Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...
Once again you, Paul, and other libertarians succeed in only exhibiting your ignorance.

Crimea did not ‘secede,’ the notion is ignorant idiocy:

Arriving in Brussels for the meeting of EU Foreign Ministers tomorrow, Foreign Secretary William Hague said:

“I condemn the fact that this referendum has taken place, in breach of the Ukrainian constitution and in defiance of calls by the international community for restraint.

Nothing in the way that the referendum has been conducted should convince anyone that it is a legitimate exercise.

The referendum has taken place at ten days’ notice, without a proper campaign or public debate, with the political leaders of the country being unable to visit Crimea, and in the presence of many thousands of troops from a foreign country. It is a mockery of proper democratic practice.

The UK does not recognise the referendum or its outcome, in common with the majority of the international community.”
The difference is that in crimea no one died and the people of crimea want to be part of Russia. In Iraq, 1 million died, and there was an insurgency against American occupation until the us military left.
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He did not.

Ok, he deluded himself then.

He didn't do that either.

Are you a machine that only answers "no"? Because you've run yourself out of choices. Kind of like a Russian Referendum.

Either he deluded himself (unconscious lie) or he lied deliberately. The only third option is that it never happened. Is that where you're going? :cuckoo:

I'm going with deliberate delusion.

Ok, he deluded himself then.

He didn't do that either.

Are you a machine that only answers "no"? Because you've run yourself out of choices. Kind of like a Russian Referendum.

Either he deluded himself (unconscious lie) or he lied deliberately. The only third option is that it never happened. Is that where you're going? :cuckoo:

I'm going with deliberate delusion.


Could a third possibility be that he simply didn't believe Blix and El Baradi when they said he had nothing beyond some missing precursors with a shelf-life?

Gross negligence then.

but again, if Putin's best justification is "bush did it," that comparison would first be false because W was trying to instill a republican democracy, and further even that didn't, necessarily, make it legal. Of course, Saddam was in no position to quibble with intl law after his treatment of the kurds and shiaa.

In short, an invalid comparison at best, and at worst, pointing to Iraq as the gold standard of interventions is setting the bar pretty low. LOL
I still haven't heard a coherent valid argument from the Communists and Neocons for our involvement in this. The Communists seem to be only supporting it because their Obamy told them to. None of their arguments make any sense. And the Neocons are completely lost as usual.

But i do have to say the Neocons have been honest and consistent. They wanted to intervene on Georgia's behalf back in the day too. I disagree with them, but at least they're honest and consistent. But the Communists have proven themselves to be dishonest hypocrites on this. They ridiculed McCain for saying "We are all Georgians." But now their Dear Leader's in there, so it's "We are all Ukrainians." You definitely can't trust them. They're both wrong on this.
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That you cant explain yourself is even a sad way.

Comparing guns to your head voting to our elections is bullshit and you know it

So, your contention here is that russians actually showed up in Crimea and put guns to each voters head? Is that what you're going with?

Do you think the Russian army showed up with lollipops and ice cream?


Come on they didn't "show up".

They are based in Crimea for crying out loud. Allowed to have up to 25,000 troops.
1997 treaty with the Ukraine. Their Black Sea Fleet is based out of Crimea.
He didn't do that either.

Are you a machine that only answers "no"? Because you've run yourself out of choices. Kind of like a Russian Referendum.

Either he deluded himself (unconscious lie) or he lied deliberately. The only third option is that it never happened. Is that where you're going? :cuckoo:

I'm going with deliberate delusion.


Could a third possibility be that he simply didn't believe Blix and El Baradi when they said he had nothing beyond some missing precursors with a shelf-life?

Gross negligence then.

Right, and we're back to self-delusion. It has to be one or the other; it's either conscious or unconscious.

but again, if Putin's best justification is "bush did it," that comparison would first be false because W was trying to instill a republican democracy, and further even that didn't, necessarily, make it legal. Of course, Saddam was in no position to quibble with intl law after his treatment of the kurds and shiaa.

In short, an invalid comparison at best, and at worst, pointing to Iraq as the gold standard of interventions is setting the bar pretty low. LOL

I didn't realize this was even supposed to be a comparison. :lol:

I don't think anybody's addressed this but where does Russia get the authority to hold a referendum on a territory they don't even own in the first place? I'm pretty sure that when Québec holds a sovereignty referendum, it isn't run by France....
So, your contention here is that russians actually showed up in Crimea and put guns to each voters head? Is that what you're going with?

Do you think the Russian army showed up with lollipops and ice cream?


Here the Russkies are forcing the people to demonstrate:





I still haven't heard a coherent valid argument from the Communists and Neocons for our involvement in this. The Communists seem to be only supporting it because their Obamy told them to. None of their arguments make any sense. And the Neocons are completely lost as usual.

But i do have to say the Neocons have been honest and consistent. They wanted to intervene on Georgia's behalf back in the day too. I disagree with them, but at least they're honest and consistent. But the Communists have proven themselves to be dishonest hypocrites on this. They ridiculed McCain for saying "We are all Georgians." But now their Dear Leader's in there, so it's "We are all Ukrainians." You definitely can't trust them. They're both wrong on this.
Is there any valid argument or are you just spewing nonsense so you and tiny can pat each other on the back and feel good about yourselves. Will any argument NOT be met with...but Bush did it...or you damned Americans...or Iraq....or Hitler wasn't real and appeasement isn't a word. Just because you think you are all knowing, it doesn't mean no one has made a valid argument. I would suggest you are close minded and refuse to listen to any argument unless it massages your fragile ego.

Hell, if you want to play it that way...

I'm yet to hear a valid argument for not intervening...all I can hear is the unsettling sound of a queef.
Personally, i'm rooting for the Peoples of Scotland, Venice, Catalonia, and Crimea. I hope they gain their Independence. I hope they're happy and prosperous. God Bless em.
So, your contention here is that russians actually showed up in Crimea and put guns to each voters head? Is that what you're going with?

Do you think the Russian army showed up with lollipops and ice cream?


Come on they didn't "show up".

They are based in Crimea for crying out loud. Allowed to have up to 25,000 troops.
1997 treaty with the Ukraine. Their Black Sea Fleet is based out of Crimea.
So you are saying Crimea was always part of Russia. Does that make any nation state where there is an American installation, American? There is a Russian base in Syria, does that make Syria part of Russia?

You are very anti-Ukraine.
I still haven't heard a coherent valid argument from the Communists and Neocons for our involvement in this. The Communists seem to be only supporting it because their Obamy told them to. None of their arguments make any sense. And the Neocons are completely lost as usual.

But i do have to say the Neocons have been honest and consistent. They wanted to intervene on Georgia's behalf back in the day too. I disagree with them, but at least they're honest and consistent. But the Communists have proven themselves to be dishonest hypocrites on this. They ridiculed McCain for saying "We are all Georgians." But now their Dear Leader's in there, so it's "We are all Ukrainians." You definitely can't trust them. They're both wrong on this.
Is there any valid argument or are you just spewing nonsense so you and tiny can pat each other on the back and feel good about yourselves. Will any argument NOT be met with...but Bush did it...or you damned Americans...or Iraq....or Hitler wasn't real and appeasement isn't a word. Just because you think you are all knowing, it doesn't mean no one has made a valid argument. I would suggest you are close minded and refuse to listen to any argument unless it massages your fragile ego.

Hell, if you want to play it that way...

I'm yet to hear a valid argument for not intervening...all I can hear is the unsettling sound of a queef.

I just call em like i see em. The Communists and Neocons have not presented a coherent valid argument for our involvement in this. Like i said, the Communists seem to only be supporting it because their Dear Leader told them they're supposed to. And the Neocons are just lost again. It is what it is.
Personally, i'm rooting for the Peoples of Scotland, Venice, Catalonia, and Crimea. I hope they gain their Independence. I hope they're happy and prosperous. God Bless em.

Know what would be even better? For you to gain yours.
I still haven't heard a coherent valid argument from the Communists and Neocons for our involvement in this. The Communists seem to be only supporting it because their Obamy told them to. None of their arguments make any sense. And the Neocons are completely lost as usual.

But i do have to say the Neocons have been honest and consistent. They wanted to intervene on Georgia's behalf back in the day too. I disagree with them, but at least they're honest and consistent. But the Communists have proven themselves to be dishonest hypocrites on this. They ridiculed McCain for saying "We are all Georgians." But now their Dear Leader's in there, so it's "We are all Ukrainians." You definitely can't trust them. They're both wrong on this.
Is there any valid argument or are you just spewing nonsense so you and tiny can pat each other on the back and feel good about yourselves. Will any argument NOT be met with...but Bush did it...or you damned Americans...or Iraq....or Hitler wasn't real and appeasement isn't a word. Just because you think you are all knowing, it doesn't mean no one has made a valid argument. I would suggest you are close minded and refuse to listen to any argument unless it massages your fragile ego.

Hell, if you want to play it that way...

I'm yet to hear a valid argument for not intervening...all I can hear is the unsettling sound of a queef.

Are you, er........nuts?

Do you work for KBR, Halliburton or any other war profiteer?

Do you get sexually aroused when you see caskets being flown to Dover AFB?


Either he deluded himself (unconscious lie) or he lied deliberately. The only third option is that it never happened.

No, those are not the 'options.' You're being a hyper-partisan douche again.
So, your contention here is that russians actually showed up in Crimea and put guns to each voters head? Is that what you're going with?

Do you think the Russian army showed up with lollipops and ice cream?


Come on they didn't "show up".

They are based in Crimea for crying out loud. Allowed to have up to 25,000 troops.
1997 treaty with the Ukraine. Their Black Sea Fleet is based out of Crimea.

So that footage of Russian forces rolling across the border was all special effects?
That type of thinking was a major reason Ron Paul's many Presidential runs never amounted to anything I like Paul's views on somethings but not his almost isolationists foreign policy views.

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