Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

You know he is really not voting for Romney
It is all part of his concerned troll act- which explains his "logic"
He can not state his real beliefs because it would show his hand
Which is why in almost 30,000 posts, he has NEVER started a thread

I think you are taking this stuff way too personally. The purpose of a board like this is not to change anyone's mind, or to fight personal vendettas against a total stranger under a fake name.

I think that Jake is voting for Romney, he's been supporting him when most of the right wing was supporting someone else. I think he has just invested certain beliefs that are probably not true.

Personally, not at all
What real vested interest do any of us really have in a posting board?
Just calling a "spade a spade".

Again the inconsistency in the logic, you described is explained best by
one being a concerned troll. One only needs to see his reaction to know
it is the truth. Indeed with supporters like that who needs

Voting for Romney, well we can agree just to disagree on that point

Here boy
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The basis of Neo's trolling nonsense remains that he can't stand that he himself makes himself look like a fool. He shares that online deficiency with Jroc and bigrebnc.

He takes his failures personally, very personally. His trollishness is evident in almost every post. Just watch how he reacts to this post. But that comes from his unsustainable far right mania as his personal inadequacies in discussion.

Far more importantly, Romney is the best bet in this election. Voting for Romney is the way to go. The Neos etc will vote for Romney because they have no logical other choices.
The basis of Neo's trolling nonsense remains that he can't stand that he himself makes himself look like a fool. He shares that online deficiency with Jroc and bigrebnc.

He takes his failures personally, very personally. His trollishness is evident in almost every post. Just watch how he reacts to this post. But that comes from his unsustainable far right mania as his personal inadequacies in discussion.

Far more importantly, Romney is the best bet in this election. Voting for Romney is the way to go. The Neos etc will vote for Romney because they have no logical other choices.

Nobody ever won an election being "the lesser of evils"...

Not at all.

YOu either accept that Romney is just as whacky as the people he's supporting, or he's lying to them to get their support.

Either one of which disqualifies him from the job.


While your attempt with a concerned troll is admirable
it is fruitless. But of course, you know this......

Something tells me you are "poking the monkey"
just for fun

No, just trying to get him to admit the illogic of his own position.

I think somewhere, he really thinks the first day of the Romney Adminstration, Mittens is going to get up, say to the Teabaggers, "Surprise, mother-fuckers, I'm really a moderate, and I'm cutting deals with the Democrats!"

Speaking of "the first day"..... Do you people follow how many things Mittens has said he will do and change in his first day of office? Most of which he has no authority to do BTW...

Amazing what the teabaggers will say is unconstitutional as Obama acts within his jurisdiction yet when Willard spouts off about all of the things he's gonna do by gaaawwwd.. not a peep from these morons..

True story!
The basis of Neo's trolling nonsense remains that he can't stand that he himself makes himself look like a fool. He shares that online deficiency with Jroc and bigrebnc.

He takes his failures personally, very personally. His trollishness is evident in almost every post. Just watch how he reacts to this post. But that comes from his unsustainable far right mania as his personal inadequacies in discussion.

Far more importantly, Romney is the best bet in this election. Voting for Romney is the way to go. The Neos etc will vote for Romney because they have no logical other choices.

Nobody ever won an election being "the lesser of evils"...


Bush did in 2004. What an awful mistake for all of us, other than Kerry would have been worse, I think.
Bush did in 2004. What an awful mistake for all of us, other than Kerry would have been worse, I think.

I remember the 2004 election differently.

I remember you had one guy who had led us out of a recession and was dealing with an international terrorist organization intent on killing us.


Some dirty stinking Hippy who got his picture taken with Jane Fonda, and was trying to repaint himself as a war hero.

I've become disillusioned with the GOP since 2004, with the religious nutters and the plutocrats having hijacked it since then. But honestly, if it were Kerry vs. Bush again, I'd still vote for Bush.

If it was Mccain vs. Obama again, I'd vote for McCain.

In 2016, if it's Jeb vs. Hillary, I'll vote for Jeb.

But the Weird Mormon Robot vs. Obama... I'm stuck voting for Obama because Romney is a scumbag. and A Mormon. but I repeat myself.
Yes, you do repeat yourself and make no more sense now then before.

You let hatred, rather than critical reasoning, guide your actions.

Poor you.
Yes, you do repeat yourself and make no more sense now then before.

You let hatred, rather than critical reasoning, guide your actions.

Poor you.

Not at all.

I hate Mormons because they believe in crazy lies.

And I don't want people with crazy religion having access to nukes.

Because they are fucking crazy.
Yes, you do repeat yourself and make no more sense now then before.

You let hatred, rather than critical reasoning, guide your actions.

Poor you.

Not at all.

I hate Mormons because they believe in crazy lies.

And I don't want people with crazy religion having access to nukes.

Because they are fucking crazy.

I agree with THAT statement 100%.
The left seems to be in the usual bigoted rut about Christian religions.

The Morman Church/Cult, which Romney has sworn his ultimate allegience to, has no more business having access to nukes than does Iran.
Now we see bigoted libs and atheists decrying religion. So they ignore Jefferson, Hamilton, and the Founders. Many of the dems think folks like JoeB and Huggy are crazy, thank heavens.

But, even so . . . all the more reason to vote for Romney and not the will of the crazees.
The left seems to be in the usual bigoted rut about Christian religions.

The Morman Church/Cult, which Romney has sworn his ultimate allegience to, has no more business having access to nukes than does Iran.

Yeah they said that about JFK. The Pope was going to control the President and run the country. When you and JoeB post, can put an mp3 of dueling banjos as well, it fits the mood.
Now we see bigoted libs and atheists decrying religion. So they ignore Jefferson, Hamilton, and the Founders. Many of the dems think folks like JoeB and Huggy are crazy, thank heavens.

But, even so . . . all the more reason to vote for Romney and not the will of the crazees.

Ya...I'm the crazy one..But Mittens thinks god loves on K-Bob or some such planet and no matter how much evil he levees on the non believers and the gays he will get his own planet later on doncha know... Ya I'm the crazy one... Got it.
Now we see bigoted libs and atheists decrying religion. So they ignore Jefferson, Hamilton, and the Founders. Many of the dems think folks like JoeB and Huggy are crazy, thank heavens.

But, even so . . . all the more reason to vote for Romney and not the will of the crazees.

Ya...I'm the crazy one..But Mittens thinks god loves on K-Bob or some such planet and no matter how much evil he levees on the non believers and the gays he will get his own planet later on doncha know... Ya I'm the crazy one... Got it.

What you afraid Romney wont like your boyfriend?
Now we see bigoted libs and atheists decrying religion. So they ignore Jefferson, Hamilton, and the Founders. Many of the dems think folks like JoeB and Huggy are crazy, thank heavens.

But, even so . . . all the more reason to vote for Romney and not the will of the crazees.

Ya...I'm the crazy one..But Mittens thinks god loves on K-Bob or some such planet and no matter how much evil he levees on the non believers and the gays he will get his own planet later on doncha know... Ya I'm the crazy one... Got it.

What you afraid Romney wont like your boyfriend?

Me? Afraid of that pompus twit? Not any more than I am afraid of you. Go back in the closet. Or find someone that will be interested in your homosexual pillow talk. I recommend HousGimp.
The left seems to be in the usual bigoted rut about Christian religions.

The Morman Church/Cult, which Romney has sworn his ultimate allegience to, has no more business having access to nukes than does Iran.

Yeah they said that about JFK. The Pope was going to control the President and run the country. When you and JoeB post, can put an mp3 of dueling banjos as well, it fits the mood.

Speaking of religion

Papa Obama belonging to a Church based on Marxist influenced Black Liberation theology
makes them feel comfortable

talk about misguided

Here boy
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In this country one isn't supposed to be held accountable for their family members actions like in stone age societies.

We don't think a grandchild should be punished for a crime by their grandfather.

We don't think a child should be punished for their father's actions.

So why the fuck should a parent be accountable for what their child did or didn't do?

So asswipe, since you rape farm animals.....should we punish your mother ?

Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?
The Morman Church/Cult, which Romney has sworn his ultimate allegience to, has no more business having access to nukes than does Iran.

Yeah they said that about JFK. The Pope was going to control the President and run the country. When you and JoeB post, can put an mp3 of dueling banjos as well, it fits the mood.
Speaking of religion Papa Obama belonging to a Church based on Marxist influenced Black Liberation theology makes them feel comfortable
:razz: talk about misguided
------------------------------------------------------- :eusa_whistle: Here boy

Hey, NeoTroll: according to whom? Black marxists, liberation theologians, wack far righties? Let's see your sources, sonny. :lol:

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