Ron Paul: Paris Attack 'Obscene,' But Blowback For French Interventionism...

Ron Paul is a jackass. The politics of appeasement have never worked no matter how many times it's tried.

What cowardly Branch Paulinians don't understand is that there's no demonstrable trend to show that Islamic terror and violence confines itself only to those countries that interfere in the Middle East. In fact, most of it is conducted IN THE MIDDLE EAST, which lays waste to the notion that we're causing them to be violent.

It's an evil, violent religion that only understands force. And far from using less force, we should be using more. Much, much, more.

Until they learn the true meaning of "submission".

Look at the problems after France bent over backwards for them. France never did shit to them other than welcome them and their archaic beliefs with open arms. Of course, many of the French have changed their views on Islam since having to live with them.

Thing is, kissing their asses doesn't make you safe so might as well keep fighting radicals. This business of being told not to offend them only emboldens them and they act as if it's accepted by the world when they kill people who insult them. I think they are intent on killing infidels regardless of what they do. Yet, Obama and Hillary think we should sympathize with them and appease them.
Baby steps junior.
Go fuck a camel, you twisted evil cocksucker

You poor stupid half wit simpleton, you must be another supporter of terrorism.

Nope. You're confused. You're a camel dick. You've been fucking your mother for so long it's made your brain sick.

Who could possibly argue with such eloquent articulation.
So says the idiot who wants to get rid of a sovereign nation. You sick motherfucker.

Please feel free to point out the operative post.
That's just you with your head up your ass. When one of them is sawing off your head, maybe THEN you'll understand who we're at war with.

so would you like to declare war on Islam and attack all 40 countries with significant Muslim populations?

Why don't we start with the ones that are sponsoring terrorism and go from there? It doesn't have to be all or nothing like the terms you're artificially imposing on the discussion. Let's start with Iran. They want a nuclear weapon, let's give them one.

My understanding is that they have developed a rustic atomic bomb and intend to use TelAviv as their proving grounds.


Your understanding? Is that what you and the other Imams discussed at the last terrorist planning session?
1- Abolish the Jewish State
2- The US must cease and desist its interventionist foreign policy
3-Pay reparations to those adversely affected by the policies of the Judeo-American axis of evil

'nuff said

1) israel has nukes so they won't be abolished

There is always a first time.

2) terrorists want to convert or kill everyone, not only interventionists.

Maybe "terrorists" - whatever the term means - do. But avengers do not.

3) how is saving civilization through 2 world wars, being policeman,

If by civilization you mean the warfare state - the military industrial Complex. we concur

and creating modern medicine evil??

Creating medicine is a private endeavor which has been adversely affected by the federal government through the FDA.

Why don't islamists you defend attack the military industrial complex instead of civilians?

Because US politicians have refused to give them a gazillion dollars to buy the latest military hardware.

So politicians are to blame for Islamist terror attacks on civilians because the islamists can't get enough funds to fight the military industrial complex. You are a certified idiot.

He's a Nazi and in possession of zero redeeming qualities. I put him on ignore because he's bringing out something ugly in me. That's what evil people do, and this guy is demonic.
American and Western European Citizens are gonna have to come to grips with the fact that their Governments' endless bombing & killing around the world does have consequences. They shouldn't be surprised when others seek revenge on them. It is the price you pay for endless Intervention/War. You do reap what you sow.
American and Western European Citizens are gonna have to come to grips with the fact that their Governments' endless bombing & killing around the world does have consequences. They shouldn't be surprised when others seek revenge on them. It is the price you pay for endless Intervention/War. You do reap what you sow.

we found out in WW2 its better to attack evil before it attacks you. America is the world's policeman and has picked its enemies with great morality.
American and Western European Citizens are gonna have to come to grips with the fact that their Governments' endless bombing & killing around the world does have consequences. They shouldn't be surprised when others seek revenge on them. It is the price you pay for endless Intervention/War. You do reap what you sow.

we found out in WW2 its better to attack evil before it attacks you. America is the world's policeman and has picked its enemies with great morality.

"We" did NOT find that

World War Two: The Good War?

By Bionic Mosquito

October 29, 2012

I have commented previously that I believe (at least given my current understanding) the main purpose for U.S. entry into the war was two-fold: 1) to take the place of an increasingly ailing Britain as the primary tool for the elite to expand global control, and 2) to ensure a new, long term enemy can be made out of the Soviet Union and communism. I will add a third to this list – actually it is a subset of the first: to bring the productive populations of Germany and Japan under the control of the elite.

Before I expand on this further, I would like to revisit some of the factors regarding the war and why it is not just improper, but inconceivable to refer to this was as a good war.

1) Roosevelt lied to the country regarding his intentions of entering the war.

2) Roosevelt took great strides to get first Germany, and after failing this, Japan, to strike the first blow.

3) Roosevelt ignored and otherwise did not take advantage of the many proposals by Japan that, if acted upon, could have avoided the upcoming armed conflict.

4) Roosevelt entered the war well before any declaration by Congress.

5) Roosevelt encouraged Britain and France to provide a guarantee to Poland, a guarantee known to the Western powers to have no teeth.

6) Roosevelt chose to side with Stalin, who at the beginning of the war had more blood on his hands than all the other leaders of belligerent countries combined.

7) Roosevelt did not extend U.S. support for Jews attempting to emigrate from Central Europe and immigrate into the United States until 1944.

8) Roosevelt knew of the impending attack by Japan somewhere in the Pacific, and very likely specifically that it would come at Pearl Harbor.

American and Western European Citizens are gonna have to come to grips with the fact that their Governments' endless bombing & killing around the world does have consequences. They shouldn't be surprised when others seek revenge on them. It is the price you pay for endless Intervention/War. You do reap what you sow.

we found out in WW2 its better to attack evil before it attacks you. America is the world's policeman and has picked its enemies with great morality.

"We" did NOT find that

World War Two: The Good War?

By Bionic Mosquito

October 29, 2012

I have commented previously that I believe (at least given my current understanding) the main purpose for U.S. entry into the war was two-fold: 1) to take the place of an increasingly ailing Britain as the primary tool for the elite to expand global control, and 2) to ensure a new, long term enemy can be made out of the Soviet Union and communism. I will add a third to this list – actually it is a subset of the first: to bring the productive populations of Germany and Japan under the control of the elite.

Before I expand on this further, I would like to revisit some of the factors regarding the war and why it is not just improper, but inconceivable to refer to this was as a good war.

1) Roosevelt lied to the country regarding his intentions of entering the war.

2) Roosevelt took great strides to get first Germany, and after failing this, Japan, to strike the first blow.

3) Roosevelt ignored and otherwise did not take advantage of the many proposals by Japan that, if acted upon, could have avoided the upcoming armed conflict.

4) Roosevelt entered the war well before any declaration by Congress.

5) Roosevelt encouraged Britain and France to provide a guarantee to Poland, a guarantee known to the Western powers to have no teeth.

6) Roosevelt chose to side with Stalin, who at the beginning of the war had more blood on his hands than all the other leaders of belligerent countries combined.

7) Roosevelt did not extend U.S. support for Jews attempting to emigrate from Central Europe and immigrate into the United States until 1944.

8) Roosevelt knew of the impending attack by Japan somewhere in the Pacific, and very likely specifically that it would come at Pearl Harbor.


Hitler and Tojo were enemies picked with great morality
American and Western European Citizens are gonna have to come to grips with the fact that their Governments' endless bombing & killing around the world does have consequences. They shouldn't be surprised when others seek revenge on them. It is the price you pay for endless Intervention/War. You do reap what you sow.

we found out in WW2 its better to attack evil before it attacks you. America is the world's policeman and has picked its enemies with great morality.

"We" did NOT find that

World War Two: The Good War?

By Bionic Mosquito

October 29, 2012

I have commented previously that I believe (at least given my current understanding) the main purpose for U.S. entry into the war was two-fold: 1) to take the place of an increasingly ailing Britain as the primary tool for the elite to expand global control, and 2) to ensure a new, long term enemy can be made out of the Soviet Union and communism. I will add a third to this list – actually it is a subset of the first: to bring the productive populations of Germany and Japan under the control of the elite.

Before I expand on this further, I would like to revisit some of the factors regarding the war and why it is not just improper, but inconceivable to refer to this was as a good war.

1) Roosevelt lied to the country regarding his intentions of entering the war.

2) Roosevelt took great strides to get first Germany, and after failing this, Japan, to strike the first blow.

3) Roosevelt ignored and otherwise did not take advantage of the many proposals by Japan that, if acted upon, could have avoided the upcoming armed conflict.

4) Roosevelt entered the war well before any declaration by Congress.

5) Roosevelt encouraged Britain and France to provide a guarantee to Poland, a guarantee known to the Western powers to have no teeth.

6) Roosevelt chose to side with Stalin, who at the beginning of the war had more blood on his hands than all the other leaders of belligerent countries combined.

7) Roosevelt did not extend U.S. support for Jews attempting to emigrate from Central Europe and immigrate into the United States until 1944.

8) Roosevelt knew of the impending attack by Japan somewhere in the Pacific, and very likely specifically that it would come at Pearl Harbor.


Hitler and Tojo were enemies picked with great morality

Hitler, Tojo AND AND FDR were enemies - the latter perpetrated treason against the US Constitution.

Permanent War isn't the answer people. Too many 'Interventions' and too many Wars at this point. It's time to leave their lands and come home. Till that happens, Citizens of those nations engaged in Permanent War around the world, should never be surprised that so many want to seek revenge on them. They should instead fully expect it.
Permanent War isn't the answer people. Too many 'Interventions' and too many Wars at this point. It's time to leave their lands and come home. Till that happens, Citizens of those nations engaged in Permanent War around the world, should never be surprised that so many want to seek revenge on them. They should instead fully expect it.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?
Permanent War isn't the answer people. Too many 'Interventions' and too many Wars at this point. It's time to leave their lands and come home. Till that happens, Citizens of those nations engaged in Permanent War around the world, should never be surprised that so many want to seek revenge on them. They should instead fully expect it.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?

Just leave their lands and come home. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to end this Permanent War. It's time to focus on our own nation's affairs. We've done enough awful meddling around the world.
Permanent War isn't the answer people. Too many 'Interventions' and too many Wars at this point. It's time to leave their lands and come home. Till that happens, Citizens of those nations engaged in Permanent War around the world, should never be surprised that so many want to seek revenge on them. They should instead fully expect it.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?

Just leave their lands and come home. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to end this Permanent War. It's time to focus on our own nation's affairs. We've done enough awful meddling around the world.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?
Permanent War isn't the answer people. Too many 'Interventions' and too many Wars at this point. It's time to leave their lands and come home. Till that happens, Citizens of those nations engaged in Permanent War around the world, should never be surprised that so many want to seek revenge on them. They should instead fully expect it.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?
Hitler DID not attack
Tojo was FORCED/PROVOKED BY FDR to attack

Permanent War isn't the answer people. Too many 'Interventions' and too many Wars at this point. It's time to leave their lands and come home. Till that happens, Citizens of those nations engaged in Permanent War around the world, should never be surprised that so many want to seek revenge on them. They should instead fully expect it.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?

Just leave their lands and come home. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to end this Permanent War. It's time to focus on our own nation's affairs. We've done enough awful meddling around the world.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?

Not everything's about the Nazis. We've been bombing & killing around the world non-stop for the last 70yrs. We've meddled and instigated unbelievably horrific events all over the world for too long. Time to leave people alone and stop meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is time to come home.
Permanent War isn't the answer people. Too many 'Interventions' and too many Wars at this point. It's time to leave their lands and come home. Till that happens, Citizens of those nations engaged in Permanent War around the world, should never be surprised that so many want to seek revenge on them. They should instead fully expect it.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?

Just leave their lands and come home. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to end this Permanent War. It's time to focus on our own nation's affairs. We've done enough awful meddling around the world.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?

Not everything's about the Nazis. We've been bombing & killing around the world non-stop for the last 70yrs. We've meddled and instigated unbelievably horrific events all over the world for too long. Time to leave people alone and stop meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is time to come home.

should have supported Hitler Stalin Mao Tojo Sadam Osama isis etcetc. We pick our enemies with great morality as any good policeman does.
Permanent War isn't the answer people. Too many 'Interventions' and too many Wars at this point. It's time to leave their lands and come home. Till that happens, Citizens of those nations engaged in Permanent War around the world, should never be surprised that so many want to seek revenge on them. They should instead fully expect it.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?

Just leave their lands and come home. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to end this Permanent War. It's time to focus on our own nation's affairs. We've done enough awful meddling around the world.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?

Not everything's about the Nazis. We've been bombing & killing around the world non-stop for the last 70yrs. We've meddled and instigated unbelievably horrific events all over the world for too long. Time to leave people alone and stop meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is time to come home.

should have supported Hitler Stalin Mao Tojo Sadam Osama isis etcetc. We pick our enemies with great morality as any good policeman does.

Again, not everything's about WWII and the Nazis. We've done more than enough meddling and murdering around the world ourselves. We've got plenty of blood on our hands. Just leave people alone and stop meddling in every nations' internal affairs. Leave their lands and come home. Otherwise, expect revenge. Violence only begets violence.
American and Western European Citizens are gonna have to come to grips with the fact that their Governments' endless bombing & killing around the world does have consequences. They shouldn't be surprised when others seek revenge on them. It is the price you pay for endless Intervention/War. You do reap what you sow.

we found out in WW2 its better to attack evil before it attacks you. America is the world's policeman and has picked its enemies with great morality.

"We" did NOT find that

World War Two: The Good War?

By Bionic Mosquito

October 29, 2012

I have commented previously that I believe (at least given my current understanding) the main purpose for U.S. entry into the war was two-fold: 1) to take the place of an increasingly ailing Britain as the primary tool for the elite to expand global control, and 2) to ensure a new, long term enemy can be made out of the Soviet Union and communism. I will add a third to this list – actually it is a subset of the first: to bring the productive populations of Germany and Japan under the control of the elite.

Before I expand on this further, I would like to revisit some of the factors regarding the war and why it is not just improper, but inconceivable to refer to this was as a good war.

1) Roosevelt lied to the country regarding his intentions of entering the war.

2) Roosevelt took great strides to get first Germany, and after failing this, Japan, to strike the first blow.

3) Roosevelt ignored and otherwise did not take advantage of the many proposals by Japan that, if acted upon, could have avoided the upcoming armed conflict.

4) Roosevelt entered the war well before any declaration by Congress.

5) Roosevelt encouraged Britain and France to provide a guarantee to Poland, a guarantee known to the Western powers to have no teeth.

6) Roosevelt chose to side with Stalin, who at the beginning of the war had more blood on his hands than all the other leaders of belligerent countries combined.

7) Roosevelt did not extend U.S. support for Jews attempting to emigrate from Central Europe and immigrate into the United States until 1944.

8) Roosevelt knew of the impending attack by Japan somewhere in the Pacific, and very likely specifically that it would come at Pearl Harbor.


Your shit belongs in conspiracy theories.
Permanent War isn't the answer people. Too many 'Interventions' and too many Wars at this point. It's time to leave their lands and come home. Till that happens, Citizens of those nations engaged in Permanent War around the world, should never be surprised that so many want to seek revenge on them. They should instead fully expect it.

too stupid!! would you have said the same thing when Hitler and Tojo were attacking?

Just leave their lands and come home. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to end this Permanent War. It's time to focus on our own nation's affairs. We've done enough awful meddling around the world.

And the lamb shall lay with the lion, the world will be at peace, no one will be angry or greedy again, dogs will love cats, armies will lay down their weapons, people of all races and religions will live in harmony forever.
American and Western European Citizens are gonna have to come to grips with the fact that their Governments' endless bombing & killing around the world does have consequences. They shouldn't be surprised when others seek revenge on them. It is the price you pay for endless Intervention/War. You do reap what you sow.

we found out in WW2 its better to attack evil before it attacks you. America is the world's policeman and has picked its enemies with great morality.

"We" did NOT find that

World War Two: The Good War?

By Bionic Mosquito

October 29, 2012

I have commented previously that I believe (at least given my current understanding) the main purpose for U.S. entry into the war was two-fold: 1) to take the place of an increasingly ailing Britain as the primary tool for the elite to expand global control, and 2) to ensure a new, long term enemy can be made out of the Soviet Union and communism. I will add a third to this list – actually it is a subset of the first: to bring the productive populations of Germany and Japan under the control of the elite.

Before I expand on this further, I would like to revisit some of the factors regarding the war and why it is not just improper, but inconceivable to refer to this was as a good war.

1) Roosevelt lied to the country regarding his intentions of entering the war.

2) Roosevelt took great strides to get first Germany, and after failing this, Japan, to strike the first blow.

3) Roosevelt ignored and otherwise did not take advantage of the many proposals by Japan that, if acted upon, could have avoided the upcoming armed conflict.

4) Roosevelt entered the war well before any declaration by Congress.

5) Roosevelt encouraged Britain and France to provide a guarantee to Poland, a guarantee known to the Western powers to have no teeth.

6) Roosevelt chose to side with Stalin, who at the beginning of the war had more blood on his hands than all the other leaders of belligerent countries combined.

7) Roosevelt did not extend U.S. support for Jews attempting to emigrate from Central Europe and immigrate into the United States until 1944.

8) Roosevelt knew of the impending attack by Japan somewhere in the Pacific, and very likely specifically that it would come at Pearl Harbor.


Your shit belongs in conspiracy theories.

conspiracy theories?


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