Ronald Reagan's Birthday and the Myth of Reagan

Might be the most moronic statement made by a progressive so far today.

Check how the middle class fared during Reagans tenure

At a young age, someone should have explained to you that correlation does not equal causality.

Yes, the Middle Class STILL did okay DESPITE Reagan, because we hadn't shipped all the good manufacturing jobs out of the country yet. Heck, I'll even give Reagan SOME props on calling the Japanese on Dumping, forcing them to make cars here.

The Damage he did, however, continues to resonate.

OK, JoeB you win the "Most Moronic Progressive Post So Far Today" award
Might be the most moronic statement made by a progressive so far today.

Check how the middle class fared during Reagans tenure

At a young age, someone should have explained to you that correlation does not equal causality.

Yes, the Middle Class STILL did okay DESPITE Reagan, because we hadn't shipped all the good manufacturing jobs out of the country yet. Heck, I'll even give Reagan SOME props on calling the Japanese on Dumping, forcing them to make cars here.

The Damage he did, however, continues to resonate.

OK, JoeB you win the "Most Moronic Progressive Post So Far Today" award

You mean you get that for making points you lack the intellect to refute?

Guy, you lack a lot of intellect. Frankly, when I used to be Republican, guys like you were sort of embarrassing.
Might be the most moronic statement made by a progressive so far today.

Check how the middle class fared during Reagans tenure

At a young age, someone should have explained to you that correlation does not equal causality.

Yes, the Middle Class STILL did okay DESPITE Reagan, because we hadn't shipped all the good manufacturing jobs out of the country yet. Heck, I'll even give Reagan SOME props on calling the Japanese on Dumping, forcing them to make cars here.

The Damage he did, however, continues to resonate.

OK, JoeB you win the "Most Moronic Progressive Post So Far Today" award

You mean you get that for making points you lack the intellect to refute?

Guy, you lack a lot of intellect. Frankly, when I used to be Republican, guys like you were sort of embarrassing.

Why should I even bother to refute the total bullshit you even backed away from in your very next post?
Sounds like you are beginning to like Reagan. So why do you have such a problem with the fact that he was so popular and still is?

Guy, I voted for Reagan twice. But here's the thing, I like the HISTORICAL Reagan.

Not the one you talk about on Hate Radio all day, because that guy never existed.

I would agree that Reagan wasn't the super ultra conservative that both the left and the right try to make him out to be. He wasn't perfect, but he was probably the greatest President in the last half of the 20th century.
Might be the most moronic statement made by a progressive so far today.

Check how the middle class fared during Reagans tenure

At a young age, someone should have explained to you that correlation does not equal causality.

Yes, the Middle Class STILL did okay DESPITE Reagan, because we hadn't shipped all the good manufacturing jobs out of the country yet. Heck, I'll even give Reagan SOME props on calling the Japanese on Dumping, forcing them to make cars here.

The Damage he did, however, continues to resonate.

OK, JoeB you win the "Most Moronic Progressive Post So Far Today" award

You mean you get that for making points you lack the intellect to refute?

Guy, you lack a lot of intellect. Frankly, when I used to be Republican, guys like you were sort of embarrassing.

Why should I even bother to refute the total bullshit you even backed away from in your very next post?

Well, no, I tried to give you something called context, but obviously, due to your severe learning disability, that was a pointless endeavor.
I would agree that Reagan wasn't the super ultra conservative that both the left and the right try to make him out to be. He wasn't perfect, but he was probably the greatest President in the last half of the 20th century.

No, he wasn't. I'd rate Ike, JFK, LBJ and Clinton as much better presidents.

Reagan is where the GOP decided that Rich People were more important than the American Middle Class. It's been a disaster ever since.
JoeB would like the Cold War to return and to live under the constant threat of nuclear war.

As opposed to what? Living under constant fear of having my job outsourced to China?

I'd rather have the nukes back.
It was Raygun that started the GLOBAL AGREEMENT ON TAXES AND TARIFFS (GATT) which allowed all the jobs to be sent to China, where U.S. corporations can get away with paying workers $2.00 a day. The GOP would love to destroy unions so that corporations could start paying U.S. workers those wages too.

And the nukes never left. In fact there are more than when Raygun was POTUS, because now China has thousands, and Korea, Pakistan, India, Israel too. When ISIS gets hold of one, then you're going to see the real danger.
Sounds like you are beginning to like Reagan. So why do you have such a problem with the fact that he was so popular and still is?

Guy, I voted for Reagan twice. But here's the thing, I like the HISTORICAL Reagan.

Not the one you talk about on Hate Radio all day, because that guy never existed.

I would agree that Reagan wasn't the super ultra conservative that both the left and the right try to make him out to be. He wasn't perfect, but he was probably the greatest President in the last half of the 20th century.

Greatest President since Coolidge
Might be the most moronic statement made by a progressive so far today.

Check how the middle class fared during Reagans tenure

At a young age, someone should have explained to you that correlation does not equal causality.

Yes, the Middle Class STILL did okay DESPITE Reagan, because we hadn't shipped all the good manufacturing jobs out of the country yet. Heck, I'll even give Reagan SOME props on calling the Japanese on Dumping, forcing them to make cars here.

The Damage he did, however, continues to resonate.

OK, JoeB you win the "Most Moronic Progressive Post So Far Today" award

You mean you get that for making points you lack the intellect to refute?

Guy, you lack a lot of intellect. Frankly, when I used to be Republican, guys like you were sort of embarrassing.

Why should I even bother to refute the total bullshit you even backed away from in your very next post?

Well, no, I tried to give you something called context, but obviously, due to your severe learning disability, that was a pointless endeavor.

"The middle class was devastated under Reagan, except it wasn't" --- JoeB logic
But Reagan set in motion all the crisis that have followed. When he fired the PATCO workers, he told the wealthy that the government would no longer have hte back of working people. The demise of the middle class and all the problems that followed are on him.

Buh, buh, but Bush!
2) Contrary to Reagan's boasts, the fall of the USSR is not something he predicted.

Why would a leader irresponsibly predict the fall of his country's greatest enemy? :eusa_hand:

In fact, the Army was still publishing "threat" manuals with all these glossy pictures of Russian military hardware and acted like not a thing was wrong.

They should switch everything overnight and encourage a Soviet resurgence. :eusa_hand:

Our intelligence agencies were caught flat-footed when the USSR fell.

And you have this from legitimate sources? :rofl:

Everybody was surprised when the USSR fell, and it required some introspection. No one was counting their chickens before they hatched.
The right wing tries to endow him with super powers, but in truth he was an old man with Alzheimer's who didn't even know where he was during the last few years of his presidency. Nancy was calling the shots with the help of fortune tellers she called into the white house to advise her..

It was only in his last year that he began to lose a few faculties. Before that, he was as sharp as ever. His trusted advisors would have picked up any slack in the last months.
But Reagan set in motion all the crisis that have followed. When he fired the PATCO workers, he told the wealthy that the government would no longer have hte back of working people. The demise of the middle class and all the problems that followed are on him.


Firing the air traffic controllers had absolutely nothing to do with unions overall. Reagan did it to maintain optimal air transportation where nothing less is acceptable.
Firing PATCO was straight out of the Coolidge playbook where he fired striking police force.

Yes, endangering millions of people because they asked for a raise was a masterstroke.... of stupidity.

Don't you have that a little backwards? :lol:

Walking off the job and leaving supervisors to do the job and whatever other air traffic controllers they can find is endangering every person that steps onto a plane.

Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization 1968 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ronald Reagan declared the PATCO strike a "peril to national safety" and ordered them back to work under the terms of the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947.
With very good reason, government employees like police and firefighters cannot strike by law. de Blasio would fire the NYPD if they went on strike and he would be right.
And Iran/Contra should been grounds for his impeachment. But he got off by claiming he was and Alzheimer victim. And he WAS a hard core ideologue.

He made a lot of people happy that he was doing something to fight the spread of communism in Central America like we did in Chile. And Reagan caused no harm by diverting funds and creating heroes like Oliver North. Do you know how much happiness is worth?

Reagan also put a big chink in Daniel Ortega's armor.

What Clinton did was just as silly of a reason to impeach him.
The right wing tries to endow him with super powers, but in truth he was an old man with Alzheimer's who didn't even know where he was during the last few years of his presidency. Nancy was calling the shots with the help of fortune tellers she called into the white house to advise her..

It was only in his last year that he began to lose a few faculties. Before that, he was as sharp as ever. His trusted advisors would have picked up any slack in the last months.
Like fortune tellers.

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