Romneytard the sore loser insults minorities and young voters

Damn....I thought you died. Oh well, someday you will burn in hell.

Your party is gone, GB, for good: my new GOP is going to make you cry ~ still con on economics but the cultural and religious changes will make you choke.

Oh lookie, a methhead hick.

Yeah just keep telling yourself that only freeloaders voted against you.
Don't come to grips with how far from the mainstream the G.O.P. platform has gone.
But get ready to hear those three magic words: President Hillary Clinton ....
GB, you are no judge of eternity, only a mere gnat here on earth. Jindall and others have called out Romney and the far right for why we lost. You folks will never again influence the choice of good candidates.

lordbrown trout
He rewarded millions with obamaphones and other gifts out of the treasury. O will continue to exploit you and you'll love it.

Hope long before we'll see an end to this STOOOOOPID "ObamaPhone" lie?

Largesse out of the treasury from O. It doesn't mattter if it's healthcare or whatever. The phone thing has been around for years but somehow it really exploded a few weeks ago.
Is he hurting them by telling the truth?

Which part is true?

This part: You just tried to move the posts.

"Romney claimed Obama had been "very generous" to blacks, Hispanics and younger voters, according to the Times, insisting that the policy decisions had been a decisive factor in high turnout that tipped the scale against him."

You just tried to move the posts.

If you mean generous in promoting policies that appeal to their demographic then it is true. What free stuff did Obama offer Hispanics? The Dream Act?
Why Mitt Romney will regret blaming his loss on Obama's 'gifts' to minorities - Yahoo! News

1. First, he's simply incorrect

2. Romney is hurting the GOP effort to broaden its appeal

3. Republican constituencies get plenty of loot, too

[like free telephones that have been given out for several generations but since rw's only just learned that, they lie and blame on Obama]

4. This just shines a light on Romney's other failures

I disagree that Mitt will regret this new bunch of lies. We know now that he lives on lies and always has. What's a few more lies to someone as utterly dishonest as Mitt Romney?
Romney is hurting the GOP effort to broaden its appeal
It's hardly a surprise that Romney's fellow Republicans, including Jindal and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, are upset, says Aaron Blake at The Washington Post. They're obviously "ready for the Romney chapter to be over." Romney's White House dreams might have vanished, but theirs haven't. And Romney's sour grapes "won't help the GOP's efforts to win over minority voters," especially given his earlier remark about how the "47 percent" of Americans who pay no federal income taxes were destined to vote for Obama because they're dependent on the government

These days telling it like it is is bad for anyone who doesn't fall in with the left's ideology.

Being honest is bad.

Telling the 47%ers what they want to hear but doing the opposite is admirable.

If Republicans are willing to stand by their position that 47% of Americans are lazy and looking for Government handouts, I encourage them to do so

The problem is, it is more like 97%. Most of us rely on the other 3% to give us jobs.
The American middle class, the consuming class, spends 2/3rds of the $$$ in the economy, so the middle class are the real job creators.
lordbrown trout
He rewarded millions with obamaphones and other gifts out of the treasury. O will continue to exploit you and you'll love it.

Hope long before we'll see an end to this STOOOOOPID "ObamaPhone" lie?

Largesse out of the treasury from O. It doesn't mattter if it's healthcare or whatever. The phone thing has been around for years but somehow it really exploded a few weeks ago.

Thanks for admitting you're lying about one part of this but then, you turn around and lie about another part.

Do you rw's really believe that only libs/Dems/those who voted for Obama are the recipients of help?

Do you really think we should just stop helping the elderly and children to have enough to eat? Or, should we only let Dem voters starve in the streets?

Why do you keep repeating these same lies? Do you really believe that saying the same lies over and over will magically make them true?
Which part is true?

This part: You just tried to move the posts.

"Romney claimed Obama had been "very generous" to blacks, Hispanics and younger voters, according to the Times, insisting that the policy decisions had been a decisive factor in high turnout that tipped the scale against him."

You just tried to move the posts.

If you mean generous in promoting policies that appeal to their demographic then it is true. What free stuff did Obama offer Hispanics? The Dream Act?

Lifeline, established in 1984, was originally created to subsidize landline phone service for low income Americans, funded by government-collected telecommunication fees, paid by consumers.
In 2008, the program was expanded to support cell phones which quickly escalated the cost of the program. In 2008 the program cost $772 million, but by 2011 it cost $1.6*billion.
A 2011 audit found that 269,000 wireless Lifeline subscribers were receiving*free phones and monthly service*from two or more carriers. Several websites have been created to promote “free” government cell phones, including the” The Obama Cell Phone” website at
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lordbrown trout

Hope long before we'll see an end to this STOOOOOPID "ObamaPhone" lie?

Largesse out of the treasury from O. It doesn't mattter if it's healthcare or whatever. The phone thing has been around for years but somehow it really exploded a few weeks ago.

Thanks for admitting you're lying about one part of this but then, you turn around and lie about another part.

Do you rw's really believe that only libs/Dems/those who voted for Obama are the recipients of help?

Do you really think we should just stop helping the elderly and children to have enough to eat? Or, should we only let Dem voters starve in the streets?

Why do you keep repeating these same lies? Do you really believe that saying the same lies over and over will magically make them true?

Just speaking the truth. Why do you lie so much?
These days telling it like it is is bad for anyone who doesn't fall in with the left's ideology.

Being honest is bad.

Telling the 47%ers what they want to hear but doing the opposite is admirable.

If Republicans are willing to stand by their position that 47% of Americans are lazy and looking for Government handouts, I encourage them to do so

The problem is, it is more like 97%. Most of us rely on the other 3% to give us jobs.

Nobody "gives" you a job. They make a profit off of every employee
Largesse out of the treasury from O. It doesn't mattter if it's healthcare or whatever. The phone thing has been around for years but somehow it really exploded a few weeks ago.

Thanks for admitting you're lying about one part of this but then, you turn around and lie about another part.

Do you rw's really believe that only libs/Dems/those who voted for Obama are the recipients of help?

Do you really think we should just stop helping the elderly and children to have enough to eat? Or, should we only let Dem voters starve in the streets?

Why do you keep repeating these same lies? Do you really believe that saying the same lies over and over will magically make them true?

Just speaking the truth. Why do you lie so much?

You're more than welcome to prove anything I say is a lie.

You won't because you can't.

Read mudwhistle's post concerning free phones. He copied/pasted, apparently hoping we would believe he wrote that. He didn't. Here are several links. Read them and tell me what I lied about. Start with some R lies ...

Uncle Sam's Unlimited Plan: How the Government's Cell Phone Giveaway Is Costing You Billions | Congressman Tim Griffin : Congressman’s Slippery Cell Phone Claim

Where do

Origin of
He's right. It's about race and free shit.

Nothing else matters to those voters.

And as long as you treat your fellow Americans as if that were true, they will not be the least bit interested in supporting your party.
It is true, those who vote based on race in free shit will always vote Democrat. How the hell do you think Obama won?

Are you somehow trying to compare the bush surplus checks not given during election time, to free contraceptives for life, and his lowering of the tuition rate increase, not actual tuition rate. So explain to me how these policies were not aimed to get young votes, and how that is different from gift giving to attract votes?

The whole democratic party is undeniably based on giving more through the government on taxpayers dollars. And look at where their votes come from.

Republicans believe that yes, the government should have some part in the "giving", but it should mainly be for our elderly, and disabled. Others also include job lookers (to an extent), and some people who have just had a rough time; that being said these people should be given much opportunity to provide and contribute to society. And everyone knows something needs to be done about social security, because hey, its running out...probably in 10 years. Republicans know that the government does not do a good job with almost any of the social or business programs. They do fine with law enforcement and military, but other than that they suck. Try to name one good government program, if you can name one, compare it to a private program out there cause its not going to hold a flame to a private program. Most of these programs are run by politicians, for politicians and lawyers, not the people.
He's right. It's about race and free shit.

Nothing else matters to those voters.

And as long as you treat your fellow Americans as if that were true, they will not be the least bit interested in supporting your party.
It is true, those who vote based on race in free shit will always vote Democrat. How the hell do you think Obama won?

"those who vote based on race in free shit"

While those who vote R, do so because they are unable to read or write a coherent sentence.
Thanks for admitting you're lying about one part of this but then, you turn around and lie about another part.

Do you rw's really believe that only libs/Dems/those who voted for Obama are the recipients of help?

Do you really think we should just stop helping the elderly and children to have enough to eat? Or, should we only let Dem voters starve in the streets?

Why do you keep repeating these same lies? Do you really believe that saying the same lies over and over will magically make them true?

Just speaking the truth. Why do you lie so much?

You're more than welcome to prove anything I say is a lie.

You won't because you can't.

Read mudwhistle's post concerning free phones. He copied/pasted, apparently hoping we would believe he wrote that. He didn't. Here are several links. Read them and tell me what I lied about. Start with some R lies ...

Uncle Sam's Unlimited Plan: How the Government's Cell Phone Giveaway Is Costing You Billions | Congressman Tim Griffin : Congressman’s Slippery Cell Phone Claim

Where do

Origin of

Obama Phone

Quit lying.
Jefferson had to fend off the evangelical and anti-science conservatism in his own party in 1800 and 1804.

We will do it as we get ready in 2014 and 2016 to beat the Dems.

The far right meat heads who obstruct the new party dynamics will be excluded from decision making in the GoP.
This part: You just tried to move the posts.

"Romney claimed Obama had been "very generous" to blacks, Hispanics and younger voters, according to the Times, insisting that the policy decisions had been a decisive factor in high turnout that tipped the scale against him."

You just tried to move the posts.

If you mean generous in promoting policies that appeal to their demographic then it is true. What free stuff did Obama offer Hispanics? The Dream Act?

Lifeline, established in 1984, was originally created to subsidize landline phone service for low income Americans, funded by government-collected telecommunication fees, paid by consumers.
In 2008, the program was expanded to support cell phones which quickly escalated the cost of the program. In 2008 the program cost $772 million, but by 2011 it cost $1.6*billion.
A 2011 audit found that 269,000 wireless Lifeline subscribers were receiving*free phones and monthly service*from two or more carriers. Several websites have been created to promote “free” government cell phones, including the” The Obama Cell Phone” website at

Oh for crying out loud..

Do you Republicans realize how stupid you look with your incessant whining about freaking cell phones? Cell phones were a big deal 30 years ago, now everybody has a cell phone. You can get one for $20 a month

Do you really think votes were bought for a stinking cell phone?

Its not even Obama's program. 1984, who was President? Reagan. 2008, who was President? Bush
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