Rotting corpses

Rotting corpses



What a horrific way to end your days.
The undertakers have obviously been overwhelmed but surely they could have refused the business when they realised that ?
Its lucky that this thing is just the flu and we have been over reacting.
Actually, the seasonal flu is more dangerous, look to evil democrat NY-governor and his evil edict in NY-State where he forced care facilities to accept and care for wuhan flu patients in nursing home facilities, where the elderly residents were literally murdered by his edict! I believe 30% or more of the entire death tally in NY-state is due specifically to all of the deaths in those facilities!

To the rest of society wuhan flu is literally harmless..... Why do you suppose it was that democratic NY governor Andrew Cuomo insisted on forcing the absolutely most vulnerable population to breathe deep of the wuhan flu diseased air, which currently enjoys about a 65% fatality rate in NY-states nursing/care facilities???? Could it have been to use their corpses to provoke panic, and spread compliant fear among the serfs???

What a horrific way to end your days.
The undertakers have obviously been overwhelmed but surely they could have refused the business when they realised that ?
Its lucky that this thing is just the flu and we have been over reacting.
This seems more a case of greed added to stupidity.

And yes, we have a million cases of Covid19, compared to 32 million cases of the flu, on average, so yes, Covid is not that big a deal. This is a massive over reach from government.

What a horrific way to end your days.
The undertakers have obviously been overwhelmed but surely they could have refused the business when they realised that ?
Its lucky that this thing is just the flu and we have been over reacting.
In the end you're gonna rot anyway unless you're cremated first.

What a horrific way to end your days.
The undertakers have obviously been overwhelmed but surely they could have refused the business when they realised that ?
Its lucky that this thing is just the flu and we have been over reacting.
Actually, the seasonal flu is more dangerous, look to evil democrat NY-governor and his evil edict in NY-State where he forced care facilities to accept and care for wuhan flu patients in nursing home facilities, where the elderly residents were literally murdered by his edict! I believe 30% or more of the entire death tally in NY-state is due specifically to all of the deaths in those facilities!

To the rest of society wuhan flu is literally harmless..... Why do you suppose it was that democratic NY governor Andrew Cuomo insisted on forcing the absolutely most vulnerable population to breathe deep of the wuhan flu diseased air, which currently enjoys about a 65% fatality rate in NY-states nursing/care facilities???? Could it have been to use their corpses to provoke panic, and spread compliant fear among the serfs???

If Cuomo really did that, then he needs to be charged with Manslaughter.

What a horrific way to end your days.
The undertakers have obviously been overwhelmed but surely they could have refused the business when they realised that ?
Its lucky that this thing is just the flu and we have been over reacting.
How many rotting corpses were their in Great Britain when that Arianna Grande Concert got bombed?

What a horrific way to end your days.
The undertakers have obviously been overwhelmed but surely they could have refused the business when they realised that ?
Its lucky that this thing is just the flu and we have been over reacting.
Being a foreigner you would not know this, but black funeral homes in America are notorious for unethical and illegal practices


What a horrific way to end your days.
The undertakers have obviously been overwhelmed but surely they could have refused the business when they realised that ?
Its lucky that this thing is just the flu and we have been over reacting.
We need to do what England and the rest of Europe did a few centuries ago, have teams walk down the street with wagons, calling out: "Bring out your dead." In this case though, after picking them up, we ship them to the waste of a country, England.

What a horrific way to end your days.
The undertakers have obviously been overwhelmed but surely they could have refused the business when they realised that ?
Its lucky that this thing is just the flu and we have been over reacting.
In the end you're gonna rot anyway unless you're cremated first.
yes--they are dead--they can't tell the difference
..when I die, cremate me ..the wake, etc is a WASTE of $$$$
..the have all kinds of CRAP they want to sell you like a vault/etc so the casket doesn't collapse!!!!!!!!! you're DEAD!!!!!!!
..throw my body in the river or have a Viking funeral

What a horrific way to end your days.
The undertakers have obviously been overwhelmed but surely they could have refused the business when they realised that ?
Its lucky that this thing is just the flu and we have been over reacting.
What would have been the reaction if they refused the bodies?

What a horrific way to end your days.
The undertakers have obviously been overwhelmed but surely they could have refused the business when they realised that ?
Its lucky that this thing is just the flu and we have been over reacting.

"Horrific way to end your days"? Weren't they corpse's, weren't they already dead? Seriously, when I die, I don't care what you do with the corpse, just cremate me, I won't know anything

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