Room Service Receipt Shows Paddock had Guest in Room


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
This is starting to unwind. Who was the second person? The woman roaming the crowd saying 'Your'e all going to die tonight"?



An image posted on Facebook by a man who claims he served Stephen Paddock room service shows that the gunman was with a guest during his time at the Mandalay Bay hotel four days before the massacre took place.

The receipt shows an employee named Antonio served two guests an “IRD_MB,” which means “In Room Dining, Mandalay Bay.”

The table number is “32135” – which equates to Paddock’s room number (135) on the 32nd floor.

Paddock ordered a burger, a bagel with cream cheese, a potato soup, one bottle of water and two Pepsis, suggesting that there was another person eating with him in the room. The receipt shows the number “2” next to the word “Guests”.


The date on the receipt also says September 27, whereas authorities assert that Paddock checked in the day after on September 28.

Paddock’s guest could not have been his girlfriend Marilou Danley because she was in the Philippines at the time.

The individual who posted the receipt appears to have deleted it from his Facebook page, although the page still shows that he works at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.

Another source told Laura Loomer that the gunman actually checked in on September 25, three days before authorities said he did.

Receipt Shows Paddock Had Another Guest in His Room Before Shooting
A "facebook post" that conveniently no longer exists, allegedly from a guy who "says" he took room service up, garnered from the website of Alex "John Brinkley" :cuckoo: Jones.

Jeepers Wally, what a solid case that is.

Aren't you the same asshat who posted a picture of wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin and claimed it was the Democratic convention in New York?

I smell a pattern.
26.00 dollars for a burger, and 10.00 for water? Motive.....
A "facebook post" that conveniently no longer exists, allegedly from a guy who "says" he took room service up, garnered from the website of Alex "John Brinkley" :cuckoo: Jones.

Jeepers Wally, what a solid case that is.

Aren't you the same asshat who posted a picture of wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin and claimed it was the Democratic convention in New York?

I smell a pattern.

Guardian and DM UK are running the story now.
Oh btw OP, you wanna buy a bridge? I're a collector.

I got one that connects Wisconsin to New York by trolley. :deal:
This is starting to unwind. Who was the second person? The woman roaming the crowd saying 'Your'e all going to die tonight"?



An image posted on Facebook by a man who claims he served Stephen Paddock room service shows that the gunman was with a guest during his time at the Mandalay Bay hotel four days before the massacre took place.

The receipt shows an employee named Antonio served two guests an “IRD_MB,” which means “In Room Dining, Mandalay Bay.”

The table number is “32135” – which equates to Paddock’s room number (135) on the 32nd floor.

Paddock ordered a burger, a bagel with cream cheese, a potato soup, one bottle of water and two Pepsis, suggesting that there was another person eating with him in the room. The receipt shows the number “2” next to the word “Guests”.


The date on the receipt also says September 27, whereas authorities assert that Paddock checked in the day after on September 28.

Paddock’s guest could not have been his girlfriend Marilou Danley because she was in the Philippines at the time.

The individual who posted the receipt appears to have deleted it from his Facebook page, although the page still shows that he works at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.

Another source told Laura Loomer that the gunman actually checked in on September 25, three days before authorities said he did.

Receipt Shows Paddock Had Another Guest in His Room Before Shooting

Seriously? He may have had a paid escort in his room.
This is starting to unwind. Who was the second person? The woman roaming the crowd saying 'Your'e all going to die tonight"?



An image posted on Facebook by a man who claims he served Stephen Paddock room service shows that the gunman was with a guest during his time at the Mandalay Bay hotel four days before the massacre took place.

The receipt shows an employee named Antonio served two guests an “IRD_MB,” which means “In Room Dining, Mandalay Bay.”

The table number is “32135” – which equates to Paddock’s room number (135) on the 32nd floor.

Paddock ordered a burger, a bagel with cream cheese, a potato soup, one bottle of water and two Pepsis, suggesting that there was another person eating with him in the room. The receipt shows the number “2” next to the word “Guests”.


The date on the receipt also says September 27, whereas authorities assert that Paddock checked in the day after on September 28.

Paddock’s guest could not have been his girlfriend Marilou Danley because she was in the Philippines at the time.

The individual who posted the receipt appears to have deleted it from his Facebook page, although the page still shows that he works at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.

Another source told Laura Loomer that the gunman actually checked in on September 25, three days before authorities said he did.

Receipt Shows Paddock Had Another Guest in His Room Before Shooting

Seriously? He may have had a paid escort in his room.

Maybe? But what about the date?

Wait, lemme check something here..............

Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


Yep, still got his name on it.

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) wearing conic masks and white robes parading down King Street to Schroeder Funeral Home for the funeral of Police officer Herbert Dreger. Dreger was shot to death in "Death's Corner" (South Murray Street) on December 2, 1924.
Image ID: 1902
Creation Date: 1924-12-05
Creator Name: Vinje, Arthur M., 1888-1972
City: Madison
County: Dane
State: Wisconsin
Collection Name: Vinje, Arthur M. : Photographs and Negatives-
Genre: Photograph
Original Format Type: photographic print, b&w
Original Format Number: CF 67957
Original Dimensions: 10 x 8 inches << --- Wisconsin Historical Society
Indeed --- "what about the date?". December 2, 1924. Six months after the actual Democratic convention, and a thousand miles away, and a month after the election. An election which, by the time this photo was taken, the Klan had already awarded itself credit for getting Calvin Coolidge elected.

Yanno what --- the OP never fessed up to that fuckup either. He just ran away.
Guy knew he was going to die

Must have been a Vegas hooker
This is starting to unwind. Who was the second person? The woman roaming the crowd saying 'Your'e all going to die tonight"?



An image posted on Facebook by a man who claims he served Stephen Paddock room service shows that the gunman was with a guest during his time at the Mandalay Bay hotel four days before the massacre took place.

The receipt shows an employee named Antonio served two guests an “IRD_MB,” which means “In Room Dining, Mandalay Bay.”

The table number is “32135” – which equates to Paddock’s room number (135) on the 32nd floor.

Paddock ordered a burger, a bagel with cream cheese, a potato soup, one bottle of water and two Pepsis, suggesting that there was another person eating with him in the room. The receipt shows the number “2” next to the word “Guests”.


The date on the receipt also says September 27, whereas authorities assert that Paddock checked in the day after on September 28.

Paddock’s guest could not have been his girlfriend Marilou Danley because she was in the Philippines at the time.

The individual who posted the receipt appears to have deleted it from his Facebook page, although the page still shows that he works at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.

Another source told Laura Loomer that the gunman actually checked in on September 25, three days before authorities said he did.

Receipt Shows Paddock Had Another Guest in His Room Before Shooting

Well, for starters, there are no names on the receipt, just room numbers. And, it's from a worker who is choosing to remain nameless, as well as the photo showing the receipt is posted in Spanish.

And, you guys are hollering about some "conspiracy theory" about the shooter somehow being in the room the day before he checked in.

Hey......................quick question................did you ever hear of attention whores who claim to have some good information, but you later find out that it is b.s., and they were just trying to get some fame out of the deal?

How about the FACT that there is no conspiracy theory about the shooter somehow being in the room a day early? Did you know that Vegas is a busy place, and that there are lots of people who spend the night there 365 days a year? Did you also know that those people rotate out, and other people come in to clean their rooms after they leave so that they can rent the room out again that afternoon?

No, this receipt shows nothing, proves nothing and is nothing. Some busboy probably found a receipt with the room number, didn't read the date, and tried to pass it off as the Vegas shooter's.
Oh btw OP, you wanna buy a bridge? I're a collector.

I got one that connects Wisconsin to New York by trolley. :deal:
Liberals always know everything. You should work for the FBI. I'm sure by know you could have found something on Trump by now.
A "facebook post" that conveniently no longer exists, allegedly from a guy who "says" he took room service up, garnered from the website of Alex "John Brinkley" :cuckoo: Jones.

Jeepers Wally, what a solid case that is.

Aren't you the same asshat who posted a picture of wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin and claimed it was the Democratic convention in New York?

I smell a pattern.
Me too and the report said he had "two pepsis", wow!! I didn't know they served wasps...I must go there sometime....

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