Roosevelt: Stupidity or Mendacity?

So much of the right will simply never forgive FDR for beating the Nazis.

Actually, it was the policies adopted by Marshall, IN SPITE OF THE HINDRANCES THAT FDR PLACED IN HIS WAY...that won the war. You know admiral, you're really not very well versed in.....well anything it appears.
So much of the right will simply never forgive FDR for beating the Nazis.

Seems you aren't astute enough to ever respond to anything in a thread.

You drop by, leave your effluvia, and run off.

Well....perhaps next time you'll show some spine.

I've answered you. You seem unable to deal with the responses. When I answer your questions you ignore the answers. When I ask you questions you ignore them. When myself or anyone else debunks your silly assertions you declare you are smarter than everyone else and claim victory. Having a discussion with you is like talking to a wall.
So much of the right will simply never forgive FDR for beating the Nazis.

Seems you aren't astute enough to ever respond to anything in a thread.

You drop by, leave your effluvia, and run off.

Well....perhaps next time you'll show some spine.

I've answered you. You seem unable to deal with the responses. When I answer your questions you ignore the answers. When I ask you questions you ignore them. When myself or anyone else debunks your silly assertions you declare you are smarter than everyone else and claim victory. Having a discussion with you is like talking to a wall.

You fibbed to defend your idol.

I pointed out that beyond appointing Lewis Douglas, he made no attempt to shrink government, to cut deficits.....and he went on to lie to Douglas about his intentions, as documented by the statement by Turner Catledge, NYTimes executive editor.

So, no, lies don't count as answers.

I gave the real answer. His intention was to imitate the economic policies of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin.

And he did.
So much of the right will simply never forgive FDR for beating the Nazis.

FDR did not "beat the Nazis." Stop being a nuthugger.

It's true. WE WON WWII !!! It was in all the papers. Don't know how you could have missed it. Everyone on the winning side gets credit.

But it's a lose-lose situation for some conservatives. First, the people of FDR's generation elected FDR four times, then the historians of the next generations elect FDR as one of the three greatest American presidents, and recently the historians of our generation elected FDR as the greatest American president.
How do conservatives cope with these facts, well first, historians are communists and teach history in our universities, secondly we didn't win WWII, thirdly Hoover would have cleaned up the Great Depression if he had only followed Harding's lead.
I try to feel sorry for these conservatives knowing their lose-lose problem but it's hard.
Still, we don't want to chase them off the boards, they are fun.
Seems you aren't astute enough to ever respond to anything in a thread.

You drop by, leave your effluvia, and run off.

Well....perhaps next time you'll show some spine.

I've answered you. You seem unable to deal with the responses. When I answer your questions you ignore the answers. When I ask you questions you ignore them. When myself or anyone else debunks your silly assertions you declare you are smarter than everyone else and claim victory. Having a discussion with you is like talking to a wall.

I gave the real answer. His intention was to imitate the economic policies of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin.

And he did.

So give some examples of the USA and FDR confiscating business's of minorities or political opponents and turning them over to cronies or government agencies. If we and FDR were imitating Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin, who were the Americans that disappeared into forced labor camps where people were starved and worked to death. Which countries did we invade the way Mussolini did to steal resources and enslave the population into a work force. What in America compares to the forced famine as occurred in Ukraine and Russia to transform the agriculture system.

I gave a link to show how the WPA worked. That is how FDR transformed the economy. It may have prolonged the depression as some claim, but it meant people ate and clothed their families and put roofs over there heads while the economy struggled to right itself. It certainly doesn't in any way resemble what Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin were doing. To suggest a resemblance is just shameful deceit.

These men were paid and housed and given jobs with dignity. They were not herded into camps to be worked to death for no pay and bits of bread and watery potato soup.

[ame=]WPA (Works Progress Administration) - 1937 - YouTube[/ame]
I've answered you. You seem unable to deal with the responses. When I answer your questions you ignore the answers. When I ask you questions you ignore them. When myself or anyone else debunks your silly assertions you declare you are smarter than everyone else and claim victory. Having a discussion with you is like talking to a wall.

I gave the real answer. His intention was to imitate the economic policies of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin.

And he did.

So give some examples of the USA and FDR confiscating business's of minorities or political opponents and turning them over to cronies or government agencies. If we and FDR were imitating Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin, who were the Americans that disappeared into forced labor camps where people were starved and worked to death. Which countries did we invade the way Mussolini did to steal resources and enslave the population into a work force. What in America compares to the forced famine as occurred in Ukraine and Russia to transform the agriculture system.

I gave a link to show how the WPA worked. That is how FDR transformed the economy. It may have prolonged the depression as some claim, but it meant people ate and clothed their families and put roofs over there heads while the economy struggled to right itself. It certainly doesn't in any way resemble what Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin were doing. To suggest a resemblance is just shameful deceit.

These men were paid and housed and given jobs with dignity. They were not herded into camps to be worked to death for no pay and bits of bread and watery potato soup.

[ame=]WPA (Works Progress Administration) - 1937 - YouTube[/ame]

Today it will be proven....proven....that FDR knew the correct way the recession should be dealt with....yet he chose to do the opposite, causing and extending a Depression.
Why he did so remains to be answered.

Answer the question.
aka He campaigned on Lies and the distortion of the truth.

We are seeing the same today, as they Lie their asses off for political power.

WWII brought us out of the Depression........and FDR would never let a good crisis go to waste before that.

If there had been no Depression, or WWII he would have been nobody in history. Same as Wilson.

A massive goverment spending program known as WWII brought us out of the depression.

The end of that war and of the controls that had been imposed on the economy is what ended the depression.
So much of the right will simply never forgive FDR for beating the Nazis.

FDR did not "beat the Nazis." Stop being a nuthugger.

It's true. WE WON WWII !!! It was in all the papers. Don't know how you could have missed it. Everyone on the winning side gets credit.

Not until the Fed lays a big giant 'reparations' check on him because his great granpa got quarantined or something in WW II. He's really Po'ed about his sucky McD's job.
So give some examples of the USA and FDR confiscating business's of minorities or political opponents and turning them over to cronies or government agencies.

Are you serious? Have you never studied the history of that period?
FDR did not "beat the Nazis." Stop being a nuthugger.

It's true. WE WON WWII !!! It was in all the papers. Don't know how you could have missed it. Everyone on the winning side gets credit.

Not until the Fed lays a big giant 'reparations' check on him because his great granpa got quarantined or something in WW II. He's really Po'ed about his sucky McD's job.

Who the hell are you talking about?
FDR did not "beat the Nazis." Stop being a nuthugger.

It's true. WE WON WWII !!! It was in all the papers. Don't know how you could have missed it. Everyone on the winning side gets credit.

But it's a lose-lose situation for some conservatives. First, the people of FDR's generation elected FDR four times, then the historians of the next generations elect FDR as one of the three greatest American presidents, and recently the historians of our generation elected FDR as the greatest American president.
How do conservatives cope with these facts, well first, historians are communists and teach history in our universities, secondly we didn't win WWII, thirdly Hoover would have cleaned up the Great Depression if he had only followed Harding's lead.
I try to feel sorry for these conservatives knowing their lose-lose problem but it's hard.
Still, we don't want to chase them off the boards, they are fun.

It's amazing we're still here, given all the massively huge screwups and incompetence and all. Thankfully we have these people who read some stuff by Ann Coulter or something around now to save us from ourselves. It's clear they're geniuses and razor sharp analysts of history and economics. Hard to believe they have the time to spend posting on message boards instead of having Big Important Government and Corporate Jobs and running think tanks and the like, pondering all manner of Deep Thoughts and stuff.
I've answered you. You seem unable to deal with the responses. When I answer your questions you ignore the answers. When I ask you questions you ignore them. When myself or anyone else debunks your silly assertions you declare you are smarter than everyone else and claim victory. Having a discussion with you is like talking to a wall.

I gave the real answer. His intention was to imitate the economic policies of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin.

And he did.

So give some examples of the USA and FDR confiscating business's of minorities or political opponents and turning them over to cronies or government agencies. If we and FDR were imitating Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin, who were the Americans that disappeared into forced labor camps where people were starved and worked to death. Which countries did we invade the way Mussolini did to steal resources and enslave the population into a work force. What in America compares to the forced famine as occurred in Ukraine and Russia to transform the agriculture system.

I gave a link to show how the WPA worked. That is how FDR transformed the economy. It may have prolonged the depression as some claim, but it meant people ate and clothed their families and put roofs over there heads while the economy struggled to right itself. It certainly doesn't in any way resemble what Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin were doing. To suggest a resemblance is just shameful deceit.

These men were paid and housed and given jobs with dignity. They were not herded into camps to be worked to death for no pay and bits of bread and watery potato soup.

[ame=]WPA (Works Progress Administration) - 1937 - YouTube[/ame]

The New Deal had a number of work programs. I spent six months in the CCC's at camp Blue Lake Wisconsin. I got thirty dollars a month and the option to send $25 home and keep five big ones for my very own. If I chose to send the 25 home the government put in another five so me mother got thirty big ones. Mother loved the three C's. I also learned the ribald CCC song, and still remember some of the verses. I never heard anyone in the camp not even the few army noncoms speak Italian.
So give some examples of the USA and FDR confiscating business's of minorities or political opponents and turning them over to cronies or government agencies.

Are you serious? Have you never studied the history of that period?

It should be easy for you to show us an abundance of examples of police and military sweeping people up in the USA to send them to the forced labor camps and easy to give us a list of all the business's of the detainees that were turned over to the government. Maybe something on youtube. That would be cool.
I think my post pretty much sums up the quality and intellectual level of these types of threads.

Has anybody told you people FDR is dead, and not running for office?

Doesn't anybody want to know what type of BBQ sauce the Roosevelts like on their barbecued babies?

I wonder what the world would look like now if the isolationist Republicans had been elected?
This forum would be in German and Japanese.
I gave the real answer. His intention was to imitate the economic policies of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin.

And he did.

So give some examples of the USA and FDR confiscating business's of minorities or political opponents and turning them over to cronies or government agencies. If we and FDR were imitating Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin, who were the Americans that disappeared into forced labor camps where people were starved and worked to death. Which countries did we invade the way Mussolini did to steal resources and enslave the population into a work force. What in America compares to the forced famine as occurred in Ukraine and Russia to transform the agriculture system.

I gave a link to show how the WPA worked. That is how FDR transformed the economy. It may have prolonged the depression as some claim, but it meant people ate and clothed their families and put roofs over there heads while the economy struggled to right itself. It certainly doesn't in any way resemble what Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin were doing. To suggest a resemblance is just shameful deceit.

These men were paid and housed and given jobs with dignity. They were not herded into camps to be worked to death for no pay and bits of bread and watery potato soup.

[ame=]WPA (Works Progress Administration) - 1937 - YouTube[/ame]

Today it will be proven....proven....that FDR knew the correct way the recession should be dealt with....yet he chose to do the opposite, causing and extending a Depression.
Why he did so remains to be answered.

Answer the question.

I believe I gave you the answer. My opinion is that FDR had hope for cooperation and brought on Lewis Douglas in an effort to show his willingness to cooperate. Douglas certainly didn't fit in the FDR administration. So, I believe he gave up on the cooperation thing quickly and did a complete turn. He decided to go the complete opposite route.

I assume you are influenced by Folsom and NEW DEAL-RAW DEAL. Are you familiar with his work? And good lord, you must love this work by Stockman.

FDR: Sowing the Seeds of Chaos - David Stockman - Mises Daily
I gave the real answer. His intention was to imitate the economic policies of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin.

And he did.

So give some examples of the USA and FDR confiscating business's of minorities or political opponents and turning them over to cronies or government agencies. If we and FDR were imitating Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin, who were the Americans that disappeared into forced labor camps where people were starved and worked to death. Which countries did we invade the way Mussolini did to steal resources and enslave the population into a work force. What in America compares to the forced famine as occurred in Ukraine and Russia to transform the agriculture system.

I gave a link to show how the WPA worked. That is how FDR transformed the economy. It may have prolonged the depression as some claim, but it meant people ate and clothed their families and put roofs over there heads while the economy struggled to right itself. It certainly doesn't in any way resemble what Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin were doing. To suggest a resemblance is just shameful deceit.

These men were paid and housed and given jobs with dignity. They were not herded into camps to be worked to death for no pay and bits of bread and watery potato soup.

[ame=""]WPA (Works Progress Administration) - 1937 - YouTube[/ame]

The New Deal had a number of work programs. I spent six months in the CCC's at camp Blue Lake Wisconsin. I got thirty dollars a month and the option to send $25 home and keep five big ones for my very own. If I chose to send the 25 home the government put in another five so me mother got thirty big ones. Mother loved the three C's. I also learned the ribald CCC song, and still remember some of the verses. I never heard anyone in the camp not even the few army noncoms speak Italian.

Several of my parents' and grandparents' best friends would have lost their farms and houses if it weren't for those jobs and the money to send home. The GI Bill later on was a huge boon as well.
Has anybody told you people FDR is dead, and not running for office?
Some people have the capacity to learn from History. You know, look back and say to themselves (and others) "Wow that was pretty stupid. Lets not do THAT again".

I agree. It was a huge mistake to elect Harding and Hoover, and we should never do anything that stupid again. Thank goodness FDR came along and turned the economy around after the 'conservatives' collapsed it, as they always do.

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