Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

So what? We are at the eve of another global war and it's so what?

Precisely why I didn't vote for Ron.

There can only be 'Global War' if the U.S. and Great Britain make it happen. Russia doesn't want a conflict with the West. It looks like the West wants a conflict with them though. The Ukraine is none of our business. Why are we involved? I still haven't heard a valid argument for it. That silly 'Putin's another Hitler' stuff just doesn't cut it.
If they "vote" with Russian guns on their necks, it can't be a legitimate election.

oh gush how brainwashed . And you call yourself democratic. I pity your guys and hope that some ofyou are still able to think clearly. I'm a russian and I've been recently in Crimnea. The citizens of the republic there are quite supportive of the change in the status of the republic. More than 95% voted for being a part of Russia. Nobody forced them to become russians. your media has demonized our country completely forgetting that America is a real culprit in today's world. You've destroyed tens of countries saying that those states were undemocratic and had to be freed. In Irak you killed the dictator. Ok, maybe the folks of Irak whould have thanked you had not you murdered 1 million of innocent citizens along the road and plunged the country in chaos. you didnt solve the problem you made it ten times as hard.

As to the referendum in Crimea, your hypocritical politicians point out that we shouldn't have intefered. But why? Give me one reason. The power in Ukraine was seized by the nationalists and corrupt politicians. The people didn't vote for them thus the government in the country is illegitimate and has got to be overthrown. Btw, there's a law in your constitution stipulating that you don't have to support an illegitimate govenment. Why is your president doing that?

you country is just exploiting that civil unrest to provoke us. There are millions of russians living there. they are afraid of the nationalists who are now oppressing anybody who is against them. Hundreds of thousands of Ukraineans leave their country and flee to Russia while the united states officials are acting as if they were completely blind and deaf... Iyou had visited the republic you would have seen people crying out of happiness. I saw it with my own eyes.

Guys, I really feel sorry for you. I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

Most Americans are pitifully uninformed. The American Government/Media Complex has them on lockdown. All they've been told is 'Putin's another Hitler.' So therefore we must intervene and waste several $Billions in Tax Dollars. They just don't know any better.
Yup. Neither the Communists or Neocons have presented a valid argument for our involvement in this conflict. So far all they have is 'Putin's another Hitler.' The Communists are only supporting it because their Dear Leader told them to. And the Neocons are just confused again. Sadly this will be another very costly interventionist misadventure. How many $Billions in Tax Dollars will be flushed over there? My guess is, way too much.

I found a big reason. :D I started a thread on it.

Check this out.

Oil and gas prize

The big economic prize in Crimea lies to the south, in the Black Sea natural gas fields.

Extraction from these fields has the potential to be substantial - up to 7 million tons in annual production capacity, by Bloomberg estimates.

US ExxonMobil and UK/Dutch Shell have also been in talks with Ukraine about deepwater offshore oil drilling, but the only problem is, all this oil is located under Crimean waters. The deal is estimated at $1 billion.

ExxonMobil’s Black Sea offshore plans are currently on hold, senior vice president Andrew Swiger told investors at an early March meeting.

On Thursday, Crimea’s authorities took under their umbrella Ukrainian oil and gas fields in the Black and Azov seas, according to the speaker of Crimea’s parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov.

He supports Russia’s Gazprom taking control of the oil and gas assets.

Crimea?s economy in numbers and pictures ? RT Business

Not surprising. Oil often plays a big role in U.S. interventions. I asked the Communists, what makes Ukrainians better than Georgians? They all ridiculed and rebuffed McCain when he wanted us to intervene on Georgia's behalf. Now they're all "We are all Ukrainians now." Very dishonest and hypocritical. I disagree with the Neocons, but at least they're honest & consistent. But you do make a great point. Oil could be the biggest motivation behind our involvement.

The port was another jewel snapped from the hands of the west. It's insane to think that our glorious leaders just thought that with the coup that Putin would just give up his key port to the west.

I have no doubt NATO members were salivating at the thought of grabbing it.

Alas, Putin out maneuvered them. Sheesh though. The thought that they actually believed that Russia was just going to go "ok, you can have it" is really disturbing as it shows not just idiocy but an arrogance beyond the norm.
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So what have we learned?...Referendums are only considered 'Legal' by the U.S. and Great Britain if they benefit them in some way. Otherwise, they're bad and definitely 'Illegal.' Bout sum this one up?
'Putin's another Hitler

I wanna make myself clear. I respect ordinary americans but I hate what you country is doing. So my posts are not attacks on commoners. I criticize the policy of your beloved president.

No, Putin is a a pretty influential political figure. And the magority of russians understand that he's got the intrests of the country at heart. However I'm not going to deny that he's certainly not an angel and we, russians, know it but still it's better to be under a russian tzar rather than under a politician appointed by the west. Putin is hitler? If hitler had been like him he wouldn't have burnt millions of people alive drove people from their land, leveled cities. In fact, there's no similarity between the two. He wants to discuss things with your government but the behaviour of your politicians claiming that Russia is being govened by criminals makes any discussion impossible.

ps, sorry for my English I know that it sucks but I just can't help but react to your messages
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'Putin's another Hitler

I wanna make myself clear. I respect simple americans but I hate what you country is doing. So my posts are not attacks on commoners. I criticize the policy of your beloved president.

No, Putin is a a pretty influential political figure. And the magority of russians understand that he's got the intrests of the country at heart. However I'm not going to deny that he's certainly not an angel and we, russians, know it but still it's better to be under a russian tzar rather than under a politician appointed by the west. Putin is hitler? If hitler had been like him he wouldn't burnt millions of people alive drove their people from their land, leveled cities. In fact, there's no similarity between the two. He wants to discuss thinhs but the behaviour of your politicians claiming that Russia is govened by criminals makes any discussion impossible.

ps, sorry for my English I know that it sucks but I just can't help but react to your messages

I hear ya, and thanks for your contribution to the thread. But not all Americans are so easily duped. Yes, most have bought into the 'Putin is another Hitler' propaganda, but not all. The American Media propaganda is incredibly powerful. They say he's 'Another Hitler', that's that for the most part. Most Americans will accept it as truth and fact.

Personally, i believe our involvement in this is wrong. It's none of our business. And we just don't have the Taxpayer Cash to hand out over there. We're already $18 Trillion in Debt. I just wanted to let you know that not all Americans support our Government's interference on this. Thanks again.
I hear ya, and thanks for your contribution to the thread.

Thank you too. Unfortunately, we are having it drilled in our heads that our countries will never be on friendly terms - there will always be rivalry between us. Personally, I find the russian president satisfactory and think that he's in a way as sly and cunning as Obama. Obana seems to be a person one may reason with. But your big coorporations influence his decisions and have turned him into a puppet. Maybe that's the reason why you are wasting the taxpayer money on both Ukraine and Siria? Any war might be a source of profit for self serving politicians and greedy corporations and any president needs the support of wealthy people :)
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'Fringe' to Communists and Neocons. But logical and just to others.

to radical extremists ... yeah

See, i would say you Communists and Neocons are the radical extremists. But it's all about perspective i guess.

Yes, that's true. I do disagree with a lot of what Ron Paul advocated, but I'm mostly just yanking your chain - sorry. I do agree with some - especially on fiscal responsibility.
Isolationism is a very thin veil indeed for irresponsible short-sightedness of the sort that can end up costing a shit load more later than it does now.
Isolationism is a very thin veil indeed for irresponsible short-sightedness of the sort that can end up costing a shit load more later than it does now.

Like i said before to all you Communists and Neocons...You're free to suit up and head over to Ukraine to fight. You're also free to hand your own bank accounts over to em. No one's stopping you. But don't force all of us to pay for another one of your costly misadventures.

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