Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

This is the best thing to happen to democrats. Roseanne has a sizable fan base all of whom will be rushing to vote democrat from now on.
Roseanne made comments the likes of what we see here at USMB, She promptly lost her job. This goes to show that what you guys believe is abnormal and is unacceptable racism. You don't represent all whites and when we talk about you guys being racists we are not talking about all whites.

She was correct in what she said. Valarie Jarrett is a piece of shit that was one of the villains of the Obama administration and deserves ridicule.

That's exactly the kind of crazy shit that got Roseann fired. I guess the network just doesn't care about the crazies

Don't be silly. They ARE the crazies.
Being Muslim is being part of a religion and not a race.

And Valerie Jarret is white!

Valerie Jarret isn't white. And what she said about Muslims was rude also.

Roseanne got what she deserved.

About time! I knew Roseanne was going to eventually slip up.

She's a bipolar squealing pig.
In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke

All miserable worthless leftist jackasses come from planet of the apes. They are bizarrely out of touch with America. I don't see a problem with her statement.
Even Roseanne had a problem with her statement as she apologized. Don't embarrass yourself
This is hilarious. I've never liked Roseanne. I've never seen her show. I have seen interviews with her where she said she was a socialist leaning towards communist.

Now she stepped on a black toe. Whoo that's it. No mention of her free speech like there is of the football players free speech. Of course ABC had the right to cancel the show. The NFL has the right to fire their own great apes on the football field.

With apologies to Richard Harris.
Rosanne has to be the most stupid god damn person on the planet. Actually, I take that back because she's rich. She should be voting Republican. But what about you? Why do you vote Republican?

Just look at her stupid reasoning for voting for Trump

Q: What's your take on Hillary? What do you think is wrong with her?

A: Well, she hangs out with [President] Bush. Do you need more than that? She's friends with everybody that gives her any goddamned money. The fact is, you don't get to be the nominee without taking a lot of dirty money. You might be the best f—in' person on earth, but if you're hanging out with criminals who do bad things, that matters a lot.

Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

James Woods is a close second.
No reason to suddenly spew racist hate.
Her ratings were tanking steadily each week down to 10 million from her start at 18 million, so she needed to try to get her Donnie Dirt Bag racist audience back.

You're right.

The fat cheeto has a kkk rally scheduled somewhere down south so he'll rant and rave about it.

The right wing cupcakes believe in free speech for RWNJs but not for those who employ them.
So the deplorable fucked up big time and is gone now. No matter to her, but I'm sure the others on that cast except maybe John Goodman and Sarah Gilbert needed the paycheck.

What a colossal goatfuck Roseanne did to them.

You are confused.

ABC did the goatfuck with stupid filthy ass political correctness.

That asshole Jarrett is one of the villains of the Obama administration and deserves ridicule.
Unlike orange Jesus, none of Obama`s "villains" were arrested or had to plead guilty. Even Stevie Wonder could see the difference. BTW, is crooked Hillary locked up yet?
Unlike Trump, Obama's DOJs 1st job was to protect Obama. Neither Holder nor Lynch would let any investigation get anywhere close to Obama. Examples, Fast and Furious (for which Holder was held in contempt of congress) and the IRS Scandal are just two examples. Also, the MSM was in Obama's back pocket.

There were no investigations of the Obama administration. Only trumped up bullshit. Valerie Jarrett is a first class person. Which makes her better than 99% of the white trash that supports the orange ass clown.

Every piece of shit white trash out there, that thought for a second, the racist crap that Dotard, and any celebrity that endorses him was going to be able to successfully mainstream that crap, and America was just going to have to tolerate it as first amendment rights, was sadly fucking mistaken.

You can sell that crap to white trash America on Fox News, AM talk radio, or moron, but it will never be accepted on any main stream venue as anything other than the racist, low life, white trash entertainment it is.
And you know what else makes Rosanne stupid? Her not thinking Trump and his team will trade political favors for Trump hotels in China. This Trump presidency is a 4 year cash grab for the Trumps. Every policy will help them.
When someone makes a remark involving apes, why do snowflakes always associate it with black people?
Because racists traditionally have compared black people to apes. That was easy.

You've probably "conveniently" forgotten the left compared GWBush to a chimp. No?
You mean everyone whose ideology is "left" compared Bush to a chimp?

Woooosh another one over your dumbass noodle
Notice how ABC was quick to act when the person is not considered part of the far left religious order.

Oh for christ's sake, this has got to be the dumbest comment of the day here...and there's an AWFUL LOT of competition.

Her comments were reprehensible and ABC has FCC rules it has to follow for standards that meet family-oriented guidelines. Racist remarks by one of their employees is not one of those standards.
So much for democrat freedom of speech. If only Michelle Wolf had said this about Melania Trump that would have been completely acceptable.

So when Colin Kapernick expresses his free speech he's anti-American, but when any conservatives does it and gets blowback it's "they're agin ar freedom o' speech and all conservatives should be able to call black people apes regardless of the affect on their employer".

You people are braindead.

Fair enough.
Where's the left's demands that Roseanne has a first amendment right to say what she wants ?

It's freedom of speech when it's NFL players kneeling, but it's suddenly not free speech when it's something they don't agree with.

A silent protest against police brutality is worlds away from a bipolar big-mouthed racist bitch slurring another person by name in a public forum, you stupid fucking idiot.

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