Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes


ABC Management voting on the Roseanne cancellation. All in favor, raise your right hand

Oh, you mean like requiring people to stand at attention for the national anthem. Here, maybe you like this picture better.
Roseanne made comments the likes of what we see here at USMB, She promptly lost her job. This goes to show that what you guys believe is abnormal and is unacceptable racism. You don't represent all whites and when we talk about you guys being racists we are not talking about all whites.

She was correct in what she said. Valarie Jarrett is a piece of shit that was one of the villains of the Obama administration and deserves ridicule.
Democrats need to make a bigger issue of their victory. It will be sure to get them even more votes.
The liberals controlled by Soros have lost their minds. Rosanne was spot on. Freedom of speech is being tossed


Freedom of speech got her fired

Most unfortunate. So you support the hammer coming down on the NFL I see

What I see is you equating protesting police abuse with calling a black person an ape. That's what I see.

I'm equating freedom of speech that RW said got her fired

This is incredibly sad and difficult for all of us, as we’ve created a show that we believe in, are proud of, and that audiences love— one that is separate and apart from the opinions and words of one cast member.

10:21 AM - 29 May 2018

gilbert needs a check fox news
MLK was no Republican.


He was a communist

I usually ignore you..but I had to laugh at this--you do know MLK was a Christian minister, right? You do know that Communist ardently believe that there is no God.."opiate of the masses" and all that?

A Christian Communist is an impossible ideological combination.

Thanks for the humor!

And the Trump campaign worker was a spy

See what I did there?


You do realize Rev Jerimiah Wright is a marxist right?

So is Roseanne.
This is hilarious. I've never liked Roseanne. I've never seen her show. I have seen interviews with her where she said she was a socialist leaning towards communist.

Now she stepped on a black toe. Whoo that's it. No mention of her free speech like there is of the football players free speech. Of course ABC had the right to cancel the show. The NFL has the right to fire their own great apes on the football field.

With apologies to Richard Harris.
Rosanne has to be the most stupid god damn person on the planet. Actually, I take that back because she's rich. She should be voting Republican. But what about you? Why do you vote Republican?

Just look at her stupid reasoning for voting for Trump

Q: What's your take on Hillary? What do you think is wrong with her?

A: Well, she hangs out with [President] Bush. Do you need more than that? She's friends with everybody that gives her any goddamned money. The fact is, you don't get to be the nominee without taking a lot of dirty money. You might be the best f—in' person on earth, but if you're hanging out with criminals who do bad things, that matters a lot.

Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

Last Thursday, an apparent, "Hippie McGovernite" White House, per a Speaker Gingrich, (also gone), concept: Canceled the North Korean summit and got all weepy-teary about it in a letter to the killer, leader of North Korea. Now the U. S. Secretary of State has invited another North Korean killer to City of New York--maybe to meet-and-greet some Long Island gang members.

Do you see the flowers being extended(?)! They actually belong in the barrels of the rifles, as NRA would call them(?).

ABC cancelled its new series over a social media tweet. Roseanne keeping her hands to herself(?) is already known content in the past. Not all Television execs are into the new "Peace Movement," at all(?)! The 2016 popular vote did not win. Many of those had been Obama voters. Others went over to the fringes. The ratings-savvy White House went for the disaffected vote. Only USC poll showed the renewed energy of the Trump likely voters after Comey's pre-election dismal intrusion of FBI into the election.

A strange litany of outright support for anti-Semitism, support for racist acrimony, pedophilia(?), religious intolerance, immigration intolerance, and medieval-wall-building intolerance was set loose. ABC probably felt obligated to do this, in support of the popular vote.

'Roseanne' canceled after star's tweet about former Obama aide

So then recap what the Electoral College vote appears to have been about.

Now the Flower-Children are extending tulips to mass murderers, getting a world-stage for anti-American goaders, (Vladimir Putin, already, supporting North Korea).

There is no moral high ground on which to rely: Unlike the usually regarded Flower Children.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Barack Obama is probably turning over in his grave(?). . . (?). . .If not trying out new laundry and bleaching products, really fast(?)!)
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Roseanne made comments the likes of what we see here at USMB, She promptly lost her job. This goes to show that what you guys believe is abnormal and is unacceptable racism. You don't represent all whites and when we talk about you guys being racists we are not talking about all whites.
What was racist about it?
Sorry for my pic earlier. I had to google since you didnt post a link :D
Roseanne made comments the likes of what we see here at USMB, She promptly lost her job. This goes to show that what you guys believe is abnormal and is unacceptable racism. You don't represent all whites and when we talk about you guys being racists we are not talking about all whites.

There are people who honor freedom of speech, and those who do not.

Never work for a Leftist conpany if you engage in free speech in opposition to their beliefs.

I never watched the show in either incarnation, so I can't give an opinion as to the worth of it.
I'd not worry overmuch about a civil war..well fed people don't revolt....revolutions are born of hunger and despair..not some amorphous clash of ideas. I think to most people...this is just another video game. A few are invested to an unhealthy point...but for most--they are not going to get off the couch and risk their lives over Roseanne!

I read a lot of history about civil war and revolution (coups d'etat, military takeovers, etc. -- there are a lot of variations. Civil wars are the worst.). I agree, until there is hunger, and there isn't, no revolution. That doesn't rule out the putsches and the military takeover possibilities. No, nothing will start over Roseanne, but it's another nail in the coffin ---- we cannot get along, we are not united as a nation has to be and sooner or later, will probably split up, I think. The good guys will take flyover country, and the left can take the big coastal cities with all the poor people. Good luck feeding them.
In the unlikely event you are will not be nearly as clean as all that....God is on the side with the largest battalions.....and who the good guys are..depends strictly on where you are standing. The extreme Right has this fantasy..that the military is on their side--perhaps if they were to look at the stats for non-white enlistment..they might be a bit sobered. Every day the demographic slips a bit more to the coastal view..and away from the Flyover one. 20 years..and the alt/right points will be moot. I think that is what is driving the sense of urgency the Right is feeling--with Trump in office...this may well be their high-water point.
Roseanne made comments the likes of what we see here at USMB, She promptly lost her job. This goes to show that what you guys believe is abnormal and is unacceptable racism. You don't represent all whites and when we talk about you guys being racists we are not talking about all whites.

She was correct in what she said. Valarie Jarrett is a piece of shit that was one of the villains of the Obama administration and deserves ridicule.

That's exactly the kind of crazy shit that got Roseann fired. I guess the network just doesn't care about the crazies as much as you want them to. You're still crazy, and the world knows it.
I didn't know that Wanda Sykes was one of the producers and one of the writers.
Earlier, Wanda said she was finished with the show and not coming back.

I'm surprised they ended it. The audience was mostly Republicans and we already know they're racist.

Wear 'racist' like a badge of honour, Bannon tells French far-right summit - France 24
Yep, MLK was a Republican......racist too.
MLK was no Republican.


He was a communist

I usually ignore you..but I had to laugh at this--you do know MLK was a Christian minister, right? You do know that Communist ardently believe that there is no God.."opiate of the masses" and all that?

A Christian Communist is an impossible ideological combination.

Thanks for the humor!

And the Trump campaign worker was a spy

See what I did there?



You lied.


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