Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert

I think their party falls into a few groupings. Those who are pushing policies to normalize the sexualizing of children, running interference for those who are actual pedophiles, and the balance of them that are simply caught up in a vicious type of tribalism that causes them to support ANYTHING that would offend or anger those on the Right.

Which doesn't make them any less guilty of promoting that stuff. They can read, and they all know the history by now, and they're fine with faggot freaks who get sexually aroused by dressing up in womens' clothes and dancing in front of children.
Do you believe it's "authoritarian" to force little kids to wear masks all day while the government officials that invoke such mandates are exempted? DeSantis saved Florida school children from that insanity.
What govt workers were exempted???
The Obama Administration used its power to go after rightwing non- profits, how is that different from DeSantis going after Disney? Why do you condemn one and not the other? Disney was using a tax loophole that Democrats raise hell about but it is okay for Disney?

Like I said, I dislike DeSantis and what he did to Disney is wrong but he is no different than the Democrats that you fail to call out. It is the hypocrisy and the justifying of wrong that each side does that is disturbing. Democrats and Republicans are no different, they just excuse their own wrongdoing. I also dislike sweetheart tax deal Disney gets, but that doesn’t excuse DeSantis for what he did.

Obama didn't direct a single thing related to those audits. Punishment of Disney for criticizing him is DeSantis' baby. He has orchestrated each and every part of it. From initiating the punishment of Disney for their criticism, to appointing every board member.

DeSantis went as far as to call a special session of the legislature just to pass the laws that allowed him to target his critics for punishment by the State.

The IRS was working with a new rules after a Supreme Court ruling changing political donations and creating PAC. They did unnecessary delays and requests for additional information of both conservative and liberal groups as they worked out the new rules...with the vast majority (70%) passed without incident. "Tea Party" might result in extra scrutiny, but so would "ACORN" or "Green Energy".

The IRS changed its policy to remove keywords that could impact wait times and information requests. The Inspector General found there was no political motivations in the policy.

Yet you directly compare this to EXPLICIT targeting of critics of DeSantis, with DeSantis openly and proudly punishing free speech critizing conservatives?

That's a poor comparison. What DeSantis is doing is an intentional targeting that he seeks to escalate and export to the rest of the nation. The IRS issue was poor implementation of new rules as the IRS tried to navigate a new Supreme Court ruling......that the IRS refined within about 18 months. There was no intentionality, nor did Obama have a thing to do it.
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Whatcha think about that, cupcake? :D

I think conservatives will be delighted by DeSantis using the power of the State to punish free speech that criticizes conservatives.

And that using the power of the State to punish criticism of most definitely a conservative value.
Good answer, I bet that took a lot less brain power than to defend my rebuttal back to you. need to pout. You just vastly overestimate your priority in my posting.

You've got your rebuttal....when I had time for it.
Really simple and compact.Pay attention :

Democracy + Private Ownership = Capitalism
Democracy + Public Ownership = Socialism
Dictatorship + Private Ownership = Fascism
Dictatorship + Public Ownership = Communism

{ Leonard Roy Frank } 20th century epigrammist
Yes, not a bad start. If you have to distinguish regimes in the modern world, you could do worse.

But as we look more closely at these words, and, more importantly, at the reality they're supposed to describe, we run into some difficulties.

For instance, your definition requires that the word 'capitalism' and 'socialism' imply 'democracy'. That is, that they embrace not just an economic system, but also a political system. I believe that's confusing.

And, of course, we then have to explore what each of these terms has referred to in the real world over the last couple of hundred years.

For instance, was Britain in 1950 ... with plenty of democracy plus plenty of public ownership ... 'socialist'?

Do we really want to call South Korea and Taiwan, for about 30 years after the end of the Korean War, 'fascist'? How about Iran today?

And what about China today? Or Russia today? Plenty of private ownership in the former, and the latter -- like Iran -- is not really a full-fledged totalitarian one-party state.

So I think restricting ourselves to your definitions, handy as they are as a first pass, obscures more than it reveals. What I don't like is the use of words like 'fascist' (or, on the Right, 'communist', as just swear-words, sort of like calling your political opponent a 'poopy-head'.

Another aspect: Your definitions are for end-points. We also need words for political movements ... and we can have very different political movements which aim at the same end points.

Also: better not to use that 'to be' verb ('is/was socialist') but rather to start with the real world -- in this case, various ways in which the means of production can be owned/controlled , plus various ways government can be set up and run ... and then see to what extent our limited stock of words can apply to them, given that our words are discrete and fixed, but reality is continuous and changing.
Which doesn't make them any less guilty of promoting that stuff. They can read, and they all know the history by now, and they're fine with faggot freaks who get sexually aroused by dressing up in womens' clothes and dancing in front of children.

I think conservatives will be delighted by DeSantis using the power of the State to punish free speech that criticizes conservatives.

And that using the power of the State to punish criticism of most definitely a conservative value.
Promoting sexuality to little children is NOT free speech; It's something that should carry capital punishment.
Promoting sexuality to little children is NOT free speech; It's something that should carry capital punishment.
Disney merely criticized DeSantis and his law. And criticizing DeSantis is absolutely free speech.

As I said.....using the power of the State to punish free speech that criticizes absolutely a conservative value. Your ilk love it. They celebrate it. They want to expand and export such punishments for free speech.

Demonstrating the lie that was always conservative commitment to free speech.
Promoting sexuality to little children is NOT free speech; It's something that should carry capital punishment.
Can you give examples of Florida schools promoting sexuality to 5 to 8 year olds in their curriculum?

I think the whole thing is a made up lie, because I've seen no evidence of it even happening??? Only right wing political driven, accusations, but have seen no evidence Florida board of education have pushed this on to schools for 5 to 8 year olds???
Can you give examples of Florida schools promoting sexuality to 5 to 8 year olds in their curriculum?

I think the whole thing is a made up lie, because I've seen no evidence of it even happening??? Only right wing political driven, accusations, but have seen no evidence Florida board of education have pushed this on to schools for 5 to 8 year olds???

Republicans are the kings of unicorn leash laws.
Can you give examples of Florida schools promoting sexuality to 5 to 8 year olds in their curriculum?

I think the whole thing is a made up lie, because I've seen no evidence of it even happening??? Only right wing political driven, accusations, but have seen no evidence Florida board of education have pushed this on to schools for 5 to 8 year olds???
A few school boards did..

No, the FL Board of Education did not.

I'm not chasing squirrels for you. :nono:

Warning: Text is pretty small.

Ok, I lied, I chased the squirrel!

Historically the FL education system has been pretty good, and now it's getting even better! :banana:
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This is a private organization being punished. Not one government v. another government.

And DeSantis took it even further. He had a board of his cronies created to oversee Disney's infrastructure.....including the head of an Evangelical Christian Ministry.

Now if Disney says anything DeSantis OR this Evangelical Church don't like........Disney can be punished. Garbage services can be withheld, vital infrastructure projects denied, construction rejected, even highways built through the middle of DisneyWorld. This board can borrow money at unfavorable terms....and Disney is on the hook for it. They can raise tax rates. Or lower them until maintenance of vital infrastructure is untenable.

If Disney releases a movie with a character that DeSantis or this Evangelical Church doesn't like.....Disney can be punished.

If Disney does anything out of sync with the conservative agenda......Disney can be punished.

This is the conservative conception of 'free speech'. And conservatives want to export it nation wide.
What is your apparent expertise on what DeSantis set in motion as
to Disneys Terms for compliance.Or is this a matter of what YOU
determine as to what DeSantis is forcing upon Disney.
A few school boards did..

No, the FL Board of Education did not.

I'm not chasing squirrels for you. :nono:

Warning: Text is pretty small.

Ok, I lied, I chased the squirrel!

Historically the FL education system has been pretty good, and now it's getting even better! :banana:
The same Counties { Broward and Miami-Dade } who each election cycle
are caught attempting to Cheat and committ Voter Fraud.
I mean,even forced to retire Brenda Snipes who was not about to
leave of her own accord.The Broward County Supervisor of elections
for many years.15 Years at the job and appointed by Jeb Bush and
elected four times.
Jeb Bush finally had enough and said via Twitter { Nov.12,2018 }
" There is no question that Broward County Supervisor of Elections,
Brenda Snipes failed to comply with Florida law on multiple counts,
undermining Floridians' confidence in our electoral process,
Supervisor Snipes should be removed from the office following
the recounts. "
A few school boards did..

No, the FL Board of Education did not.

I'm not chasing squirrels for you. :nono:

Warning: Text is pretty small.

Ok, I lied, I chased the squirrel!

Historically the FL education system has been pretty good, and now it's getting even better! :banana:
Total FLUFF PIECE on DeSantis...Duke!!! Still no real example of it ever being a problem....I'd like to see an example, a real life one.

You all are being lured down another vacant rabbit hole, for the continuance of your made up faux crisis and hate bashing of democrats....think for yourself, stop letting your leaders telling you what you should think.... it's usually pure propaganda and circus.
Total FLUFF PIECE on DeSantis...Duke!!! Still no real example of it ever being a problem....I'd like to see an example, a real life one.

You all are being lured down another vacant rabbit hole, for the continuance of your made up faux crisis and hate bashing of democrats....think for yourself, stop letting your leaders telling you what you should think.... it's usually pure propaganda and circus.
Say Palsy name for us { The American citizens } what day
the Democrats stopped { for just a day } the attacks upon their
Betters { Republicans }.Not a single day goes bye bye w/o both the
MSM or Democrats making sure to Bash the Republicans.
Yer not sane.You just proved it again.
Disney merely criticized DeSantis and his law. And criticizing DeSantis is absolutely free speech.

As I said.....using the power of the State to punish free speech that criticizes absolutely a conservative value. Your ilk love it. They celebrate it. They want to expand and export such punishments for free speech.

Demonstrating the lie that was always conservative commitment to free speech.
Do you believe that the Left -- liberals, progressives, socialists of all sorts -- is committed to Free Speech?

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