can think Catholicism or Mormonism or Atheism are wrong, or you can think one of them is right, but you can't think they are all right.

Of course, Mormonism has the virtue of being PROVABLY wrong.

There were no men in Quaker Dress on the Moon.
The Book of Abraham was actually a pagan papyrus.
There were no Nephites, Lamanites or Jaredites. No trace of their civilization has been found in archeology, genetics, linguistics or any other scientifice discipline.
The Kinderhook tablets were modern forgeries.

In short, the proof the Mormonism is false is any kind of rigorous examination of their claims.

For the most part..almost all religions are provable shams, especially the big three. They are just a bit older and their lies have been repeated more often.

Personally? I don't have a problem with I don't have a problem with most things that people keep to themselves..or do in private.

It's when it becomes public..or part of policy that it gets under my skin.

And the good Bishop decided to get his religious cred by going after Obama on religion.

It's on..

Atheism is a far greater sham than religion, but hey, it takes all kinds of delusions.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

When/where did you serve, peckerhead?

US Army. Reserves 1981-1986, Active duty 1986-1992.. Rank E-6 SSG, MOS 76Y30.

Thanks for asking.

So let's ask the question again, if the Romney boys are such great patriots, why aren't they signing up?

Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

When/where did you serve, peckerhead?

and that is a question I choose to leave you wondering about -- if I served :eusa_whistle:
Too bad Romney isn't talking about his ancestral links in Mexico. It might be pretty tough since the colony was polygamous.
If he did talk about it, he would have to talk about being a Mormon.

He will. It will come up later. Timing will be important on when it is demanded he defend the practices and beliefs of his cult.
Too bad Romney isn't talking about his ancestral links in Mexico. It might be pretty tough since the colony was polygamous.
If he did talk about it, he would have to talk about being a Mormon.

He will. It will come up later. Timing will be important on when it is demanded he defend the practices and beliefs of his cult.

Momonism is genetic and so is polygamy. I mean if doing another dude is, why isnt have 20 wives?
Too bad Romney isn't talking about his ancestral links in Mexico. It might be pretty tough since the colony was polygamous.

Not at all comrade
Romney his great-grandfather was a polygamist. Miles Park Romney died in 1904

But since

Papa Obama has a long tradition
Papa Obama’s father was a polygamist; his grandfather was a polygamist; and his great-grandfather was a polygamist who had five wives must be good now

at least more current
Too bad Romney isn't talking about his ancestral links in Mexico. It might be pretty tough since the colony was polygamous.

Not at all comrade
Romney his great-grandfather was a polygamist. Miles Park Romney died in 1904

But since

Papa Obama has a long tradition
Papa Obama’s father was a polygamist; his grandfather was a polygamist; and his great-grandfather was a polygamist who had five wives must be good now

at least more current

And the wonderful thing about the Romney's is they are a "peaceful" family.

Neither the Romney's or the Davies had fathers..or Grandfathers that served in the Military.

Unlike the warlike Obama..who's grandfather served in WWII.

Maybe that explains all the killin'..


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