Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

She has a point....




Well, I’m not surprised by Mudwhistle’s racist post. Once a easy manipulated loser, always a easily manipulated loser.

On the other hand, I disagree with the cancellation. The comment was not made on the show.Freedom of speech? Yes.
So the deplorable fucked up big time and is gone now. No matter to her, but I'm sure the others on that cast except maybe John Goodman and Sarah Gilbert needed the paycheck.

What a colossal goatfuck Roseanne did to them.

You are confused.

ABC did the goatfuck with stupid filthy ass political correctness.

That asshole Jarrett is one of the villains of the Obama administration and deserves ridicule.
Unlike orange Jesus, none of Obama`s "villains" were arrested or had to plead guilty. Even Stevie Wonder could see the difference. BTW, is crooked Hillary locked up yet?
Unlike Trump, Obama's DOJs 1st job was to protect Obama. Neither Holder nor Lynch would let any investigation get anywhere close to Obama. Examples, Fast and Furious (for which Holder was held in contempt of congress) and the IRS Scandal are just two examples. Also, the MSM was in Obama's back pocket.
Yep, MLK was a Republican......racist too.
MLK was no Republican.


He was a communist

I usually ignore you..but I had to laugh at this--you do know MLK was a Christian minister, right? You do know that Communist ardently believe that there is no God.."opiate of the masses" and all that?

A Christian Communist is an impossible ideological combination.

Thanks for the humor!

And the Trump campaign worker was a spy

See what I did there?


You do realize Rev Jerimiah Wright is a marxist right?

Come now, you can't equate anything online to organized talk radio or on air television.

There is no equivalent echo chamber on the left.

Migod, how can you say that? There are all the many leftwing media outlets --- MSNBC, CNN --- The Washington Post, LA Times, NY Times, etc., etc. All vicious far left echo chambers.
I will not watch ABC unless it is a children's program or sports. Maybe once in a while my local ABC channel for news and weather. So, unless they are showing children's programs, sports, news and weather, I am boycotting them.

What kind of evil mind would even think such racist things - much less say them in public. She is a textbook example of a Trump supporter. Such evil must be defeated.

Barr faced intense backlash Tuesday after firing off a series of offensive tweets targeting Jarrett, billionaire George Soros and Chelsea Clinton.

“Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” Barr tweeted, referring to Jarrett, who is black and was born in Iran to American parents. She also linked Clinton to Soros, whom she claimed was a Nazi collaborator ― a conspiracy theory that has been thoroughly debunked.

'Roseanne' Canceled By ABC Following Backlash Over Star’s Racist Tweets
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Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of CONSEQUENCES.
Intimidating and threatening people with "consequences" is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Using your freedom of speech to shut down the freedom of speech of others is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Illiberal authoritarians on both ends of the spectrum lie when they claim they're truly for freedom of speech.
I will not watch ABC unless it is a children's program or sports. Maybe once in a while my local ABC channel for news and weather. So, unless they are showing children's programs, sports, news and weather, I am boycotting them.
LOL! Way to take a stand....however will you endure the hardship??
Where's the left's demands that Roseanne has a first amendment right to say what she wants ?

Not a first amendment issue.

It's freedom of speech when it's NFL players kneeling, but it's suddenly not free speech when it's something they don't agree with.

Also not a first amendment issue, well unless you consider the fact that the executive branch badgered the NFL through speeches and on twitter. That probably isn't enough though.

I guess you're just going to have to eat your strawman.
Again, conservatives out themselves and their racism.

"Colin Kapernick can't take a knee to protest because his employer says so, sorry an employer trumps your 1st amendment rights."
"Roseanne shouldn't be cancelled because it's trampling her first amendment rights, her employer is a lib bastard."

Pick one cons. Your schizophrenia is showing.
Just how many threads are going to be about this bullshit?

First one I've seen.

And without a link I'm not even sure what it's talking about.

EDIT -- whoops, hang on, I see some others, but they're just now going up.
I'd not worry overmuch about a civil war..well fed people don't revolt....revolutions are born of hunger and despair..not some amorphous clash of ideas. I think to most people...this is just another video game. A few are invested to an unhealthy point...but for most--they are not going to get off the couch and risk their lives over Roseanne!

I read a lot of history about civil war and revolution (coups d'etat, military takeovers, etc. -- there are a lot of variations. Civil wars are the worst.). I agree, until there is hunger, and there isn't, no revolution. That doesn't rule out the putsches and the military takeover possibilities. No, nothing will start over Roseanne, but it's another nail in the coffin ---- we cannot get along, we are not united as a nation has to be and sooner or later, will probably split up, I think. The good guys will take flyover country, and the left can take the big coastal cities with all the poor people. Good luck feeding them.
RWNJs were thrilled to have Roseann on tv to express their beliefs. Well----- that's exactly what she did. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

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