Ron DeSantis Is Officially Running For President

You are absolutely correct. That being true, Hitler is still better than democrats.
Hitler utilized a national culture of dislike, hostility towards the Jews to catapult his tyranny against them and anyone else he didn't like were thrown in for good measure. Democrats have never murdered anyone, they just allow women to make their own decisions, unlike the republicans who are largely authoritarian fascists( just like Hitler was ). Also abortion never was and isn't murder.
Hitler utilized a national culture of dislike, hostility towards the Jews to catapult his tyranny against them and anyone else he didn't like were thrown in for good measure. Democrats have never murdered anyone, they just allow women to make their own decisions, unlike the republicans who are largely authoritarian fascists( just like Hitler was ). Also abortion never was and isn't murder.
Democrat Operative James Hodgkinson tried to kill every Republican he had on his list found in his shirt pocket, but he just rearranged the organs and tissues of one Republican the day he shot up House Majority Whip, Representative Steve Scalise who was practicing for a baseball game but who was at the top of the Democrat's list. It was collusion of a Democrat because somebody told him he could hit a Republican practicing for a game, where there were fewer g-men than in Steve Scalise's Capitol office. Somebody told him what they were doing and where they were playing. He asked a bystander where the republicans were at when he got there. That Democrat was gonna kill 'em all. You talk about a national culture of dislike, look straight back at the Democrat Party pretending they oh, had no idea, one of their own would do such a thing. Yeah, right. Just look at one or two videos of AOC screaming inanities at Republicans several times. She looks and acts like the authoritarian fascists you blame the Republicans for being (just like Hitler was.)

You're stooping pretty low when you throw in the Third Reich at the Republican Party the Democrats regularly attempt to humiliate for things unknown and things unseen, and voting against Democrats--wrong! Republican US Congressmen and US Congresswomen vote on issues, not personalities. Bernie Sanders' regular volunteer, Mr. Hodgkinson tried to do what the Bolsheviks did to the Czar, Czarina, and eleven children, two of whom were infants. You tell me about Hitler. I'll tell you about six million Jews Hitler used sarin on to get rid of them, instead of deporting them or, God forbid, allowing them to live and let live. Murder is murder. And attempted murder is a very, very serious wrong.
Maxine Waters calls on supporters to "harass" Trump officials in public (aka stalking necessary to harass officials to know where they're having lunch. A Democrat information junkie in the Capitol has to tell Maxine's creepy stalkers where to stalk and execute her will of hatred on White House Staffers). Oh, by the way stalking a White House staffer is a crime. against the United States of America.
Maxine Waters calls on supporters to 'harass' Trump officials in public as the criminal she is.

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You just reaffirmed a mentally ill woman's beliefs about an entire group of Americans. Now, since her opinion of them is so low the next step for her may well be to go out and buy a gun and kill those people. Actual people, just like Hitler was able to dehumanize and murder the Jews, etc. Homosexuals were included in his list of undesirables. You really want to promote that type of sickness all over again.

You're trying to change the subject, as usual. You party's baby murders far exceed the death tolls of the Nazis, and you really hate anybody knowing that. There are a couple of mods here who will feel your pain; feel free to get my posts deleted like the other deviant gimps do when they can't refute a point.
Grownup politicians who live in a state where senior citizens retire to and considers removing senior benefits is not my idea of presidential material. He needs a few more years of earning a more mature view of how societies reward those who gave up money and many good deeds to prosper others and family to have all they never got when they were young and poor. I do respect your viewpoint, however. DeSantis is a great father and family man, and I hope that he will benefit all the people in the USA a little bit better. That's all.

Good. I'm glad that we agree to disagree then.
Sorry Trump, this is my top pick. :D

View attachment 788401
Sorry Trump, this is my top pick. :D

View attachment 788401
Yep, we got some great back up now.

Otherwise if the left attempt's to destroy Trump completely, then I'm definitely pivoting to Desantis. Also if Trump screws up, and attacks Ron in a very distasteful way, then it's over with my vote going to Trump.

It's all good....

Now of course the Left is going to see Desantis as the weaker candidate up against Trump, and their plan will be to try and use Trump in a very tricky way in order to destroy Desantis if they possibly can, and then if that doesn't happen (where as Trump goes out first), then they'll go completely insane trying to destroy Desantis next.

They'll use the LGBT whatever type of issue to try and destroy Desantis in hopes that they can create an emotional plot that will (in their minds), turn sentiment against mean ole Desantis. The parent's have got Desantis back. No sane parent wants the bull shat going on in regards to their kid's that has been going on in these damned failed institutions now. He's got that vote sewn up.

The black activist who dwell on racism and white this and white that are already working their angle on Desantis by claiming Florida is dangerous for Black's.

BULL SHAT... It's just the race card being thrown again for political purposes.

Gotta becareful of any politician attempting to use group's to win their bid for them. I don't put anything passed any of them doing it.
Democrat Operative James Hodgkinson tried to kill every Republican he had on his list found in his shirt pocket, but he just rearranged the organs and tissues of one Republican the day he shot up House Majority Whip, Representative Steve Scalise who was practicing for a baseball game but who was at the top of the Democrat's list. It was collusion of a Democrat because somebody told him he could hit a Republican practicing for a game, where there were fewer g-men than in Steve Scalise's Capitol office. Somebody told him what they were doing and where they were playing. He asked a bystander where the republicans were at when he got there. That Democrat was gonna kill 'em all. You talk about a national culture of dislike, look straight back at the Democrat Party pretending they oh, had no idea, one of their own would do such a thing. Yeah, right. Just look at one or two videos of AOC screaming inanities at Republicans several times. She looks and acts like the authoritarian fascists you blame the Republicans for being (just like Hitler was.)

You're stooping pretty low when you throw in the Third Reich at the Republican Party the Democrats regularly attempt to humiliate for things unknown and things unseen, and voting against Democrats--wrong! Republican US Congressmen and US Congresswomen vote on issues, not personalities. Bernie Sanders' regular volunteer, Mr. Hodgkinson tried to do what the Bolsheviks did to the Czar, Czarina, and eleven children, two of whom were infants. You tell me about Hitler. I'll tell you about six million Jews Hitler used sarin on to get rid of them, instead of deporting them or, God forbid, allowing them to live and let live. Murder is murder. And attempted murder is a very, very serious wrong.
Maxine Waters calls on supporters to "harass" Trump officials in public (aka stalking necessary to harass officials to know where they're having lunch. A Democrat information junkie in the Capitol has to tell Maxine's creepy stalkers where to stalk and execute her will of hatred on White House Staffers). Oh, by the way stalking a White House staffer is a crime. against the United States of America.
Maxine Waters calls on supporters to 'harass' Trump officials in public as the criminal she is.

I stopped reading when you called James Hodgkinson a " Democratic Operative ". If you start off with a lie you can't expect anyone to listen to the rest. He was another crazy person with an agenda. Somewhat like the agenda you posted here. Are you attempting to say violence is acceptable or are you declaring war on Democrats. Either way you are just another crazy extremists attempting to fortify your hatred and lies.
You're trying to change the subject, as usual. You party's baby murders far exceed the death tolls of the Nazis, and you really hate anybody knowing that. There are a couple of mods here who will feel your pain; feel free to get my posts deleted like the other deviant gimps do when they can't refute a point.
What ? I didn't bring up abortion, you did, you idiot, in post 56.
All the people ? While attacking and legislating bills of hatred towards minorities. No love there.
Minorities? What kind of minorities? Racial? LGBTQABCXYZs? Jewish? Nazis? Short people like me? lololol! "minorities" has become more vague and vaguer as the sociocommunism, Bernie Sanders' leftists like the late James Hodgkinsons and the Fox Channel new buyers start firing speakers for their free speech opinions that made the firers' footshoot themselves beyond all imagination?
Minorities? What kind of minorities? Racial? LGBTQABCXYZs? Jewish? Nazis? Short people like me? lololol! "minorities" has become more vague and vaguer as the sociocommunism, Bernie Sanders' leftists like the late James Hodgkinsonsand the Fox Channel new buyers start firing speakers for their free speech opinions that made the firers' footshoot themselves beyond all imagination?
Republicans are passing laws against women controlling their own autonomy, attempting to limit sex education topics in schools, specifically affecting transgendered youth and gay students, but in the end aff crying all students adversely, in my state the republicans just passed a bill adversely affecting transgender youth and their families. I don't know how much more of this bullshit Americans can take before the call the Republicans out on these fascist moves.
At least we avoided becoming a complete moron like you.
You're so angry. I suggest you schedule more therapy.

And maybe a self-help book.


Amazon product ASIN 1623157307
I stopped reading when you called James Hodgkinson a " Democratic Operative ". If you start off with a lie you can't expect anyone to listen to the rest. He was another crazy person with an agenda. Somewhat like the agenda you posted here. Are you attempting to say violence is acceptable or are you declaring war on Democrats. Either way you are just another crazy extremists attempting to fortify your hatred and lies.
Oh, yes, James Hodgkinson was a Democrat Party Operative. And somebody inside Washington DC wanted him to know where the Republicans were having their practice, and the police reported that they found his kill list inside his upper pocket, which told the rank each Congressman on his list was highest and lowest. Somebody helped him know who was the biggest pain in the butt to the Democrat establishment, which of course would be the majority whip just before Mr. Hodgkinson took his guns and ammo to kill as many people on his handwritten kill list, with the most influential one on the top, second was #2, third was #3 and so forth. He had help with ranking who he was going to kill first and last. Fortunately, he was stopped by the Republicans' watchful House's bodyguard who put himself at risk by stopping the killings-off of specifically high-ranking Republicans. He worked for Bernie Sanders before he went into hit man mode. He was filled with hatred because of lies the Democrats told about Republicans who never harmed them in any way, shape or form. His political hatred, learned at the foot of Bernie Sanders' and Hillary Clinton's Alinsky method of changing a free country like America into a Communist hellhole like every communist country in the world is like who had to kill off 100 million people in China and millions of Russians at the behest of the hateful and murderous Bolsheviks who lied to the people to say they were working "for the people," but guess what!!! The leaders became as rich as their predecessor, except they hired a bunch of murderers to protect themselves when they went about their killing off people who said they were doing needlessly offensive warlike killings against anyone who had even criticized the Bolsheviks in the smallest of ways. They answered every "you shouldn't" with bloody murders of entire villages and towns. And they went after Jews that they hated for having saved their money and having more money than them who blew their cash on guns and ammunition to kill people they didn't find conveniently kissing their footsies.
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Republicans are passing laws against women controlling their own autonomy, attempting to limit sex education topics in schools, specifically affecting transgendered youth and gay students, but in the end aff crying all students adversely, in my state the republicans just passed a bill adversely affecting transgender youth and their families. I don't know how much more of this bullshit Americans can take before the call the Republicans out on these fascist moves.
Republicans did not pass laws against women. The actual incident about abortion was that long ago the previous Supreme Court erred in bringing it as a national law, when the Constitution specifically gave that kind of power to the individual states. The Supremes didn't change the law, they fixed a Constitutional error and gave that particular power to the individual states, where people can decide for their own state what works for the people in the independent states they were intended to be.

Stop lying about Republicans passing laws against women. Some states have more individuals who are pro life, and other states have more individual citizens who support abortion than don't. People who are devout Catholics do not want their children committing that particular sin. Some religions avoid the topic, and some other churches consider the act of abortion is one of murder. My church doesn't take sides, and people like me sit peacefully near a friend who staffs the Planned Parenthood agency. I went for years knowing I couldn't kill my child-to-be, but I didn't care what others did. I didn't become an opponent until my religious Human Psychology Professor won a debate with me using bible scriptures. Even then, I didn't talk about it much, but I realized he was 100% correct. God knows that baby is there from the time it's conception as a 2-cell zygote. Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born, and his wife Sarah was well into her old age that day. She had every physical body reason to get rid of the baby, but instead, she welcomed him with glee because she had wanted to have Abraham's son for a lifetime, and she was happy when he was born. Today, doctors don't want elderly women having babies. Go figure.
I didn't become a real opponent until I read the statistics of death to newborns in America had increased to a million a year sometime in the earliest years of the millenium, maybe a few years later. The million mark in America plus the medical finding that little fetuses experience pain in the womb when they are being killed with arsenal tools. These things changed my mind about being docile about abortion, and you may not know this, but a small percentage of people remember details of their birth. To think that a near full-term baby can be acutely aware of his painful end to life knows he is in trouble--that troubles my heart in the severest of ways. I just didn't know the hard facts about the victim of the abortion. I know Jesus weeps, because I do too at vespers, when I recall the video of a fetus fighting for its life while the abortionist is poking him in the back of his head to suck out his brains, thinking that it's okay because once the brain is gone, it's less painful for the small human being's mom to get rid of a burden she hates or doesn't wish to be inconvenienced by. That's all.
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Republicans are passing laws against women controlling their own autonomy, attempting to limit sex education topics in schools, specifically affecting transgendered youth and gay students, but in the end aff crying all students adversely, in my state the republicans just passed a bill adversely affecting transgender youth and their families. I don't know how much more of this bullshit Americans can take before the call the Republicans out on these fascist moves.
Maybe you ought to consider whether or not you are on the right side of history or on the wrong side of it ? If all of a sudden it dawned on you that you have been wrong for so long now, would you fight it or finally except it ???

I don't believe that your foolish pride would ever let you admit to your folly in life.
No, I'm not angry at all. Getting upset and calling people names that you're talking to is something the less intelligent among us do. You should know that. Perhaps it's just something you're accustomed to so you don't even realize you're doing it.
I think your cognitive facilities are slipping.

You called me names.


I called you nothing whatsoever. So please reread your post above and apply it accordingly. ;)
I think your cognitive facilities are slipping.

You called me names. I called you nothing whatsoever. So please reread your post above and apply it accordingly. ;)
You started out calling me names. In response, I observed many things about you and informed you of those findings. The very fact that you continue down this path means you're not very intelligent. Hatred and anger go along with that. Just an observation you would be smart to adhere to.

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