Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

As expected. The racists shoot out from under their rocks trying to justify what was sad, try pretending that democrats are the ones watching Roseanne and whining about the fact this tread was made.
When someone makes a remark involving apes, why do snowflakes always associate it with black people?
Because racists traditionally have compared black people to apes. That was easy.

You've probably "conveniently" forgotten the left compared GWBush to a chimp. No?
You mean everyone whose ideology is "left" compared Bush to a chimp?

Woooosh another one over your dumbass noodle
Wooosh. Whites have not traditionally been compared to chimps.
When someone makes a remark involving apes, why do snowflakes always associate it with black people?
Because racists traditionally have compared black people to apes. That was easy.

You've probably "conveniently" forgotten the left compared GWBush to a chimp. No?
And please tell me Have whites traditionally been compared to chimps?

I just gave you an example but of course you're too fucking stupid to grasp it
LOL! This may be the hottest thread the media forum has ever had..way to go mods!
Free speech isn’t free when relating to blacks. Condemn the white race as a bunch of unfair money grabbers and oppressors all you want. Worship rap crap which advocates violence against women, police and whites but no no no no no no no no don’t ever poke fun or make Any disparaging statement about a black or blacks
Time to stop catering to this one way street of Uber sensitivity

ABC and Twitter are not federal government properties. Go back to elementary school, dumbass.
When someone makes a remark involving apes, why do snowflakes always associate it with black people?
Because racists traditionally have compared black people to apes. That was easy.

You've probably "conveniently" forgotten the left compared GWBush to a chimp. No?
You mean everyone whose ideology is "left" compared Bush to a chimp?

Woooosh another one over your dumbass noodle
Wooosh. Whites have not traditionally been compared to chimps.

Is Bush white you moron?

You're a total waste of time
It sounds like she was probably drunk tweeting. If I had a dime for every drunken USMB post I wish I could take back... I'd have at least 30 cents.
Where's the left's demands that Roseanne has a first amendment right to say what she wants ?

It's freedom of speech when it's NFL players kneeling, but it's suddenly not free speech when it's something they don't agree with.

You do understand the difference between a peaceful protest to address an injustice and just saying something rude and racist, right?

No, he's an idiot and a bigoted one at that.
When someone makes a remark involving apes, why do snowflakes always associate it with black people?
Because racists traditionally have compared black people to apes. That was easy.

You've probably "conveniently" forgotten the left compared GWBush to a chimp. No?
And please tell me Have whites traditionally been compared to chimps?

I just gave you an example but of course you're too fucking stupid to grasp it
Wooosh. You're so dumb that you think "one example" makes a tradition.
Where's the left's demands that Roseanne has a first amendment right to say what she wants ?

It's freedom of speech when it's NFL players kneeling, but it's suddenly not free speech when it's something they don't agree with.

Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.
Not really
Repercussions which are designed to stifle speech range from illegal to ill advised
In the unlikely event you are will not be nearly as clean as all that....God is on the side with the largest battalions.....and who the good guys are..depends strictly on where you are standing. The extreme Right has this fantasy..that the military is on their side--perhaps if they were to look at the stats for non-white enlistment..they might be a bit sobered. Every day the demographic slips a bit more to the coastal view..and away from the Flyover one. 20 years..and the alt/right points will be moot. I think that is what is driving the sense of urgency the Right is feeling--with Trump in office...this may well be their high-water point.

Oh, the military is definitely on our side. That's all right.
Also, we have all the resources --- natural and farmed. Can't get much food or oil out of Los Angeles. This Roseanne flap is a symptom of how desperately the elite are working to try to forestall the split --- they cancelled a best-selling show, instantly. And I think they were right, not just monetarily because of the boycotts starting, but because it's dangerous.

Twitter and Facebook are the biggest cause of war going on in this world. All radical improvements in communications are --- like writing, like printing, like social media. Because it turns out that what people most want to communicate about, is how much they hate the other guy. Huge and long wars always start, like the Reformation from printing. All the Arab Spring type wars were just a start with Twitter and Facebook: now it's our turn.
Being Muslim is being part of a religion and not a race.

And Valerie Jarret is white!
Say what? When did that happen?

Even fox says she deserved it.

So far only Shepard Smith, and being a Democrat he's abnormal from the git-go.

Nope. One of the blond Barbies said that a while ago. I'm not sure which one. They are all blond and have big boobs and usually say stupid stuff. Pretty much interchangable.
Way to keep it classy.

But she has always been a crass comedian. Especially when she purposefully destroyed the National Anthem at a ball game.

What's your thoughts on Kathy Griffin :popcorn:

She could have staged it better. Taken some tips from a truly gifted comedian.

Then pull the severed head out of a hat!

Partisan hack

Haha. It's no coincident Rocky and Bullwinkle were fighting Boris and Natasha, fughing Russians!!!!!

Russia Russia tired so fucking lame

For some just won’t go away
I responded earlier to a comment that 'Freedom of Speech' got Rosanne fired. Agreed. The employer had the right to do so. Then why is what the NFL is requiring of its players any different? Kneelers have been described as practicing 'Freedom of Speech'. Like Rosanne's comments, people are also offended by kneeling during our National Anthem.

The NFL, like ABC, can fire someone who uses 'Freedom of Speech' in a form they disapprove of


When someone makes a remark involving apes, why do snowflakes always associate it with black people?
Because racists traditionally have compared black people to apes. That was easy.

You've probably "conveniently" forgotten the left compared GWBush to a chimp. No?
And please tell me Have whites traditionally been compared to chimps?

I just gave you an example but of course you're too fucking stupid to grasp it
Wooosh. You're so dumb that you think "one example" makes a tradition.

Whoosh Jarret isn't black either you dumb downed dumbass

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