Rosenstein Indicts 12 Russians

It's you that needs some reading comprehension. No one has ever accused any American of actually doing the hackings, it was always Russians.

Let Shep Smith explain it to you. I would suggest that you listen to the whole 8.36 minute video.

So where did Shep Smith get his information? From this article that was confirmed by James Clapper during Senate testimony over one year ago.
"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.'"

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation scroll down this link until you hit the testimony and questioning from Diane Fienstein and James Clapper.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

For more information scroll back to page 3 post # 30 on this thread.

The point you are so desperately trying to avoid, you fucking bonehead, is that Rosenstein admitted it had nothing to do with the Trump campaign.

You keep talking about these "links," but where are they? Where is the evidence?

Further, nothing that Sally Yates and James Clapper testify to is credible. They are a couple of Trump hating hacks.

Bripat, the point is that Putin ordered the Russians meddling in our election, and is still at it now. Mueller just handed us the facts on a platter. Our Commander in Chief still, after being briefed about this earlier in the week, is whining that it is making it harder to be friendly to Putin, and he is still believing that Putin is telling the truth when he says the Russian government was not involved.
Mueller just proved that a lie.
I will be interested to see what Trump says about it.

I think we already know what Trump is going to say about it. It's just a witch hunt, just a ruse--:auiqs.jpg: Nixon denied it all up to the end too.

There's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. This one won't get erased.

Funny you should mention Nixon when it is the Obama administration and his criminal FBI who have been exposed to have broken laws, abused the FISA court, illegally acquired warrants, and conducted their own 'Watergate' in 2016.

The EVIDENCE exists proving this.


Your conspiracy's are no longer working, I have already blown a few of them to smiterines on page 3 post # 30 on this thread. You might want to read the one about Carter Page---:auiqs.jpg:


Dude, the truth is coming out smacking you in the face...and you are going down swinging.

You spew opinion and lies while facts, reports, ROSENSTEIN'S OWN REMARKS - all exposing the Democrat crimes, exposing the witch hunt....
Trump us not the problem.

He's the beneficiary....
You LIE!

Beneficiary of WHAT?

Hillary was a felon protected from indictment and prison regarding her server scandal. She should never gave been on the ballot. Hillary was protected - she was the 'benficiary'.

Hillary rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud. She violated election laws. She broke campaign finance laws. The DNC stacked the deck against Sanders and GAVE Hillary the nomination. SHE was the 'Benficiary'.

The Russian JGB Bank gave her over $100 million...she colluded with and paid Foreign Spies and Russians for an unverified document filled with Russian propagabda that she used illegally in an election

SHE was the 'Benficiary'.

Again, she should NEVER have been on the ballot.

Clearly his advisors had ties to the hackers...they don't even deny it. Funny how you never heard of the GOP getting hacked.
That is why you guys are so upset that Mueller has indicted Russian hackers. You know the link is there.

cause we know huffpost is unbiased. :)

What does HuffPo have to do with anything? They just posted excerpts from the actual indictment. Have you even read the 29-page indictment?

Grand Jury Indictment
Facts will not change this bunches' mind.

I agree. Imagine their outrage if Putin had done that to Republicans instead of Democrats.

They tried, the republicans just had better security.


You have elected the Russian Manchurian candidate--Donald Trump.

Scroll back to page 3 Post # 30 on this thread for an explanation

ROFLMAO, that's just another of your endless, mindless, disjointed diatribes, that no one bothers to read. Maybe you should drop the memes and BS, some one might take you seriously then. BTW what do you get paid to promote that damn book?

Funny how you never heard of the GOP getting hacked.
The GOP didn't run unauthorized unencrypted unsecured illegal servers, did not compromise national security, did not hire terrorist-connected Pakistani spies and give them access to their e-mails and classified.

The GOP also did not know about Russian interference back in 2014 and let it continue like Barry did.

Funny how you never heard of the GOP getting hacked.
The GOP didn't run unauthorized unencrypted unsecured illegal servers, did not compromise national security, did not hire terrorist-connected Pakistani spies and give them access to their e-mails and classified.

The GOP also did not know about Russian interference back in 2014 and let it continue like Barry did.


Stone-Trump's top advisor-knew about it during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's family lied about meeting with Russians.
Trump's AG lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's campaign manager lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's National Security advisor lied about his meeting with the Russians.

Trump's comm director said "no foreign governments were involved" in 2016.

All lies; all the time. The pool of sleaze around Trump just keeps on getting deeper.
Funny how you never heard of the GOP getting hacked.
The GOP didn't run unauthorized unencrypted unsecured illegal servers, did not compromise national security, did not hire terrorist-connected Pakistani spies and give them access to their e-mails and classified.

The GOP also did not know about Russian interference back in 2014 and let it continue like Barry did.


Stone-Trump's top advisor-knew about it during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's family lied about meeting with Russians.
Trump's AG lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's campaign manager lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's National Security advisor lied about his meeting with the Russians.

Trump's comm director said "no foreign governments were involved" in 2016.

All lies; all the time. The pool of sleaze around Trump just keeps on getting deeper.

I have said witch hunt but Roesenstein says not as has to do with Russians on their own and nothing in collaboration with Trump
I’ll take his word-.I saw his lips move
Funny how you never heard of the GOP getting hacked.
The GOP didn't run unauthorized unencrypted unsecured illegal servers, did not compromise national security, did not hire terrorist-connected Pakistani spies and give them access to their e-mails and classified.

The GOP also did not know about Russian interference back in 2014 and let it continue like Barry did.


Stone-Trump's top advisor-knew about it during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's family lied about meeting with Russians.
Trump's AG lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's campaign manager lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's National Security advisor lied about his meeting with the Russians.

Trump's comm director said "no foreign governments were involved" in 2016.

All lies; all the time. The pool of sleaze around Trump just keeps on getting deeper.


Evidence shows that Trump knew about it in 2016 and did nothing except meet with the Russians.
Evidence shows that Trump knew about it in 2016 and did nothing except meet with the Russians.
Obama knew about the Russian Interference in 2014, was in power/position to stop it and did nothing. He allowed them to continue. That means he aided and abetted - he committed treason!

You have no evidence that Trump knew.

You have no evidence that Trump met with Russians.

You LIE.
Funny how you never heard of the GOP getting hacked.
The GOP didn't run unauthorized unencrypted unsecured illegal servers, did not compromise national security, did not hire terrorist-connected Pakistani spies and give them access to their e-mails and classified.

The GOP also did not know about Russian interference back in 2014 and let it continue like Barry did.


Stone-Trump's top advisor-knew about it during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's family lied about meeting with Russians.
Trump's AG lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's campaign manager lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's National Security advisor lied about his meeting with the Russians.

Trump's comm director said "no foreign governments were involved" in 2016.

All lies; all the time. The pool of sleaze around Trump just keeps on getting deeper.


Evidence shows that Trump knew about it in 2016 and did nothing except meet with the Russians.

There's no such evidence, douchebag.
Here's Rosenstein's and Mueller's 'Exit Strategy' out of the Witch Hunt...

Mueller, pushing to wrap up parts of Russia probe, faces question of American involvement

They needed Russians, so they just indicted the entire Russian military - scapegoats who they would never bring in, never get to question, who would never get to counter their BS.

Now they get to bow out....they think.

As the article said, though, they are being asked about help from Americans.

Evidence already shows Hillary's criminal acts compromised national security.

Evidence already shows Obama knew about the Russians in 2014 but chose to allow them to continue.

Evidence shows Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies .... took over $100 million from the KGB Bank

Evidence shows John Podesta, Hillary's Campaign Manager, took thousands of shares if in-reported Russian Stocks...

The Witch Hunters and the Felon were co-conspirators with the Russians. Barry most if all. He knew in 2014 and let them continue.

He’s making every effort to apprehend them. He just announced he is confiscating all of their available assets. This is a very good move by Mueller. He’s sending a very clear message. There is no place safe you can travel outside of your hole, and even though I don’t have your ass yet, I have your bank accounts and any property within my grasp.

This is a bad omen for the Trump crime family.
It's pointless bullshit ment to feed fools like you.

When will someone indict all the us presidents and state department employees who ALWAYS meddle in the elections or referendums of other countries?

You really think foreign country criminally attacking our elections is "pointeless bullshit"?

If so, you need to quit drinking FOX & Russian Friends cool aid.
Ask Flynn, Gates, Manafort and Papadopolous if they think it's meaningless or bs :rolleys:

You people live on the fucking moon.

Indicting corrupt lobbyists and low level political wannabees for tax fraud and lying is indeed meaningless and bull$hit, it's in their job description after all

And the moon is still pretty close to planet earth, the traumatized #resistance inhabits an alternative universe...

Funny how you never heard of the GOP getting hacked.
The GOP didn't run unauthorized unencrypted unsecured illegal servers, did not compromise national security, did not hire terrorist-connected Pakistani spies and give them access to their e-mails and classified.

The GOP also did not know about Russian interference back in 2014 and let it continue like Barry did.


Stone-Trump's top advisor-knew about it during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's family lied about meeting with Russians.
Trump's AG lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's campaign manager lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's National Security advisor lied about his meeting with the Russians.

Trump's comm director said "no foreign governments were involved" in 2016.

All lies; all the time. The pool of sleaze around Trump just keeps on getting deeper.


Evidence shows that Trump knew about it in 2016 and did nothing except meet with the Russians.

There's no such evidence, douchebag.

Stone-Trump's top advisor-knew about Russian hacking during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's family lied about meeting with Russians.
Trump's AG lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's campaign manager lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's National Security advisor lied about his meeting with the Russians.

He’s making every effort to apprehend them. He just announced he is confiscating all of their available assets. This is a very good move by Mueller. He’s sending a very clear message. There is no place safe you can travel outside of your hole, and even though I don’t have your ass yet, I have your bank accounts and any property within my grasp.

This is a bad omen for the Trump crime family.
It's pointless bullshit ment to feed fools like you.

When will someone indict all the us presidents and state department employees who ALWAYS meddle in the elections or referendums of other countries?

You really think foreign country criminally attacking our elections is "pointeless bullshit"?

If so, you need to quit drinking FOX & Russian Friends cool aid.
How is it "criminality?" Since when are Russians subject to US law?

He’s making every effort to apprehend them. He just announced he is confiscating all of their available assets. This is a very good move by Mueller. He’s sending a very clear message. There is no place safe you can travel outside of your hole, and even though I don’t have your ass yet, I have your bank accounts and any property within my grasp.

This is a bad omen for the Trump crime family.
It's pointless bullshit ment to feed fools like you.

When will someone indict all the us presidents and state department employees who ALWAYS meddle in the elections or referendums of other countries?

You really think foreign country criminally attacking our elections is "pointeless bullshit"?

If so, you need to quit drinking FOX & Russian Friends cool aid.
I don't get Fox News dumbfuck.

Crawl back under your rock and wait on the next update to your talking points.
Last edited:
The GOP didn't run unauthorized unencrypted unsecured illegal servers, did not compromise national security, did not hire terrorist-connected Pakistani spies and give them access to their e-mails and classified.

The GOP also did not know about Russian interference back in 2014 and let it continue like Barry did.


Stone-Trump's top advisor-knew about it during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's family lied about meeting with Russians.
Trump's AG lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's campaign manager lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's National Security advisor lied about his meeting with the Russians.

Trump's comm director said "no foreign governments were involved" in 2016.

All lies; all the time. The pool of sleaze around Trump just keeps on getting deeper.


Evidence shows that Trump knew about it in 2016 and did nothing except meet with the Russians.

There's no such evidence, douchebag.

Stone-Trump's top advisor-knew about Russian hacking during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's family lied about meeting with Russians.
Trump's AG lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's campaign manager lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's National Security advisor lied about his meeting with the Russians.
He didn't meet with any Russiasn, numnuts. He spoke with them over the phone.

Even if every lie you spewed was actually true, so what? Where was a single law broken?
Stone-Trump's top advisor-knew about it during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's family lied about meeting with Russians.
Trump's AG lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's campaign manager lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's National Security advisor lied about his meeting with the Russians.

Trump's comm director said "no foreign governments were involved" in 2016.

All lies; all the time. The pool of sleaze around Trump just keeps on getting deeper.


Evidence shows that Trump knew about it in 2016 and did nothing except meet with the Russians.

There's no such evidence, douchebag.

Stone-Trump's top advisor-knew about Russian hacking during the 2016 campaign.
Trump's family lied about meeting with Russians.
Trump's AG lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's campaign manager lied about meeting with Russians
Trump's National Security advisor lied about his meeting with the Russians.
He didn't meet with any Russiasn, numnuts. He spoke with them over the phone.

Even if every lie you spewed was actually true, so what? Where was a single law broken?

You're not a fan of reality, obviously.

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