Ron Paul announces third Presidenital run

Ron Paul is the only candidate I know of willing to discuss the Federal Reserve and International bankers corrosive effect on our economy.

Name another candidate that is.

In the last election Chuck Baldwin and Cynthia McKinney had end the Fed in their platform.
Seeking Republican nomination.


This guy has ZERO chance of

(1) Getting the nomination
(2) Winning the election

Reminds me of Ralph "Corvair" Nader.

Where the hell is J.C. Watts? He needs to seek the nomination. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

JC Watts voted for Obama last time around. So he lost all credibility in my book.
Ron Paul is the Eugene McCarthy of the 21st century. He couldn't even poll well in TX. Even conservatives don't like this guy.

JC, I believe, stated he supported Obama (or something like that) - but did indeed end up contributing to McCain. Not sure who he voted for...
Seeking Republican nomination.


This guy has ZERO chance of

(1) Getting the nomination
(2) Winning the election

Reminds me of Ralph "Corvair" Nader.

Where the hell is J.C. Watts? He needs to seek the nomination. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

I see you are another "conservative" talker instead of a conservative walker. You are what is wrong with conservatism. Amazing that the whole tea party emerged out of Paul's shadow, yet all the "me too" folks still berate him.
Seeking Republican nomination.


This guy has ZERO chance of

(1) Getting the nomination
(2) Winning the election

Reminds me of Ralph "Corvair" Nader.

Where the hell is J.C. Watts? He needs to seek the nomination. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

[ame=]YouTube - Message To Ralph Nader[/ame]

:lol::lol::lol: Ya, we deal with this shit too...

Great Vid man! :clap2:
what are you proposing? Every candidate running should come to you to see if they have a chance of winning before they are allowed to try? sounds alot like the position Putin is in or the "Godfather", so which one do you want to be?

I am not proposing anything.
I am merely stating an opinion.
The guy doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.

Your opinion has been noted.

And dismissed.
Seeking Republican nomination.


This guy has ZERO chance of

(1) Getting the nomination
(2) Winning the election

Reminds me of Ralph "Corvair" Nader.

Where the hell is J.C. Watts? He needs to seek the nomination. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

I see you are another "conservative" talker instead of a conservative walker. You are what is wrong with conservatism. Amazing that the whole tea party emerged out of Paul's shadow, yet all the "me too" folks still berate him.

You don't see too well then son.

I agree with him - pretty much across the board.

But the fucking GOP won't give him the nomination.

Some idiot like "Newt" will get it.

The GOP needs to wake the fuck up, or we're going to have Obama around for four more years.
Seeking Republican nomination.


This guy has ZERO chance of

(1) Getting the nomination
(2) Winning the election

Reminds me of Ralph "Corvair" Nader.

Where the hell is J.C. Watts? He needs to seek the nomination. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

JC Watts voted for Obama last time around. So he lost all credibility in my book.
Ron Paul is the Eugene McCarthy of the 21st century. He couldn't even poll well in TX. Even conservatives don't like this guy.

I disagree. Conservatives like him just fine. Folks like you who call themselves conservative without a real clue don't like him. There is a difference.
Seeking Republican nomination.


This guy has ZERO chance of

(1) Getting the nomination
(2) Winning the election

Reminds me of Ralph "Corvair" Nader.

Where the hell is J.C. Watts? He needs to seek the nomination. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

I see you are another "conservative" talker instead of a conservative walker. You are what is wrong with conservatism. Amazing that the whole tea party emerged out of Paul's shadow, yet all the "me too" folks still berate him.

You don't see too well then son.

I agree with him - pretty much across the board.

But the fucking GOP won't give him the nomination.

Some idiot like "Newt" will get it.

The GOP needs to wake the fuck up, or we're going to have Obama around for four more years.

Then what you need to do junior (the hair I have left is gray) is get behind people like Paul, Johnson and Cain and support them with your time, money, words and votes instead of throwing up your hands and giving into the status quo. He doesn't stand a chance when people like you aren't willing to stand up and make a difference.
Seeking Republican nomination.


This guy has ZERO chance of

(1) Getting the nomination
(2) Winning the election

Reminds me of Ralph "Corvair" Nader.

Where the hell is J.C. Watts? He needs to seek the nomination. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

I see you are another "conservative" talker instead of a conservative walker. You are what is wrong with conservatism. Amazing that the whole tea party emerged out of Paul's shadow, yet all the "me too" folks still berate him.

You don't see too well then son.

I agree with him - pretty much across the board.

But the fucking GOP won't give him the nomination.

Some idiot like "Newt" will get it.

The GOP needs to wake the fuck up, or we're going to have Obama around for four more years.

Ok so first, I'm happy RP is running because I will vote for him and I KNOW he will do much better this time.

I think Ron Paul atm at least has the best chance of winning the GOP nod because of who he is up against in the Republican party.

I think Ron Paul would give Obama a run for him billion dollar campaign.

If you don't vote for someone you agree with because they have slightly less chance of winning than if you voted for someone you don't really agree with but still has no real good chance of winning that's on you.

I’m not going to tell anyone to vote for Ron Paul.

Oh yeah, here is a video that shows a clear difference between Ron Paul today and his popularity VS no one even knowing who he was back in 2008.
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Paul would be a good choice for the GOP, but I doubt he will get the nomination.

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