Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert

I dont disagree that fascism id also political

How else can the state control the economy except by controlling the people?
Fascism is political. It's not economic. Fascist economics can take any economic system it needs to serve the nation.

The purpose of fascism is to serve the state. Any corporation that doesn't serve their state is punished.
Uh huh, sure.

This of course coming from the statist shills who never dare question the government, and love when multinational billion dollar corporations infringe on citizens’ rights on behalf of the government.

Literally bizzaro world.
That's 100% accurate. DeSantis didn't even try and hide it. Disney criticized him....and DeSantis pushed legislation through the Florida Legislature that stripped Disney of its authority over its neighborhoods around Disney World.

In direct response to Disney's criticism of DeSantis.

DeSantis responded to free speech by using the power of the state to PUNISH those that criticized him.

Hawley tried to strip Disney of its copy rights in response its criticism of DeSantis, as Hawley and DeSantis tried to one-up each other.

And your ilk *cheered*. They loved it. The delighted in using government power to make the liberals pay.

Trump tried to punish Kimmel for mocking and criticizing him. Trump tried to get Twitter to remove Chrissy Teigan's posts calling him a 'pussy ass bitch'. Again, using the power of the State to punish those criticizing Trump.

Using the power of the state to punish free speech criticizing absolutely a conservative value.

DeSantis is only catering to the authoritarian tendencies of his base.

Almost 100% false.
Democrat governor or Republican, people have been flooding to family did in the early 80s.... No state income tax, and the weather, and when I was younger, cheaper real estate was an incentive also, to bring more people in to the State.

Retirees, sure.
Not people in the prime of their earning life.
50 years low crime rate.
Most people are fleeeing crime and dictatorial blue state politicians.
The Parkland School shooting. There's a real-life example for you. :(

As far as the grooming BS in the schools, it was only a problem in a few blue counties in FL; That problem is now rectified! :D
Rectified it? A problem that barely existed if really at all? Not without harming a lot of innocent teachers and democrats and parents and the community through the filthy accusations of grooming towards other innocent citizens. Your politicians suck, as human beings imo!
What? Florida's Covid mortality rate was, as a percentage, much lower than states such as New York and Michigan in spite of having many more elderly citizens.

She is full bore Idiot Cultist.
Facts have no effect on her.
DeSantis striipped Disney of its self a punishment for criticizing him. Literally using the power of the State to PUNISH the use of free speech that criticized his policies.

“You’re a corporation based in Burbank, California, and you’re gonna marshal your economic might to attack the parents of my state,” DeSantis said Friday before signing the bill into law at a ceremony in Hialeah Gardens. “We view that as a provocation, and we’re going to fight back against that.”

DeSantis was *explicit* that this was punishment for Disney's criticizing his Don't Say Gay bill.

And Conservatives CHEERED. They loved this shit. They LOVE the idea of conservatives using the power of the state to punish those that criticize them. They love the idea of the State exacting a price for being critical of conservatives. Of making the 'liberals' pay.

.....because its an ACTUAL conservative value. Not free speech.

She's a propagandist, not an expert.
No, she's an academic who specializes in Italian fascism -- mainly in its 'cultural' aspects, and in the somewhat paradoxical phenomenon of fascist 'modernity'. Otherwise, she's a typical liberal academic. She has written a book which generalizes on 'strongmen' -- I've got it on order but haven't read it yet. Francis Fukayama is rather critical of it Here's his take:
Unfortunately, Ben-Ghiat provides no conceptual framework for distinguishing between different types of strongmen, and gives us very little insight into Donald Trump beyond what is already widely known.

What we get instead is an endless series of historical anecdotes about a heterogeneous collection of bad leaders ranging from democratically elected nationalists like Modi to genocidal fanatics like Hitler. What sense does it make to put Silvio Berlusconi in the same category as Muammar Qaddafi or Saddam Hussein? Berlusconi may have been sleazy, manipulative and corrupt, but he didn’t murder political opponents or support terrorism abroad, and he stepped down after losing an election. Ben-Ghiat notes that many strongmen came to power in the 1960s and ’70s through military coups, but that today they are much more likely to be elected. Wouldn’t it be nice to know why coups have largely vanished?

Ben-Ghiat’s case selection seems quite arbitrary: For example, strongmen of the left like Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez or Ecuador’s Rafael Correa are not included, nor are women like Indira Gandhi. If we are focusing on populists in democratic countries, why include autocrats who never faced an election? An analytical framework would allow us to understand how strongmen differ from one another, rather than lumping them into a single amorphous category.

This is too bad, because Trump really does deserve more careful comparison with other leaders. There are indeed certain parallels between him and contemporary populists like Hungary’s Orban, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Poland’s Jaroslaw Kaczynski, insofar as they all rely on a similar rural social base for their support.

On the other hand, there are unexplained differences: Orban, Duterte and El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele, for example, used the Covid pandemic to vastly expand executive authority, while Trump did the opposite, abdicating responsibility and shifting authority to the governors.

Most strongmen are ruthlessly efficient and Machiavellian; Trump demonstrated incredible incompetence in failing to build his border wall, repeal Obamacare or expand his voter base.

And, of course, he failed to win re-election to a second term. Revelations in The New York Times of Trump’s tax returns suggest he ran for president not out of a mad desire for power, but simply to avoid bankruptcy in his failed hotel business.

And yet, despite myriad revelations, he exerted a magnetic pull on his core followers. Why? Perhaps it might be more useful to understand the ways that Trump is sui generis, and how he could set a pattern for strongmen of the future, rather than reprising familiar precedents from the past.

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I consider using the power of the State to punish a business for exercising its free speech by criticizing DeSantis and his law be authoritarianism.

I consider conservative's delight in seeing DeSantis using the power of the State to punish free speech critical of be the truest demonstration of what conservatives ACTUALLY believe about free speech.

They don't give a fiddler's fuck about protecting speech. They care about using the power of the state to punish critics.

Except none of what you are saying is actually true.
That's a bit of a problem for your argument.
Uh.. Yep. You may be cheering for DeSantis' brand of bullying, but if we let him get away with it - liberals will be happy to play the same game, and you won't like it. The answer to overbearing liberal government isn't overbearing conservative government. It's keeping state power restrained so it's not overbearing to begin with.

Letting DeSantis use the apparatus of the state to "go after" his political enemies is really fucked up. You'll regret cheering for it.
For conservatives it difficult to find common ground with anyone outside of another MAGA

Even then I have to apply the Reagan rule 100% agreement on every point is not possible

So a 90% ally is still an ally worth having
I am in 100% agreement with that sentiment. I'll see you and raise you one: a 10% ally is still an ally worth having.
Desantis is a big believer in states rights and less government iterference. The current administration in the Executive Branch is the real threat to our "Constitutional Republic," as evidenced by their repeated attacks on our Constitution and Bill of Rights. In short the Biden Administration and its sycophants are the true Fascists.

Absolutely and well stated.
Uh.. Yep. You may be cheering for DeSantis' brand of bullying, but if we let him get away with it - liberals will be happy to play the same game, and you won't like it. The answer to overbearing liberal government isn't overbearing conservative government. It's keeping state power restrained so it's not overbearing to begin with.

Letting DeSantis "go after" his political enemies with the force of law is really fucked up. You'll regret cheering for it.

I would agree.
If you were using an actual example.
What you are claiming is fiction.
I think their party falls into a few groupings. Those who are pushing policies to normalize the sexualizing of children, running interference for those who are actual pedophiles, and the balance of them that are simply caught up in a vicious type of tribalism that causes them to support ANYTHING that would offend or anger those on the Right.

Classic Cult Behavior

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