Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of CONSEQUENCES.
Intimidating and threatening people with "consequences" is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Using your freedom of speech to shut down the freedom of speech of others is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Illiberal authoritarians on both ends of the spectrum lie when they claim they're truly for freedom of speech.

Both sides do it all the time. Remember the White House wanted the public to be outraged at what Michelle Wolf said. We weren't so she ended up getting a lot of positive publicity from people she wants to be her fans. She wasn't worried about what conservatives say. They don't go to comedy clubs and they aren't going to boycott her out of a career.

But ABC doesn't want bad press. Next thing you know people like me are watching Jimmy Fallon on NBC or Stephen Colbert on the Late Show instead of Jimmy Kimmel just to punish ABC for hiring Rosanne.

This is free market capitalism. This is how libertarians tell us we should decide things. Let the market decide. Let the buyers decide. We weren't going to buy what Rosanne was selling so ABC fired her. Mission accomplished.
I want to know who the crazies are. I want to know what they are thinking. And most importantly, I want to know who agrees with them.

I believe in freedom of expression, with the fewest amount of exceptions possible. I'm not afraid of words.

We've become a bunch of hypersensitive, narcissistic neurotics.

No most companies will fire an employee if he or she embarrasses them publicly.
And why would they be embarrassed publicly? Because of pressure applied by, or threatened by, hypersensitive, narcissistic neurotics and the cultural environment they have created.
Also talked about Soros being a Nazi Etc... Even super dupes May figure out how many lies they believe....
This is yet another example of Republicans dividing the country because of their hatred for freedom of speech. :iagree:
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of CONSEQUENCES.
Intimidating and threatening people with "consequences" is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Using your freedom of speech to shut down the freedom of speech of others is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Illiberal authoritarians on both ends of the spectrum lie when they claim they're truly for freedom of speech.

So if Stephen Colbert tweeted out that Trump is a pedophile from his own twitter account you'd have a problem with CBS firing him?

Not at all.
And why would they be embarrassed publicly? Because of pressure applied by, or threatened by, hypersensitive, narcissistic neurotics and the cultural environment they have created.

It's hard to tell whether this post refers to this Roseanne person o to NFL players.

Same thing either way.
She has a point....




Well, I’m not surprised by Mudwhistle’s racist post. Once a easy manipulated loser, always a easily manipulated loser.

On the other hand, I disagree with the cancellation. The comment was not made on the show.Freedom of speech? Yes.
The only race at issue here is the Simian race.
RWNJs were thrilled to have Roseann on tv to express their beliefs. Well----- that's exactly what she did. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

And then other's expressed their beliefs.

They're ignoring that her ratings were falling but even so, she has the right to spew stupid and ABC has the right to refuse to support it.

The marketplace has spoken which is another thing the RWNJs believe should cater to them.
I responded earlier to a comment that 'Freedom of Speech' got Rosanne fired. Agreed. The employer had the right to do so. Then why is what the NFL is requiring of its players any different? Kneelers have been described as practicing 'Freedom of Speech'. Like Rosanne's comments, people are also offended by kneeling during our National Anthem.

The NFL, like ABC, can fire someone who uses 'Freedom of Speech' in a form they disapprove of



Oh, I fully agree they have every right to fire her.

But simple rudeness - which is sort of her trademark anyway - didn't used to be a felony.

Agree. An employer has the right to hire and fire. With all the outrage over Rosanne I hope the snowflakes will also see the same distaste for NFL players where their employer has spoken as well

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So far only Shepard Smith, and being a Democrat he's abnormal from the git-go.

Nope. One of the blond Barbies said that a while ago. I'm not sure which one. They are all blond and have big boobs and usually say stupid stuff. Pretty much interchangable.

Likely one of the Democrat blond Barbies. There's an equitable number at FOX.

You know there isn't.

Au contraire, although Jessica Tarlov - the real wacky one with the Russian-ish name - is not a blond.

I suppose there are a few exceptions, but their tits have to be exceptionally large.

And then you have the MSNBC Rachel Maddow model.
Illiberal leftist authoritarians have ruined liberalism.
Leftist authoritarians are by definition not "Liberals" are they.
Correct, although they sadly now control the Democratic Party and the Left in general.
Uh. . . no they don't. Your pretense of middle of the road "I am not regressive" is transparent.

The business had every right to cancel the show.

MSNBC would have the right to fire an employee who called Madcow a disgusting lesbian.

NFL has the right to tell players not to kneel.

Free speech like gun ownership is not an absolute right.

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