Ronna McRamney OUT as RNC albatros.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013

It's about time. She is an elitist and has been a disaster. Hope Trump picks someone better this time.
Except she hasn't done that yet. She's just offered to step down after the SC primary...maybe. :)
Any chaos on the pants shitting side of the aisle brings a smile to my face.
Republicans are..USELESS!

If gets replaced by a crazy MAGAt, the GOP is doomed in November.
The RNC needs to be REAL OPPOSITION to the soviets. The DNC offers no free fucks when it comes to their regressive agenda to subjugate the planet under a collectivist plutocracy of old money banking aristocracies. The election of anyone who isn't actively resisting the endeavors of criminals and traitors operating in and for the DNC and it's funders is a parasite.

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