Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

You mean everyone whose ideology is "left" compared Bush to a chimp?

Woooosh another one over your dumbass noodle
Wooosh. Whites have not traditionally been compared to chimps.

Is Bush white you moron?

You're a total waste of time
traditionally, moron. traditionally.
traditionally. Don't be a moron.

Give it up are as stupid as a stump
Did I embarrass you when I proved that Valerie Jarrett was black, My whooshified friend?
Poor Roseanne

People just don’t appreciate those “Black people look like apes” jokes anymore
Where's the left's demands that Roseanne has a first amendment right to say what she wants ?

It's freedom of speech when it's NFL players kneeling, but it's suddenly not free speech when it's something they don't agree with.

Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.
Not really
Repercussions which are designed to stifle speech range from illegal to ill advised

Good god almighty, why don't one of you flippin morons explain to me how Rosanne's freedom of speech was stifled. She is no more entitled to her role in a damn sitcom than you are entitled to a golden toilet. She can still rant and rave on Twitter, even though she says she has left it, VOLUNTARILY. And even if Twitter kicked her off, she could take a megaphone and go to one of those damn Republican "free speech zones" and rant to her heart's content. You guys need to seriously pull your heads out of your collective asses.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of CONSEQUENCES.
Intimidating and threatening people with "consequences" is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Using your freedom of speech to shut down the freedom of speech of others is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Illiberal authoritarians on both ends of the spectrum lie when they claim they're truly for freedom of speech.

Both sides do it all the time. Remember the White House wanted the public to be outraged at what Michelle Wolf said. We weren't so she ended up getting a lot of positive publicity from people she wants to be her fans. She wasn't worried about what conservatives say. They don't go to comedy clubs and they aren't going to boycott her out of a career.

But ABC doesn't want bad press. Next thing you know people like me are watching Jimmy Fallon on NBC or Stephen Colbert on the Late Show instead of Jimmy Kimmel just to punish ABC for hiring Rosanne.

This is free market capitalism. This is how libertarians tell us we should decide things. Let the market decide. Let the buyers decide. We weren't going to buy what Rosanne was selling so ABC fired her. Mission accomplished.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of CONSEQUENCES.
Intimidating and threatening people with "consequences" is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Using your freedom of speech to shut down the freedom of speech of others is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Illiberal authoritarians on both ends of the spectrum lie when they claim they're truly for freedom of speech.

What a flippin dumbass. I mean you Trumpbots have the intelligence of a gnat. Tell me, who is silencing Rosanne's speech? She can get on twitter right now and rant and rave all she wants. But, she won't be drawing a paycheck from ABC.
Wow, right to the nasty personal insults. That's always a very good sign.

And I voted for Hillary. I'm just an honest advocate for freedom of expression, across the board. Not just words I like.

Thank you for exposing what you are so clearly. Now, please try to calm down.
Say what? When did that happen?

Even fox says she deserved it.

So far only Shepard Smith, and being a Democrat he's abnormal from the git-go.

UPDATE - it's 20 minutes later, and he's still going on about it. :auiqs.jpg:

The show before him. The blond bimbo there said she deserved it.

Honestly, I don't know what show precedes his.

Me too. I was just flipping through.
You've probably "conveniently" forgotten the left compared GWBush to a chimp. No?
And please tell me Have whites traditionally been compared to chimps?

I just gave you an example but of course you're too fucking stupid to grasp it
Wooosh. You're so dumb that you think "one example" makes a tradition.

Whoosh Jarret isn't black either you dumb downed dumbass
Whoosh! Yes, she is. Both her parents are African Americans. wHOOOOOOOSH!

My bad...explains the chimp comment then.
As expected. The racists shoot out from under their rocks trying to justify what was sad, try pretending that democrats are the ones watching Roseanne and whining about the fact this tread was made.

Racists? You mean like the Moon Bats that tried to justify that racist asshole Obama attending a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews?

Or do you mean other racists?
Woooosh another one over your dumbass noodle
Wooosh. Whites have not traditionally been compared to chimps.

Is Bush white you moron?

You're a total waste of time
traditionally, moron. traditionally.
traditionally. Don't be a moron.

Give it up are as stupid as a stump
Did I embarrass you when I proved that Valerie Jarrett was black, My whooshified friend?
She's not black.

This is black:

Because racists traditionally have compared black people to apes. That was easy.

You've probably "conveniently" forgotten the left compared GWBush to a chimp. No?
And please tell me Have whites traditionally been compared to chimps?

I just gave you an example but of course you're too fucking stupid to grasp it
Wooosh. You're so dumb that you think "one example" makes a tradition.

Whoosh Jarret isn't black either you dumb downed dumbass
Uh oh, Sassy jus got whooshed by Fox News. You know you're a dumb right-winger when even Fox whooshes you:
The news comes after Barr went into emergency damage-control mode following a politically charged tweet she sent linking Chelsea Clinton to liberal donor George Soros and a racially charged tweet saying Jarrett, who is African-American and born in Iran, is like the "muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby."
ABC cancels 'Roseanne' after Barr's racist tweet

I've seen dumb wingnuts in this thread. But you take the Nobel.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of CONSEQUENCES.
Intimidating and threatening people with "consequences" is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Using your freedom of speech to shut down the freedom of speech of others is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Illiberal authoritarians on both ends of the spectrum lie when they claim they're truly for freedom of speech.

Both sides do it all the time. Remember the White House wanted the public to be outraged at what Michelle Wolf said. We weren't so she ended up getting a lot of positive publicity from people she wants to be her fans. She wasn't worried about what conservatives say. They don't go to comedy clubs and they aren't going to boycott her out of a career.

But ABC doesn't want bad press. Next thing you know people like me are watching Jimmy Fallon on NBC or Stephen Colbert on the Late Show instead of Jimmy Kimmel just to punish ABC for hiring Rosanne.

This is free market capitalism. This is how libertarians tell us we should decide things. Let the market decide. Let the buyers decide. We weren't going to buy what Rosanne was selling so ABC fired her. Mission accomplished.
I want to know who the crazies are. I want to know what they are thinking. And most importantly, I want to know who agrees with them.

I believe in freedom of expression, with the fewest amount of exceptions possible. I'm not afraid of words.

We've become a bunch of hypersensitive, narcissistic neurotics.
Again, conservatives out themselves and their racism.

"Colin Kapernick can't take a knee to protest because his employer says so, sorry an employer trumps your 1st amendment rights."
"Roseanne shouldn't be cancelled because it's trampling her first amendment rights, her employer is a lib bastard."

Pick one cons. Your schizophrenia is showing.
Holy crap never thought of that. They want the NFL to fire any athlete that embarrasses them and they argue that you lose your 1st amendment rights when you go into the work place, but then they are here defending Rosanne after she embarrasses ABC on twitter.

I won't go on twitter or facebook and say stupid things because I don't want my bosses to fire me. Why is Rosanne any different?
Woooosh another one over your dumbass noodle
Wooosh. Whites have not traditionally been compared to chimps.

Is Bush white you moron?

You're a total waste of time
traditionally, moron. traditionally.
traditionally. Don't be a moron.

Give it up are as stupid as a stump
Did I embarrass you when I proved that Valerie Jarrett was black, My whooshified friend?

You're not capable are simply another leftist scum to be dealt with. She does look like a chimp though....same cheeks
Say what? When did that happen?

Even fox says she deserved it.

So far only Shepard Smith, and being a Democrat he's abnormal from the git-go.

Nope. One of the blond Barbies said that a while ago. I'm not sure which one. They are all blond and have big boobs and usually say stupid stuff. Pretty much interchangable.

Likely one of the Democrat blond Barbies. There's an equitable number at FOX.

You know there isn't.

Au contraire, although Jessica Tarlov - the real wacky one with the Russian-ish name - is not a blond.
It saddens me that I must share the planet with white racist trash like Roseanne Barr. It also sadden me that we are currently governed by white racist trash like Trump. Such evil must be defeated.

MSNBC picked an excellent night to air their special on RACISM at 9:00 pm EDT. Valerie Jarrett with be one of their special guests.

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