Ron Johnson and Rick Scott want to end Medicare and SS.

Why go to Canada?
You can die in the US on a 7 month waiting list for critical care, and go broke doing so.
More Americans are going abroad for some healthcare.....the rich ones.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said Wednesday that Social Security and Medicare should be up for congressional approval each year, instead of staying under their current status as federal entitlement programs.

“Social Security and Medicare, if you qualify for the entitlement, you just get it no matter what the cost,” Johnson said in an interview that aired Tuesday on “The Regular Joe Show” podcast.

GOP's new plan: Raise taxes on working people, end Social Security and Medicare​

Let the republicans in congress, it will be the end of SS and Medicare as we know it. What would these people in WI and Florida do with Medicare and SS.

Take the SS cap off, it should be there anyway. Medicare is going towards private anyway, they will hike the prices up when a certain % age have Medicare Advantage Plan (private)
People can't afford it under Democrats either.
More can. That’s the problem with democrats. They still try to compromise with lunatics in the GOP.
GOP is a party of election, climate change, healthcare deniers that routinely serves the rich FIRST.
More can. That’s the problem with democrats. They still try to compromise with lunatics in the GOP.
GOP is a party of election, climate change, healthcare deniers that routinely serves the rich FIRST.

We tried to pass a law that would allow people to legally purchase less expensive prescriptions out of Canada. Booker led the effort to defeat that.
People can't afford it under Democrats either.
Huge difference. At least the attempts of the Dems are towards insuring more. Progressives are the only political group that supports what a majority wants, universal healthcare. GOP, they are for die early so rich can live better.
We tried to pass a law that would allow people to legally purchase less expensive prescriptions out of Canada. Booker led the effort to defeat that.
Why support a law that encourage an American to buy a drug from a country that gets it’s drugs from AMERICA. It still is over priced.They should be buying it from American drug companies like Canada does for their negotiated price. Dah. So Booker alone had all that power ?
People can't afford it under Democrats either.
It's just that republicans, make it so obvious.

Republicans Opposed Giving Medicare The Power To Negotiate Lower Drug Prices. For nearly 20 years, Medicare has been banned from negotiating the price of prescription drugs, and Big Pharma has been able to dictate prices while Americans pay three times more for their medications than people in other countries. Republicans voted with their Big Pharma allies to continue to block Medicare from negotiating the prices for select drugs purchased at the pharmacy counter and administered at the doctor’s office.

Republicans Opposed Capping Out-Of-Pocket Spending For Seniors. Republicans voted against helping seniors with serious conditions like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis save thousands of dollars on prescriptions, by opposing the Build Back Better Act which caps Medicare Part D out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs at $2,000 per year beginning in 2024.

Republicans Voted Against Lowering the Price of Insulin. Republicans opposed capping insulin co-pays for all Americans with insurance at $35 each month.
Huge difference. At least the attempts of the Dems are towards insuring more. Progressives are the only political group that supports what a majority wants, universal healthcare. GOP, they are for die early so rich can live better.

Why support a law that encourage an American to buy a drug from a country that gets it’s from AMERICA. It still is over priced.They should be buying it from American drug companies like Canada does for their negotiated price. Dah. So Booker alone had all that power ?

Because it is more affordable out of Canada. You argue for something that is NOT going to happen. Booker makes sure there is enough (D) votes to defeat anything to do with lower priced pharmaceuticals.

14 of the largest 20 Pharmaceutical companies are located in N.J. and Booker is going to protect their interests.
It's just that republicans, make it so obvious.

Republicans Opposed Giving Medicare The Power To Negotiate Lower Drug Prices. For nearly 20 years, Medicare has been banned from negotiating the price of prescription drugs, and Big Pharma has been able to dictate prices while Americans pay three times more for their medications than people in other countries. Republicans voted with their Big Pharma allies to continue to block Medicare from negotiating the prices for select drugs purchased at the pharmacy counter and administered at the doctor’s office.

Republicans Opposed Capping Out-Of-Pocket Spending For Seniors. Republicans voted against helping seniors with serious conditions like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis save thousands of dollars on prescriptions, by opposing the Build Back Better Act which caps Medicare Part D out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs at $2,000 per year beginning in 2024.

Republicans Voted Against Lowering the Price of Insulin. Republicans opposed capping insulin co-pays for all Americans with insurance at $35 each month.

I don't disagree that Republicans are open about it. In the end though the result is the same. It's just like with the debt. Republicans claim to want to address it but when in power up, up, up it goes.
People can't afford it under Democrats either.
Exactly. Because dems compromised on Medicare and Obamacare just to get the votes to get it passed for the middle class who lost their healthcare from job loss during a gop led recession.

Fewer people died under the compromise much to the dismay of republicans.
Still a compromise by Dems with a gop party that has no intent in serving anyone but the rich.
Exactly. Because dems compromised on Medicare and Obamacare just to get the votes to get it passed for the middle class who lost their healthcare from job loss during a gop led recession.

They compromised with each other.

Fewer people died under the compromise much to the dismay of republicans.
Still a compromise by Dems with a gop party that has no intent in serving anyone but the rich.

They both serve the rich.
Because it is more affordable out of Canada. You argue for something that is NOT going to happen. Booker makes sure there is enough (D) votes to defeat anything to do with lower priced pharmaceuticals.

14 of the largest 20 Pharmaceutical companies are located in N.J. and Booker is going to protect their interests.
That’s a stupid compromise. “ more affordable “, dah. You’re still paying over priced drugs and supporting Canadian retailers. That’s foolish. We SHOULD be buying them directly from AMERICAN DRUG COMPANIES at even lower NEGOTIATED PRICES from NJ. The last time I looked, New Jersey was AMERICAN. Dah.
You still want to buy shit from OVERSEAS ? Hilarious.
That’s a stupid compromise. “ more affordable “, dah. You’re still paying over priced drugs and supporting Canadian retailers. That’s foolish. We SHOULD be buying them directly from AMERICAN DRUG COMPANIES at even lower NEGOTIATED PRICES from NJ. The last time I looked, New Jersey was AMERICAN. Dah.
You still want to buy shit from OVERSEAS ? Hilarious.

If you have something productive to say, haven't done it yet. Canada is offering it. American drug companies are not.
They compromised with each other.

They both serve the rich.
Of course they both serve the rich. Did you finally realize that ?
But at least Dems support some of the rich in this country.
If you have something productive to say, haven't done it yet. Canada is offering it. American drug companies are not.
I’m more productive then you. You support buying shit from abroad for inflated prices instead of buying MADE IN AMERICA. That’s another stupid compromise. You. Want to dump billions into CANADA ? Not only buying from abroad, but buying shit made in America from abroad. We just passed a law to buy for a negotiated price LIKE CANADA does...Booker is right on thisif that’s what you claim. Support Canada ? That’s dumb. You need to post BOOKER’s actual reasoning IF he’s doing it.
They support all the rich.
This drug plan was a stupid trump idea..
Here is what we SHOULD BE DOING INSTEAD IF DUMPING BILLIONS INTO CANADA. Pass laws that reduce prices HERE.
For one thing, you have no control of SAFETY and another, it should be bought cheaper from our own drug companies.
This drug plan was a stupid trump idea..
Here is what we SHOULD BE DOING INSTEAD IF DUMPING BILLIONS INTO CANADA. Pass laws that reduce prices HERE.
For one thing, you have no control of SAFETY and another, it should be bought cheaper from our own drug companies.

People dying like flies all over Canada over bad drugs. LOL
They support all the rich.
I see you’re now bailing out.....because we are right and you’re delusional conservatives ideas are wrong. Price controls should be here, pay for drugs cheaply to OUR COMPANIES, NOT FOREIGN countries.
I see you’re now bailing out.....because we are right and you’re delusional conservatives ideas are wrong. Price controls should be here, pay for drugs cheaply to OUR COMPANIES, NOT FOREIGN countries.

I always get a chuckle when I get called a conservative for arguing for affordable health care for all. LOL

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