Rookie NYPD cop texted union before calling 911 after accidentally shooting innocent man

Now, let's get back on track.
This officer has automatically made sure that a hefty wrongful death settlement is forthcoming and possible criminal charges.
Which he rightly deserves.

That has NO BEARING on it be a RACIAL crime! WHICH IT ISN'T! flash!!!!!
Nobody EVER stated that it was a racial crime.

Not in here BUT on the outside, where it REALLY COUNTS they do!

Fatal New York police shooting stokes new criticism - LA Times
So in other words, you posted a comment concerning a point that was never mentioned on the thread and then found a story to try to prop it it.

Btw...where does anyone in the story you posted say the man was killed because he was Black???
Now to spoil the porch monkeys rant....

A DID YOU KNOW moment....

Liang claims his gun accidentally discharged, sending a ricocheting bullet into Gurley's chest.

It would suggest an ACCIDENT as the officer stated!

NYPD Cop Shoots Unarmed Man Texts Union Rep Instead of Calling for Help - Hit Run

So in other words: he is only grossly incompetent, not evil.
He's evil also. What kind of human would stand over a dying man and call the union before calling for an ambulance???
almost as bad as 4 black gang members kidnapping and executing a white cop....
Actually I can understand why you can't intellectual discern the difference...
Criminal break the law, they took no oath to uphold the law.

Law Enforcement Officer trained in the use of his fire arm, sworn to uphold the law, protect life and property.
Exercise integrity and professionalism...

Starting to see the difference???
A New York police officer who shot a man dead in a Brooklyn housing project texted his union before calling 911, a new report has revealed.

I can believe this completely. It's the "Darren Wilson Solution to a BIG FUCKING Problem". It's on speed dial for these assholes.
What was the Officer "terrified" of???
Becoming the next Darren Wilson.
So an Officer disobeys direct orders, shoots a man and according to you his first responsibility is to call his union instead of an ambulance for a dying man????

In what world is that acceptable conduct???
Not his first responsibility. His first thought. His first reaction is going to be himself. That's just the way human beings are.

I had not heard his direct orders. What were his direct orders and who gave them?

You must be a Republican. Self-absorption and disregard for others is the touchstone for conservatives.
The point where I start to laugh is when you also say you're a Christian.
His partner called 911! ... there were TWO officers on that patrol.
So another occurrence of vilgilante posting statements mentioned NOWHERE in the article.

Stop lying...the man was laying there for almost seven minutes before 911 was called.

There's no documentation that the officers ever called 911, a resident in the building heard the gunshots and called.
His partner called 911! ... there were TWO officers on that patrol.
So another occurrence of vilgilante posting statements mentioned NOWHERE in the article.

Stop lying...the man was laying there for almost seven minutes before 911 was called.

There's no documentation that the officers ever called 911, a resident in the building heard the gunshots and called.

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