Ron Paul's Congressional Farewell Speech - CSPAN 11/14/2012...

I think the opposite. You can see how well liked his ideas are in this very thread. Misconception, complete ignorance on the subjects, etc..I think our time in the US to light the falme of liberty has long since past. What will come next? I don't know. But it wont be liberty, limited constitutional government or a nation built on individual responisbility and economic freedom.

Obviously, the NWO Globalist Nanny/Police Staters will have to be turned back. I know most say that just can't happen, but i'm an optimist. I believe American Citizens will say enough is enough at some point.
Then un-dumbfuckery me: What did he accomplish after a near 1/4 century of being paid a nice salary, supplied a large staff, and accruing a lucrative retirement?

Longtime congressman Ron Paul has always refused to participate in the congressional pension system, labeling it "immoral".[5] North Carolina congressman Howard Coble does not participate in the pension system, either. [6] He campaigned against the system in his first campaign in 1984. See wiki.

Legilation sponsored that did anything he espoused? Maybe the deciding vote on some other critical bill? Or just warm the leather in his seat, at huge tax-payer expense, which will continue until his death?

He got the Audit the Fed bill passed. Even if it was watered down. He changed the entier conversation on the federal reserve issue single handedly.

You see, TASB, folks are free to oppose anything they wish, and sing it from the mountain tops. Go hog wild. But when they do it on the guvmint nickle, without the slighest regard for what the People's House was and is intended to do, it pisses me off. Fuck the do-nothing hypocrite, IMO.

Keep on dumbfuckerying it up though, fella.

Those are beauts! And indeed he did not opt for FERS, but CSRS is automatic. He's got a pension. Fact. And at tax-payer expense. Maybe he rejects payments. Maybe. He rails against SS/MC and collects both.

And his bit of feel good legislation, passing with ease among both parties, was little more than fogger for his lame 2012 campaign. Nearly 24 fucking years, and some feel good bit of campaign talking points is YOUR defiinition of accomplishment???

Well then, do tell. What exactly has it changed, and thus the Fed is now doing shit differently, ya think, smart guy?

LM Fucking AO

I'm not playing this game with you, shit stain. Don't like the guy? Fine. You've said your uneducated piece on the matter. He reitred, and rejected pension. Even though you charged him otherwise. Your credibility on Ron Paul and his stances/performance is about as relevant as old gum on the sidewalk.

Washington, DC: Congressman Ron Paul has returned $141,580 of unspent office funds to the US Treasury. This represents just over 9% of the total office funds, and an increase over the $100,000 returned last year.

"Since my first year in Congress I have managed my office in a frugal manner, instructing staff to provide the greatest possible service to the people of the 14th district at the least possible cost to taxpayers," said Paul.

The surplus funds are intended to go towards paying down the national debt.

Congressman Paul Returns Unused Portion of Office Budget to US Treasury
I think the opposite. You can see how well liked his ideas are in this very thread. Misconception, complete ignorance on the subjects, etc..I think our time in the US to light the falme of liberty has long since past. What will come next? I don't know. But it wont be liberty, limited constitutional government or a nation built on individual responisbility and economic freedom.

Obviously, the NWO Globalist Nanny/Police Staters will have to be turned back. I know most say that just can't happen, but i'm an optimist. I believe American Citizens will say enough is enough at some point.

Yup. They will say enough is enough. Right after it is far too late and nothing can be done. Same as any other point in history when it comes to rampant statism.
I think the opposite. You can see how well liked his ideas are in this very thread. Misconception, complete ignorance on the subjects, etc..I think our time in the US to light the falme of liberty has long since past. What will come next? I don't know. But it wont be liberty, limited constitutional government or a nation built on individual responisbility and economic freedom.

Obviously, the NWO Globalist Nanny/Police Staters will have to be turned back. I know most say that just can't happen, but i'm an optimist. I believe American Citizens will say enough is enough at some point.

Yup. They will say enough is enough. Right after it is far too late and nothing can be done. Same as any other point in history when it comes to rampant statism.

I hear ya. There's not much cause for optimism these days. But i do believe the People will one day embrace Ron Paul's Less Government/Freedom & Liberty message. It's never too late in my opinion.
They will embrace it when there is a boot, whether right or left, pressed firmly on the back of their necks. Not a moment sooner. And at that point it will all be for naught.
I'm not playing this game with you, shit stain. Don't like the guy? Fine. You've said your uneducated piece on the matter. He reitred, and rejected pension. Even though you charged him otherwise. Your credibility on Ron Paul and his stances/performance is about as relevant as old gum on the sidewalk.

Try to stay with me here, big guy. I said the pension accrued, at tax payer expense, and not that he's as yet collected on it. A coupla years after his little run pres is old news? Who knows.

I said he collected a nice paycheck, for warming the leather in his chair. A bit glib, but essentially factual.

And indeed he had a staff, at government expense. Plus all the benefits of membership in the House. Dining. $500 Million / year for OMB, CRS etc that the Congress benefits from, and not all is published.

Pretty costly for tax-payers, considering the only he did was speak out against most everything happening up there, which others do from outside, or on the mall, sayin' shit like "I had a dream" and making a big deal of themselves, just not at tax payer expense, while warming a seat in Congress for nearly 1/4 century.
They will embrace it when there is a boot, whether right or left, pressed firmly on the back of their necks. Not a moment sooner. And at that point it will all be for naught.

I do have to agree, the NWO Globalist Nanny/Police Staters look unstoppable at this point. But i'm still gonna hold out some hope.
Stay with me here, moron. You're opinion is useless, and no one cares for it. You're wrong. He represented his district and was elected by the people. You just want to come in here and be one of those" look how little i know about Ron Paul" retards that gets kicked all over the field, but doesn't know when to hit the lockeroom.
He loses me here too:
“Restraining aggressive behavior is one thing, but legalizing a government monopoly for initiating aggression can only lead to exhausting liberty associated with chaos, anger and the breakdown of civil society,” Paul said.

So initiating agression is the right of all people????

That would be a negative.
Stay with me here, moron. You're opinion is useless, and no one cares for it. You're wrong. He represented his district and was elected by the people. You just want to come in here and be one of those" look how little i know about Ron Paul" retards that gets kicked all over the field, but doesn't know when to hit the lockeroom.

Seems you are still playing my game; just not well. But oh well. Have a nice day.

Stay with me here, moron. You're opinion is useless, and no one cares for it. You're wrong. He represented his district and was elected by the people. You just want to come in here and be one of those" look how little i know about Ron Paul" retards that gets kicked all over the field, but doesn't know when to hit the lockeroom.

Seems you are still playing my game; just not well. But oh well. Have a nice day.


Your "game" is dumbfuckery. Thanks for hitting the lockeroom.
ALL Ron Paul supporters are definitely not wackos - but the ones that are sure hurt him.
Hacking post-debate polls to create absurd results just played right into the "he's our idiot cousin that we usually keep locked up. But we let him out tonight, so humor him" treatment that he got from other G.O.P. candidates.

Voting in polls isn't hacking them.
Stay with me here, moron. You're opinion is useless, and no one cares for it. You're wrong. He represented his district and was elected by the people. You just want to come in here and be one of those" look how little i know about Ron Paul" retards that gets kicked all over the field, but doesn't know when to hit the lockeroom.

Seems you are still playing my game; just not well. But oh well. Have a nice day.


Your "game" is dumbfuckery. Thanks for hitting the lockeroom.

You're welcome. Always a pleasure. ;)
Stay with me here, moron. You're opinion is useless, and no one cares for it. You're wrong. He represented his district and was elected by the people. You just want to come in here and be one of those" look how little i know about Ron Paul" retards that gets kicked all over the field, but doesn't know when to hit the lockeroom.

Seems you are still playing my game; just not well. But oh well. Have a nice day.


Your "game" is dumbfuckery. Thanks for hitting the lockeroom.

Another dimwit who jumps for joy over the Government telling them which light bulbs they're allowed to purchase. He or she ain't too bright.
I like Rand. Sort or like Ron without the goofy parts.

His take on Bengazi and Susan Rice last night:

No. Just the paulbots.

[ame=""]Is 1984 Now?[/ame]


He was one of the very few who spoke out against such awful Government abuses. He will be missed.

What's changed? He's alive and even gets on TV and shit, and can speak out to his and ya'll's hearts delight.

Is it that he's no longer enjoying the government office, staff and paychecks while speaking out against an "awful" government that has you grieving his loss?

Kinda ironic, yeah?

He was one of the very few who spoke out against such awful Government abuses. He will be missed.

What's changed? He's alive and even gets on TV and shit, and can speak out to his and ya'll's hearts delight.

Is it that he's no longer enjoying the government office, staff and paychecks while speaking out against an "awful" government that has you grieving his loss?

Kinda ironic, yeah?

He tried. But you're right, nothing's changed. In fact, things have gotten much worse. And that's nothing to celebrate. But like i said, i still believe one day his 'Less Government/Freedom & Liberty' message will be embraced by most. I'm an optimist.
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