Ron Paul visits Santa......................again


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Ron Paul Asks Santa Claus To End The Fed For The 47th Straight Year
POLITICS·Dec 23, 2023 ·
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LAKE JACKSON, TX — Former Congressman Ron Paul was spotted muttering nervously to himself today while standing in line to see Santa Claus at a nearby shopping mall, as he hoped this would finally be the year he would get what he wanted by asking for the 47th consecutive year for Santa to end the Fed.
"This is the year, I just know it," Dr. Paul was overheard whispering as he inched closer to the front of the line. "I've been asking for the same thing every Christmas for almost half a century now. Surely this year will be the year I finally get it. I've been so good all year long!"
Witnesses reported seeing the former congressman cautiously approach Santa's large, elaborate throne before settling onto the rotund man's lap. "I wouldn't say he looked scared," said one bystander. "He looked like he had been there many times before. Confident, but cautious is how I would describe him."

"What would you like for Christmas, my good sir?" Santa was heard asking Paul.
"I ask for nothing but the same thing I've asked for every year, Mr. Claus," the former congressman responded. "I humbly ask that you grant me my Christmas wish to end the Fed. The Federal Reserve must be abolished because it is immoral, impractical, unconstitutional, poor economic policy, and a problem that has undermined our liberty since its inception."
"Yes, well," Santa replied before clearing his throat. "Wouldn't you rather have a nice, new bicycle?"
At publishing time, Dr. Paul was seen leaving the store still in good spirits, knowing he'd either get the complete elimination of the Federal Reserve or at least a sweet new bike.
Poor Ron. He has no place in the Swamp.

Ron does not actually exist, ya know.

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I miss Jon Stewart.
Jon had to go as he questioned things like the jab.

He was not pure enough ideologically as you need to be now to be a democrat.

individual thought is a no, no.
Jon had to go as he questioned things like the jab.

He was not pure enough ideologically as you need to be now to be a democrat.

individual thought is a no, no.

He wasn't a Democrat. He condemned Obama all the time. Sadly there are many who have to put everyone into their neat little boxes though or they can't process things.
He wasn't a Democrat. He condemned Obama all the time. Sadly there are many who have to put everyone into their neat little boxes though or they can't process things.
I don't see Jon voting for an R, do you?

Either way though, Jon had to go.

The media is now complete Leftism.
I don't see Jon voting for an R, do you?

As I said. You can't grasp the idea that just because someone doesn't vote R doesn't make them D.

Who did this to you?

Either way though, Jon had to go.

The media is now complete Leftism.

Did you note who was dismissing Paul more than anyone? Fox News.
I wonder if the Paul-Bots are happy now that they got their weed legalized almost everywhere?
I wonder if the Paul-Bots are happy now that they got their weed legalized almost everywhere?

Do you really believe that people who share Ron's philosophies only care about weed?

Generally the folks who share Ron's philosophies are, in my view, the only people who really have any kind of genuine grasp of the depth of the pathetic state of affairs across the spectrum.
Do you really believe that people who share Ron's philosophies only care about weed?
I can only go by what happened in my AO.....We had a nice budding Tea Party movement that was totally taken over by the Paul-Bots and yeah, The Weed was all they cared about.
As I said. You can't grasp the idea that just because someone doesn't vote R doesn't make them D.

Who did this to you?

Did you note who was dismissing Paul more than anyone? Fox News.
No, all media discounted Ron.

Ron is the scariest most horrifying political figure imaginable, someone who really believes in limited government.

And thanks for not answering the question as to what R Jon would have voted for.

It proves my point.
I wonder if the Paul-Bots are happy now that they got their weed legalized almost everywhere?
No we are not happy because we didn't get all the other things he proposed like the elimination of all welfare, a 70% reduction in the size of the Federal government and the elimination of both the Income and Corporate taxes.
Do you really believe that people who share Ron's philosophies only care about weed?

Generally the folks who share Ron's philosophies are, in my view, the only people who really have any kind of genuine grasp of the depth of the pathetic state of affairs across the spectrum.
Voters only care about 2 rights, the right to take any illicit drugs they want and the right to kill their unborn offspring.
No, all media discounted Ron.

Ron is the scariest most horrifying political figure imaginable, someone who really believes in limited government.

And thanks for not answering the question as to what R Jon would have voted for.

It proves my point.

Yours is a non sequitur.
I can only go by what happened in my AO.....We had a nice budding Tea Party movement that was totally taken over by the Paul-Bots and yeah, The Weed was all they cared about.

Yeah. That was a big problem. They caused a lot of problems that mainstream media took advantage of to discredit the statesman. I never did accept that it was a natural phenomenon that they poured in and set up camp under the tent the way that they did.
No silly, it is spot on.

Neither party is interested in small government, which means neither is the media.

I never argued that either party is for reigning in the government. You are just rambling.

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