Rosebud Sioux Tribe: House Vote On Keystone XL Pipeline An ‘Act Of War'

Ok. I checked the South Dakota map for the location of reservations.

Larger map at link:

South Dakota Department of Tribal Government Relations - Location of reservations


And this map clearly marks the Keystone XL and the reservations.

No way jose does the pipeline cross any rez. Larger map at link:

Those maps don't show the Rosebud Reservation trust lands. The map Wikipedia uses does, but not in great detail. Google maps shows them in detail. Google Rosebud Reservation and zoom until you see the fragmented sections of trust lands. They were created in the early 1900's when the reservation was reduced in size and sold off much of it's land. They kept lots of it however in various size parcels.

Looking at every map. Trans Canada doesn't touch any tribes land or trust lands that I can find.

That would also explain why they haven't sued Trans Canada or the State of South Dakota to date.

It's quite simple. There is no standing for a lawsuit based on lands owned by any tribe in South Dakota.
There are constitutional questions and challenges to the way the reservation lands were ceded back to the US Gov. The original treaty was approved by the tribe, but the treaty got altered and changed once it got to congress. The tribe has always maintained that the new treaties with alterations and changes needed to be voted on and approved by the tribe and is thus, invalid. In addition, another problem is that even the so called invalid treaty called for the ceded lands to be used by settlers as ranches and farms, meaning that even when the invalid treaty has been forced on them, it only allows for agricultural use and specific parcels designated for schools. The tribe contends that any use of the lands need approval from the tribe.

If the tribe pays property taxes on the land, it belongs to them. Did anyone bother to check that out?
Reservation and Trust land are exempt from state of county property taxes. The tribe's government can collect property taxes for the tribe.
Don't bother. :talktothehand: The Lakhota have their war ponies at the ready to go to war w/ the corp profiteers/socialist polluters (taxpayers will be stuck w/ the clean-up bill/s) :mad-61:

Paid war ponies by other corporate sponsors. See organizations financed by billionaires play a "Rent a Chief" or "Rent a Tribe" to lend authenticity to their enviro whacko goals.

And the paid off tribes to be anti pipeline have nooooooooooo problemo taking big money. And they have no problem either in trying to prevent other tribes from negotiating in good faith for corporations to use their land.

Just had one up here that was busted. A "Rent a Chief" scenario for a Chief to appear with Neil Young.

Allan Adam, from the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation. Tides paid him $55,000. for one night on stage with Neil.

Not bad eh?
So what? This is how people raise funds for causes. Adams has been at the forefront of fighting the tar sands issue as leader of the tribe of over 6 years.

Oh I know all about Adam. I know the tribes pro and con very well. I know who gets payolla. And I know the bands that are working to better their people and who negotiate with oil companies in good faith.

You're pulling the "Indians are never in anything for the money because they love mother earth shit".

Doesn't work with me. :lol:

Tides, Rockefeller Foundation and others have many paid activists up here. We're talking millions of dollars. I know who they are and I finally have a direct link between one specific group and Rosebud.

I'll be digging up the rest over the weekend. I have no doubt I can tie Steyer into this.

You know. The "green billionaire" who made his fortune off fossil fuels and now is desperate to stop Keystone XL.

You know. The "green billionaire" who used to be directly involved with Kinder Morgan.

The "green billionaire" who as far as I know hasn't divested himself of his stock that includes KEYSTONE XL's mega competitor Trans Mountain.

Trans Mountain that stands to make a killing if they can block the Northern Gateway and the Keystone XL project.

Oh yeah everyone involved must be clean as the driven snow because they care about "Mother Earth".


apparently TransCanada has 'rent a moron" doing their bidding.

Nonsense. Your "rent a moron" already has a job. As your so-called "president" though, these days, I guess we can't fault you for wanting to forget that sad reality.

yeah, that BS certainly erases the fact Keystone doesn't spill any oil ... if you're an idiot, which you are ..

Ok. I checked the South Dakota map for the location of reservations.

Larger map at link:

South Dakota Department of Tribal Government Relations - Location of reservations


And this map clearly marks the Keystone XL and the reservations.

No way jose does the pipeline cross any rez. Larger map at link:

Those maps don't show the Rosebud Reservation trust lands. The map Wikipedia uses does, but not in great detail. Google maps shows them in detail. Google Rosebud Reservation and zoom until you see the fragmented sections of trust lands. They were created in the early 1900's when the reservation was reduced in size and sold off much of it's land. They kept lots of it however in various size parcels.

Looking at every map. Trans Canada doesn't touch any tribes land or trust lands that I can find.

That would also explain why they haven't sued Trans Canada or the State of South Dakota to date.

It's quite simple. There is no standing for a lawsuit based on lands owned by any tribe in South Dakota.
There are constitutional questions and challenges to the way the reservation lands were ceded back to the US Gov. The original treaty was approved by the tribe, but the treaty got altered and changed once it got to congress. The tribe has always maintained that the new treaties with alterations and changes needed to be voted on and approved by the tribe and is thus, invalid. In addition, another problem is that even the so called invalid treaty called for the ceded lands to be used by settlers as ranches and farms, meaning that even when the invalid treaty has been forced on them, it only allows for agricultural use and specific parcels designated for schools. The tribe contends that any use of the lands need approval from the tribe.

If the tribe pays property taxes on the land, it belongs to them. Did anyone bother to check that out?

durrrrrrrrr .. tribal land, property tax ..

dumb dumb dumb

the Tribes are trying to stop Keystone because it doesn't cross their land ...

dumber dumber dumber.

On May 7, the Keystone tar sands pipeline provided yet another warning when it spilled approximately 21,000 gallons of crude in North Dakota. This is its eleventh and most significant spill.

here is a pic of a Keystone Pipe splitting ... the accident sent oil spewing 60' in the air ..

all of you "rent a chief" morons who want Keystone in your back yard, please raise your hand.

correction I was wrong , the above pic isn't the one responsible for sending oil 60' into the air .. that is a totally different spill ..

The spill occurred at a pump station when a ¾-inch pipe fitting broke, sending a 60 foot geyser of tar sands crude into the air. At approximately 6 am, a nearby landowner saw the column of crude rising above the treeline and called TransCanada’s emergency number – where operators apparently initially thought he was joking.

apparently TransCanada has 'rent a moron" doing their bidding.

Pure propaganda photo....the line immediately sensed a drop in pump resistance and shut down....I'd say nice try but it's too weak for that. ZERO environmental damage. :321:
Ok. I checked the South Dakota map for the location of reservations.

Larger map at link:

South Dakota Department of Tribal Government Relations - Location of reservations


And this map clearly marks the Keystone XL and the reservations.

No way jose does the pipeline cross any rez. Larger map at link:

Those maps don't show the Rosebud Reservation trust lands. The map Wikipedia uses does, but not in great detail. Google maps shows them in detail. Google Rosebud Reservation and zoom until you see the fragmented sections of trust lands. They were created in the early 1900's when the reservation was reduced in size and sold off much of it's land. They kept lots of it however in various size parcels.

Looking at every map. Trans Canada doesn't touch any tribes land or trust lands that I can find.

That would also explain why they haven't sued Trans Canada or the State of South Dakota to date.

It's quite simple. There is no standing for a lawsuit based on lands owned by any tribe in South Dakota.
There are constitutional questions and challenges to the way the reservation lands were ceded back to the US Gov. The original treaty was approved by the tribe, but the treaty got altered and changed once it got to congress. The tribe has always maintained that the new treaties with alterations and changes needed to be voted on and approved by the tribe and is thus, invalid. In addition, another problem is that even the so called invalid treaty called for the ceded lands to be used by settlers as ranches and farms, meaning that even when the invalid treaty has been forced on them, it only allows for agricultural use and specific parcels designated for schools. The tribe contends that any use of the lands need approval from the tribe.

If the tribe pays property taxes on the land, it belongs to them. Did anyone bother to check that out?
Reservation and Trust land are exempt from state of county property taxes. The tribe's government can collect property taxes for the tribe.

That should be easy to determine by checking state and county tax rolls.

nah, the pipeline doesn't cross tribal land...

apparently TransCanada has 'rent a moron" doing their bidding.

Nonsense. Your "rent a moron" already has a job. As your so-called "president" though, these days, I guess we can't fault you for wanting to forget that sad reality.

yeah, that BS certainly erases the fact Keystone doesn't spill any oil ... if you're an idiot, which you are ..


All pipelines can spill. Trucks carrying crude have accidents. Rail cars not only spill oil but can cause massive death because they travel thru urban areas.

Like Lac Megantic. 47 dead. Many burnt alive. The cars were carrying Bakken oil.

Those maps don't show the Rosebud Reservation trust lands. The map Wikipedia uses does, but not in great detail. Google maps shows them in detail. Google Rosebud Reservation and zoom until you see the fragmented sections of trust lands. They were created in the early 1900's when the reservation was reduced in size and sold off much of it's land. They kept lots of it however in various size parcels.

Looking at every map. Trans Canada doesn't touch any tribes land or trust lands that I can find.

That would also explain why they haven't sued Trans Canada or the State of South Dakota to date.

It's quite simple. There is no standing for a lawsuit based on lands owned by any tribe in South Dakota.
There are constitutional questions and challenges to the way the reservation lands were ceded back to the US Gov. The original treaty was approved by the tribe, but the treaty got altered and changed once it got to congress. The tribe has always maintained that the new treaties with alterations and changes needed to be voted on and approved by the tribe and is thus, invalid. In addition, another problem is that even the so called invalid treaty called for the ceded lands to be used by settlers as ranches and farms, meaning that even when the invalid treaty has been forced on them, it only allows for agricultural use and specific parcels designated for schools. The tribe contends that any use of the lands need approval from the tribe.

If the tribe pays property taxes on the land, it belongs to them. Did anyone bother to check that out?
Reservation and Trust land are exempt from state of county property taxes. The tribe's government can collect property taxes for the tribe.

That should be easy to determine by checking state and county tax rolls.

Tribal lands held in trust by the federal government are not subject to property tax, just as federal forest serviceslands are not, because states cannot tax federal lands. This lack of a property tax base is made up by the federalgovernment. Counties in Montana are given Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) monies to offset these tribal taxexempt lands within their boundaries. Additionally, K-12 public schools located within reservation boundaries areprovided Impact Aid which assists local school districts that have lost property tax revenue due to the presence of tax-exempt federal property, or that have experienced increased expenditures due to the enrollment of federallyconnected children, including children living on American Indian lands. The Impact Aid law provides funds todistricts with concentrations of children on American Indian lands, military bases, or other federal properties.

now go pretend you're not a dumbass.
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Tribal lands held in trust by the federal government are not subject to property tax, just as federal forest serviceslands are not, because states cannot tax federal lands. This lack of a property tax base is made up by the federalgovernment. Counties in Montana are given Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) monies to offset these tribal taxexempt lands within their boundaries. Additionally, K-12 public schools located within reservation boundaries areprovided Impact Aid which assists local school districts that have lost property tax revenue due to the presence of tax-exempt federal property, or that have experienced increased expenditures due to the enrollment of federallyconnected children, including children living on American Indian lands. The Impact Aid law provides funds todistricts with concentrations of children on American Indian lands, military bases, or other federal properties.

no go pretend you're not a dumbass.

:link: no go pretend you're not a plagiarist.
Don't bother. :talktothehand: The Lakhota have their war ponies at the ready to go to war w/ the corp profiteers/socialist polluters (taxpayers will be stuck w/ the clean-up bill/s) :mad-61:

Paid war ponies by other corporate sponsors. See organizations financed by billionaires play a "Rent a Chief" or "Rent a Tribe" to lend authenticity to their enviro whacko goals.

And the paid off tribes to be anti pipeline have nooooooooooo problemo taking big money. And they have no problem either in trying to prevent other tribes from negotiating in good faith for corporations to use their land.

Just had one up here that was busted. A "Rent a Chief" scenario for a Chief to appear with Neil Young.

Allan Adam, from the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation. Tides paid him $55,000. for one night on stage with Neil.

Not bad eh?
"rent a cheif" lol tinydancer :p
Tribal lands held in trust by the federal government are not subject to property tax, just as federal forest serviceslands are not, because states cannot tax federal lands. This lack of a property tax base is made up by the federalgovernment. Counties in Montana are given Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) monies to offset these tribal taxexempt lands within their boundaries. Additionally, K-12 public schools located within reservation boundaries areprovided Impact Aid which assists local school districts that have lost property tax revenue due to the presence of tax-exempt federal property, or that have experienced increased expenditures due to the enrollment of federallyconnected children, including children living on American Indian lands. The Impact Aid law provides funds todistricts with concentrations of children on American Indian lands, military bases, or other federal properties.

no go pretend you're not a dumbass.

:link: no go pretend you're not a plagiarist.

and you're not? don't CP anything else then ...

you F'n dumbass.

nah, the pipeline doesn't cross tribal land...


WAKEY're full of shit.....the line crosses 19 miles from the reservation as already proved multiple times in this thread.

and your point is ?

Indians don't have the right to protect their land ?

got it .. then neither do you.

Total horseshit as you're well aware unless you're drunk, faced, or posting from a nuthouse.

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