Roosevelt: Stupidity or Mendacity?

The proper title of the OP is: Political Chic: Stupidity and Mendacity and Lies

Doubt it? Just read what she writes

"Just read what she writes."

And after any read what each of us has posted, your reputation will be firmly and permanently established.

You will never be able to live down to your reputation!
aka He campaigned on Lies and the distortion of the truth.

We are seeing the same today, as they Lie their asses off for political power.

WWII brought us out of the Depression........and FDR would never let a good crisis go to waste before that.

If there had been no Depression, or WWII he would have been nobody in history. Same as Wilson.

A massive goverment spending program known as WWII brought us out of the depression.

If you have the interest, I would like to see your comment on the opening of the OP:

Today it will be proven....proven....that FDR knew the correct way the recession should be dealt with....yet he chose to do the opposite, causing and extending a Depression.
Why he did so remains to be answered.

That's really what this is about.
there goes the trolls obsession over FDR and the democrats again.

Another typical non-response from a brain-dead Liberal.

It is one of the many permutations of the #1 doctrine of the Left: silence any and all opposition voices.

As you can've failed.
I have seen and heard a plethora of presidential candidates and actual presidents that ran on the promise of balancing the US budget, something that has yet to ever happen, but then again, Congress controls the purse strings and I have yet to see any movement towards a balanced budget from them either..
Today it will be proven....proven....that FDR knew the correct way the recession should be dealt with....yet he chose to do the opposite, causing and extending a Depression.
Why he did so remains to be answered.

1. The hagiography and idol-worship leaves out all understanding of his times...and what he actually said and did. I am to save the day!

2. The basis of FDR's 1932 campaign to win the presidency from Herbert Hoover was his emphatic promise to the suffering American people, that he would balance the budget. Of course, he also promised that he would use the government to create jobs, and that they "had a right to a comfortable living."
FDR?s Commonwealth Club Address

3.The part about balancing the budget had a certain resonance as President Harding had veered sharply away from federal spending and solved as major a recession in about one year.

Certainly Franklin Roosevelt knew this, as he hammered away at Hoover's spending. October 19, 1932, he nailed Hoover, observing that in recent years federal expenses had increased by $1 billion "and that I may add, is the most reckless and extravagant past that I have been able to discover in the statistical record of any peacetime Government anywhere, any time."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Get that? He knew the economic history.

a. Roosevelt went further! The cause: "It arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it! If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

b. And this: "... carrying out the plain precept of our Party, which is to reduce the cost of current Federal Government operations by 25 percent." Ibid.

Can we let that sink in?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt...budget wonk....balance the budget....stop the what Republican Harding did!!!
I think I have the vapors!

What a good fiscal conservative this guy would have been!!
Then he was elected....a fatal development.

Know what 'mendacity' means?

Take a moment....look it up.
I'll be back.

The first bill FDR submitted to the Congress was the Bank Act. The second FDR bill was the Economic Act. The Economic act was an attempt to give FDR the power to reduce spending and begin to balance the budget. FDR was pretty ruthless making cuts: Congress salaries, disabled veterans benefits, and other cuts, Congress approved the cuts. Then the public reacted and bingo Congress restored the cuts. FDR vetoed the restoration and Congress overrode FDR's veto.
At that time the only answer governments had to depressions was the balanced budget thing and FDR had started on that path, but Americans were hungry and some were making noises about changing the government so FDR experimented: fed the hungry and quieted the people down and gave them jobs.
America had embarked on a new path, Keynsian, and Keynes is the only path we have today for depressions and both parties use it. With a major depression/recession today, would even Republicans go back to the Hoover-Harding methods, did Bush?
I have seen and heard a plethora of presidential candidates and actual presidents that ran on the promise of balancing the US budget, something that has yet to ever happen, but then again, Congress controls the purse strings and I have yet to see any movement towards a balanced budget from them either..

So, ....could you list a couple who did so, knowing full well that they were working to ensure the extension of the suffering of the American people?

Otherwise, they serve no purpose in comparing same to FDR.
Today it will be proven....proven....that FDR knew the correct way the recession should be dealt with....yet he chose to do the opposite, causing and extending a Depression.
Why he did so remains to be answered.

1. The hagiography and idol-worship leaves out all understanding of his times...and what he actually said and did. I am to save the day!

2. The basis of FDR's 1932 campaign to win the presidency from Herbert Hoover was his emphatic promise to the suffering American people, that he would balance the budget. Of course, he also promised that he would use the government to create jobs, and that they "had a right to a comfortable living."
FDR?s Commonwealth Club Address

3.The part about balancing the budget had a certain resonance as President Harding had veered sharply away from federal spending and solved as major a recession in about one year.

Certainly Franklin Roosevelt knew this, as he hammered away at Hoover's spending. October 19, 1932, he nailed Hoover, observing that in recent years federal expenses had increased by $1 billion "and that I may add, is the most reckless and extravagant past that I have been able to discover in the statistical record of any peacetime Government anywhere, any time."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Get that? He knew the economic history.

a. Roosevelt went further! The cause: "It arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it! If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

b. And this: "... carrying out the plain precept of our Party, which is to reduce the cost of current Federal Government operations by 25 percent." Ibid.

Can we let that sink in?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt...budget wonk....balance the budget....stop the what Republican Harding did!!!
I think I have the vapors!

What a good fiscal conservative this guy would have been!!
Then he was elected....a fatal development.

Know what 'mendacity' means?

Take a moment....look it up.
I'll be back.

The first bill FDR submitted to the Congress was the Bank Act. The second FDR bill was the Economic Act. The Economic act was an attempt to give FDR the power to reduce spending and begin to balance the budget. FDR was pretty ruthless making cuts: Congress salaries, disabled veterans benefits, and other cuts, Congress approved the cuts. Then the public reacted and bingo Congress restored the cuts. FDR vetoed the restoration and Congress overrode FDR's veto.
At that time the only answer governments had to depressions was the balanced budget thing and FDR had started on that path, but Americans were hungry and some were making noises about changing the government so FDR experimented: fed the hungry and quieted the people down and gave them jobs.
America had embarked on a new path, Keynsian, and Keynes is the only path we have today for depressions and both parties use it. With a major depression/recession today, would even Republicans go back to the Hoover-Harding methods, did Bush?

"....and FDR had started on that path,...."

Let's examine that....might this help you?

Know what 'mendacity' means now?

4. 'Cause he went on to vow that everyone he selects for his cabinet had to pledge absolute fealty to a balanced budget and a 25% across-the-board cut in government spending.
Yeah, boyyeeeee!

5. OK...maybe he intended same, but forgot.
He did appoint Lewis Douglas as budget director:
" A conservative Democrat, Douglas advocated fiscal responsibility ... a reputation as a man of principle. During the Great Depression he adhered to the economic orthodoxy of his time, arguing that low tariffs and a balanced federal budget were essential requirements for an economic recovery.....

Douglas's time as budget director proved frustrating."
Lewis Williams Douglas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks like Roosevelt was going to do the right thing, huh?

Wait....Even a quick glance at the economic history of the Roosevelt administration would show no such fiscal conservatism.

So....we advance the conversation:
....FDR: Stupid or mendacious?

Wait for the next chapter in this epic.
Not enough choices. Stupidity or mendacity? How about if we ask "PoliticalChic, brainwashed extreme neo conservative fascist or paid neo conservative fascist liar." See what happens when you load the question so you can only get a nasty and negative reply. Which one, stupid or mendacious?
Lets add, Genius to the FDR questions. Was he stupid, mendacious or a genius who knew how to pick his battles, knew when to hold and when to fold and was a master manipulator of his opponents.
Today it will be proven....proven....that FDR knew the correct way the recession should be dealt with....yet he chose to do the opposite, causing and extending a Depression.
Why he did so remains to be answered.

1. The hagiography and idol-worship leaves out all understanding of his times...and what he actually said and did. I am to save the day!

2. The basis of FDR's 1932 campaign to win the presidency from Herbert Hoover was his emphatic promise to the suffering American people, that he would balance the budget. Of course, he also promised that he would use the government to create jobs, and that they "had a right to a comfortable living."
FDR?s Commonwealth Club Address

3.The part about balancing the budget had a certain resonance as President Harding had veered sharply away from federal spending and solved as major a recession in about one year.

Certainly Franklin Roosevelt knew this, as he hammered away at Hoover's spending. October 19, 1932, he nailed Hoover, observing that in recent years federal expenses had increased by $1 billion "and that I may add, is the most reckless and extravagant past that I have been able to discover in the statistical record of any peacetime Government anywhere, any time."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Get that? He knew the economic history.

a. Roosevelt went further! The cause: "It arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it! If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

b. And this: "... carrying out the plain precept of our Party, which is to reduce the cost of current Federal Government operations by 25 percent." Ibid.

Can we let that sink in?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt...budget wonk....balance the budget....stop the what Republican Harding did!!!
I think I have the vapors!

What a good fiscal conservative this guy would have been!!
Then he was elected....a fatal development.

Know what 'mendacity' means?

Take a moment....look it up.
I'll be back.

The first bill FDR submitted to the Congress was the Bank Act. The second FDR bill was the Economic Act. The Economic act was an attempt to give FDR the power to reduce spending and begin to balance the budget. FDR was pretty ruthless making cuts: Congress salaries, disabled veterans benefits, and other cuts, Congress approved the cuts. Then the public reacted and bingo Congress restored the cuts. FDR vetoed the restoration and Congress overrode FDR's veto.
At that time the only answer governments had to depressions was the balanced budget thing and FDR had started on that path, but Americans were hungry and some were making noises about changing the government so FDR experimented: fed the hungry and quieted the people down and gave them jobs.
America had embarked on a new path, Keynsian, and Keynes is the only path we have today for depressions and both parties use it. With a major depression/recession today, would even Republicans go back to the Hoover-Harding methods, did Bush?

"....and FDR had started on that path,...."

Let's examine that....might this help you?

Know what 'mendacity' means now?

4. 'Cause he went on to vow that everyone he selects for his cabinet had to pledge absolute fealty to a balanced budget and a 25% across-the-board cut in government spending.
Yeah, boyyeeeee!

5. OK...maybe he intended same, but forgot.
He did appoint Lewis Douglas as budget director:
" A conservative Democrat, Douglas advocated fiscal responsibility ... a reputation as a man of principle. During the Great Depression he adhered to the economic orthodoxy of his time, arguing that low tariffs and a balanced federal budget were essential requirements for an economic recovery.....

Douglas's time as budget director proved frustrating."
Lewis Williams Douglas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks like Roosevelt was going to do the right thing, huh?

Wait....Even a quick glance at the economic history of the Roosevelt administration would show no such fiscal conservatism.

So....we advance the conversation:
....FDR: Stupid or mendacious?

Wait for the next chapter in this epic.

Fiscal conservatism as a mode for fighting depression/recessions is as dead as Hoover and Harding. The latest conservative answer to fighting depression/recessions is that only a war with war spending on the scale of WWII, can succeed. In short, wars cure economic depressions not fiscal conservatism.
As for Hoover and Harding, both are still fighting over who should be rated as America's worst president. Harding claims his allowing the looting of the Veterans Administration gives him a leg up and Hoover claims that his almost four years of claiming prosperity was just around the corner makes him the most mendacious.
Not enough choices. Stupidity or mendacity? How about if we ask "PoliticalChic, brainwashed extreme neo conservative fascist or paid neo conservative fascist liar." See what happens when you load the question so you can only get a nasty and negative reply. Which one, stupid or mendacious?
Lets add, Genius to the FDR questions. Was he stupid, mendacious or a genius who knew how to pick his battles, knew when to hold and when to fold and was a master manipulator of his opponents.

Now, you have never been able to show any of my post that aren't true..... light of that, what dictionary defines truth-telling as brainwashed?

2. "...extreme neo conservative fascist or paid neo conservative fascist liar."

Oooooo....look at the result my truth-telling causes in simpletons who can't deal with facts.

OK, I’ve seen your preparatory spittle-spewing, rage-fueled rant, now for your signature move, soiling your shorts.

That sound?
Me.....laughing at you.
The first bill FDR submitted to the Congress was the Bank Act. The second FDR bill was the Economic Act. The Economic act was an attempt to give FDR the power to reduce spending and begin to balance the budget. FDR was pretty ruthless making cuts: Congress salaries, disabled veterans benefits, and other cuts, Congress approved the cuts. Then the public reacted and bingo Congress restored the cuts. FDR vetoed the restoration and Congress overrode FDR's veto.
At that time the only answer governments had to depressions was the balanced budget thing and FDR had started on that path, but Americans were hungry and some were making noises about changing the government so FDR experimented: fed the hungry and quieted the people down and gave them jobs.
America had embarked on a new path, Keynsian, and Keynes is the only path we have today for depressions and both parties use it. With a major depression/recession today, would even Republicans go back to the Hoover-Harding methods, did Bush?

"....and FDR had started on that path,...."

Let's examine that....might this help you?

Know what 'mendacity' means now?

4. 'Cause he went on to vow that everyone he selects for his cabinet had to pledge absolute fealty to a balanced budget and a 25% across-the-board cut in government spending.
Yeah, boyyeeeee!

5. OK...maybe he intended same, but forgot.
He did appoint Lewis Douglas as budget director:
" A conservative Democrat, Douglas advocated fiscal responsibility ... a reputation as a man of principle. During the Great Depression he adhered to the economic orthodoxy of his time, arguing that low tariffs and a balanced federal budget were essential requirements for an economic recovery.....

Douglas's time as budget director proved frustrating."
Lewis Williams Douglas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks like Roosevelt was going to do the right thing, huh?

Wait....Even a quick glance at the economic history of the Roosevelt administration would show no such fiscal conservatism.

So....we advance the conversation:
....FDR: Stupid or mendacious?

Wait for the next chapter in this epic.

Fiscal conservatism as a mode for fighting depression/recessions is as dead as Hoover and Harding. The latest conservative answer to fighting depression/recessions is that only a war with war spending on the scale of WWII, can succeed. In short, wars cure economic depressions not fiscal conservatism.
As for Hoover and Harding, both are still fighting over who should be rated as America's worst president. Harding claims his allowing the looting of the Veterans Administration gives him a leg up and Hoover claims that his almost four years of claiming prosperity was just around the corner makes him the most mendacious.

"Fiscal conservatism as a mode for fighting depression/recessions is as dead as Hoover and Harding."

Dead....because it worked????

Poor, poor reggie.....

Bereft of ideas, unaccustomed to truth.

Oh, man.....I am so looking forward to you and Camp in a Mexican Midget Wrestling match!

Don't let me down.
I think my post pretty much sums up the quality and intellectual level of these types of threads.

Has anybody told you people FDR is dead, and not running for office?

Doesn't anybody want to know what type of BBQ sauce the Roosevelts like on their barbecued babies?

I'd like to know. I'm guessing it wasn't NC style.
The answer to the question in the thread title is: Both (and worse).
I think my post pretty much sums up the quality and intellectual level of these types of threads.

Has anybody told you people FDR is dead, and not running for office?

Doesn't anybody want to know what type of BBQ sauce the Roosevelts like on their barbecued babies?

I'd like to know. I'm guessing it wasn't NC style.

He seems to have enjoyed eating in Virginia, so perhaps he would have preferred Virginia style BBQ sauce.

[ame=]FDR Visits Foresters, Shenandoah National Park 1933/8/14 - YouTube[/ame]
Not enough choices. Stupidity or mendacity? How about if we ask "PoliticalChic, brainwashed extreme neo conservative fascist or paid neo conservative fascist liar." See what happens when you load the question so you can only get a nasty and negative reply. Which one, stupid or mendacious?
Lets add, Genius to the FDR questions. Was he stupid, mendacious or a genius who knew how to pick his battles, knew when to hold and when to fold and was a master manipulator of his opponents.

Still waiting for you FDR-groupies, the lackwit Tinkerbells to find any errors in my portrayal or quotes of FDR.

All 100% accurate?
Every single thing I've posted??
Yes indeed!

6. Now then: did appointing Lewis Douglas mean that Roosevelt would carry out his promises?
Nah. begin with, in March of 1933, he didn't fill his cabinet with persons committed to a balanced budget. A pretty much poke 'in your eye.'

a. ....instead the bunch put together the huge spending and administrative expansion of his first hundred day, Douglas knew the real deal.

b. Roosevelt expanded the federal government and ran up deficits much greater than those of Hoover.

The same Roosevelt who ran on this agenda: "[The recession] arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it!

If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true." Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

And there are simpletons still defending this guy!!!

7. Poor Douglas....Roosevelt would promise him cuts, then go to Rexford Tugwell and Harry Hopkins and give them whatever they wanted.
Of course, the 'Brain Trust' was made up of socialists, fascists and communists....but, what the heck.

How ya' like them apples, boyyyeeeeee????
I think my post pretty much sums up the quality and intellectual level of these types of threads.

Has anybody told you people FDR is dead, and not running for office?

Doesn't anybody want to know what type of BBQ sauce the Roosevelts like on their barbecued babies?

I'd like to know. I'm guessing it wasn't NC style.

He seems to have enjoyed eating in Virginia, so perhaps he would have preferred Virginia style BBQ sauce.

[ame=]FDR Visits Foresters, Shenandoah National Park 1933/8/14 - YouTube[/ame]
Virginia has a style of BBQ sauce? I will have to check that out.
The answer to the question in the thread title is: Both (and worse).

Ya, a President that was elected four times and guided us through a global depression and the largest and deadliest war in world history and in the end left us as the richest and most powerful nation on the planet, was stupid according to you. Like your a credible source the world should pay attention to.

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