Ron Paul To Congress: Stop Stealing From The American People...

Most of today's "Liberals" or Democrats,are actually authoritarian Socialists/Progressives. Classic Liberals are almost non-existent now. Classic Liberals are actually much closer to real Conservatives than they are to Socialists/Progressives. People are just confused about what the Democratic Party has become. They are no longer a Party of Liberals. They are now a Party of authoritarian Socialists/Progressives.

If liberals are ‘authoritarian,’ then how do explain decades of liberal efforts to defend the Constitutional rights of individuals from the excess of government?


I concur that in "liberals" have been instrumental in defending SOCIAL RIGHTS.

But have failed miserably in defending ECONOMIC and gun rights - reason the Libertarian Party was created in 1971.

The problem is that the asshat liberals view the government as rulers over the people and economy and individuals like us view the people as rulers over the government and economy - therefore the progressive ignorant mind will rationalize and tax break or incentive as a "gift" or welfare from the government, when in reality the wealth an individual or corporation created is theirs and its they who are giving the government a gift when they pay them any money.

Not to mention federal taxation is illegal seizure of wealth, er a Fourth Amendment violation.

I agree with most of your assessment, but I disagree with the part that corporations create wealth. Certainly, some do, but others are just the long arm of the government. Lets not forget this.

The majority of corporations create wealth..

Then you got "corporations" like GE that are - like you said - long arms of the government.

But most aren't.. They're looking to make money just like the guy who gets up and goes to work..

Hell, the guy who gets up in the morning and goes to work creates wealth - hes growing our economy. He created something out of nothing, he just created a couple hundred bucks that wasn't there the day before. Thats why capitalism is so great.
Most of today's "Liberals" or Democrats,are actually authoritarian Socialists/Progressives. Classic Liberals are almost non-existent now. Classic Liberals are actually much closer to real Conservatives than they are to Socialists/Progressives. People are just confused about what the Democratic Party has become. They are no longer a Party of Liberals. They are now a Party of authoritarian Socialists/Progressives.

If liberals are ‘authoritarian,’ then how do explain decades of liberal efforts to defend the Constitutional rights of individuals from the excess of government?

Take for example the case of Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), a case summary link is provided below. Review and post your summary of the case, explaining how in light of this evidence your assertion that liberals are ‘authoritarian’ isn’t wrong.

Gideon v. Wainwright | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

There are many, many similar cases, btw, evidence of liberals fighting against authoritarian state and local jurisdictions in defense of individual rights. I’d be happy to provide you those links, but I suspect that won’t be necessary.

He is speaking of progressives.

Progressives hate the Bill of Rights - it blocks their progressive attempts at authoritarian socialism.

Progressives loathe individual liberty - progressives are "groupthink" clowns. Look at the labor unions as a fantastic example of their groupthink.

Real classical liberals believe in individualism and civil liberties.
And they're still stealing. Two positives did come out of this awful Debt Deal though. Taxes wont be jacked and there will be a BBA Vote. Otherwise,this Deal does nothing to address our shocking $16 Trillion Debt nightmare.

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