Ron Desantis thanks President Biden for Surfside aid

I hope DeSantis and other Americans curse Joe Dufus for the inflation, high cost of energy, promise to increase taxes, being an embarrassment to this country, letting the Illegals flood in and stealing an election from the American people.
Synthaholic WTF are you babbling about? DeSantis has done nothing but be great for our state of Florida....oh and fyi, Florida faired better than most of the dems states BY FAR. We got heard immunity to slow the transmission of the Delta Covid---California really f'ed the pooch on this. Come this winter----its going to be an even bigger shit storm in Cali.
Synthaholic WTF are you babbling about? DeSantis has done nothing but be great for our state of Florida....oh and fyi, Florida faired better than most of the dems states BY FAR. We got heard immunity to slow the transmission of the Delta Covid---California really f'ed the pooch on this. Come this winter----its going to be an even bigger shit storm in Cali.
Sure. But none of that will matter when the orange douche bag turns on DeSantis. That has been the only defining criteria for who's in and who's out in your God-forsaken party.
Since the left hates DeSantis so much, are they willing to engage in street by street battle to keep him out of the white house?
No, we leave that to the right-wing nut jobs. We will vote against him in the elections, though.

Yeah, that is more the right wing. Left wingers prefer looting and burning
Do tell. Tell us again how it was the Antifa who looted and burned the Capitol on Jan 6th.
Since the left hates DeSantis so much, are they willing to engage in street by street battle to keep him out of the white house?
No, we leave that to the right-wing nut jobs. We will vote against him in the elections, though.

Yeah, that is more the right wing. Left wingers prefer looting and burning
Do tell. Tell us again how it was the Antifa who looted and burned the Capitol on Jan 6th.

So you're the Queen of England speaking with the royal we or you're hearing voices in your head? Or do you have hordes of imaginary followers who hang on your every word? Or even you know you're a loser and your opinion is worthless on it's own?

Antifa insurrectionists burned and looted US cities all last summer, and you're one of the traitors who supported them. Pass it on ...
It must be great for a governor to be able to get help without having to kiss trumps flabby arse and make a speech praising the fat pig.
It must be great for a governor to be able to get help without having to kiss trumps flabby arse and make a speech praising the fat pig.

Partisanship is the most bizarre thing to me. This is something that applies to both parties, like when Cuomo praised Trump. I would never say this in reverse. Smart governors all praise the President of the other party when they need their help and they get it. The world just revolves around the Democrat party for you that you think Democrats aren't partisan. Bizarre
Oh...oh. What are the odds on how soon Desantis goes from Conservative darling to American traitor? As it is, Rump would not have been pleased that Desantis may be getting better ratings than others among the party faithful, and now this? Nope, doesn't look good.
I don't think no worse of him, he put his people first as the way it should be. Unlike that bitch Pelosi that withheld help to Americans that needed money to make Trump look bad.
Governor DeSantis will make a superlative vice president.

If Trump runs, I'd like to see Tim Scott or Kristi Noam as Veep. Then have DeSantis run in 2028. DeSantis is such a strong candidate, I hate to waste him on a shit job like Veep
Governor DeSantis will make a superlative vice president.

If Trump runs, I'd like to see Tim Scott or Kristi Noam as Veep. Then have DeSantis run in 2028. DeSantis is such a strong candidate, I hate to waste him on a shit job like Veep
No. Being VP will place DeSantis admirably to run for president in 2028

He's already positioned for that. Clearly both parties think he's the frontrunner outside Trump. Democrats clearly have the most vitriol for him showing they are afraid of him already. They should be. He's Trump, but he speaks better to people not on his side. Trump was great for the base but offended everyone else.

He also has the same base as Trump.

I live in Florida, he's a great governor. I'm excited for him to clean the clock of a Democrat
Since the left hates DeSantis so much, are they willing to engage in street by street battle to keep him out of the white house?
No, we leave that to the right-wing nut jobs. We will vote against him in the elections, though.

Yeah, that is more the right wing. Left wingers prefer looting and burning
Do tell. Tell us again how it was the Antifa who looted and burned the Capitol on Jan 6th.

So you're the Queen of England speaking with the royal we or you're hearing voices in your head? Or do you have hordes of imaginary followers who hang on your every word? Or even you know you're a loser and your opinion is worthless on it's own?

Antifa insurrectionists burned and looted US cities all last summer, and you're one of the traitors who supported them. Pass it on ...
LOL. In other words - you justify the looting and burning of the Capitol by trumptards by pointing to the looting and burning by the Antifa?

And you trumptards wonder why we don't take you seriously. And by "we" I mean the rest of the world. Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:

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