Roosevelt's Administration: The Way It Was


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. On May 19, l942, pressured by Communist union officials of the American Communications Association, CIO, the executive branch of our government issued
the first official order to sabotage the security system which the American people
, through their duly elected Congress, had established for the protection of their Armed Forces. On that day, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, in his office, informed Rear Admiral Adolphus Staton that Communist radio operators were not to be removed from their ships.

Less than half a year before, Congress, with the one dissenting vote of Communist favorite Vito Marcantonio had enacted Public Law 351, which authorized the Secretary of the Navy to have all radio operators with a subversive background taken off their ships.
Rear Admiral Staton, recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, headed the administrative board which assisted the Secretary in executing the law. Attending
to his duty, the Admiral had recommended the removal of a number of Communists.

Now, in the presence of the Assistant Secretary, Ralph A. Bard, Vice- Admiral F. J. Horne, Rear Admiral T. S. Wilkinson, Rear Admiral S. C. Hooper, Captain J. B. W. Waller,
Lieutenant Commander F. C. B. Jordan, Lieutenant Commander F. G. Caskey, and Lieutenant K. Baarslag, the Secretary of the Navy instructed Rear Admiral Staton "that, in the opinion of the President, membership or suspected membership in the Communist Party was not sufficient to deprive a radio operator of his job."
Major Hamilton A. Long, America's Tradgedy-Today, (NY:post Printing), pp.
The Yalta Betrayal - Best Resource on FDR

2. "Major Hamilton Long, of New York, an air force combat intelligence officer in World War II, has told the amazing story of the communist grip on the War and Navy Departments in his fully documented pamphlet, "America's Tragedy-Today."

Commander Floyd G. Caskey, wartime head of the communist section of the navy's counter-intelligence service, known as the "Red desk," told Major Long that his files contained 100,000 cards on known and suspected Communists and fellow travelers when he left late in 1943 to attend an advanced intelligence school. When he returned in the spring of 1944 the cards had been destroyed. His assistant, a lieutenant commander who had been left in charge, reported that he had received orders from "higher authority" to destroy the cards."
Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 106

3. On May 18, 1944, news of the destruction of records of communists reached Senator Bridges (R., N. H.), a member of the Military Affairs Committee. The Senator learned that the War Department had ordered the destruction of all of the records of subversive activities, and met with Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson, who called in Chief of Staff General George Marshall, McNarney, Deputy Chief of Staff, and others. The officers bridled at Bridges' questions, and Bridges is quoted as saying "I could forgive an officer who makes a mistake and loses a battle, but an officer who betrays his country's security should be taken out and shot." The Yalta Betrayal - Best Resource on FDR

a. McNarney finally admitted that his office had issued the order on "higher authority." Since Marshall and Stimson had denied any knowledge of the order, the only "higher authority" was the Franklin Roosevelt White House.
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 106

On whose orders, and why, would the White House order the destruction of documents relevant to Soviet subversion?
On whose orders, and why, would the White House order the destruction of documents relevant to Soviet subversion?

4. Representative Martin Dies formed a committee to investigate communism, but found that government archives of communist records and correspondence had been destroyed.

He wrote:

"I was informed, confidentially, by a man well placed in the Department of Justice, that they were destroyed after it was learned that the Dies Committee was determined to conduct a full-scale investigation of Communism."
It was Harry Hopkins who turned down Dies' request of assistance from Roosevelt to help furnish the nascent committee with a staff of lawyers, investigators and stenographers.
Dies, "Martin Dies' Story," p. 64.

Research reveals that either Roosevelt himself, or his closest aides, blocked investigations, issued orders that terminated anti-communist endeavors, or promoted communists in his administration.

Ah yes, Felix Wittmer

I think I saw him on youtube. He was doing a version of "I fought the Reds and the Reds Won" with back up by the Bobby Fuller Four.
Ah yes, Felix Wittmer

I think I saw him on youtube. He was doing a version of "I fought the Reds and the Reds Won" with back up by the Bobby Fuller Four.

Another non-post.

What is the take-away?

It seems, as much as you'd like really can't find any way to refute the basic idea: Roosevelt worked assiduously to make certain that, not only was the Soviet Union supported globally.....

....but the wishes of Joseph Stalin were enforced here at home.

Perhaps you have an explanation as to why?
Perhaps Roosevelt didn't quite know what he was the way he simply guessed at what the price of gold should be.
Maybe he had no experts to turn to....


5. "Not only did FDR overlook the external evidence; FDR ignored the counsel of key experts at the State Department, which, at the time, was an educated and experienced cadre of anti-Communists....who would be neutralized and purged....

n 1937...the Russian research library at the State Department was broken up, the files on Communists, foreign and domestic, ordered destroyed.

The second purge, in 1943.
Both purges took place under Soviet pressure and even direction as when in March 1943 Foreign Minister Litvinov, incredibly, handed over a list of American diplomats the Soviets wanted fired....a "guilt offering to Stalin from Roosevelt"...
West, "American Betrayal," p.193.
Ah yes, Felix Wittmer

I think I saw him on youtube. He was doing a version of "I fought the Reds and the Reds Won" with back up by the Bobby Fuller Four.

Wittmer, Manly, secret fronts and pseudonyms of fascist cabals. Pioneers of disinformation. Made Goebbles look primitive.
Remember, it's not "Soviet Subversion" to a Progressive; then it's just plain cool
Roosevelt did all he could to turn America into a Marxist utopia, Obama is doing the rest.
The 'end game' is Planet Earth as one big ant bed, all the little workers live's dedicated to serving the State, while the Drones and Queens live a life of splendor, engaged in a perpetual sex orgy.
Roosevelt's Administration: The Way It Was

No, it was not the way you portray it.

You could be a propagandist for Opus Dei of the 1930s.
Ah yes, Felix Wittmer

I think I saw him on youtube. He was doing a version of "I fought the Reds and the Reds Won" with back up by the Bobby Fuller Four.

Wittmer, Manly, secret fronts and pseudonyms of fascist cabals. Pioneers of disinformation. Made Goebbles look primitive.

" Pioneers of disinformation..."

With metronomic regularity a certain cadre of Roosevelt apologists attempt to respond to charges in these threads by not responding to them.

Instead, the default is to side-step, tap-dance, and beat about the bush.

You idiot, raise your paw, you simply screech about who provided the revealed truth....not about the fact itself.

In short, you inadvertently admit that the charges against Franklin the communism-facilitator are correct.

And, I certainly hope you are learning from these threads.
After all, as Mark Twain so presciently addressed your problem:
"It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so."
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The 'end game' is Planet Earth as one big ant bed, all the little workers live's dedicated to serving the State, while the Drones and Queens live a life of splendor, engaged in a perpetual sex orgy.

Gee, do ya think PC the Queen Bee of Irrelevancy will pick you as one of her Drones?
The 'end game' is Planet Earth as one big ant bed, all the little workers live's dedicated to serving the State, while the Drones and Queens live a life of splendor, engaged in a perpetual sex orgy.

Gee, do ya think PC the Queen Bee of Irrelevancy will pick you as one of her Drones?

They must relevant to your undying slobbering love affair with Franklin Roosevelt.

The proof?
If my OPs weren't relevant, why would you, in your ineptitude, be trying so hard....and so counter them?

Why, dunce?
FDR had to make a choice. The planet was entering a World War of the scope and dimensions never seen before. Weaponry had advanced to the point that nowhere on earth would be safe from total annihilation if an enemy chose to rain down total annihilation.

America was not the world power it is today. FDR knew without any doubt that the nation faced extermination if the wrong decision about sides and partners were made. America could choose to side with the fascist in Germany, Italy, Hungary and Japan, or he could chose the side of England, France, the nations of western Europe, Australia, and Russia.

FDR made the choice to fight on the side that would defeat the fascist. The fascist have never gotten over it.
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FDR had to make a choice. The planet was entering a World War of the scope and dimensions never seen before. Weaponry had advanced to the point that nowhere on earth would be safe from total annihilation if an enemy chose to rain down total annihilation.

America was not the world power it is today. FDR knew without any doubt that the nation faced extermination if the wrong decision about sides and partners were made. America could choose to side with the fascist in Germany, Italy, Hungary and Japan, or he could chose the side of England, France, the nations of western Europe, Australia, and Russia.

FDR made the choice to fight on the side that would defeat the fascist. The fascist have never gotten over it.

You are as dumb as asphalt.

It is eminently simple.....almost as simple as you prove same.

1. "FDR knew without any doubt that the nation faced extermination if the wrong decision about sides...."

FDR was as clueless as you are.
a. Due to cuts in military spending through the 30’s as a percentage of the federal budget, the United States was woefully unprepared for war. The US was 17th in the world in military strength, and this ultimately let us into a two-ocean war.
"FDR Goes To War," by Folsom and Folsom

b. FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone. To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence.

2. "The planet was entering a World War of the scope and dimensions never seen before."
When, you imbecile???
In 1933????

FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. One of his first official acts was to recognize the USSR, November 16th, 1933.

3. "America could choose to side with the fascist in Germany, Italy, Hungary and Japan, or he could chose the side of England, France, the nations of western Europe, Australia, and Russia."


He was fast friends with Mussolini and Hitler before Stalin ordered him to switch.

The following from "Three New Deals," Wolfgang Schivelbusch:

The current narrative is geared toward minimizing the relationship between Roosevelt’s New Deal, and that of Mussolini and of Hitler…
a. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”
b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’
c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his [Roosevelt's] book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

4. "FDR made the choice to fight on the side that would defeat the fascist. The fascist have never gotten over it."
Fascism is junior class communism. The both originated in the works of Karl Marx.

I challenge you to show any way- other than in FDR's affections- Stalin was any better than Hitler.

I love slicing and dicing your posts!
Be sure to write soon.....dope.
FDR had to make a choice. The planet was entering a World War of the scope and dimensions never seen before. Weaponry had advanced to the point that nowhere on earth would be safe from total annihilation if an enemy chose to rain down total annihilation.

America was not the world power it is today. FDR knew without any doubt that the nation faced extermination if the wrong decision about sides and partners were made. America could choose to side with the fascist in Germany, Italy, Hungary and Japan, or he could chose the side of England, France, the nations of western Europe, Australia, and Russia.

FDR made the choice to fight on the side that would defeat the fascist. The fascist have never gotten over it.

I challenge you to show any way- other than in FDR's affections- Stalin was any better than Hitler.

If Hitler would have won in Europe and against Russia America would have to face an enemy, Germany, who would be armed with ballistic missiles, advanced jet fighters, long range bombers and at some point, nukes.
Most folks are glad Hitler was defeated. At the time, folks thought he, FDR, was making the right decision. Most of them still do. Nobody cared about who was better or worse, Hitler or Stalin. The problem was which one was the greatest threat to America. FDR thought Hitler was the greater threat. He was right.
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