Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

ABC has canceled "Roseanne" after Roseanne Barr's racially charged tweet about Valerie Jarrett Monday morning.

‘Roseanne’ Canceled by ABC After Roseanne Barr’s ‘Repugnant’ Comments, Network President Says

"Roseanne's Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show," ABC entertainment president Channing Dungey said in a statement to TheWrap on Tuesday.

"muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj," Barr said earlier on Tuesday in response to a Twitter thread about Jarrett, a former adviser to Barack Obama.

Odd..who would find that offensive? Never watched the show--always thought Roseanne Barr looked like Honey Boo-Boo's mom.

Oh well...if there is enough demand..perhaps cable...maybe FXX? Perhaps guest appearance on Swamp People? Duck Dynasty still on? She'd be a natural....
There is far, far worse verbage in rap lyrics .
ABC has canceled "Roseanne" after Roseanne Barr's racially charged tweet about Valerie Jarrett Monday morning.

‘Roseanne’ Canceled by ABC After Roseanne Barr’s ‘Repugnant’ Comments, Network President Says

"Roseanne's Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show," ABC entertainment president Channing Dungey said in a statement to TheWrap on Tuesday.

"muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj," Barr said earlier on Tuesday in response to a Twitter thread about Jarrett, a former adviser to Barack Obama.

Odd..who would find that offensive? Never watched the show--always thought Roseanne Barr looked like Honey Boo-Boo's mom.

Oh well...if there is enough demand..perhaps cable...maybe FXX? Perhaps guest appearance on Swamp People? Duck Dynasty still on? She'd be a natural....
There is far, far worse verbage in rap lyrics .
There’s a double standard...duh
Different mediums..different rules..ABC made a money decision..not a political one. Had they not cancelled..the loss of revenue from sponsor pull out and bad press...was unacceptable. You think this is about Left vs Right..since that colors most of your perceptions, but it was not.

I would have loved for them NOT to have cancelled....I think it would have further exposed some pretty ugly people, I'm for that.
I use to love Rosanne, today like anybody that falls for the Trump nuts, she deserves to go down....Never liked the new show when I found out Trump liked it and Im over this white

I used to be a fan as well. Mostly because of the abuse she says she suffered. Being abused is no excuse to spread hate and lies though.

Like, lying about George Soros. No excuse for that.

No reason to suddenly spew racist hate.

BUT, she does have the right to be racist and stupid, just as ABC has the right to NOT support and defend it.

The open market works.
I didn't know that Wanda Sykes was one of the producers and one of the writers.
Earlier, Wanda said she was finished with the show and not coming back.

I'm surprised they ended it. The audience was mostly Republicans and we already know they're racist.

Wear 'racist' like a badge of honour, Bannon tells French far-right summit - France 24
Yep, MLK was a Republican......racist too.
MLK was no Republican.


He was a communist

I usually ignore you..but I had to laugh at this--you do know MLK was a Christian minister, right? You do know that Communist ardently believe that there is no God.."opiate of the masses" and all that?

A Christian Communist is an impossible ideological combination.

Thanks for the humor!

And the Trump campaign worker was a spy

See what I did there?

When someone makes a remark involving apes, why do snowflakes always associate it with black people?
Strict conservative here and I like Rosanne Barr and agreed with all of her tweeting especially saying Chelsea Soros Clinton. Everything was true until I got to the Valerie Jarrett tweet. Although I can't stand anything to do with Obama in any way shape or form because he everything he does and everyone he supports are racist, Muslim loving and most likely criminals. Case and point are Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Louis Farakhan, and Al Sharpton. So it's not a stretch to believe Valerie is probably the same. But that said, I HATE racist asses hence the reason I hate them. We can't have it both ways folks. That statement Rosanne made about Valerie was completely off the rails, racist, and uncalled for. Upon seeing it, I understood completely why she was fired.
What can be more amusing than listening to a life long dyed-in-wool racist blaming Obama for his or her racism.
Watching SJW's twist themselves into knots over a lame joke.
What the fuck is up with these fuckin white women that seem to get off on fuckin with us black folk? If they not calling the cops on us for sitting in a gotdamned Starbucks, they calling decent people apes...this fat white pile of face lift trash, shame on that bitch!!
It wasn't what she said about Jarret, but what she said about Soros. Jarret is as significant as stepped on dog dung


I wonder why RWNJs keep telling that stupid lie about Soros.

Is it just that they're too dumb to educate themselves?

Oh, and didn't you just love that Chelsea Clinton took the high road and put the ignorant racist in her place.


Chelsea Clinton? Why would she be in the news? Not aware of what she's been up too.


Gosh, if only you could get access to a search engine.....

Guess you'll just have to remain ignorant.

Once again the far left believes that someone that is Muslim is being part of a race, not a religion.
ABC made a money decision..not a political one. Had they not cancelled..the loss of revenue from sponsor pull out and bad press...was unacceptable. You think this is about Left vs Right..since that colors most of your perceptions, but it was not.

Good point. I think you are right --- I read that this was one of ABC's best-watched shows, BUT --- the Twitter mob had already formed, calling for boycotts of all ABC programs and ABC sponsors.

Sometimes I start to wonder, is this country already IN a civil war, but it's

Naaaaaaaah, can't call it a civil war unless there are thousands of deaths. Both intra and inter-state warfare is currently cyber, though. A new situation.
I didn't know that Wanda Sykes was one of the producers and one of the writers.
Earlier, Wanda said she was finished with the show and not coming back.

I'm surprised they ended it. The audience was mostly Republicans and we already know they're racist.

Wear 'racist' like a badge of honour, Bannon tells French far-right summit - France 24
Yep, MLK was a Republican......racist too.
MLK was no Republican.


He was a communist

I usually ignore you..but I had to laugh at this--you do know MLK was a Christian minister, right? You do know that Communist ardently believe that there is no God.."opiate of the masses" and all that?

A Christian Communist is an impossible ideological combination.

Thanks for the humor!

And the Trump campaign worker was a spy

See what I did there?

Roseanne made comments the likes of what we see here at USMB, She promptly lost her job. This goes to show that what you guys believe is abnormal and is unacceptable racism. You don't represent all whites and when we talk about you guys being racists we are not talking about all whites.

it's why most of them feel really brave hiding behind screen names.
  • Thanks
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So the deplorable fucked up big time and is gone now. No matter to her, but I'm sure the others on that cast except maybe John Goodman and Sarah Gilbert needed the paycheck.

What a colossal goatfuck Roseanne did to them.

You are confused.

ABC did the goatfuck with stupid filthy ass political correctness.

That asshole Jarrett is one of the villains of the Obama administration and deserves ridicule.
Unlike orange Jesus, none of Obama`s "villains" were arrested or had to plead guilty. Even Stevie Wonder could see the difference. BTW, is crooked Hillary locked up yet?
She's unhinged to be honest and though I hate to be a conspiracy guy, I know a little too much to not at least think it:

I wouldn't be surprised if during her visit to Canada recently someone (or an agency) egged her on to be outrageous. Canada and Americas enemies will do anything to undermine Trumps presidency

I like your post, thoughtful. I still think she got drunk and did it, but yeah, it occurred to me that if ABC DIDN'T close out Roseanne's program, they would have been encouraging a level of rhetoric that could lead to civil war, and you know America's enemies are all panting for that.
Don't worry, she'll try to reboot the show again 20 years from now.

I'm sure Tim Allen will be out next bitching about something. Conservatives love to whine.

And isn't it comical that she supported orange turd who vomits on twitter daily and he isn't cancelled YET.
. Conservatives love to whine.
and liberals dont? on Isaac...

Conservatives have refined it to a daily affirmation. Listen to any con talk radio show 24/7 or Fake Fox News and it is nonstop whining about how miserable life is and how it's all someone else's fault. And then it's repeated the next day, day in and day out.
and its not like that on lefty TV?...look at all the daily lefty whiners here in this forum...dean has been whining about righties since his first post in the old forum....and its nothing new,just the same old type of shit day in and day out.....and there are more out there....

Come now, you can't equate anything online to organized talk radio or on air television.

There is no equivalent echo chamber on the left.
She's unhinged to be honest and though I hate to be a conspiracy guy, I know a little too much to not at least think it:

I wouldn't be surprised if during her visit to Canada recently someone (or an agency) egged her on to be outrageous. Canada and Americas enemies will do anything to undermine Trumps presidency

I like your post, thoughtful. I still think she got drunk and did it, but yeah, it occurred to me that if ABC DIDN'T close out Roseanne's program, they would have been encouraging a level of rhetoric that could lead to civil war, and you know America's enemies are all panting for that.
I'd not worry overmuch about a civil war..well fed people don't revolt....revolutions are born of hunger and despair..not some amorphous clash of ideas. I think to most people...this is just another video game. A few are invested to an unhealthy point...but for most--they are not going to get off the couch and risk their lives over Roseanne!
Why do people think politics was involved? They were selling her character as a Trump supporter before the first episode aired. If they cancelled it it's because it wasn't making money.

It was making money: it was the most popular show on ABC, I read today.

Well, the tweet was over the top for a public figure. I expect she was drunk.

Note that she apologized and it didn't matter: leftists always take apologies to mean it's now time to totally destroy someone because after all, SHE ADMITTED SHE DID SOMETHING WRONG.

Advice (from past Prime Minister Disraeli) "Never apologize, never explain." Quite right. Trump knows that. Roseanne shouldn't have bothered to apologized. It's a coward move.

Being the most popular show on ABC is like being the smartest guy in the Special Olympics.
Too funny.

You have a right to free speech as long as its about how long Obama's dick is.

Talk bad about ANY of the lefts poster children and your ass gets canned.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Guess I might as well copy and start pasting that reality as I go through this thread. Idiots.

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