Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

She has a point....




Well, I’m not surprised by Mudwhistle’s racist post. Once a easy manipulated loser, always a easily manipulated loser.

On the other hand, I disagree with the cancellation. The comment was not made on the show.Freedom of speech? Yes.
The only race at issue here is the Simian race.


Funny you post a photoshopped picture. That's all you have.

But Trump really did appear to show pleasure at grabbing Bill's nads.


This is hilarious. I've never liked Roseanne. I've never seen her show. I have seen interviews with her where she said she was a socialist leaning towards communist.

Now she stepped on a black toe. Whoo that's it. No mention of her free speech like there is of the football players free speech. Of course ABC had the right to cancel the show. The NFL has the right to fire their own great apes on the football field.

With apologies to Richard Harris.
Rosanne has to be the most stupid god damn person on the planet. Actually, I take that back because she's rich. She should be voting Republican. But what about you? Why do you vote Republican?

Just look at her stupid reasoning for voting for Trump

Q: What's your take on Hillary? What do you think is wrong with her?

A: Well, she hangs out with [President] Bush. Do you need more than that? She's friends with everybody that gives her any goddamned money. The fact is, you don't get to be the nominee without taking a lot of dirty money. You might be the best f—in' person on earth, but if you're hanging out with criminals who do bad things, that matters a lot.

Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

James Woods is a close second.

i'm surprised trump hasn't hired his nutter fans like Palin, Nugent, Kid Rock, Woods and now Barr.

He's got a kkk rally in a day or two and I'll bet he gets the racist slime all ginned up over Barr.

I remember when the RWs hated her for what she did to the national anthem but since she's not Black, that's all forgive now. Hypocrites.
You know there isn't.

Au contraire, although Jessica Tarlov - the real wacky one with the Russian-ish name - is not a blond.

I suppose there are a few exceptions, but their tits have to be exceptionally large.

And then you have the MSNBC Rachel Maddow model.

Can't stay on subject, can you?

YOU raised the issue of big-boobed bimbos.
Aah yup.

That's how it works

I agree. If they don't stay in the locker room and come out and kneel, they are justified in firing them


Nope, they really wouldn't be, nor did they give themselves that option. You see, a national anthem is not part of a football game -- therefore they would have no such justification. What they're contracted for (not "hired") is to play football.

That's kinda why they relented on the whole trotting-out-marionettes thing and let them stay in the locker room where they always were until a few years ago --- they can't justify it.
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I responded earlier to a comment that 'Freedom of Speech' got Rosanne fired. Agreed. The employer had the right to do so. Then why is what the NFL is requiring of its players any different? Kneelers have been described as practicing 'Freedom of Speech'. Like Rosanne's comments, people are also offended by kneeling during our National Anthem.

The NFL, like ABC, can fire someone who uses 'Freedom of Speech' in a form they disapprove of

The NFL isn't going to fire their biggest stars if they take a knee.

Rosanne, however, was just insulting and dumb. She needed to get fired.

We'll see. However, as the title of the thread states, the firing of Rosanne validates the crackdown on kneelers in the NFL and the subsequent firings that could arise.

They can join the ranks of the Kaperkneeler

What the fuck is up with these fuckin white women that seem to get off on fuckin with us black folk? If they not calling the cops on us for sitting in a gotdamned Starbucks, they calling decent people apes...this fat white pile of face lift trash, shame on that bitch!!
It wasn't what she said about Jarret, but what she said about Soros. Jarret is as significant as stepped on dog dung


I wonder why RWNJs keep telling that stupid lie about Soros.

Is it just that they're too dumb to educate themselves?

Oh, and didn't you just love that Chelsea Clinton took the high road and put the ignorant racist in her place.

Because conservatives resort to red herring fallacies when they've lost the argument.
Likely one of the Democrat blond Barbies. There's an equitable number at FOX.

You know there isn't.

Au contraire, although Jessica Tarlov - the real wacky one with the Russian-ish name - is not a blond.

I suppose there are a few exceptions, but their tits have to be exceptionally large.

And then you have the MSNBC Rachel Maddow model.

See, CNN and MSNBC has actual journalists who have been to college

Yeah. That's why they're so fucked up. Journalism was once a principled art form.

I believe most on FOX have law degrees to balance out the "Degree in Journalism".
Hard to believe that in the 21st century, Trump supporters still make ape references when they refer to blacks

It's because it is so original.

Maybe Roseanne can find a nice Minstrel show and make watermelon jokes


Hmm, it's watermelon season.

No it isn't. Don't you know anything about horticulture?

I gives you a hint. It does not begin with the letter W.

Fuck you, you stupid fuck.

It is watermelon season. Strawberries, peppers, and squash are done. It's watermelon time.

I can go 2 miles down the road and there's 80 acres of watermelons. :fu:

You should consider information other than whatever's in your colon next time.

When Is Watermelon in Season?
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ABC has the right to screw themselves if they feel so compelled.

Only a liberally biased entity would be so dumb as to get rid of the hottest show on television over a God Damned tweet.

I'm not a liberal --- but I think it was over the top. Well over. Would you say that about anyone? In print, on Twitter? With your name attached?

Oh, he'd say it, I doubt he'd put his name on it.
Intimidating and threatening people with "consequences" is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Using your freedom of speech to shut down the freedom of speech of others is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Illiberal authoritarians on both ends of the spectrum lie when they claim they're truly for freedom of speech.

So if Stephen Colbert tweeted out that Trump is a pedophile from his own twitter account you'd have a problem with CBS firing him?
I'd feel precisely the same way.

Since I'm not a partisan ideologue, I get to be honest and consistent.

You wouldn't understand.

Really? If Colbert said Trump was a pedophile then I would find it perfectly understandable for CBS to no longer want to be associated with him. How does that make me a partisan ideologue?

It's kind of like a local business in a small town firing the guy who on his own time calls every woman who walks by his house a whore. In order for you to be consistent you would have to be against his firing. Or, maybe you don't understand.
Yes, you're just too smart for me.

There we go again, Mac. When confronted with your own ideas you can't defend them.
I just don't bother with zealots online. I may as well be trying to communicate with a Westboro Baptist Church member protesting at the funeral of a fallen soldier. There is simply nothing there.

However, and this goes across the board and for any purpose, you're invited to claim victory if that makes you feel good.
In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke

All miserable worthless leftist jackasses come from planet of the apes. They are bizarrely out of touch with America. I don't see a problem with her statement.
Even Roseanne had a problem with her statement as she apologized. Don't embarrass yourself

She's worried about her TV ratings. I'm not. Democrats have lost their already stupid minds.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of CONSEQUENCES.
Intimidating and threatening people with "consequences" is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Using your freedom of speech to shut down the freedom of speech of others is a perversion of the liberal ideal of freedom of speech.

Illiberal authoritarians on both ends of the spectrum lie when they claim they're truly for freedom of speech.

What do you think ABC should have done, then, Mac? I read today that boycotts of both ABC and ABC sponsors were already going viral on Twitter --- I can see that would be a problem. Serious question. What are the alternatives?
Also talked about Soros being a Nazi Etc... Even super dupes May figure out how many lies they believe....

They shore do love them some Soros lies.

Everyone knows they're lying but they just keep telling and retelling.

They're the very definition of stupid.
You know there isn't.

Au contraire, although Jessica Tarlov - the real wacky one with the Russian-ish name - is not a blond.

I suppose there are a few exceptions, but their tits have to be exceptionally large.

And then you have the MSNBC Rachel Maddow model.

See, CNN and MSNBC has actual journalists who have been to college

Yeah. That's why they're so fucked up. Journalism was once a principled art form.

I believe most on FOX have law degrees to balance out the "Degree in Journalism".
You believe an amazing amount of crap LOL. Hannity and Rush are totally bought off high school grad Coke head DJs. All of them are a disgrace who don't give a damn about facts and reality. Everything you know about Democrats is total BS.
It’s not that most Americans are outraged over her observations .
It’s that liberals want to force Americans to be and ABC is a good vehicle for that
One way street freedom of speech is fully activated
If George Stephanopolis said something about Melania and her HPV virus that Don gave her and then started talking about how Baron Trump seems autistic, it's possible ABC would fire him.

The Trump family tried to ruin Kathy Griffin. Did you forget that? Just for posting a pic of her holding Trump's bloody head.

Comedian gives press conference and reveals she’s received death threats following severed head photoshoot – but vows not to stop criticizing Trump

Death threats! Your side is threatening Kathy with DEATH???

Sorry we cancelled Rosanne but we never threatened death for her opinions.

“What’s happening to me has never happened,” Griffin said. “A sitting president of the United States and his grown children and the first lady are personally, I feel, trying to ruin my life forever.”

Trump’s oldest son, Donald Jr, called it “disgusting” and urged Griffin to be dropped by her employers.Griffin was fired from her role as co-host of CNN’s New Year’s Eve coverage this week.
People opinions are not facts but it serves great fodder for the emotionally unhinged to react as if they are

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