Ron Paul On Paris Attack: Bad Foreign Policy “Invites Retaliation”


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Ron Paul, so right on so many things but quite the loon on some many other.

Former Republican presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul says bad foreign policy is to blame for the Paris terrorist attack on the satirical newspaperCharlie Hebdo that left at least 12 dead and 11 wounded.

“Well, you know, partially what the Secretary of State said is true — this is pretty obscene, when it comes to violence, and libertarians are pretty annoyed by anybody who initiates violence,” said Paul on NewsMaxTV’s Steve Malzberg ShowWednesday. “This is pretty bad.”

Paul said the context for the attack, however, was France’s involvement in the Middle East.

Ron Paul On Paris Attack Bad Foreign Policy Invites Retaliation - BuzzFeed News
Ron Paul is an utter idiot.

These killings were by Muslims acting as Mohammad did when Abu Afak wrote a satirical poem about him.

Offering stupid platitudes is much easier than actually explaining an uncomfortable truth, I guess.
Yeah. Ron Paul is a moron. Why would anybody think that decades of meddling in Middle East affairs would lead to any backlash? Most countries love it when you use the CIA to stage coups, overthrow democratically elected leaders, install dictators in their place, then ravage their country to replace that dictator years later.

They hate us because of our freedoms. Nothing to do with all of that other stuff.
"Charlie Hebdo, whose name translates roughly to 'Charlie Weekly,' is a weekly publication that covers French politics through cartoons, satirical articles, and jokes.

"Although its editor-in-chief Stéphane Charbonnier, who was killed in the attack, has said that he considered the magazine a leftist-pluralist publication, its stance can perhaps better be described as anti-institutional. Its biting satire habitually targeted the government, high-profile politicians, and organized religion.

"The magazine was founded in 1969, and was resurrected in 1992 following a three-year hiatus..."

"Charbonnier firmly rejected the idea that the magazine should stay silent in order to prevent violence perpetrated by those who sought to silence it.

"In a 2012 interview with Le Monde, he explained: 'I don't feel as though I'm killing someone with a pen. I'm not putting lives at risk. When activists need a pretext to justify their violence, they always find it.'"

Charlie Hebdo and its biting satire explained in 9 of its most iconic covers - Vox
Yeah. Ron Paul is a moron. Why would anybody think that decades of meddling in Middle East affairs would lead to any backlash? Most countries love it when you use the CIA to stage coups, overthrow democratically elected leaders, install dictators in their place, then ravage their country to replace that dictator years later.

They hate us because of our freedoms. Nothing to do with all of that other stuff.
You know you can get cancer from beating your breast so much?
Yeah. Ron Paul is a moron. Why would anybody think that decades of meddling in Middle East affairs would lead to any backlash? Most countries love it when you use the CIA to stage coups, overthrow democratically elected leaders, install dictators in their place, then ravage their country to replace that dictator years later.

They hate us because of our freedoms. Nothing to do with all of that other stuff.
You know you can get cancer from beating your breast so much?

That's why I beat my wife instead. :thup:
When the government sticks it's nose into the affairs of personal lives and business matters, things go very, very badly and the result is an even bigger mess than what was there before.

The same ends up being true when the government sticks its nose into the internal affairs of other countries.
Ron Paul is an unapologetic isolationist who is consistent in his views. You can't fault him for that.
Ron Paul proves why he and his followers should never be allowed any power whatsoever.
Yeah. Ron Paul is a moron. Why would anybody think that decades of meddling in Middle East affairs would lead to any backlash? Most countries love it when you use the CIA to stage coups, overthrow democratically elected leaders, install dictators in their place, then ravage their country to replace that dictator years later.

They hate us because of our freedoms. Nothing to do with all of that other stuff.
Lord yes. Everyone who has ever been mocked on SNL or The Onion or National Lampoon has the absolute right to murder any of those people.
Yeah. Ron Paul is a moron. Why would anybody think that decades of meddling in Middle East affairs would lead to any backlash? Most countries love it when you use the CIA to stage coups, overthrow democratically elected leaders, install dictators in their place, then ravage their country to replace that dictator years later.

They hate us because of our freedoms. Nothing to do with all of that other stuff.
The muslim slaughter of innocent people in Paris had NOTHING to do with ANY of that, you fucking islamo, cock sucking, apologist, shit for brains.

This was PURELY KILLING over someone... OH THE HORROR - *OFFENDING MUHAMMAD* by NUT JOB MUSLIMS. Get that through your fucked up skull you pathetic RETARD. Muslims don't need any HUGE excuse to KILL YOU.

Where Charlie Weekly comes from:
Consider how Charlie Hebdo responded when the following cover of its weekly drew Muslim ire.

"In 2011, the magazine published an article 'guest edited by Mohammed,' calling him 'Charia Hebdo.' On the cover, a grinning, bearded figure promised '100 lashes if you don't die of laughter.'"

"After that issue was published, the magazine's office was firebombed and its website was hacked. The attackers posted a notice on the hacked site that read, 'You keep abusing Islam's almighty Prophet with disgusting and disgraceful cartoons using excuses of freedom of speech. Be God's curse upon you!'"

"Rather than capitulating to the violence, the magazine lampooned it. The next week, it published a cartoon declaring 'love stronger than hate...'"

Charlie Hebdo and its biting satire explained in 9 of its most iconic covers - Vox
Ron Paul proves why he and his followers should never be allowed any power whatsoever.
As opposed to Bandar Bush?
"'The American People have the right to know the truth and to know the relationship with the Saudis at the time of the Bush administration,' declared Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) in a Monday discussion with Ron Paul on the Ron Paul Channel.

"Jones made the comment in support of his US House of Representatives legislation H.Res. 428 that seeks the declassification of 28 pages redacted from a joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees report regarding the attacks on America on September 11, 2001."

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Rep. Walter Jones and Ron Paul on the Saudi Arabia-Bush Administration 9 11 Cover-Up
When the government sticks it's nose into the affairs of personal lives and business matters, things go very, very badly and the result is an even bigger mess than what was there before.

The same ends up being true when the government sticks its nose into the internal affairs of other countries.

I suppose you call the No Go Zones in Europe sticking your nose in other countries affairs ... you're an idiot.

European No-Go Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating
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When the government sticks it's nose into the affairs of personal lives and business matters, things go very, very badly and the result is an even bigger mess than what was there before.

The same ends up being true when the government sticks its nose into the internal affairs of other countries.

I suppose you call the Free Zones in Europe sticking your nose in other countries affairs ... you're an idiot.

European No-Go Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating
I guess Obama using drone strikes is OK with you.
When the government sticks it's nose into the affairs of personal lives and business matters, things go very, very badly and the result is an even bigger mess than what was there before.

The same ends up being true when the government sticks its nose into the internal affairs of other countries.

I suppose you call the Free Zones in Europe sticking your nose in other countries affairs ... you're an idiot.

European No-Go Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating

No, you're an idiot. You're not making any damned sense. What the hell does that have to do with anything?
France has always had a prickly relationship with Algeria. France was the foremost advocate for intervention in Libya. France has been the most outspoken advocate of arming the rebels in Syria. But now, since these Paris gunmen seem likely to have been trained in Syria, maybe they'll change their mind.

Kerry-Obama and Sarkosy-Hollande were early advocates of arming the very rebels that are now labelled ISIS. Fortunately, America has entered a non-interventionist mood and reason prevailed (the Kerry policy was too unpopular to fly).

Paul is absolutely correct. He condemns the violence in Paris. But he also makes the point that such things don't occur in a vacuum. Perhaps that's too nuanced an opinion for Joe Sixpack to understand.

On the other hand, you can go back much further than bad blood that originated from anti-colonialism. Xerxes torched Athens in 580 BC. Alexander conquered Persia, using the roads that Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes had built. Islam invaded Europe, taking over Spain and raiding France. The West sent the Crusaders to the Holy Land. Saladin eventually prevailed and pledged a future reverse-Crusades into Europe. The West colonized the Islamic lands and put puppet rulers in power. WWI spelled the end of colonialism, and brought about violent independence movements. Globalism subjugated ME economies. 9/11 happened. Team America laid waste to Iraq. Arab Springs erupted, and we backed the rebellions in most cases. And now the rebels are known collectively as ISIS.

In every major western European city, the fastest growing segment of the population is Muslims from immigrant parents and grandparents. They crank out the babies like rabbits on Viagra. White Euros don't get married until they're 30-40, if they ever even bother to get married. There was already a backlash against Muslims, and this Paris attack is really going to make things interesting.
When the government sticks it's nose into the affairs of personal lives and business matters, things go very, very badly and the result is an even bigger mess than what was there before.

The same ends up being true when the government sticks its nose into the internal affairs of other countries.

I suppose you call the Free Zones in Europe sticking your nose in other countries affairs ... you're an idiot.

European No-Go Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating
I guess Obama using drone strikes is OK with you.

whatever drone strikes have to do with no go zones ... :cuckoo:
Yeah. Ron Paul is a moron. Why would anybody think that decades of meddling in Middle East affairs would lead to any backlash? Most countries love it when you use the CIA to stage coups, overthrow democratically elected leaders, install dictators in their place, then ravage their country to replace that dictator years later.

They hate us because of our freedoms. Nothing to do with all of that other stuff.

What exactly does an attack in Paris have to do with the US?

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