Ron Paul 3rd party petition


Aug 5, 2012
Ron Paul 2012 | It's NOT too late!

Sign folks...that's all ya gotta do is just sign it...Don't know if he will run as independent or not but I sure hope so. Would be exciting.Plus would get to watch at the romneytards wiggle and squirm the entire 2 months until the election :)
Oh I am voting for Johnson unless Paul decides to run. I know he has the money and support but we shall see if he wants to deal with the bs some more. He has a moron in Jesse Benton for Campaign Manager he needs to fire his ass if he decides to run.
Not really. They did a poll back in May if he ran as independent or 3rd party Romney would win with 43%Obama at 39% and Paul at 13%. Any more stupid comments?
Don't know if it will make a difference or not don't really care if he runs or not. If not I will vote for Gary Johnson.
It's September 2. The election is November 6. How many ballots would Ron Paul be on if he announced now? 3?
No idea. Now if him and Gary Johnson decide to get together and Judge Gray will step aside as VP candidate for the Libertarian party Paul could be the presidential candidate and Johnson VP.
No idea. Now if him and Gary Johnson decide to get together and Judge Gray will step aside as VP candidate for the Libertarian party Paul could be the presidential candidate and Johnson VP.

And if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a tricycle.
Truly the spectacle of Ron Paul supporters never ceases to amaze me. They cling to the idea that all it would take would be for everyone to listen to even a snippet of Ron Paul and they would all go libertarian.
The actual truth is that voters have thumbed their noses at Paul in at least two national elections. He is the crazy uncle of the GOP. At least until the election. T hen he is a has-been.
No idea. Now if him and Gary Johnson decide to get together and Judge Gray will step aside as VP candidate for the Libertarian party Paul could be the presidential candidate and Johnson VP.

And if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a tricycle.
Truly the spectacle of Ron Paul supporters never ceases to amaze me. They cling to the idea that all it would take would be for everyone to listen to even a snippet of Ron Paul and they would all go libertarian.
The actual truth is that voters have thumbed their noses at Paul in at least two national elections. He is the crazy uncle of the GOP. At least until the election. T hen he is a has-been.

That's not what I believe at all actually. Sure I like to turn people on to Ron Paul like I was taught about him but some people like the government being in every aspect of their life,they want cradle to grave nanny state. That's their choice however stupid it may be. They must enjoy the idiots we get every 4 years...I sure don't.
I'll vote for the one person who has a chance of taking Obama out. Anyone with any sense at all would do the same. Unless they want 4 more years of this shit........
So with Romney we get 4 more years of thanks. America is to far gone down the toilet to just let Romney move us along same ole same old mediocrity its time for a new America at the very least time for America to fall and let the pieces fall where they may. Whether that be multiple nations popping out of that or not its fine with me.
pubs have become the third party. Ron Paul Libertarians are the new repub party.

The only thing RON Paul is doing now is insuring a fat career for his froot loop son.
Whatever floats your boat, I'll lay in some extra ammo .... I will fight for the USA. To the last....

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