Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Now we see bigoted libs and atheists decrying religion. So they ignore Jefferson, Hamilton, and the Founders. Many of the dems think folks like JoeB and Huggy are crazy, thank heavens.

But, even so . . . all the more reason to vote for Romney and not the will of the crazees.

Ya...I'm the crazy one..But Mittens thinks god loves on K-Bob or some such planet and no matter how much evil he levees on the non believers and the gays he will get his own planet later on doncha know... Ya I'm the crazy one... Got it.

What you afraid Romney wont like your boyfriend?

Are you afraid of your own sexuality, buckeye. Are you secretly drawn to huggy?

Your kind of talk has nothing to do with forwarding Romney's election chances.
The left seems to be in the usual bigoted rut about Christian religions.

The Morman Church/Cult, which Romney has sworn his ultimate allegience to, has no more business having access to nukes than does Iran.

Yeah they said that about JFK. The Pope was going to control the President and run the country. When you and JoeB post, can put an mp3 of dueling banjos as well, it fits the mood.

Ya..they "said" that about JFK but it was a red herring. Mittens actually places his church above the government of the United States. Big scary difference.
In this country one isn't supposed to be held accountable for their family members actions like in stone age societies.

We don't think a grandchild should be punished for a crime by their grandfather.

We don't think a child should be punished for their father's actions.

So why the fuck should a parent be accountable for what their child did or didn't do?

So asswipe, since you rape farm animals.....should we punish your mother ?

It isn't a matter of holding one accountable.

It's a matter of understanding one's values.

Romney's value stance is clear on this one.

John McCain's sons signed up for military service. So did Sarah Palin's son. They don't talk shit and let other people do the hard work.

Romney. Meh. Let the poor people do it. Dying in Wars is for Poor People.
You Guy's do know military service is voluntary right? This thread is laughable the left supported Bill Clinton who did not serve over both George H.W.Bush and Bob Doyle who did you supported Barak Obama who never served over John McCain who did but now it's some big deal because neither Romney or his sons choose to serve in the military.Can anyone else smell the hypocrisy?
The Morman Church/Cult, which Romney has sworn his ultimate allegience to, has no more business having access to nukes than does Iran.

Yeah they said that about JFK. The Pope was going to control the President and run the country. When you and JoeB post, can put an mp3 of dueling banjos as well, it fits the mood.

Ya..they "said" that about JFK but it was a red herring. Mittens actually places his church above the government of the United States. Big scary difference.

Do you have a link to him saying that?
In this country one isn't supposed to be held accountable for their family members actions like in stone age societies.

We don't think a grandchild should be punished for a crime by their grandfather.

We don't think a child should be punished for their father's actions.

So why the fuck should a parent be accountable for what their child did or didn't do?

So asswipe, since you rape farm animals.....should we punish your mother ?

It isn't a matter of holding one accountable.

It's a matter of understanding one's values.

Romney's value stance is clear on this one.

John McCain's sons signed up for military service. So did Sarah Palin's son. They don't talk shit and let other people do the hard work.

Romney. Meh. Let the poor people do it. Dying in Wars is for Poor People.

You're an irrational fool.
Neither Obama or Romney's religion matters. Only the economy matters.

Sorry Jake. Under normal circumstances I would agree. I dislike all religion but the LDS CULT is off the charts whackadoodle. Mormanism is a whole nuthermutherfucker. Can't go there. These guys are certifiable.

It's almost funny when bigots sincerely believe that their bigotry is of a different nature than others - because they are right dammit! :rolleyes:

Neither Obama or Romney's religion matters. Only the economy matters.

Sorry Jake. Under normal circumstances I would agree. I dislike all religion but the LDS CULT is off the charts whackadoodle. Mormanism is a whole nuthermutherfucker. Can't go there. These guys are certifiable.
So religion of "God damn America" is okay, but a former Massachusetts Governor whose religion almost never came up during his term of office is a whackdoodle?

You have a funny way of blastin'.

[ame=""]Funny Way of Laughing---Burl Ives - YouTube[/ame]

Neither Obama or Romney's religion matters. Only the economy matters.

Sorry Jake. Under normal circumstances I would agree. I dislike all religion but the LDS CULT is off the charts whackadoodle. Mormanism is a whole nuthermutherfucker. Can't go there. These guys are certifiable.
So religion of "God damn America" is okay, but a former Massachusetts Governor whose religion almost never came up during his term of office is a whackdoodle?

You have a funny way of blastin'.

[ame=""]Funny Way of Laughing---Burl Ives - YouTube[/ame]

Indeed, the left/concerned trolls have no problem with that....
Of course Marxist influenced religions fit in with their extreme ideas
about how the world should work.

Funny how that works

Here boy
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All thinking Americans rightfully dismiss NeoTroll and his babbling far righty nonsense

The fact the far right and the far left are using religion as a wedge issue remains scandalous.

Neither candidate endorse such scandalous behavior, and I respectfully suggest to the wacks that you shut the fuck up. You are doing America no good.
Republicans refused to even pay higher taxes when they were insisting on invading Iraq - when they were sending people to die for them. That's how they conceive of people's responsibilities in America: You die for them, and they...sit back on their yachts and collect their tax cuts.

shocking that we wouldnt want to burden the American people more when we are spending trillions of dollars. Perhaps politicians should be responsible and do with less rather than continually thinking the American people should pay for their privileges and pet projects.

Why do you want to burden to the people with higher and higher taxes? How is making people miserable by enslaving them to the government a good thing?

What happened to national defense being one of the few legit functions of the Federal government? When did Cons decide even that wasn't worth chipping in for?
Neither Obama or Romney's religion matters. Only the economy matters.

Sorry Jake. Under normal circumstances I would agree. I dislike all religion but the LDS CULT is off the charts whackadoodle. Mormanism is a whole nuthermutherfucker. Can't go there. These guys are certifiable.
So religion of "God damn America" is okay, but a former Massachusetts Governor whose religion almost never came up during his term of office is a whackdoodle?

You have a funny way of blastin'.

[ame=""]Funny Way of Laughing---Burl Ives - YouTube[/ame]

Obama kicked Wright to the curb for good reason. Let's see Mitt disavow the cult he belongs to and I'll rethink his qualifications to be president.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Yeah I am sure we will see Obamas daughters volunteer just like we saw Clintons kid. Stop being stupid.
the left is as wrong for jumping on Romney's religion as the right is for Obama's religion. Neither attack advances the cause of the American republic.
the left is as wrong for jumping on Romney's religion as the right is for Obama's religion. Neither attack advances the cause of the American republic.

Romney brought this on himself, when he attacked Obama for "wanting this country to be more secular".

[ame=]Romney claims Obama attacking religious at CNN Arizona Debate - YouTube[/ame]
Wah! He started it!! Don't be silly.

Well to be Democrat really attacks their opponent's religion.

That's what Republicans do.

I just posted a youtube showing it.

You have one of Obama attacking ANYONE'S faith?

I'll even help you out a bit.

You have one of ANY DEMOCRAT ATTACKING THE FAITH OF A REPUBLICAN? And we are talking about people seeking elected office..not talk show hosts. Which, by the way, you folks believe to be part and parcel with the Rush Limbaugh so nicely illustrates.
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You Guy's do know military service is voluntary right? This thread is laughable the left supported Bill Clinton who did not serve over both George H.W.Bush and Bob Doyle who did you supported Barak Obama who never served over John McCain who did but now it's some big deal because neither Romney or his sons choose to serve in the military.Can anyone else smell the hypocrisy?

The problem is, Clinton was opposed to the war and Obama wasn't really a hawk, either. (Of course, both of these guys learned to love military action when they got into the big chair. They all do.)

Romney, on the other hand, never saw a war he didn't like, so long as the working class scum were the ones doing the fighting and coming home in the body bags.

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