Ron DeSantis Is Officially Running For President

You started out calling me names. In response, I observed many things about you and informed you of those findings. The very fact that you continue down this path means you're not very intelligent. Hatred and anger go along with that. Just an observation you would be smart to adhere to.

Show me. Use that quote function...where did I call you anything in this thread?
Quote it just like this...
At least we avoided becoming a complete moron like you.

Reproduce it, or apologize and promise to take your own advice... or be a bald faced liar...I'll wait.
Show me. Use that quote function...where did I call you anything in this thread?
Quote it just like this...

Reproduce it, or apologize and promise to take your own advice... or be a bald faced liar...I'll wait.
You can't be serious, you made personal attacks in nearly all the posts, I don't have the time or desire to look them all up.
You can't be serious, you made personal attacks in nearly all the posts, I don't have the time or desire to look them all up.
You're a bald faced liar or a coward for not owning up to your mistake.

That's not name calling.

That's a fact.

Produce just ONE name I've called you in this thread...just one...and I'll happily retract that and apologize.

But you won't, because you can't.
You're a bald faced liar or a coward for not owning up to your mistake.

That's not name calling.

That's a fact.

Produce just ONE name I've called you in this thread...just one...and I'll happily retract that and apologize.

But you won't, because you can't.
Nice try. I see what you did here. You did learn to be deceptive. You switched tactics from the library thread. You imply insults rather than just blurt them out. Who said an old dog couldn't learn new tricks. Sorry, that still doesn't make you right.
Nice try. I see what you did here. You did learn to be deceptive. You switched tactics from the library thread. You imply insults rather than just blurt them out. Who said an old dog couldn't learn new tricks. Sorry, that still doesn't make you right.

You read what you expected to see...not what I wrote.

And that's the problem with see what you want to see.

And then refuse to admit that it was YOU calling names. It was YOU being unintelligent.

Now eat your crow sandwich and take your own advice...

You started out calling me names. In response, I observed many things about you and informed you of those findings. The very fact that you continue down this path means you're not very intelligent. Hatred and anger go along with that. Just an observation you would be smart to adhere to.
You read what you expected to see...not what I wrote.

And that's the problem with see what you want to see.

And then refuse to admit that it was YOU calling names. It was YOU being unintelligent.

Now eat your crow sandwich and take your own advice...
You're still trying to justify yourself. Why do you feel the need to do that ? Because you know in your heart it's not true. Even in doing so you revealed one of your prejudices, defining all liberals as seeing what they want to see. You started this shit show, you are the one who calls people names all the time, you are the one with all this anger and rage this all the profanity. You're only fooling yourself.
You're still trying to justify yourself. Why do you feel the need to do that ? Because you know in your heart it's not true. Even in doing so you revealed one of your prejudices, defining all liberals as seeing what they want to see. You started this shit show, you are the one who calls people names all the time, you are the one with all this anger and rage this all the profanity. You're only fooling yourself.
It's a fact Stann.

You swore up and down that it was I calling you names...and now even you are forced to admit that it never happened...but somehow you grasp to find a rationalization that keeps you in the right...even though the reality is you were absolutely wrong.

And you continue to dig the hole deeper and deeper...for no reason but pride and ignorance.

You claimed experience is the best teacher...and then prove that statement false.

Experience SHOULD teach you to be open minded and read what is written...not what you expect to be written.

Experience SHOULD teach you to own up to your mistakes...not rationalize them.

And experience SHOULD teach you that the first thing to do when you find yourself at the bottom of a hole is to PUT DOWN THE SHOVEL.

You've learned not one of these cock sure you are of your own superiority.

Learn some humility.

You were 100% wrong.

Be a man and admit it.
That's the whole problem you can't look at yourself. Is it really that bad for you.
Look at myself and what Stann.


I didn't.

I knew I didn't call you any names, because I had no intention to.

You call ME names...and then had the audacity to give ME a lecture about calling names being unintelligent...WHEN IT WAS ONLY YOU NAMECALLING!!!

I understand that it must be very difficult to have to eat the very words that YOU posted...but you brought it completely and 100% on yourself.

There is nooooo version of this discussion where you are making a valid argument outside of your own mind.

You were wrong.

You were the only one name-calling.

By YOUR OWN said you were unintelligent.

You can accept that, or don't...but it doesn't change that those are the facts.

You can have the last word.

A man would admit he was wrong...

...I don't expect you to do that.
Look at myself and what Stann.


I didn't.

I knew I didn't call you any names, because I had no intention to.

You call ME names...and then had the audacity to give ME a lecture about calling names being unintelligent...WHEN IT WAS ONLY YOU NAMECALLING!!!

I understand that it must be very difficult to have to eat the very words that YOU posted...but you brought it completely and 100% on yourself.

There is nooooo version of this discussion where you are making a valid argument outside of your own mind.

You were wrong.

You were the only one name-calling.

By YOUR OWN said you were unintelligent.

You can accept that, or don't...but it doesn't change that those are the facts.

You can have the last word.

A man would admit he was wrong...

...I don't expect you to do that.
You obviously didn't look at those 40 plus exchanges we had ; I cannot confess your guilt. That's your job and yours alone.
You obviously didn't look at those 40 plus exchanges we had ; I cannot confess your guilt. That's your job and yours alone.
You admitted yourself there is not one instance of me calling you anything.

I'll give you a THIRD opportunity to produce the quote.

Just one example.

I'll wait.

Should be easy.
Look at how easy it is...

Or like this...

That's three times in less than a minute...

...your turn...

How is it that I can produce your namecalling soooo easily...yet you continue to struggle???

Because there is nothing for you to quote.

<Jeopardy music plays 🎵🎶🎵>
Or like this...

You just corrupted a dialogue. That isn't allowed on this site. You've been reported.
Take it to the bullring, bitches.
I'll be happy to take your disinterested third party opinion and then drop it.

You've always told it like it is.

Please tell the man he's wrong.

Or I'm wrong and that I did in fact call Stann a name.
I'll be happy to take your disinterested third party opinion and then drop it.

You've always told it like it is.

Please tell the man he's wrong.

Or I'm wrong and that I did in fact call Stann a name.

I can't care.

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